Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): General information and discussion of Home Units


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
We bought a hyperbaric chamber with an oxygen concentrator. It should be delivered next week. We'll report on the result! Here is a link towards the description of the product:

Edit: I have interacted with Riley numerous times. She's always been reactive, competent and kind, really! You contact her on my behalf.

You can directly contact her through E-mails: sales@macy-pan.com or by phone: +86-18017021667 (Riley speaks good English). Of course you can visit the website MACYPAN, be sure to use one of these three means of communication otherwise you might end up with another sales representatives.
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We bought a hyperbaric chamber with an oxygen concentrator. It should be delivered next week. We'll report on the result! Here is a link towards the description of the product:

Looking forward
I’ve just watched the whole video and made notes. Typing them up and will share here.
I’m getting together with some health care colleagues this week to discuss getting one and maybe setting up a multi-disciplinary clinic/individualised health retreat. We are actually in a position where we have all the ingredients, except a HBOT chamber to bring together and make it happen.

There is at least one clinic and an importer in NZ already. But the more there are the more access people will have to this kind of therapy.

I’m wondering if HBOT is one of the health and medical care updates that we will see coming to main stream over the next few years. Particularly as it could eventuate that a void will be left to fill when the public trust in big Pharma is completely destroyed.
I’ve just watched the whole video and made notes. Typing them up and will share here.
I’m getting together with some health care colleagues this week to discuss getting one and maybe setting up a multi-disciplinary clinic/individualised health retreat. We are actually in a position where we have all the ingredients, except a HBOT chamber to bring together and make it happen.

There is at least one clinic and an importer in NZ already. But the more there are the more access people will have to this kind of therapy.

I’m wondering if HBOT is one of the health and medical care updates that we will see coming to main stream over the next few years. Particularly as it could eventuate that a void will be left to fill when the public trust in big Pharma is completely destroyed.

I was driving past a Maori Health Clinic in Hamilton yesterday and noticed that they are advertising having a Hyperbaric Chamber. I must investigate
Wow! The Mercola video is so informative. In a saner functioning world, several of these chambers could be available in all healthcare facilities throughout the world. It would make most of big Pharma drugs obsolete. Also made me think about the vaccine injured at this time and how this would benefit, especially for children who have their lives ahead of them, I did not catch if this has been used on children, although I can't imagine why it would not benefit.

Such a tragedy how alternative therapies have been suppressed and denied to the vast majority of the population. It is not as though the information and documented benefits is not available. Again we come to the only conclusion IMO, it's all about profits.

As Dr. Mercola stated. "It's a life changing modality"
I noticed this technology a couple of year ago, through a good french website which is now off and that I can't find anymore the url :(
What i noticed in a small text file (where i gather all my ideas) was simply the terms "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy" (in french : Oxigénothérapie Hyperbare).
I remember it was impressively good for 2 things that i retained until now :
- help for brain damage, help to have some part of the brain better irrigated by oxygen, could be used to help some brain related issues, and i remember that the authors were wondering why this technology is not more used for this
- for any bone fracture, if you use such a device, the time it takes for the bones to repari is strongly reduced.

And more generally, what I remember about is that this technology was very good, and in fact, too good to be known, spread and used, which is the usual behaviour of our modern medicine.

That's all i remember, and it's funny to see that you bought such a device.

A detail i also remember is that some high ranking sportman in US (and maybe other countries) were buying their own portable device (which then looks like the one you bought, a big sleeping bag that you inflate, no hard materiel except the pump) to help them to recover when they have a bone fracture. There seem to have a good couple of brand that propose such device, on youtube, search on the works "portable hyperbaric chamber" or on "home hyperbaric chamber".
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