Hurricane Helene Brings Catastrophic Flooding to US South

As I was walking in the forest yesterday, I was thinking about the catastrophe provoked by the hurricane Helen in NC and Milton progressing toward Florida. There was, as Joe stated, what seemed to be exaggeration about the strength and potential catastrophic outcome of Milton and as of this morning, it seem as Joe was right. But something else I was pondering yesterday was if hurricane are how we perceive battle fought in 4th density, is this fear mongering simply a tool to create available energy to the sts side during that battle above.

STS entity are, if I remember correctly, not so keen to use their own energy, being contractile in nature, thus needing to create a ‘’pool’’ of available energy to use for the coming engagement. So fear mongering, exaggeration of possible outcome and destruction is a fair way to process the human population to contribute to the fueling (energy wise) of the sts camp. So if this is the case that we (human) contribute to a certain degree to 4th density battle, in this case helping the sts side, can we as well by our action (emotions) of a positive frequency (frv) help the sto side even if only to a minimal level. Even if it is only a drop in a bucket, can it be the drop that will provoke a positive outcome, a win of the sto camp as these force are in nature balanced.

Helen Hurricane shown that amazing effort in solidarity and creativity by the human population, which rose to the occasion, and did what needed to be done to help after this terrible natural disaster. What an amazing example of compassion expressed spontaneously this tragedy engendered. What an amazing example of the heart ruling the mind won’t you say?

So yes, yesterday, I was wondering if the human consciousness can create a ‘’pool’’ of available energy to be use by sto force in a battle in 4th density. Could this positive action in nature have contributed to the apparent weakening of Milton from a cat.5 to a category between 1 and 2?

It is a strange reality in which we live and we are for the most part unaware of the human potential. If as the C’s said, 200 of us may be able to take down the frequency fence, imagine the energy potential of thousands compassionate human working simultaneously in the aftermath of hurricane Helen.
The Cs have told us that the PTB's grandiose plans are going to be disrupted by earth changes, plus the Wave has begun manifesting.

Exactly. In the context of human life on this planet, nature and natural processes are infinitely more powerful (and way more awe inspiring) than the machinations of a secret elite. So I find the inclination of some members here to default to "secret govt. weapons" a bit strange.
Exactly. In the context of human life on this planet, nature and natural processes are infinitely more powerful (and way more awe inspiring) than the machinations of a secret elite. So I find the inclination of some members here to default to "secret govt. weapons" a bit strange.

Yeah it sounds like falling onto those regular “conspiracy theories” categories that we can analyze and debunk ourselves! The secret elite might have power to create some earthquakes, but even those, are area specific or limited to specific regions.
Also make fires, which that’s basically not altering nature but just using weapons from sattelite. We know about HAARP and what is it for. We know they can seed clouds but that won’t create hurricanes and in some cases it usually turns against the ones who do those with some floods here and there depending on the area. So I do see hurricanes behaviors, as a human-cosmic connection consequence, same for volcanism activity and others.
The planet cosmic environment is changing, also we are on early stages of an ice age and our magnetic field is weaker than ever, we have been impacted every day by fireballs which are putting comet dust into our atmosphere etc, those are the things that we need to consider first before thinking on a consortium altering those weather events.
But it didn't really make landfall as a Cat 3, it was more like Cat 1.5 Highest winds of 107 mph in one place. Others closer to 100 mph and below. A Cat 1 storm is 74–95mph and Cat 2 is 96–110mph. So somewhere between those two.
Here's my understanding of how hurricanes are measured: the Category is determined by the maximum wind speed, which is only ever measured over a small area. If they measure a 98 mph max sustained wind, then it's Category 2, even if the average winds nearby or farther away are slower. There's no category 1.5.

Max. sustained winds at landfall for Milton were 120 mph, i.e. Category 3. It quickly slowed to Category 2 and as it started crossing land it Cat 2 stayed for a few hours before dropping down to Cat 1.

Are you using Ventusky to estimate Category number? If so, they say it's not designed for that:

The value for a Category 5 hurricane is measured over a small area, often by airplanes. These data do not directly enter the models and therefore do not appear directly on the maps.
Why do wind speeds on Ventusky differ from values in other apps?
Differences may be down to several causes. You must always compare identical data. We display wind gusts and average wind speed. Nevertheless, average wind speed may be computed for a period of 1 minute, or 10 minutes. Models operated by NOAA (GFS, HRRR) use 1-minute average. The remaining models (ICON, GEM) use 10-minute average. This may cause differences between individual models and values being compared from other apps. Differences manifest mainly in the case of tropical cyclones, where a 1-minute average value is markedly higher than a 10-minute average value of wind speed. Differences may also occur owing to the fact that we display data from numerical models that may not include all the data that have been measured (if, for example, a private station on a Caribbean island measures an average wind speed over 200 km/h during a hurricane, such data will not enter the models displayed by us as the models only utilise a professional network of stations, which might be sparse in some areas).
I wasn't sure how the categories are actually measured, so I searched around and found this.
Looks like they use two methods: dropsondes and ground based nexrad doppler radar. In other words, it looks like Ventusky won't show the max sustained winds in its model. In other words, the wind speeds they show will be consistently lower than max, whether it's Cat 5, 4, 3, etc.
Exactly. In the context of human life on this planet, nature and natural processes are infinitely more powerful (and way more awe inspiring) than the machinations of a secret elite. So I find the inclination of some members here to default to "secret govt. weapons" a bit strange.
Can't both be true? It would be a welcome relief to see more of the machinations of the elite being disrupted, instead of the lives of millions of citizens being disrupted in anti-elite, red states by hurricanes, or other areas in prime locations or rich in rare earth minerals being ravaged by "wild" fires. It's hard to know whether weather events are due to 4D battles manifesting in 3D, natural physical processes or secret government weapons, so shouldn't all be considered in observing reality "left and right"?
So yes, yesterday, I was wondering if the human consciousness can create a ‘’pool’’ of available energy to be use by sto force in a battle in 4th density. Could this positive action in nature have contributed to the apparent weakening of Milton from a cat.5 to a category between 1 and 2
I say YES to helping the STO forces. All that good will and helping each other is a balancing force that needs to happen according to the C's. And also the close call on Trumps life which was likely because of all the prayers he received. What about all that awesome energy generated by thousands of people at Trump rallies.

I don't recall the details having read this years ago, but Edger Cayce was asked why a certain area on the west coast wasn't devastated by some natural disaster like other areas had been. He said the people there had shown such good will in helping each other during the crisis that the more serious damage had passed them by. So maybe this helped with Milton as well.....

Yes, what an amazing world we live in. There is so much we don't know about all these invisible forces that make up the whole. We're an ambitious bunch for picking such a life time to experience. Doing our best to tackle these challenges with courage, compassion and knowledge will move us along the path to being more evolved beings which is the goal.

The C's also said when people sincerely ask for help because of great suffering the help will be there. This help can come from different places, human and other worldlies. Wouldn't it be awesome if some 3D STO "aliens" showed up. Where are those Nordics Laura was told about. Then we have the 4D STO in this battle as well. Surely our efforts will impress them. Keep going on that path.
The problem here is that people who go straight to "geo-engineering" don't really want to know if that is true or not. If they did, they would FIRST investigate and explore and rule out other explanations.

As Arthur Conan Doyle wrote:

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Yes, hype and hysteria about Covid made a lot of people rush to get vaccinated. The weather modification theory definitely works to the advantage of some control mechanism. Where will the people be ushered next?
“Look at us, we are so almighty we can whip up enormous hurricanes and terrorise the world”, like how during an eclipse ancient rulers were able to make the sun go dark. What is the extent of this supernatural power some people ascribe to them, whoever them are? One thing for sure is that terrorising the world is part of someone’s plan. Don’t want anyone to look, observe, act and stay rational.
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Wouldn't it be awesome if some 3D STO "aliens" showed up. Where are those Nordics Laura was told about. Then we have the 4D STO in this battle as well.
The C's talked about 4D STO Nordics showing up at some point, just when things are about to get very interesting:

September 25, 1999

Q: You hinted at one point that we would come in contact with, or interact with, 4th density STO beings who would help us in some way.
A: Yes, are you getting impatient?
Q: Well... yes.
A: Then you should know this: you will not get in, or come into contact with them until things are just about to get very "interesting." Whenever that may be.
Here's my understanding of how hurricanes are measured: the Category is determined by the maximum wind speed, which is only ever measured over a small area. If they measure a 98 mph max sustained wind, then it's Category 2, even if the average winds nearby or farther away are slower. There's no category 1.5.

I know there is no cat 1.5, I used that to refer to the strongest recorded wind gusts in various places that fell between Cat 1 and Cat 2.

In Marineland, sustained winds reached 75 mph (121 km/h) with gusts reaching 83 mph (134 km/h). In Daytona Beach, sustained winds reached 60 mph (97 km/h) with gusts reaching 87 mph (140 km/h). Gusts reached 107 mph (172 km/h) in Sarasota and 92 mph (148 km/h) in West Palm Beach.

All of these are between Cat 1 - 74–95mph - and Cat 2 - 96–110mph.

I don't see the point (other than alarmism) in saying that Milton made landfall as a Cat 3 storm when the actual recorded winds in populated areas are either Cat 1 or 2.
I had the impression they where 3D since it was said we should watch for them because some are on the planet. 4D beings can't physically be here . I want some 3Ders! I may have misrembered this.

A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.

Q: (T) They are 4th density. I thought they...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) I thought that 4th density couldn't hold the frequency that long and that is why the Lizards have so much trouble. (J) They're STS.

A: Not STO!

Q: (T) Very good, Jan hit it as they said it. The STS can't stay, only the STO.

A: Yes.
Besides the high rainfall, an interesting feature of Milton was the number of tornadoes in its leading edge. Florida gets lots of relatively weak tornadoes, but rarely this many in a single outbreak, and rarely this strong and destructive.

Yes Max Velocity mentioned previously that the max confirmed tornados was 13/14 in Florida so really it was the tornados that where the real news so to speak.
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