Hostage to the Devil, Malachi Martin/Glimpses of the Devil ,Scott Peck

Hello everyone, I just readed second chapter of "Hostage to the Devil" and for me it's best to understand why this world is called by C's school. It came to me that those attack are like normal things e.g. conversation or doubts so we face them here every day and when they say about meaningless of earth knowledge in face of that - only free will, this is also something that C's says, that we just need to do our lessons, skills like telekinesis aren't so much important - most important is our live and knowledge gathering. Now it's clear for me that this is for to learn how to be. Thank you for this topic, I will try my best to read this book to the end as fast as I could :-)
I just read whole book and I could say that it's very helpfull to understand a lot of things about "fighting" with STS. In my opinion when someone know things from this forum about STO and STS and all of other things, should read this book to take view on the battlefield. Just as other says: If you feel that battlefield is something not for you right now, you should wait a little. It's not that scary, it's just have information that could help you when you ready or give you a little trouble when you not ready.
I am only 60 odd pages away from finishing this book and its been a very informative read so far, a bit scary but definitely worthwhile. Like @Neil has stated in his review couple of pages back, I also take great interest in reading material on STS entities and control systems. Its the sleeping half of reality which needs to be understood and dealt with properly lest it infects us and take us in for prisoners. This book is a very good companion to Wave 2-3, Michael Topper and some of RA channelings about STS manipulation techniques.

My main takeaway from the book is a greater understanding of the process of abdicating one's free will by giving into their impulses which are driven by lower emotional centers and societal influences. I feel that the entire populace out there have gone so much off-track in their soul-journey under the effect of numerous "isms" e.g. post-modernism, LGBT, MeToo, BLM and other co-intelpro movements that they might as well have sold their soul to the devil. The entities don't even have to be so hard-pressed to permanently occupy anyone because that would be limiting their options in the current state of affairs.

All 5 cases are varied and cover the process under different circumstances but the underlying causative factors are the same. It begins by the person doubting their own spirituality and natural order of things either due to lack of good teachers or a strong belief in their egoistic mind and it's ruminations. The person doesn't realise that its the predator mind which is doing the thinking and drowning the inner voice of intuition and essence. Couple of the cases are a good example of the detrimental effects of our Intellectual center running amok constantly trying to look at all nature of things via a pseudo-metaphysical lens. The constant game of up-man-ship and intellectual point scoring has a real and observable diminishing effect on an individual's being and essence. Those connoisseurs that RA spoke about must be falling over backwards in their delight at the army of intelligent idiots they have created/co-opted to do their bidding.

And, there is always the topic of sexuality involved in some capacity whether its the very act of possession or during the process of excorcism. It seems the devil is always playing below the belt and a master manipulator of the energies contained in the sexual center. There is something about these feel good chemicals that sex produces which seems to grip men and women of society so viciously. There is so much filth attributed to the very image of sexual organs which, otherwise serve crucial biological functions in human body. I shuddered imagining one of the images of the demons, buttocks caked with excrement and multiple male sexual protrusions on a swine faced creature is not someone you wish to send love to. Malachi Martin makes a sound connection between the incorrect use of sexual potential to male aggression, rapes and tendency of wage wars on others. It really shows the plight of humanity beaten, bruised, subjugated and manipulated under the STS control. Its a sad state of affairs once you grok the full picture and even the phrase, "the terror of the situation" becomes an understatement.

And don't even get me started on the whole LGBT crap, its just sad really once you see the real damage it can cause. I may write some more once I finish the whole book but I do recommend this to others who feel that they have a good grip on their mental health and the reality that surrounds us.

Happy reading!
Thanks for posting your review of the book so far, @sid. I haven't read it yet, I have to admit that it creeps me out (just the excerpts I've read on some of the cases). It certainly emphasises the fact that It is a jungle out there & the need for psychic hygiene, knowledge and awareness.

And don't even get me started on the whole LGBT crap, its just sad really once you see the real damage it can cause.
I can only imagine. This tweet was posted by bjorn on the Jordan Peterson thread, and it is scary just how far this leftist ideology (entity possession?) is going in the West.

@Arwenn, I don’t know what I just watched there, more scary than seeing Killary in her zoned out episodes, lol. I see the LGBT crowd to be the worst cases of posession where the entities are so deeply entrenched that an exorcism would be completely ineffective. These are are truly lost souls if not OPs to begin with.
During our recent Caesar celebration get-together a couple weeks ago, we watched a documentary on Netflix called "Hostage to the Devil." It's mostly about Malachi Martin's life, with a focus in the second half on his exorcism work. (The filmmaker is working on a second documentary focusing exclusively on exorcism.) Martin was an interesting guy, and I'd recommend it for anyone wanting to learn a bit more about his story. They interview friends, give background on his many books, his time in the Jesuits, and the various controversies surrounding him. Overall, a sympathetic portrayal, but they do interview one critic (who seems to have held a grudge for many years because he believed his wife had an affair with Martin.) The film includes some archival footage of exorcisms, and talks by Martin (one of which also has Lorraine Warren.) Some of the footage is a bit creepy, but overall the film isn't too scary. One interesting bit was footage of an allegedly possessed young girl who could speak fluent Latin and didn't know how she knew it.
I haven't read it yet, I have to admit that it creeps me out (just the excerpts I've read on some of the cases).
Sometimes I wish I didn't. At times, the black mass from the book will unpleasantly intrude into my thoughts. But the book helped illustrate how 4D STS operates, with their seeming ability to read the minds and lifetime of memories of Peter (eater) for example. It showed that they can seemingly know everything we've ever done and nothing is secret.
Thanks @Approaching Infinity, I watched the documentary over the weekend and it was motivating to hear Malachi speak. Despite the criticisms and mention of an affair, he still gets my respect for at least bringing the topic of exorcism to a wider audience and speaking from his heart. He was very ominous sounding about the perils of ignoring other realities and the collective degenerative effect on society once cases of possession begin to rise in the children - something that is visible in modern times to a discerning observer. He specifically states, "chastisement of parents by the children being a turning point...". I am definitely looking forward to part 2 if they ever manage to produce it.

I wanted to add few more thoughts to the topic of sexuality being so heavily connected to possession regardless whether its the entity or the person being possessed. Consider, if you will, the state of humanity eons ago where physical mating was not necessary to produce an offspring hence the propagation of species was more of a spiritual undertaking vs being forced by feel good hormones and chemicals. The STS controllers needed to connect the activity of species-propagation to a physical act driven by animalistic 2D emotions i.e. an activity that is necessary for survival and also an avenue for entrapment. And, gradually they have managed to entrap a lot of human souls by getting them to incorrectly express these emotions and tendencies therefore, creating an army of lost entities still roaming in 3D plane ready to do STS' bidding. So, the very act of introducing SEX takes a whole new angle as stated in below C's session.

The self-gratification that comes with physical act of sex creates a feeling of possession - either wanting to possess someone or being possessed by someone. And its that very feeling which is continuously worked upon and aggravated by STS forces both on the living and dead locking them into a free will infringement process and increasing their karmic burdens.

Session 28 August 1999
Session 28th Aug 1999 said:
Q: So, they were traumatized; they may have had bits and pieces of ideas and memories, but they may also have lost a great deal altogether. There may have even been a sort of "coma" state of mankind for many millennia. But, after they woke up, with the bits and pieces floating around in their heads, they may have begun to attempt to piece it all together. So, they started putting it all back together. What was the first thing they put together regarding the cosmos around them?

A: Sex.

Q: What did they decide about sex? I mean, sex was there. They were having sex. Is that it? Or, did they understand the cosmos as sex?

A: More like the former. After all, that is what got you guys in this mess in the first place! Just imagine the sales job if you can: "Look how much fun this is! Want to try it?!? Oops, sorry, we forgot to tell you, you cannot go back!"

Q: I really fail to understand - and I know it is a big issue that has been hinted at and alluded to, and outright claims have been made regarding sex in all religions and mythologies - but I fail to understand the mechanics of how this can be the engineering of a 'fall.' What, precisely, are the mechanics of it? What energy is generated? How is it generated? What is the conceptualization of the misuse of this energy, or the use of the energy?

A: It is simply the introduction of the concept of self-gratification of a physical sort.

Q: On many occasions you have said that the ideal thing is to have perfect balance of physicality and ethereality. This has been said on a number of occasions. Now, I don't understand how it can be that gratification of a physical body can be the mechanics by which one is entrapped? Is it not gratifying to look at something beautiful? Is it wrong, sinful, or a form of a fall, to look at beauty, to hear something beautiful such as music, or to touch something that is sensually delightful such as a piece of silk or the skin of a loved one? These various things that the human being derives pleasure from very often elevate them to a spiritual state.

A: Possession is the key.

Q: What do you mean?

A: In STS, you possess.

I have another point to add from Case 5 which refers to the "The Common Thought". This was quite revelatory and scary at the same time. The common thought can be understood as tendency of general populace to shun all talk of evil and Satan out of fear of realisation as well as well a dim hope that ignorance of such will wipe it out of existence - a form of YCYOR (You Create Your Own Reality) syndrome. The relevant blurb below from the book, emphasis mine.
Hostage to the Devil, Page 389.
The assistant priest also has turned around to look at Hearty. He, too, has a questioning look. The look is an appeal to Hearty, but Hearty is helpless at that moment.

His chief feeling is one of horror: horror at what he sees happening, horror at his own imprisonment in his mind. The "thought" is now clear to him in a way he never dreamed: he sees it concretely in his four assistants and in Carl. They are completely at ease, their only emotion is wonder that Hearty is not at ease. He wants to scream at them, to shout: "Watch out! Watch out! They have played on your desire for normal behavior. They are making it all normal for you." But he cannot open his mouth or produce a sound.

As his helplessness grows, he sees more and more clearly what is happening. No one wants to believe in evil, really, above all, not in an evil being, an evil spirit. Everyone wants to abolish the idea. To admit the existence of evil means a responsibility, and no one wants that responsibility. That is the opening through which Tortoise crawls, stilling all suspicions, making everything seem normal and natural. This is the "thought," the unwariness of the ordinary human being which amounts to a disinclination to believe in evil. And, if you do not believe in evil, how can you believe in or ever know what good is?
The very shunning of evil suits the entities and STS denizens perfectly and is a perquisite to the perfect possession where the entity is so well entrenched that it has assumed the dominant personality in its victim showing no signs of breakdown. And from case 5 above, it appears the psychic types are even more vulnerable due to their openness and willingness to explore the paranormal but not having the benefits of good psychic hygiene and critical thinking. I shudder to think how many new age gurus and channellers are cases of such perfect possessions!!
The self-gratification that comes with physical act of sex creates a feeling of possession - either wanting to possess someone or being possessed by someone.
And there’s another possession that could be involved with sex - I’m not sure if it was mentioned in the Cs sessions, but there has been discussion about entities/possession being transferred from one person to another through sex. I don’t watch horror movies, but this was the basis for the movie It Follows.
David Robert Mitchell’s second feature film is set in a Detroit suburb, where a deadly menace is passed from one person to another.
The Ps (in Bringers of the Dawn) also suggest being very cautious with whom you have sex- you may invite in way more than you bargained for (sexually transmitted entities :wow:). I guess by consenting to sex, you’re willingly (albeit perhaps unknowingly) inviting those entities in, especially if they find you a more suitable host.
I finished the audiobook Hostage to the Devil, and then saw this warning. Maybe it should be taken off the recommended books list, or something else done to prominently warn.
I tried to look in the book list. Here is what it says in the first post:
In order to best understand whichever subjects you choose to focus on at the time, it may pay to look up the section(s) in the guide: it sometimes contains recommendations on the order in which to read books. When nothing in particular is said regarding the reading order of books in a section, the order in which the section lists them is a rough suggestion - since your individual needs may however be different, take your time to make your choices. As for the sections themselves, some sections contain books that may be useful background for exploring other sections, though largely, there's no problem exploring sections in parallel, if that's your inclination.
And: later in the guide: Recommended Books: List and Guide there is about this book which at the time was the last of the recommended.
17.5. Hostage to the Devil
Hostage to the Devil, discussed here, is not light reading. It is very strongly recommended to read through the entire thread, taking the input seriously, before proceeding. This means reading a lot of other, relevant material first along with working on one's psychological hygiene.

Personally I'm not sure I would consider this book as an audiobook, since one is a bit at the mercy of the pacing of the reader. I also drop some audiobooks, because I don't resonate with the voice or intonation, which may be a result of the reader's interpretation or intention. If it is a book with text, it is easier for me to vary the speed according to how I feel, even pause the reading and think about the subject, or find other passages in the book. If it is a story it does not matter for the brain, if it is an audiobook or a normal book Audiobooks or Reading? To Our Brains, It Doesn’t Matter, but this book is more than a story one can enjoy while doing household chores, even though the five cases may read like stories. Another issue with audiobooks is that they sometimes skip passages or sections of the book. This book has an introduction including "A Brief Handbook of Exorcism" before it gets to the five cases, which in all likelihood are the most unsettling parts of the book. After the cases, there are theological reflections, with a few assumptions one could argue with based on other knowledge on the forum. There are even two appendixes with additional material including a Catholic manual with suggested framework including recommended psalms and at the very end prayers often used in traditional Catholic settings.

I have read only one of the cases, The Virgin and the Girl-Fixer, mentioned in: Very interesting information, about transgenderism which has a post with an opening article followed by a response:
The above article pretty well covers the topic as far as I can see. Everybody should read the "Girl Fixer" chapter of Malachi Martin's "Hostage to the Devil" to get a good idea of what is going on with this transgenderism.
And later
Thinking about the "Girl Fixer" from "Hostage to the Devil" - so basically, Rita/Roger got in touch with his own feminine energy in nature and he felt connected to everything. He was primed by pressure from his father to be more masculine, but given his nature experience he preferred the feminine energy, however, his thinking about how to capture and experience that more often was totally screwed up. In addition he also mistook 'gender' for 'sex'. From 'Hostage to the Devil', I'm taking this to mean that gender is his own inherent balance of masculine/feminine energies and his biology, and sex is - well the sexual act.

So it was his screwed up thinking and his obsession with possessing a certain felt connection that opened him up to possession?

I'm not sure that I'm entirely clear on that.
And a response to the above:
Sounds about right to me; that's it in a nutshell.

Besides one case, I have read all the introduction and various parts that follow the five cases. The Hostage to the Devil could be inspired by the author's friendship as a young man with the character Michael Strong, who had been an exorcist in China, later came back to the US, and after a few years passed away. In the first part of the story, one reads about what happened in China, and later one learns how the author got to know Michael Strong and became his friend. The author describes the last few visits before Michael passes away. How Michael is helped to pass over is actually a very beautiful story. The preparation begins in the second but last meeting, when the old Michael tells Malachi, as he is leaving after the visit: "Malachi! At the end, be sure and read Paul, First Corinthians, Chapter 15, verses 50 to 58. All of it." Then at the last visit, when Malachi comes after having received a phone call, he reads this passage on the deathbed of Michael. In this book, the whole world is there, (USA-China) with life and death, good and evil, joy and horror, love and hate, hope and despair, spiritualism and materialism. A pretty full palate of human existence.
Related to this topic I just listened to a podcast on James Delingpoles' Delingpod where he interviewed a guy named Jerry Marzinsky (available also with video HERE). This guy is a retired psychotherapists who has done a lot of work with schizophrenics in hospitals and prisons, interviewing them about what the voices in their head were telling them etc. Long story short, he got convinced that the voices actually are 'demons', and external entities – the things they say are not generated by the individuals themselves. Also, Castaneda's work is mentioned and Jerry describes how these entities give you thoughts that are not your own (a.k.a. Predators' Mind).

Pretty intersting discussion, also 'shadow people' are mentioned. Reminds me of the things told in the books 'Hostage to the devil' and 'Operators and things'. I recommend listening to this in bright daylight, pretty chilling stuff! :cool2:

This was the first time I heard about this guy but he's apparently done several interviews which can be found on his website. He has also written a book and some articles (see website). I haven't yet had a look at those, maybe later. It's not good to get exposed to this stuff for long periods, just listening to this interview made me feel slightly weird. :scared:
Related to this topic I just listened to a podcast on James Delingpoles' Delingpod where he interviewed a guy named Jerry Marzinsky (available also with video HERE). This guy is a retired psychotherapists who has done a lot of work with schizophrenics in hospitals and prisons, interviewing them about what the voices in their head were telling them etc. Long story short, he got convinced that the voices actually are 'demons', and external entities – the things they say are not generated by the individuals themselves. Also, Castaneda's work is mentioned and Jerry describes how these entities give you thoughts that are not your own (a.k.a. Predators' Mind).

Pretty intersting discussion, also 'shadow people' are mentioned. Reminds me of the things told in the books 'Hostage to the devil' and 'Operators and things'. I recommend listening to this in bright daylight, pretty chilling stuff! :cool2:

This was the first time I heard about this guy but he's apparently done several interviews which can be found on his website. He has also written a book and some articles (see website). I haven't yet had a look at those, maybe later. It's not good to get exposed to this stuff for long periods, just listening to this interview made me feel slightly weird. :scared:

Interesting discussions with Marzinsky, including the warnings of what Laura has discussed, time and again, when messing around with things one cannot understand (the susceptibility risk to entities). Had listened to the interview with Marie, and read a couple of Jerry's articles here.

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