Hitler and WWII

I don't understand what you mean.

Endeavoring to learn the truth so one can make good value judgements seems like a good thing to me.

That process is why I didn't take the Covid Vaccine, marry my first Girlfriend, or become a Policeman like my Mom wanted.
Jim Daniels, please try not to get out of context, here you come back with a reactive response of polarity, again, You talk about a supposed research where you asked a question. Learn how to ask a question in an investigation. I suggest you read the quoted sessions and search in the threads.

Exercising free will requires discernment and it is up to you, whether you made good or bad choices by your judgements depends on how you research or form your opinion on the subject by asking the right questions.

Jewish Bolsheviks had already murdered millions of Christians in Russia. The state of Bavaria had been taken by Communists.

Red Death Squads were waging gun battles in the streets and murdering their opponents daily. German farmers were being thrown off their land by Banksters. Elderly people were literally starving to death thanks to theft of their life savings via hyperinflation.

Germans in their ancestral lands seized by the Treaty of Versailles were being murdered by en masse. Children were being openly sold for sex on street corners.

I could list a hundred more outrages that would cause any decent man to rise up and defend his family.
But how is it self defense to then try to invade Russia, Poland, France etc, and lead millions of germans to their death as they murder millions of Russians for instance? If you told me that he expelled people from Germany, and then fought for the prosperity of her people, or arrested bankers, I'd buy it.. how does one go from, "we gotta defend ourselves from an invader" to. "now to keep on defending ourselves from an invader, we gotta go and invade and occupy"

I am not denying that germans had no reason to listen to someone who promised them their sovereignty back, there was a lot of misery. And that's why his discourse took hold in people's minds, it made sense, but you gotta also look at the fruits of the actions, who in Germany fared worse in all this ultimately? was it the bankers? not really... it was the German population.

He said he wanted to do what was best for Germany, but he ended up doing what was worse for it. To draw an analogy perhaps, 911 happened, and innocent people actually died. The US explained it by saying, well.. they just hate our freedoms, so we gotta go defend it abroad, millions of people dead later, in both the US and abroad, are we any freer? safer?

The used pretty words and real trauma to convince the population of the need to sanction atrocities that would, according to them, help everyone regain a sense of security and stability, peace and prosperity, but they were clearly lying, and so was he.

In summary, there were real reasons why germans would be fed up of their situation, Hitler more than likely uttered words that were reasonable and made a lot of sense to anyone in the situation that germans found themselves in at the time. But the evidence suggests that he had didn't mean any of those words, he didn't care to defend anyone but himself and his plans. Like any good psychopath, he studied the trauma of his victim (Germany) and exploited it for his own gain.
But how is it self defense to then try to invade Russia, Poland, France etc, and lead millions of germans to their death as they murder millions of Russians for instance?

It was a war, a fight to the death.

If I broke into your house and began raping your wife, you would suffer a lot less if you did not fight me and simply let me finish.

Would that be your choice ?
It was a war, a fight to the death.

If I broke into your house and began raping your wife, you would suffer a lot less if you did not fight me and simply let me finish.

Would that be your choice ?
Fair enough, I would stop you.

Why would I then tell my wife "Honey, in order to prevent that from ever happening again, I have to take the kids and burn all the houses of all of our neighbors, and that guy that just attacked you? well, I'm going to borrow money from him to buy the gasoline"!?

Is that what you're trying to equate? Hitler was just a helpless leader that was merely defending his own population? I ask again, then why would he go and invade and murder innocent people elsewhere? It does not add up.

There's self defense, and there's aggression disguised as self defense.
There's self defense, and there's aggression disguised as self defense.

That's my point. Germany was not the Aggressor.

Germans were defending themselves against the Judaic conquest to enslave this planet that began when Abraham cut a deal with a malevolent entity 4,000 years prior.
@Jim Daniels, I recommend that you read the C's transcripts on Hitler as it becomes abundantly clear in them that Hitler was not fighting a morally justified war of self-defense.

Also, Laura wrote a good post here on the topic of Hitler that should dispel any illusion that Hitler was 'fighting the good fight'. He was, in point of fact, being used by those you claim he was fighting against.

If you read the transcripts and the post by Laura and still feel there's something to this statement you just wrote, then I'd recommend starting your own thread so as not to derail this one.
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That's my point. Germany was not the Aggressor.

Germans were defending themselves against the Judaic conquest to enslave this planet that began when Abraham cut a deal with a malevolent entity 4,000 years prior.
Hitler had no intention of defending the germans, he wasn't fighting for the liberation of German people, he was a test run for the enslavement of the entire world.
Germans were defending themselves against the Judaic conquest to enslave this planet that began when Abraham cut a deal with a malevolent entity 4,000 years prior.

I'll take a different approach to illustrate the point here, the Nazis were involved in the occult, hidden societies, high tech, UFOs and so on. Which means they were quite connected and at some level in sync with higher STS forces. Also, many of them moved to the US after the war and were thrusted into positions of power and were instrumental in researching and developing all sorts of fields, like high tech, chemical, organizational/psychological, military and much more, in an effort for turning the US into the next hegemon. So not even close to being against any sort of enslavement of the planet, quite the contrary...
Hitler had no intention of defending the germans,

This is basically all Hitler talks about in his books, speeches, and memos.

The best summary of them is probably David Irving's definitive book Hitler's War.

I attached it to this post for you to read.

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Obviously the loser in any war is usually overly demonized. But was Hitler a "good guy"? Hardly. In the final analysis, his targeting of Jews led to what is called the Holocaust and that has been used since then to justify the creation of the state of Israel and everything that has gone with it. At the very least then, Hitler was a tool of very dark powers, about which he knew very little. He was a dupe.
This is basically all Hitler talks about in his books, speeches, and memos.

The best summary of them is probably David Irving's definitive book Hitler's War.

I attached it to this post for you to read.

Jim, we all know about the events leading up to WW2 and how the "axis" powers were as complicit, or moreso, as Germany in fomenting the war, and the geopolitical reasons for the war. Like I said, at the very least, Hitler was a dupe of Western (and other) powers. I see no benefit in trying to rehabilitate him beyond that.
That's my point. Germany was not the Aggressor.

Germans were defending themselves against the Judaic conquest to enslave this planet that began when Abraham cut a deal with a malevolent entity 4,000 years prior.
You're mixing up and conflating psychopaths, sociopaths and normal people and substituting lables, flags, politics, history and religion as an explanation. It won't work. It can't. They are not the same, and the one doesn't explain the other. All it does is excuse bad behaviour.
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