History Channel's Ancient Aliens

My father has an eye cracked open in the way you mean. And there are quite a few others out there with an eye cracked open. That's where WE all started.Discernment, in my view, is seeing what is around you for what it really is. And no my dictionary isn't open at the moment :P
Mr Meowgi said:
My father has an eye cracked open in the way you mean. And there are quite a few others out there with an eye cracked open. That's where WE all started.Discernment, in my view, is seeing what is around you for what it really is. And no my dictionary isn't open at the moment :P

You're misunderstanding me, but that's okay. Have you read the Wave Series and Secret History of the World yet? I think our dictionaries will begin to align a little more closely once you have.
mkrnhr said:
The propaganda is about Israel, not the Jews. Some of that propaganda is to make a confusion in between. Maybe your father understands the distinction between the Jews, who are just people like you and me, and the dangerous state that is Israel.

Exactly! They're always trying to blame ordinary people for what corp/gov machines do. Like any of us can stop them? I know I would if I could, but I can't.

Your average Jewish person has as much control over what Israel does as your average Christian person has over what the US (or UK) does. I really wish the PTB would just stop trying to assign religions to their Corp puppet governments.

I have lots of Jewish friends who are just as disgusted by what Israel is doing to the Palestinians as my Christian friends are disgusted by what the US is doing to Indigenous people in every country with an oil or natural gas deposit.

This isn't about our various religions, skin colors, nationalities, etc. This is about Psychopaths, and they don't even believe in religions, they just use them to control people.
I caught what you were saying Anart, Being blond sometimes things fly over my head at first ;D. I have a copy of Secret history and I have read the first 3 books in the Wave series, I am rereading Amazing grace at the moment and I recently got thru most of the first 2 books of the Wave series again recently . I guess you had to be there when my father brought this to my attention as it was just out of the blue. The conviction behind his statements were quite astounding as well. I'm not very good in this form of communication to be quite honest so have a bit of patience with me. I am a face to face communicator. My education is lacking and putting pen to paper has been a week spot for sometime. Yes I am a high school graduate, but I excelled in history and mechanical disciplines. This was during the 1970s as well so I was a bit of a stoner in those days. Not trying to make excuses here, but more explain a bit of who I am and where I come from.

I agree 100% I have been watching the seething claws sinking into every aspect of western society. I live in the U.S but from what I read, not see for myself
the claws of Zionism are deeply imbedded. I see it in movies especially, but that has been going on since at least the forties or fifties. It seems to have ramped up in the last 20 years or so. Myself, I take people on an individual basis and try to stay away from grouping for the most part anyway. The problem seems to be that people get misled and support things that are based on lies or twisted truths, but that seems to be the way in this realm.
Mr Meowgi said:
Myself, I take people on an individual basis and try to stay away from grouping for the most part anyway.

I tend to group people myself.

Psychopath group here X, and the everyone else group wayyyyyy-----over-------- here X.

I have to share something a Jewish friend of mine said "All this killing for a State of Israel? Why? We've already got a State of Israel, it's called New Jersey" :lol: :lol:
Guardian said:
I have to share something a Jewish friend of mine said "All this killing for a State of Israel? Why? We've already got a State of Israel, it's called New Jersey" :lol: :lol:

:lol: Many a true word spoken in jest! This was precisely the attitude of most Jews in whichever country they lived, before the 'xionists' decided that they needed to be corralled. That is to say, Jews lived happily as citizens of many countries until the interloper zionists stole the show. If only more Jewish people would realise this and realise that the "we're special" stuff is a clear manipulation and leading them down the merry path of destruction.
The grouping comment was me saying this. I have to study a person for a bit before deciding friend or foe. I have fairly good tuning in picking up psychopaths. Not always but I work as a team with my wife as she is the talker and I stand there playing dumb/looking dumb and listen. My father is the master of playing dumb and looking dumb all the while his mind is in overdrive. I dress down to keep up the mask. We all wear masks every single one of us. One has to out in the dog eat dog world of psychopathy. I'm not what you would call an introvert, but I do proceed with caution .
Perceval said:
Jews lived happily as citizens of many countries until the interloper zionists stole the show. If only more Jewish people would realise this and realise that the "we're special" stuff is a clear manipulation and leading them down the merry path of destruction.

Ain't that the truth. I saw the face of real Judaism in the US after 9-11. It was practically open season on Muslims in parts of the south, all flights were grounded, and nobody knew what was going to happen next. There were lots of VERY frightened Muslim women separated from their husbands/fathers (most of whom actually worked for the government) and it was Jews as well as Christians and Pagans trying to get them transported to their relatives safely. Christian Churches, Pagan groups AND Jewish Synagogs contributed resources to make it happen.

In one particular case a Rabbi lent his group's mini-van to a Heathen (me) to transport some Muslim women to a Christian church 1000 miles away where they could meet up with their husband/father. Our various religions didn't matter, only our shared humanity did.
The next sentence I said "not always", and the word "fairly" was used instead of something like excellent. As well I study people, sometimes for a very long time before making judgement. Perhaps I should have left the word psychopath out. I am a "fair" reader of people and actually enjoy people watching. I am not a great communicator in this form of communication and am quite new to using forums. Picking the right words here is not my forte and I seem to be getting caught in it quite a bit.This is why I did not post in this forum for a long time. To take one sentence out of context and poke at it drives me nuts!
The context was that I don't lump people into groups and spew hatred ect ect ect. I study people prior to making decisions on friend or foe. And yes after many years my freaks geeks and weirdos tuning is "fairly" good . As I seemed to, for many years, attract them like flies!!
Guardian said:
I have to share something a Jewish friend of mine said "All this killing for a State of Israel? Why? We've already got a State of Israel, it's called New Jersey" :lol: :lol:

Well, there is one "morbid theory" which i have heard from acquaintance of mine who I meet rarely and I consider him a kind of alternative minded... He told me that he found it somewhere on the Net and it goes something like this:

Jewish elite have a Scenario of Profit from theirs people deaths and sufferings all through known and forgotten times. Every now and then they produce a holocaust of ordinary Jews just to earn riches: holocaust in WW2 could be (almost? forgotten) example of such horrible practice because they have take advantage of it. They open doors in many business areas more easily from position of victim and have cruel means of taking over and keeping in their hands only...

So that could be what are they provoking with all kind of dare attacks on Arabs all around Israel and Middle east - they want a Mayor holocaust from which they(Zionists?) could make a LOT of profit in future (for ages maybe if there will be nuclear)....
FWIW, "holocaust" means sacrifice. It is astonishing they picked this term from the ancient testament to name the atrocities that happened during WW2.
Holocaust TM Zion.

I think these past few posts could be moved elsewhere as we have really gotten off the topic here. At the same time this is one I have studied for many many years and could get into a wonderful discussion about :D
mkrnhr said:
FWIW, "holocaust" means sacrifice. It is astonishing they picked this term from the ancient testament to name the atrocities that happened during WW2.

Huh :shock:

I didn't know that - I was "thinking" that could mean something like bloodshed or similar ... :-[
This is quite intriguing at least if not confirming the "perpetuate holocaust theory" ....

:headshaking: & :bye:
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