I am furious! The University of Chile approves 2 theses defending pedophilia

This video doesn't have double interpretations because it's the recording that made one of parents, of the confrontation with the psychologist in charge of the "operative".
The video is of a normal reaction of a parent who suddenly finds his child nearly traumatized by the acts performed by the adults in charge of their education, adults that the parents trust to keep them safe. They are asking for names to start a formal legal process.

What is most upsetting in this video is that woman trying to justify the entire act, saying how this is something that is done regularly, and has been done for years. How disconnected from reality can she be to stand there and not pick up on anything coming from the parent's anguish.

The video is extremely upsetting, you can feel the frustration of the parents growing and their impotence when faced against such a system.
I've heard that many in the current cabinet have been formed by the WEF and other organisms
Some time ago a housemate told me something similar, that Boric had good ministers, particularly the Treasury (Mario Marcel) that was linked to the World Bank and that in a certain way the economic crisis was not allowing them to shine sufficiently:

Mario Marcel, a Chilean and Spanish national, is the Senior Director of the World Bank's Governance Global Practice. In his current role, he oversees all of the World Bank's work on financial management, procurement, open government, social accountability, judicial systems and inclusive institutions, among other topics.

from what I understand, the election of the consejales (I don't know what it means) has taken everybody by surprise. I would say it will teach the government a lesson in imposing obligatory elections (an authoritarian move). My prediction is that if the US regime doesn't like him or he doesn't obey them like Pinata and Boricco, he will not be elected.
There were rumors that after Gabriel Boric was elected (fuel the next day without delay), both he and associated leaders received pressures to stay on the western side... there really was something because later he declared that he was going to maintain a position of the country not aligned despite "prices".
Regarding your prediction, mmm yes, I think I'm ahead of it, it remains to be seen how the stability of the country evolves in a few more years and to see how much pressure the large country of the north is capable of producing, the electoral system in Chile, although not 100% reliable, it has some transparency because it is based on ballots without the use of software so far, from what is seen in Latin America, the imperialists like coups more... Kast anyway despite at times giving me signs of arrogance and excessive wanting to control everything, it was nice to hear him say that the people have realized that they were deceived by a sectarian minority of leftists and their agendas, they are also aware of and against issues such as the 2030 agenda (center-right parties are too), nor does it ignore the issue of the condor operation, so if he is hypothetically elected and then removed through some fraud, he will fight and if the country situation is the same or more unstable than it is now people should join the fuss... anyway we'll have to see how things evolve.
Regarding pedophilia and child trafficking, from Redacted.
Mel Gibson to release documentary with the help of former FBI agent Tim Ballard (who is working to stop this networks).
I've seen this idea passing around on social media, but it appears to be false. From EW:

Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad, a non-profit that "works with law enforcement around the world to extract children from slavery," says that while Gibson is a "personal hero" of his, the actor is not a producer on the four-part documentary series.

Gibson's publicist, Alan Nierob, told the Associated Press that his client "is not making any documentary," nor did he "finance any documentary."
It is a laboratory. It is mostly controlled by a certain country in the northern part of the continent. The previous president was a closet leftist and the actual one and overt one, nothing changed. The events in 2019 were to sabotage commercial relationships with Asia and the recent "nationalization" of Lithium resources is to secure the monopolistic access of the northern big brother. I still see people wearing masks in the streets and even in their cars, which shows how influenced people are to globalist propaganda. The local "elites" have a lot of disdain towards the populace, which is why they push for collectivism and obedience in every occasion. Whenever there is a new woke buzzword in the US, you can be sure that it's immediately translated into Spanish and propagated like wild fire here. In the end, the mammones descriptive is not far from the truth.
Why has the deep state chosen Chile as a laboratory, being a country so far from the rest of the world, and apparently "insignificant", in the sense that, for example, it doesn't have large oil reserves like the Middle East countries? or Venezuela? It's a question I've always asked myself.

Since colonial times, Chile was the poorest country in the region, since due to it's distance from the rest of the world, it did not have a more fluid exchange of goods, unlike neighboring countries such as Argentina or Peru, and even Bolivia. Due to this same remoteness and geographic isolation, it has greater genetic or racial homogeneity, once again unlike neighboring countries. The average chilean is or was basically a mix between criollos (spaniards sons born in Chile) and indigenous people, and practically nothing else. Another of the characteristics of the average chilean is that he is "stubborn" or "hard-headed", of few words or "shy" in a certain way, but also obedient, this perhaps inherited from the indigenous race.

So this homogeneity was translated over time, and as natural resources were discovered and exploited, in a large "lower middle class" that is or was or is very large here, and the concept of "social justice" in the modern times were gaining more and more strength in natural way, and at the same time also the "patriotic", the fervor for the flag, and also the exaltation of heroes who could be both indigenous such as Lautaro or Caupolican, or spaniards or "criollos" like Manuel Rodriguez, the national anthem, the sense of belonging, and the "pride" of going from being the poorest nation, to one that is a little more developed and organized.

All these aspects that although can be part of a meaningless or ridiculous fanaticism, can also be part of a genuine expression of affection for the traditions and ancestors who fought for independence and all those things, and that for the deep state today in today, we know it's important to manipulate and nullify in all parts of the world, the sense of independence and identity.

I think that's for all this that Chile was the perfect field to start experimenting with their agendas here.

But regarding the obsessive interest from the "global elite" towards this part of the world, although they already had their eyes on saltpeter at the end of the 19th century, without a doubt the most important thing began with the issue of copper exploitation. at the beginning of the 20th century.

Starting with the "great depression" of 1929, which hit Chile tremendously due to the commercial dependence with US, the fight for "copper for Chile" or "Chile for the chileans", began to gain more strength, as a key to get out from the the "poverty-slavery".

After several governments that tried to reach some agreements with the US, finally the nationalization of copper, that is, that the copper industry would pass 100% into the chilean hands, was materialized under the government of Salvador Allende, who in 1971 signed the nationalization of the natural resource (in addition to the construction of huge industrial cordons with the purpose of starting the industrialization of the country on a large scale, plans for a more accessible education and health system for the poorest, etc.).

From this came what's already known, and that it was the direct intervention of the United States through Nixon, Kissinger and the CIA to destabilize and boycott the Allende government, which in a few months had generated an impressive and transversal growth never seen before in the country. It also took a very short time for everything to go downhill, since the CIA invested huge sums of money to finance the boycott. The military coup on September 11, 1973 was just the icing on the cake that left Augusto Pinochet as president who started the so-called "copper denationalization".
Here is a brief summary about the interventionism of the CIA in Chile

Also posted in SOTT a few years ago:

The chess move by the deep state in this regard was "masterful" since along with the murders and torture, all this came in the same pack of speeches of "freedom", "patriotism", "Chile free from Marxism", etc., and that is why to this day a significant percentage of chileans (at least 30%) see Augusto Pinochet as a "hero" who freed the country from the "communists".

This is how, after 17 years of military rule, and after Pinochet departure, "democracy" arrived in the 90s, thanks to the intervention of the UN that already wore a "leftist" and pro-human rights suit, and with financing from a well-known character like George Soros:

Soros is also a recognized financier of the new political parties of the left in Chile who are the ones who have promoted all these agendas such as LGBT, "feminism", "indigenism", etc. In short, the same ones that overthrew "marxists" in 1973, are the same ones that protect and promote this "leftist" government today.

That's how what I personally call the "fish with ears generation" is finally born, and of which the current president Gabriel Boric is a part, that is, an incongruous and dissonant mix of trends that you can see on the streets, and even in discussions that have gone viral on social media where an "influencer", for example, asks a homosexual "leftist" activist; "hey why are you wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, don't you know that he and Fidel Castro hated homosexuals?, and there the "LGBT leftist" completely disarms with a nervous laugh.

So Boric is nothing more than the reflection of all this, a puppet, a fish with ears that doesn't even know where he's stands, but the paradox is that for many "rightists" who saw a "hero" in Pinochet, and Salvador Allende like the miserable Marxist who led Chile to ruin, Boric is the continuation of the "misery" of Salvador Allende, and for the blind new leftists, Boric is effectively the reincarnation of Allende, who comes to complete the changes that Allende couldn't achieve.

But the tragicomic doesn't stop there, since Boric effectively tries to emulate Allende, he takes photos that are made public, with gestures similar to Allende and even with glasses that are very similar to the ones he used. When he talks some other stupid thing out there, he even repeats phrases that he said in some of the emblematic speeches, but of course, he does it in an erratic and coarse way. To be understood, it would be like seeing Biden trying to imitate John F Kennedy, for being from the same political party, when in reality they are the opposite.

Boric in fact embraces Biden and ONU, and as a representative of human rights condemns Putin (just like Piñera), says that Zelensky is his friend who fights against the dictator Putin, and blames Russia for the current economic crisis in Chile, for invading Ukraine (?) while self-acknowledged as bisexual and defender of minorities.

However, and despite all the propaganda, brainwashing and confusion, almost 80% of the population across the board rejected the new onunist constitution, or the "Boric constitution" as it's also called, so it's pretty crazy to think that although the vast majority of chileans, in a way, them realize that behind all this façade of "leftism" and "social conscience", there is a hungry wolf ready to strike, Boric continues in the presidency, instead Allende was removed in less than a rooster crows.

That's why Boric insists on hiding behind old leftists image, who were the complete opposite of him, while embracing globalism and pedophilic agendas, in fact he hasn't uttered a single word to condemn these violations of children in southern Chile, nor about the situation that msante initially posted. Silence grants the point, some say out there, because that's what the Deep State agenda and it's puppets consists of, to blend in and act stealthily, well, we already have that more than clear.
Not surprising. Anyone with some experience with student organizations comes to understand that these "student leaders" are selected (promising pathology?) and groomed by political powers and others from behind the scenes. I've heard that many in the current cabinet have been formed by the WEF and other organisms, which I haven't investigated to any degree, but even if it weren't the case, they're following the script very well.
Indeed, Trudeau, Macron, the belgian prime-minister whose name I forgot (good riddance) are all coming from the Young Global Leaders school or sth of the WEF.
Why has the deep state chosen Chile as a laboratory, being a country so far from the rest of the world, and apparently "insignificant", in the sense that, for example, it doesn't have large oil reserves like the Middle East countries? or Venezuela? It's a question I've always asked myself.

Since colonial times, Chile was the poorest country in the region, since due to it's distance from the rest of the world, it did not have a more fluid exchange of goods, unlike neighboring countries such as Argentina or Peru, and even Bolivia. Due to this same remoteness and geographic isolation, it has greater genetic or racial homogeneity, once again unlike neighboring countries. The average chilean is or was basically a mix between criollos (spaniards sons born in Chile) and indigenous people, and practically nothing else. Another of the characteristics of the average chilean is that he is "stubborn" or "hard-headed", of few words or "shy" in a certain way, but also obedient, this perhaps inherited from the indigenous race.

So this homogeneity was translated over time, and as natural resources were discovered and exploited, in a large "lower middle class" that is or was or is very large here, and the concept of "social justice" in the modern times were gaining more and more strength in natural way, and at the same time also the "patriotic", the fervor for the flag, and also the exaltation of heroes who could be both indigenous such as Lautaro or Caupolican, or spaniards or "criollos" like Manuel Rodriguez, the national anthem, the sense of belonging, and the "pride" of going from being the poorest nation, to one that is a little more developed and organized.

All these aspects that although can be part of a meaningless or ridiculous fanaticism, can also be part of a genuine expression of affection for the traditions and ancestors who fought for independence and all those things, and that for the deep state today in today, we know it's important to manipulate and nullify in all parts of the world, the sense of independence and identity.

I think that's for all this that Chile was the perfect field to start experimenting with their agendas here.

But regarding the obsessive interest from the "global elite" towards this part of the world, although they already had their eyes on saltpeter at the end of the 19th century, without a doubt the most important thing began with the issue of copper exploitation. at the beginning of the 20th century.

Starting with the "great depression" of 1929, which hit Chile tremendously due to the commercial dependence with US, the fight for "copper for Chile" or "Chile for the chileans", began to gain more strength, as a key to get out from the the "poverty-slavery".

After several governments that tried to reach some agreements with the US, finally the nationalization of copper, that is, that the copper industry would pass 100% into the chilean hands, was materialized under the government of Salvador Allende, who in 1971 signed the nationalization of the natural resource (in addition to the construction of huge industrial cordons with the purpose of starting the industrialization of the country on a large scale, plans for a more accessible education and health system for the poorest, etc.).

From this came what's already known, and that it was the direct intervention of the United States through Nixon, Kissinger and the CIA to destabilize and boycott the Allende government, which in a few months had generated an impressive and transversal growth never seen before in the country. It also took a very short time for everything to go downhill, since the CIA invested huge sums of money to finance the boycott. The military coup on September 11, 1973 was just the icing on the cake that left Augusto Pinochet as president who started the so-called "copper denationalization".
Here is a brief summary about the interventionism of the CIA in Chile

Also posted in SOTT a few years ago:

The chess move by the deep state in this regard was "masterful" since along with the murders and torture, all this came in the same pack of speeches of "freedom", "patriotism", "Chile free from Marxism", etc., and that is why to this day a significant percentage of chileans (at least 30%) see Augusto Pinochet as a "hero" who freed the country from the "communists".

This is how, after 17 years of military rule, and after Pinochet departure, "democracy" arrived in the 90s, thanks to the intervention of the UN that already wore a "leftist" and pro-human rights suit, and with financing from a well-known character like George Soros:

Soros is also a recognized financier of the new political parties of the left in Chile who are the ones who have promoted all these agendas such as LGBT, "feminism", "indigenism", etc. In short, the same ones that overthrew "marxists" in 1973, are the same ones that protect and promote this "leftist" government today.

That's how what I personally call the "fish with ears generation" is finally born, and of which the current president Gabriel Boric is a part, that is, an incongruous and dissonant mix of trends that you can see on the streets, and even in discussions that have gone viral on social media where an "influencer", for example, asks a homosexual "leftist" activist; "hey why are you wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, don't you know that he and Fidel Castro hated homosexuals?, and there the "LGBT leftist" completely disarms with a nervous laugh.

So Boric is nothing more than the reflection of all this, a puppet, a fish with ears that doesn't even know where he's stands, but the paradox is that for many "rightists" who saw a "hero" in Pinochet, and Salvador Allende like the miserable Marxist who led Chile to ruin, Boric is the continuation of the "misery" of Salvador Allende, and for the blind new leftists, Boric is effectively the reincarnation of Allende, who comes to complete the changes that Allende couldn't achieve.

But the tragicomic doesn't stop there, since Boric effectively tries to emulate Allende, he takes photos that are made public, with gestures similar to Allende and even with glasses that are very similar to the ones he used. When he talks some other stupid thing out there, he even repeats phrases that he said in some of the emblematic speeches, but of course, he does it in an erratic and coarse way. To be understood, it would be like seeing Biden trying to imitate John F Kennedy, for being from the same political party, when in reality they are the opposite.

Boric in fact embraces Biden and ONU, and as a representative of human rights condemns Putin (just like Piñera), says that Zelensky is his friend who fights against the dictator Putin, and blames Russia for the current economic crisis in Chile, for invading Ukraine (?) while self-acknowledged as bisexual and defender of minorities.

However, and despite all the propaganda, brainwashing and confusion, almost 80% of the population across the board rejected the new onunist constitution, or the "Boric constitution" as it's also called, so it's pretty crazy to think that although the vast majority of chileans, in a way, them realize that behind all this façade of "leftism" and "social conscience", there is a hungry wolf ready to strike, Boric continues in the presidency, instead Allende was removed in less than a rooster crows.

That's why Boric insists on hiding behind old leftists image, who were the complete opposite of him, while embracing globalism and pedophilic agendas, in fact he hasn't uttered a single word to condemn these violations of children in southern Chile, nor about the situation that msante initially posted. Silence grants the point, some say out there, because that's what the Deep State agenda and it's puppets consists of, to blend in and act stealthily, well, we already have that more than clear.
I have noticed that due to this certain difference in genetic traits in part of the population compared to the rest of the Latin American countries (which is not entirely true, for example in the northern zone 20% of the population has black genes , although they are diluted due to the mixture of later generations, in the central zone there is a mixture of people with dark complexions with people with white complexions) a spirit of exceptionalism and competition with the rest of the neighboring countries has emerged.

there is a history of wars and enmity also with them and of course if this is done you add that the country enjoys a certain greater prosperity due to the copper mining industry despite the very high levels of inequality that already mentioned spirit increases and with it the desire to belong to the "first world", in Chile they always fantasize about forming stronger relations with the United States in order to be able to presume a certain superiority.

so that the elite or influential people tend to adopt modern ideas such as the ecological agenda or ideolgies of gender (the country's objective is that 70% of its energy comes from renewable sources by 2030 and the universities with that new eagerness for modernity have adopted courses and master's degrees related to these ideas) responds to the fact that, well, maybe true accident resulting from putting ponerology to play that naturally scales with the relative modernity of the country despite its poor population, this is partly a little less than in neighboring countries and or at least part is less poor without becoming rich for that there is a sufficient mixture of classes in various sectors, which drives indebtedness to acquire or maintain the appearance of greater wealth and with it, poverty remains in the economically less favored sectors while another important part of the population in this eagerness to compete or because they can afford it, they goes to university to fill his head with progressive ideas that sound trending in a country with a certain classism where the perception of inequality and injustice is high, this population is also highly obese and sick, geography in the energy field and Other factors have resulted in the fact that in recent times we are being used as a laboratory, we are a poor country... but not that poor, a conservative country with fairly homogeneous power structures (in Chile, the 20% of the most privileged population in 2017 earned 10.31 times more than the less favored 20% and these structures are also loaded with pedophilia scandals in churches and other places from time to time), but at the same time a lover of leftist ideas, especially in recent times, It is true that the phenomenon has been relatively recent and neighboring countries are not extensive to undergo experimentation, but not because all these ideologies are recent, nor are the paths taken by the elite less destructive.
And of course! We are the backyard of the United States.
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Here are my observations, which are usually confirmed by foreigners no matter their continent of origin and cultural background. In the same way in which as individuals we don't see ourselves as other see us, nationals of a given country (Chile in this case but it applies to all) don't see themselves as others see them.
- Chileans have the impression that geopolitics do not affect politics and even the most educated recognize the effects and a second later forget about it.
- Very obsolete ideas from the 19th century are used to interpret situations and events in the 21st century. This is not specific to Chile but it's very annoying. When people start talking about "capitalismo", "communismo" etc., I start playing a song in my head to pass the time.
- Internal politics, in addition to being controlled by the big brother in the north, is based upon families and clans, each of which has representatives in all of the political parties and movements. Political debates, controversies and scandals are Telenovellas. Even those who have a general idea of this still fall into the petty details and miss the larger picture.
- Despite self-describing as a very sociable society, it is not the case. Different groups hate each other, and as in any collectivist society, there is no ream human interaction between people. The only neighbors who talk to me in the corridor are foreigners from other countries of latin America or other continents. Any interaction between people is through authorities and the state.
- People do not define themselves as "Chilean", they are "German", "Italian", etc. I usually tell them if you were born in Chile, you're Chilean, I don't care where your great great great great great grand parents came from.
- Whenever I spoke to agriculturists, they always tell me that they prefer paying more to Venezuelan or Haitian workers than to Chilean workers because the latter do not work and make them lose money anyway. Is it true? Anecdotal? More than a few expressed the same sentiment and a lot of rescentment can be felt everywhere.
- The education system, even without the wokeness nonsense, is a scam. There are lots of bullshit diplomas. To this day I still don't understand what "ingeniero/a comercial" means, and I asked a lot! They get upset when I ask "vendedora?" but it's a genuine question. The worst is that the job market is not based upon skill, but it is based on specific and specialized diplomas. People over-specialize into some hyper BS diploma, and then when the hyper specific jobs are taken, these diploma become useless. There are also managerial jobs like sub-sub-director of management of XYZ resources, where the person does nothing, has a high pay, and very probably similar imaginary responsibilities in other parts of the administration. Usually these jobs are filled by the daughter of the friend of the niece of the uncle of so and so. This is due to the centralization of power and resources and the baroque bureaucracy.
- People are dumb. Okay, they are dumb everywhere but in Chile, the vast majority is trained for obedience and submission. Discussing with a girl who works for a large international consulting firm, she acknowledged that the covid restrictions were fascist in nature, she added "Fascism is justified because it's legal and if it's in the law, we all must obey". There is also a culture of masochism and victimization that's not a new phenomenon, just amplified by wokism. In any society there is a minority that resists totalitarianism but in Chile it seem this minority is less prevalent than elsewhere to the extent of being virtually existent. Belief and obedience is the largest reason why people in general are unhealthy and not just obese people, and why there are more pharmacies per square meter than anywhere else in the world. Tomorrow they will re-introduce obligatory masks in middle schools. No lessons learned. We will see if there are fathers who are man enough to oppose this given the huge prevalence of single-mothers.
- Gringo-worship. Every single bad idea from gringo-landia is adopted, and with zeal. This results in idiotic feminism, veganism, LGBTqrtuvwz123... and other nonsense that usually starts in universities and spills out by contagion to the rest of society, but with social media and the push from mainstream media, the spread is quicker and larger. Heck, there are women my age with blue hair!!
The list goes on but this gives a general idea of why it's a perfect Petri dish for experimentation, the next experiment being pushed being total domination.
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Why has the deep state chosen Chile as a laboratory, being a country so far from the rest of the world, and apparently "insignificant", in the sense that, for example, it doesn't have large oil reserves like the Middle East countries? or Venezuela? It's a question I've always asked myself.
Well, perhaps that is a question better answered by reversing it, why not Chile? maybe there was a strong inclination to accept certain ideas from long before and so the ground was fertile to accept certain measures without much resistance.

I just learned that Chile is the first country that will be having a "feminist" foreign policy, so they're truly on board with all of the western agenda and way ahead in some instances. There might be a geographical factor maybe, but that would be very difficult to prove, but I don't think it's that precise, I think a country gets picked at almost random and a program is set loose to see what happens.

Spain is another one of those examples, they're so far ahead of other nations in implementing awful measures that one wonders, why Spain? a country whose identity is tied to catholicism and more traditional values. But then again, why not Spain? maybe Spain and Chile would be the gateway into the rest of the hispanic countries, just like the US is the gateway into the rest of English speaking countries and Europe, and there you have your program running in several languages. Maybe it's just that.

Much like with covid, and certain countries were truly harshly treated and some others weren't like Australia or Canada for instance. And in different cases other countries are labs for other experiments, like gangs in Central America or cartels in Mexico and Colombia.

just a few thoughts.
Been here for over 12 years now so quite embedded in this "experiment" or "petri dish". I do enjoy my right to vote in this country (as it was the proof needed to permanently get me removed from the CA, USA jurors list) and have participated in every political telenovela election drama of the past 7 years including the historic constitution vote (2nd in Chile % voter participation after the vote to end the Pino military gov) and the 2nd constitutional convention delegate vote (which were the first and second times I've voted for the winner in Chile).

No voting machines here yet. All paper ballots and actual citizens are drafted to run the voting and count the votes which is done in front of witnesses and media so not as easy to manipulate. I know many think mandatory voting is tyrannical (the last presidential election that gave us Burric was voluntary but the last two mentioned votes were mandatory), but manipulation would be even harder to do with the near full participation of the voting roll. My Chilean wife who once was drafted for election duty observed that the only way she saw it could be blatantly manipulated was when the Chilean election official at the voting location reported the final count to the central election authority.

I am writing this in my first visit to the States in 4 years (CA if you must know) and just shake my head at all the LGBQTXYZ+++++++double++ crap constantly being shoveled on the masses. Can't get away from it up North or down South.
Well, finally I think the question that @Alejo asks is quite appropriate, why not Chile? Just as it could have been another country, and in reality, what country isn't in some way or another the backyard or field of experimentation of these psychopaths? To a greater or lesser degree in the end we are all under the same "fucking tyrant". The truth is that this type of thing, wherever it occurs, causes tremendous indignation and sadness, because raping children is undoubtedly the last step before falling off a precipice like the one humanity is already falling.
Well, finally I think the question that @Alejo asks is quite appropriate, why not Chile? Just as it could have been another country, and in reality, what country isn't in some way or another the backyard or field of experimentation of these psychopaths? To a greater or lesser degree in the end we are all under the same "-flicking-g tyrant". The truth is that this type of thing, wherever it occurs, causes tremendous indignation and sadness, because raping children is undoubtedly the last step before falling off a precipice like the one humanity is already falling.

Yes, and I keep thinking of late about the C's remarks about cleansing of the planet, or how knowledge would turn upcoming events into a positive event, because sometimes I do feel like some people are beyond redemption, where there's nowhere else to go but down.

I can also imagine the karmic lessons being written up right about now for future generations, or future civilizations.
Well, finally I think the question that @Alejo asks is quite appropriate, why not Chile? Just as it could have been another country, and in reality, what country isn't in some way or another the backyard or field of experimentation of these psychopaths? To a greater or lesser degree in the end we are all under the same "-flicking-g tyrant". The truth is that this type of thing, wherever it occurs, causes tremendous indignation and sadness, because raping children is undoubtedly the last step before falling off a precipice like the one humanity is already falling.
This reminded of Norway, as an experimental country, but this has extended to Romania (and most probably to other countries).

"Bodnariu family drama: How did a Romanian from Norway remain without children

The Bodnariu family became known throughout the world after the couple was left without the five children on the eve of the Winter Holidays. Marius, a 10-year-old Romanian based in Norway, and his wife, Ruth, are fighting the Child Protection Service, Barnevernet, to recover the little ones.
The two have five children: Eliana ( 9 years ), Naomi ( 7 years ) 5 years (, John ) 2 years ( and Ezekiel ) 4 months (. Together they form a happy family, with good and bad, but who lives in harmony. He, Marius, has a degree in Systems Engineering and Applied Informatics at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, and is currently an employee of Redal City Hall, Naustdal. She, Ruth, is a perdriatic nurse at the hospital in Forde, according to stiricrestine.ro.
All this information did not stop the social workers from taking their children, even when they were during class. A family with strong Christian beliefs, the little ones learned to say prayers and religious songs. This was not to the liking of the principal of the school where they study. The teacher called Barnevernet, denouncing the intensely religious education that the little ones receive at home, especially after one of the girls sang a Christian song to her colleagues.

Barnevernet picked up the girls from school

From here, a whole scandal ensued. Out of an excess of zeal, the authorities at the Norwegian Child Protection Service ( Bernevernet ) came to question the children and after a series of questions that the Bodnari family claims were intended to obtain exact answers from the children, they took Eliana and Naomi into custody, right from school.
Later, the social agents went, together with the Police, to the Bodnariu family, from where they also raised the boys Matei and Ioan. Ruth, who was at home, was arrested and taken to the local police station, where Marius was then brought in, who was at work when the police went to arrest him. Following the denunciation, it appears that Barnevernet made a complaint to open a house of domestic violence.
All this happened on November 16, without the two parents receiving any prior notice. Arriving at the Police headquarters, they were interrogated without Marius Bodnariu being assisted by a lawyer, and without a translator. Then, both of them, together with the boy, then three months old, were released with the mention that the next day the situation would be explained to them. This did not happen, and the next day the youngest of the family was taken into custody.

The children came into the custody of three different families

Marius and Ruth Bodnariu do not know if the children's statements were taken in the presence of a psychologist and I am of the opinion that the rules of the hearing procedure were not observed, especially after the way the father was interrogated. The children unjustifiably reached three surrogate families, in two different cities, 3.5 hours away from the house where the Bodnariu family lives. The little ones say they want to go home, but Barnevernet denies this.
The drama of the family that was left without children on the eve of the Holidays traveled the world. Thousands of people signed petitions for the release of children and bringing them back to their parents' home. Moreover, after what happened, protests are to take place in Norway, Washington DC, England, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Italy, the Czech Republic, India, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. "

This scenario is possible in Romania due to "recommended" laws from U.E. for receiving financial assistance (aprox 2 billion euro). The reforms needed to be implemented in various areas to be able to access the funds.
One of this law was voted in summer of 2022 and another May 2023, some highlights ( according to sen. Dana Sosoaca):
- the child services authority once take the children can place them in the care of NGO's (not only from Romania)
- the NGO's can be affiliated with various LGBTQ , woke etc agendas
-(this apparently was removed) if parents don't want to vaccinate their children, they were considered to endanger the health of child and subject to removal of the children.
- if you have citations (included for peaceful demonstrations) you are considered a disturbing social element and also you endanger the child.
As of now I not aware of implementation of this law; but appears to me that TPTB are preparing the field for social disruption and control (to further this).
And with E.U. laws they are bypassing the constitutions of the countries; which is unconstitutional in Romania (but hey you need a majority of senators who will work for the benefit of the people; and this is no no for lot of them).

Another exemple from Finland:
FINLAND and the SMICALĂ children. ABDUCTED by the state: Is that the future of child protection in Europe? - TRIBUNA.US
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