Hurricane Helene Brings Catastrophic Flooding to US South

Being in the direct path of the hurricane I took the appropriate measures to amend my Will. The executors of my estate are instructed to cremate my remains and sprinkle them all over a wet Jaclyn Smith. If I have to go, I want to go on my terms.
OK. While you are busy thinking all that, if you have an iPhone update the system with the satellite weather option. OK if you don't have an iPhone, you thought about the will and all. Make a ziplock with your ID and will and put it in a zipped pocket of a clothing item you will use.
Meanwhile what you must do is survey your place and see what can be the safest spot for wind and for flooding.

BEST OPTION! locate where the closest team of first responders is situated and contact them and tell them that you want join them as first responder volunteer, that being the reason why you did not evacuate.

Keep us posted with your where and how abouts.
OK. While you are busy thinking all that, if you have an iPhone update the system with the satellite weather option. OK if you don't have an iPhone, you thought about the will and all. Make a ziplock with your ID and will and put it in a zipped pocket of a clothing item you will use.
Meanwhile what you must do is survey your place and see what can be the safest spot for wind and for flooding.

BEST OPTION! locate where the closest team of first responders is situated and contact them and tell them that you want join them as first responder volunteer, that being the reason why you did not evacuate.

Keep us posted with your where and how abouts.

Well, I made a big post in reply but it just vanished. No idea why. Ill be checking in with pictures and video if there is any interest in that.
Ill be checking in with pictures and video if there is any interest in that.
I really don't know what is your actual situation up there, but I know that you must consider yourself immensely lucky that you are not my child.

May the universe be guiding you.
So my personal question for Les C's as the nouveaux Padwan Learner (somebody changed my description after I updated my photo, fine). So: where is it safer for moi maintent, here in the Western Galilee or in Poland somewhere? Or back in the states with the political unrest and who knows what pole shifty hurricany chaos and anti semitism and high prices? If y'all can fit me in. Merci.

I think you would probably be the best one to ask yourself that question - truly ask - then Work to find the answer. Reading all the sessions may help.

It's safe to say that it would be a good idea to leave Galilee. This is just a few bits of info from the sessions, but the C's have been warning of Israel's destruction since 1997.

Session 11 January 1997

A: No. Tell Ark that we strongly suggest that he drop Tel Aviv from his itinerary. There is a grave aura of danger over the locator of Israel. Something big, big, big is going to happen there. We can not say exactly "when", and will not say exactly what, but it will be decidedly negative!!!!

Session 13 Feb 2011

Q: (L) Israel is a country that's full of the most concentrated bunch of psychopaths probably on the entire planet, and they certainly don't want to destroy their own kind. But they do want to destroy the Arabs. (Perceval) And in their hubris, they may end up destroying themselves. (L) Well, that's usually what they do. Lobaczewski said that the germ doesn't understand that it's going to be killed and destroyed and burned along with the death of the body it's infecting. And I also think that they don't take into account real earth changes. It's not that they can't think about preparing for some of these things, because obviously some of them do and they are preparing. But they don't seem to have this ability to really understand... they're able to plan for something that's going to happen, like if scientists tell them there's going to be some kind of comet or whatever, they can build some seed bank. Okay, so they can do that. But they're not ABLE to understand the implications and outcome of an action they're taking right now as an immediate response to something that they think is going to turn a certain way.

Session 30 January 2010

(Belibaste) We wanted to know the percentage of psychopaths geographically speaking, like in the US, Israel, UK.

(L) Alright, let's take them one at a time.

(Belibaste) USA?

A: 23 percent.

Q: (Belibaste) United Kingdom?

A: 14 percent.

Q: (L) That's because they all went to America. (laughter)

(Ailen) Israel?

A: 42 percent.

(Belibaste) France?

A: 10 percent.

Q: (Burma Jones) Russia?

A: 17

Q: (Belibaste) What about some poor country like Ethiopia?

A: 3

Q: (Joe) That's 75 million people in the US.

(Burma Jones) That's a lot of psychopaths.

(Ottershrew) What's the country that's the lowest?

A: Samoa

Q: (Belibaste) What's the percentage in Samoa?

A: 0.6

Q: (Belibaste) In Samoa there's quite a strong ethnical specificity.

(L) I don't know anything about Samoa.

(Joe) I think they're the same as the Maori.

(PoB) Just in case, is there any country with a bigger percentage than Israel?

A: Not at present

Q: (Burma Jones) So Israel is the worst at present.

Session 23 August 2014

(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

(L) I just keep wanting a comet to just come down on Tel Aviv. There was a session years ago where the C's warned us not to go to Tel Aviv. We were invited to a conference, and they suggested that we not go because they could see something really big coming for Tel Aviv at some point in the future. Now, that was years ago, but you know how time is for the Cs; it's irrelevant. So, I suspect that there IS something really big coming for Tel Aviv.

(Pierre) Something of cosmic origin?

(L) Possibly, we don't know.

(Perceval) One of the depressing things I was thinking about was that the world needs - in a strange way - Israel and the Zionists to do what they're doing, i.e. massacring civilians, to provide an opportunity for the people of the world to wake up and make a choice; a last opportunity to make a choice between yes and no, good and evil, etc. In that sense, they serve a purpose. So that kind of stuff will continue on until the very last.

(L) So it's like in the Book of Revelation: the Palestinians are the saints.

(Perceval) By dying for humanity, in a certain sense...

(Pierre) What is the nature of the big event coming to Tel Aviv?

(L) You know they're not gonna tell you that! They would have told me that way back then. Wait and see!

A: Yes.

Session 13 April 2024

Q: (L) All right. Any other topics we want to cover? Is Iran going to bomb Israel?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Any minute now! [laughter]

(L) Is it going to be any minute now?

A: No

Q: (Joe) At some point.

(L) But you said in the past that Israel was ultimately going to be destroyed. Is that still in the cards?

A: Yes

You can use this site to search for all the sessions related to Israel, or anything else you may want to know:

As for where to go, if the C's told you that, it would probably abridge your Free Will and impinge on your lessons. They wouldn't say even if you asked, I think. So then it's up to you to make the choice, based on Knowledge and awareness. They have said some things that make it clear what options you may have for receiving a clearer picture.

The C's have said that 'giving of the self' is the best way to receive intuitive guidance about where to be.

June 7, 2014:
Q: (L) So we have our Finnish group here tonight. And we also have a lot of things going on here in the house and elsewhere. So, we don’t have any particular questions, so we’re just going to ask them what their first question is. Go!

(Breton) So, as you know, there’s five of us in the Finnish group. I would be moving from here soon, but the Finnish group has been thinking quite a bit about where they should focus their energy best to serve the aims and the goals of the Fellowship. We’re feeling a little exposed being in a Northern country with all the climate changes. One of the things that we’re doing at the moment is making a web page and trying to translate a few articles in Finnish with the goal to try to attract more interest from people who speak Finnish. Now, the question is, is that a good use of our efforts - to do this web page and translation?

A: Indeed. In your spare time. It is service to others. Giving of the self sends a special signal to the environment, both immediate and cosmic. As to other concerns, do not make precipitate moves. Support is needed in several ways. If you are easily able to come and help with prep, it is good. {letters come faster now} But trust that if you are sending the correct signal that at the right moment you will know what to do.

Q: (L) Alright. Next question? Was that clear? Do you want that expanded on, or do you need to ask supplementary questions?

(Aragorn) The climate thing… Should we expand on that? We could, I think. It’s bothering us.

(Breton) I think what Aragorn is getting at is what I alluded to before: feeling a little bit exposed in this part of the world. But is it something that should be very high on everyone’s agenda to be making plans to leaving this place, or…

A: {letters come very quickly} If everyone is paying close attention to reality, you will receive the warning in time. And if the preparations made by this group proceed apace with support, there will be a place to “land” and time to get there.

Q: (Breton) Yeah, okay.

So the manner in which we live sends a signal to the universe. Living a life of service to others sends a special signal to the universe and can actually allow us to attune to higher energies and receive a lifeline in the troubling times ahead. Maybe that includes a sense of where to go, and when.

There are also indications in other sessions that a life of giving should prioritized by giving back to this network itself. If someone is taking from the network without giving in return, this could be a cause of all kinds of imbalance, leading to physical, emotional, mental issues, etc. Including being 'stuck' in a bad place. Giving back to the network can help clear issues or blockages by balancing the energies.

From May 17, 2014:
Q: (L) Okay. I’m going to start the discussion with what’s on my mind. Actually, there are two things. The first thing is that I noticed that after the last session, a lot of people discussing it in the forum thread volunteered information about what they were doing to help to do this, to do that, and the other thing. We had the impression here that when the information came through that a person must put another on the step behind them, that that meant directly in terms of the Work… That it had to be someone on the ladder, or on the stairway, or on the path so to speak. So, could you clarify that? Is that, in fact, what was meant? That you meant somebody who was really asking and engaged in working on themselves, etc?

A: More than that, it means that total engagement in energy exchange with the network. If a person benefits from the efforts of others and there is no return energy, there will be blocks of all sorts in their lives.

Q: (L) Okay, when you say, “There will be blocks of all sorts in their lives”… Blocks of what kind?

A: The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another’s efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.

Q: (L) But are you talking particularly about people engaged in the Work, or just anybody in general?

A: Anybody, but double in the work.

So on this basis, you could ask yourself how your karmic balance is doing in this regard. Are you giving back to the network here? Have you done the readings - particularly with regards to Jewish history, such as The Controversy of Zion, From Yahweh to Zion, etc? I ask because of your mention of worrying about antisemitism, which should be viewed in the proper context IMO, as its often used in nefarious ways and subject to a lot of distortion. Another question is why you're wanting to move - out of fear primarily, or are you moving in faith towards something better?

And it's okay to just make small daily steps in the STO direction, too:

May 10, 2014:
A: If you know about something that can act against you, then you have won half the battle assuming that your heart is in the war.

Q: (L) Okay, so the next question is: We have numerous activities that are creative for people to be able to release some of their pent up emotions about all of the things that are happening in the world that make everybody unhappy. They can get on SOTT, they can write commentary, they can work on the forum, they can write things on the forum, they can have exchanges, they can have meetings with other people. There are many things that people could be doing, but it’s like the excuse always comes down to, “Oh, the frequency fence. I can’t do anything because I’m depressed, or I’m this, or I’m that or the other thing.” You’re saying that they’ve won half the battle, but it seems to me that it’s harder than that. There is something else. How to get over that initial resistance?

A: Taking the bull by the horns is always fearful in the imagination, but when you approach the beast, he usually lays down and submits.

Q: (L) That doesn’t answer my question. Okay, what constitutes “approaching the beast”? Since that seems to be where everybody gets stuck…

A: As Yoda said, no try, just do, if only a little. That will break the logjam. Butterfly wings and all that.

Q: (L) Let me give a specific example. We have 108 editors on SOTT. We have 108 people who volunteered to work on SOTT. How many actually do? (Mr. Scott) Not very many. (Chu) 15 or 20? (Mr. Scott) I haven’t checked lately, but probably about 15 or 20. But the people who post the most, it’s usually like 3 or 4 people. (L) And the people who do the most are usually 3 or 4 people. And the same with some of the other languages. We have millions of readers, and this is a platform for people to actually be creative and say things and do things, and get messages across, and begin that creative process. But they can’t do it because - and I know why - because it’s so freaking depressing! I mean, you read the news, and you say, “Oh Geezus! Why don’t I just go out and jump off a cliff because everything is so awful?!” I mean, I understand that…

A: See previous answer and do not underestimate the cumulative effect over time. All of you should just remember where you were five years ago, or ten years. The changes did not happen overnight now did they?

Q: (L) Can anybody think of another question to get me where I want to go here? (shellycheval) As individuals, what’s the single most important thing we should do to Do, and to not try, but to actually take actions? What can we do to motivate ourselves as individuals? Is there something we can say or do…?

A: Service to others. Notice that the people with the most problems that always talk only about themselves and their troubles, are the ones who do and give the least. They do not have confidence in the universal law of LIFE: Get things moving and you create a vacuum in your life into which energy can flow.

Q: (L) So, basically what you’re saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you…maybe like the old biblical expression: “Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you” sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody’s got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean…

A: [letters come very quickly] Balance! A portion of a day can be spent on reflection, but not too much. This is the Wetiko Virus: obsession with the self and subjective personal issues. The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. [letters come more slowly now:] Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.

So, participating in a positive energy exchange with this network and practicing empathy in daily life looks like it will help with both receiving some kind of aid or guidance from above AND also help to clear up all kinds of blockages. In that sense, improving your FRV and growing in Knowledge in small steps, day by day, may actually help you make a decision where to move.
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