how to fight mosquitoes


The Living Force
Auriez vous des conseils efficaces pour lutter contre les moustiques ?...
J'utilise des prises RAID contre les Mouches et Moustiques et des voilages/moustiquaires aux fenêtres dans chaque pièce mis je me fais piquer quand même
car mes chatonnes sortent sur le balcon/terrasse et ne referme pas les moustiquaires derrière elles...

Do you have any effective tips for fighting mosquitoes?
I use RAID sockets against Flies and Mosquitoes and curtains/mosquito nets on the windows in each room but I still get bitten
because my kittens go out on the balcony / terrace and do not close the mosquito nets behind them...
I need help here too!! Where I live, in the spring months we are swamped with mosquitoes. I actually haven't been bitten by a mossie since 2011. But my girlfriend gets absolutley hammered by them, even sitting inside or in a car they litterally bang up against the closest window trying to get her. Meanwhile I'm completely ignored lol.

We have tried everything, Vitamin B12 patches, ceramic and volcanic rock personal diffusers loaded with citronella, eucalyptus oil, tee tree oil. However I have found one effective attractant/killer I took the doors off an old fridge and placed inside green and blue lights and a CO2 gas bottle (edit: on ever so lightly just a whisper a 2.5kg bottle lasted 2 weeks or so). I lightly painted on the inner walls of the fridge a mixture of bitter almond oil, cinnamon oil and saffras oil and placed the fridge at the back of my property. Killed millions and severely reduced the volume of mosquitoes but also attracted thousands of other poor insects whom were lured to thier deaths.

My girlfriend will tell you it's worth it, but she would also be ok with biological warfare and weapons of mass destruction if it meant killing a few million mosquitoes hahaha.
Auriez vous des conseils efficaces pour lutter contre les moustiques ?...
J'utilise des prises RAID contre les Mouches et Moustiques et des voilages/moustiquaires aux fenêtres dans chaque pièce mis je me fais piquer quand même
car mes chatonnes sortent sur le balcon/terrasse et ne referme pas les moustiquaires derrière elles...

Do you have any effective tips for fighting mosquitoes?
I use RAID sockets against Flies and Mosquitoes and curtains/mosquito nets on the windows in each room but I still get bitten
because my kittens go out on the balcony / terrace and do not close the mosquito nets behind them...
This year they were extremely bad. I installed the net on my bedroom terrace door, but the rest of the house is impossible since the dogs like to go in and out from the living room on the terrace. I bought these traps- link attached. I put them all around the house. At first it looked like they have no effect however after couple of months I am not seeing any mosquitoes - not sure though if the traps are working or it is just a reproduction cycle and we will see a surge again. Will tell you at the end of the summer.
I dont like using those plug in thingies because they contain nasty chemicals , I tried every natural remedy I could find and nothing seems to work. I am hoping these traps are actually working now - they were not cheap.

The best that works for me is lemon eucalyptus and citronella oil in witch hazel and make it into a spray. It works pretty well.

I do beleive lemon eucalyptus oils are harmful to cats/dogs, I have used citronella and lavender on my dogs. I spray it on my hands and rub it on their face. It works okay.

Honestly mosquitos are the least of my worries. I always bring my hat to smack the horse flies off me. Those guys are a nightmare. It’s like a turbocharged mosquito with faster reflexes haha.

Another thing that works fairly well is a mosquito repellent that you can hook up to your water hose and spray it on your property. It’s essential oils and smells pretty nice. The one I have bought in the past is called “Mosquito Deleto”
I did a job last year for an auto repair garage, no a/c so the doors were all open to get air flow. I noticed no mosquitos inside but there were plenty outside, when I asked the owner he showed me an old hornets nest hanging up and told me that mosquitos will avoid the area.
Tried it myself this spring, seems to be effective however the mosquitos aren't bad this year for some reason (drought?).
For flies I 'season' the trash bin with borax. Definitely get a reduction in flies that way.
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