I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

So the only thing you can do in order to be STO is be passive and accept evil to let people who would use and abuse have their lessons? Wait to be raped/enslaved/slaughtered by those that made themselves strong. Don`t get me wrong is good to be moral but isn`t it immoral to be passive and weak?
I mean this with love and respect...I think you need do some more reading to get a better idea. It's not about being passive, more like arming yourself with knowledge so that you "won't get fooled again". (I know there is a lot to read but it really is necessary)
I do give you credit for asking questions and wanting to learn. This topic requires a lot of homework kid!!
So the only thing you can do in order to be STO is be passive and accept evil to let people who would use and abuse have their lessons? Wait to be raped/enslaved/slaughtered by those that made themselves strong. Don`t get me wrong is good to be moral but isn`t it immoral to be passive and weak?
well , no , learn , false dichotomy , and good/evil is subjective, morality isn't about being good , sts trap .
If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
Because then it would not be service to the All. STO oriented beings preserve Free Will for all, which includes themselves as well. STO oriented beings ("STO candidates") eventually learn to navigate their emotions to not turn the other cheek so to speak or to align their thoughts with STS thoughts of desiring to destroy others through what the C's call "natural progression" and "soul questing" in the sessions. The latter two concepts lead to the knowledge and understanding of the Law of Free Will to a certain level of awareness that protects them from "evil" or the wishes of STS oriented beings to either violate or infringe their Free Will. We are still learning about this as 3D Service to Self Beings. As other members above have noted, this naturally leads to balance in creation between Existence and Non-Existence. Laura explains all this much better that I can hope to in Wave Series as already noted above as well. Regardless, I hope these thoughts help you find the answer to your question within.
I mean this with love and respect...I think you need do some more reading to get a better idea. It's not about being passive, more like arming yourself with knowledge so that you "won't get fooled again". (I know there is a lot to read but it really is necessary)
I do give you credit for asking questions and wanting to learn. This topic requires a lot of homework kid!!
I`m debating cause is seems my only choice is to live in a defensive stance where I use my knowledge to see incoming attracts and hope that in the next life ill get to reincarnate in a better world where evil doesn`t reach me. This is passive.
Oh and I`m 34 survived a psychopathic culture a childhood where I was beaten almost daily and cured myself from cfs/me witch is considered an incurable disease.
I have real power and I want to make the world a better place. That is why I`m debating not because I am a kid.
So the only thing you can do in order to be STO is be passive and accept evil to let people who would use and abuse have their lessons? Wait to be raped/enslaved/slaughtered by those that made themselves strong. Don`t get me wrong is good to be moral but isn`t it immoral to be passive and weak?

Please, there's nothing in the C's sessions about being passive or weak and allowing yourself to be violated. What they have laid out is clear - we can say NO to their lies, grow in knowledge, and improve ourselves in our own lives, little by little. And that includes taking practical steps to prevent them from feeding on us.

When you start to see how the entire world is manipulated by psychopaths, it takes strength not to become a violent idiot. I know this from experience - I was a violent idiot for a while. But I realized that the PTB love nothing more than someone who becomes ruled by negative emotions, always wanting to fight, to destroy evil, to improve the world. It's their way of capitalizing on our self-importance.

Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.

The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.

There is a time for being ahead,
and a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
He lets them go their own way,
and resides at the centre of the circle.

So instead of being a fighter, or a reactionary - or a student who is complaining about the rules of the school - one can become a warrior. Read (or re-read) Castaneda's Fire From Within for all the details about that difference. And also for an excellent approach to 'residing at the centre of the circle' in this world of petty tyrants of psychopaths. The practice is not to jump into activity, but to observe one's drive to do so, but remain still. This causes friction, which lights the alchemical fire that transforms our base metals into the gold of the soul.

I do hear you, though, and there are some dark days where I'd prefer the LOTR version of events where evil is destroyed. But we don't live in movies, we live in the here and now. And so I think it's up to us to let go of our childhood myths of 'the good guys will triumph over evil', focus on making improvements in our daily life, and surrender the rest unto the Divine Cosmic Mind.
I`m debating cause is seems my only choice is to live in a defensive stance where I use my knowledge to see incoming attracts and hope that in the next life ill get to reincarnate in a better world where evil doesn`t reach me. This is passive.
Oh and I`m 34 survived a psychopathic culture a childhood where I was beaten almost daily and cured myself from cfs/me witch is considered an incurable disease.
I have real power and I want to make the world a better place. That is why I`m debating not because I am a kid.
I call everyone 'kid', even people older than me. At this point I feel a thousand years old so it's not meant as an insult.

You have overcome a lot so obviously have much inner strength. The fact that you're here now is perhaps because you know there is 'something more' than the 3D/matrix/clown world. But for this amount of information, you really have to start at the beginning and take your time.

The members here are highly intelligent and very knowledgeable. They can guide you, but you must do the work yourself. That is also "up to you".
Nice thought! But when you consider that you're up against Lizzie's, greys, psychopaths, OP's, and a structure of evil that has been around thousands of years, toxic food, air, medicines, and let's not forget electronic harassment (to name a few)...where would you even begin?

Just in case, I seriously hope that some forum members or newcomers really understand that an OP doesn’t equal to something evil or bad.

Let’s say they are just in a different level of “soul” development not far behind from those who developed a full soul (whatever that means).
Big majority of OPs are regular folks, and good citizens. Many of them are really really smart also, and yeah there might be some who are lead to do or act negatively, but then, same happens with “fully souled” beings.
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Why did you include Organic Portals in that formula? I seriously hope that some forum members or newcomers really understand that an OP doesn’t equal to something evil or bad.

they are just in a different level of “soul” development not far behind from those who developed a full soul. Big majority of OPs are regular folks, and good citizens. Many of them are really really smart also, and yeah there might be some who are lead to do or act negatively, but then, same happens with “fully souled” beings.
I'm sorry, it wasn't meant that way.
Most people (humans) believe that there are only other people in this world. They aren't aware of all the other 'options/versions' of both humans and non-humans. I wasn't meaning to lump OP's in with all evil beings, it was more along the lines of "all this can be affecting you on some level without your knowledge. I will be more careful with my wording in the future.
I`m debating cause is seems my only choice is to live in a defensive stance where I use my knowledge to see incoming attracts and hope that in the next life ill get to reincarnate in a better world where evil doesn`t reach me. This is passive.
Oh and I`m 34 survived a psychopathic culture a childhood where I was beaten almost daily and cured myself from cfs/me witch is considered an incurable disease.
I have real power and I want to make the world a better place. That is why I`m debating not because I am a kid.

Okay, this is making more sense now. I'm sorry to hear about all that. I can see how anything remotely resembling passivity would be a major red flag in that context. I'm glad you shared, and also glad you made it out on the other side. And also glad that you made it here to the forum! Apologies if my other replies were on the gruff side.

It may be a challenge, but it would be important to consider that while you may have cured your CFS/ME, you have not cured yourself of your childhood experience and its effects on your perception. That's my read of the energy with which you are speaking.

For me, trauma was hard-wired into my neural circuits. This formed a distorted 'lens' through which I saw the world. People who have undergone significant trauma often have a really hard time Seeing past this 'lens' of trauma, which shows a world that is only danger, violence, fear, violation, and nothing more. It IS possible to See beyond it and experience life differently, but it requires a ton of self-work to undo that programming and find the way forwards. It also requires that we let go of our suffering eventually, which as Gurdjieff said, is one of the hardest things for a person to do, mainly because it is quite literally lodged in the body. I know I'm still a work in progress on that one.

Then there's another level of difficulty - when someone who has been traumatized comes across the information of the C's, they seem to confirm that yes, it IS a jungle out there, you DO need to always expect attack, you can't trust your own mind, as you can be easily manipulated and attacked even in that realm that seems most intimate - the one between our ears! So that's a recipe for constant nervous system overload.

So what do we do?

If we can't trust our own minds, it is imperative to network, as you are doing. It's the best kind of activity there is, as it helps us See beyond that lens of trauma. There is also active psycho-education AKA reading books about healing trauma and letting go of negative emotions and changing our core beliefs. Knowledge Protects, as the saying goes. Have you looked into the psychology books like Pete Walker's Complex PTSD, or Healing Developmental Trauma?

Then there are more somatic exercises like EE, and somatic exercises in Rosenberg's Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve, as well as somatic exercises in Peter Levine's In An Unspoken Voice. All of these can help release negative emotions from the body and bring about a ventral vagal state. This brings your nervous system out of its frozen trauma mode and into a healthier and more relaxed state, allowing you to experience life differently.

This relaxed state doesn't mean passivity, either. A friend of mine was saying the other day he was worried about relaxing, because he felt like if he let his guard down for one second, everything would go kaflooey. Hyper-vigilance is a tough habit to break. I know from first hand experience. It can be very hard to develop Faith, and Trust the Universe, and hold that FRV in a world gone mad. It is possible, tho, to find a balance between that trust and a protective sort of vigilance.

I've seen that when I'm relaxed and my nervous system is in good shape I feel more capable of making good decisions, can See more clearly, and am thus better able to fend off attacks. And each time we return to ventral vagal state, our nervous system becomes more resilient and able to withstand shocks. Because yes, there is still evil everywhere. But that's not ALL there is. The experience is sort of like the volume knob gets turned down on it all. And the volume knob gets turned up on the possibilities for learning, for exploration, enjoyment of beauty, and even love. I don't think we should ever give up on love. So a certain amount of passivity can be very healing. I think this is what the C's said when they meant that sometimes 'Being needs to catch up with Doing.'

So all that to say, perhaps your conceptions of active and passive should just be thrown out the window for a little while. Because these conceptions are also likely a form of attack, based on the lens through which you're currently looking. 'Activity' does not need to be reduced to 'destroying evil'. Activity can also be wonderfully Creative, in the sense of acting on behalf of your own destiny. I think that's one of the best defences against attack, as well - asking yourself what your deepest dreams are, and then taking step by step towards them, evil and interference be damned.
I'm sorry, it wasn't meant that way.
Most people (humans) believe that there are only other people in this world. They aren't aware of all the other 'options/versions' of both humans and non-humans. I wasn't meaning to lump OP's in with all evil beings, it was more along the lines of "all this can be affecting you on some level without your knowledge. I will be more careful with my wording in the future.

That’s fine. It sounded that way but I get what you are saying. The big answer to your questions it’s basically: all there is, is lessons. Many concepts of what good and evil is, are pre-concepts imposed to us from different sources since childhood. So it’s good to have the idea that evil is needed in order for good to exist or develop, and viceversa.
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If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
Because STO beings or STO candidates are serve to others. We helped others if asking.But if STS attacks us, we must resisted.
Q: (T) You talk about both STO and STS. Yet you tell us that we need to learn to be STO. Why is there a difference between what we have to do and what you are doing?

A: STO is balance because you serve self through others.

Q: (T) You have said a couple of times that you are STS by being STO. Is this not true?

A: Yes. Already answered.

Q: (T) Kind of like: what goes around, comes around?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is STO a means to an end for STS?

A: No. STO is balance. STS is imbalance

Q: (T) How can you be STS through STO if STS is imbalance?

A: STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point

A: Both. You have been tracked for a long time now.

Q: (L) Well, why don't they just bump us off if we're such a pain in the whatever?

A: They can't.

Q: (L) Why?

A: We cannot tell you that as it would interfere with mission.

Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission?

A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline.

Q: (L) Well, if my death would bring about their destruction, then maybe it would be a good idea for me to check out, right? Well, isn't that what we want? (Belibaste) Why would it lead to their destruction?

A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence.

Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction.

A: And all else!

Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be a completely dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it.

A: Yes.

A: Being on the verge of transformation to next density level, be it STO or STS. So, you see, the transformation maintains the balance!

Q: (Terry) And the balance is always maintained

A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it, in fact, that exactly half of all that exists, is moving into imbalance, while the other half is moving into balance?

A: Close.

Q: (L) All the cosmos? All that exists?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible that one area of the cosmos has more of the balance seeking energy while another has more of that which is seeking imbalance?

A: Oh yes!

Q: (L) Is the Earth one of those areas that is more imbalanced than balanced at the present time?

A: Yes, but rapidly moving back toward balance.

Q: (L) Is the Realm Border part of this balancing?

A: Yes
I do hear you, though, and there are some dark days where I'd prefer the LOTR version of events where evil is destroyed. But we don't live in movies, we live in the here and now.
Good point !

I would like to highlight that this formula we are fed in many of the "Good versus Evil" movies is another form of conditioning and programming.

That being, in order to defeat "Evil" you should do more Evil
I would like to highlight that this formula we are fed in many of the "Good versus Evil" movies is another form of conditioning and programming.
That being, in order to defeat "Evil" you should do more Evil
Years ago, I "understood" (OSIThought) that the "real Evil" is to divide everything between (false) Good and Evil.
Corollary : the "real Good" is not to divide between (false) Good and Evil.

Problem : apply this principle to itself... (!)
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