I think one of the most important questions to ask about this Ancient Aliens TV series is: Why, and why now?
Why are we able to see this type of information on the MSM now?? I usually would have to go to non-mainstream sites and shows to view good stuff like this and you actually would not find as much info as in this show. It seems they are really trying to convince people about this "cooky" stuff. They are making what used to be taboo, seem much more realistic and possible to as much of the general public as they can. Why, and why now?
There is a good amount of money being spent on this I am sure. Is it really just to make more money out of it?
But, it does not end there. On one hand, it seems like the MSM is promoting this whole UFO/alien "stuff" more and more every time. Then you get more of these alien doomsday movies coming out and putting in peoples heads the idea of hostile beings from other worlds. What is the real agenda here? What is the real purpose of this whole UFO/alien explosion? Is this a reverse psychology type of deal? Is it preparing people for something? Is it just another excuse to keep people glued to the new age "golden calf'?
Random comment: As far as I know, it has been a looooong time since a peaceful, non-aggressive alien movie has come out of Hollywood. I guess the good aliens don't make as much money.
Just little thoughts I wanted to share and get feedback from people other than my wife. Let me know what you all think. And for the people who care about grammar, enjoy. :)
In the search for truth and wisdom, there will always be a need for answered questions and questioned answers.