Jedi Master
When I read the text speaking the ideas of Sergei Saveliev, I saw a very very materialistic approach. Then I found it curious that he mentions people with super lobes guiding masses ... I do not know if it is Sergei's idea, or Slava's idea.
That was my idea. Rather unconscious. I am still digesting everything that Prof.Saveliev offered. As I said, I have not heard about the brain morphology and how it is important until a week ago. And I have corrected myself in responding to you earlier. The people with highly evolved front lobes would have the capacity to lead the humanity to its brighter future. The problem is that the masses, lead by their monkey brains do have a free will not to follow. And they will not, since the brain knows what it wants. All current "social" laws/norms/rules/etc main concern is to paper the reality that we are still driven by search for food, procreation and domineering. The evolution has never been pretty...
Judging from the posts, the people in Cassiopaea community do have more highly developed front lobes (hence, they are more humane).