@edgitarra I don't want to enter into any kind of polemic with you, the intention of my post was to offer some balance to everything else that was posted before. Let's agree that there is a lot of disinformation on both sides, all I am saying is that the President has thrown some fuel on the fire when he joined the demonstration in the first days (and he did do that - see here:
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38714439.) and that now, rather than joining the protesters again and send them home as the reason for the demonstration is not there anymore, he is now redirecting the anger of the people towards changing the Government, when in fact that would not achieve anything new, i.e. the Government would have to be chosen from the same party, which, no matter how corrupt, etc. (as we well know
ALL politicians,
EVERYWHERE are corrupt) was voted by the majority of the people that participated in the elections last December. I still remember similar mob manipulation techniques used back in December 1989, June 1990 and later, and you can see the same techniques being used all over the World, through all the Spring or colored so called revolutions.
What I am trying to say is that, in my opinion, what happens now is in no way in the interest of Romania or the Romanian people. It might serve the interests of the opposition, which is no less corrupt than the party currently in power, but I think only a small political gain is possible, but for what price?
I am not questioning your good intentions, I am convinced that both yourself as well as most of the people offering free lodging, etc. did this with an open heart, really believing that you are doing something good. I also agree that the anger that is brewing under the surface is justified, there were too many years of irregularities, but to attribute that only to the party that has won the election I think is not fair. If they were the only corrupt ones, why did people vote for them? If people voted them, let's respect their vote and allow a legitimate Government to do its job and judge them on their actions rather than respond to emotional buttons that this or that man behind a more or less transparent curtain is pushing on.
Here is where I think the knowledge we can get from reading this website and the writings of Laura and other books recommended in this Forum, help one realize that it is possible to have two groups of people, both being convinced that they are right, and actually be right, since their realities are different, and both of them are right in their own reality. You, based on your own experiences and information you have, are convinced that you are right and the people currently demonstrating against the President are wrong. They believe that they are right and you are wrong. But in the end you are both part of the same people and if they voted somebody in power and they were more than you, then you should respect that vote, no matter if you like it or not. Here I find an interesting parallel in terms of what is happening in the US where we have similar protests of people who are not happy with the result of an election and someone is pushing their buttons. Once you realize this and you take a step back and look at the big picture and start to realize that people do not drop everything and go to gather in such big numbers without being instigated and then lead, their anger being captured and redirected for certain purposes, then it becomes very important to start asking yourself the question who benefits from what is happening. I don't want to start speculating on that end since there is no simple answer, usually there is more than one group involved and multiple converging interests. But I have no doubt that what is happening is not in the interest of Romania or the Romanian people.
To Aeneas's point, there are a lot of instances in which Romania was pillaged after 1990, all of those cases looking like they were taken right off one of John Perkins' EHM books.
Slowly Romania's wealth has changed hands so that now it returned to the situation in the 1930's when more or less anything of value is owned by foreign Corporations and Romania, if it still has a more or less decent standard of living, it is achieved on credit and I think sooner or later it will most likely suffer the same fate as Greece and then everybody will blame the Romanians for taking the loans, etc.