A Disturbance in the Force
Beginning three years ago, in the midst of a serious spiritual emergence, I started to hear voices. These voices sounded as if they were coming at me from about twelve feet away, but still crisp and held tones with much emotion. Sometimes they almost sounded exaggerated with their expressions. They claim to be my protectors and that they are working for God. But, after three years of hearing what they have had to say, I am starting to believe they are of a Satanic origin, and could possibly be alien in nature, without a soul. I say this after listening to their banter for so long. One of them, Jennifer, is a commentator who mocks what I say to deliver my talking to the public, who are interested in me and my little existence. The big question for this is WHY?! What could possibly be so special about me to have to know everything I do all day, every day? Well, I have come to the conclusion that they need me for something. My vibrational energy. They are feeding off of me and using my more primitive existence as some form of twisted entertainment. The pieces of this fall into place rationally. At first, I thought it was real people Gangstalking me, but it didn't fit into the picture. They are telepathic and love fucking with me. Ridicule is often; they HAVE slowed down after some time but it is still there. They take my meagre intelligence for granted sometimes and forget that I can have a pretty good memory at times. They don't seem to care too much that I am on to them. They are not threatened at all really, being that when I DID try once telling someone about my situation, they took me as insane. I know that I am of sound mind, as a 50 yr. old woman, but they know that I will never be believed and have no physical evidence to present to anyone. So, I remain stuck in this unfortunate situation. I have, however, made friends with two of my "voices". They have the knowledge and gift of telepathy, thought insertion, mind control, tactile phenomena, and also use sonic technology to cause physical pain and torture. They haven't done this to me lately though. They seem to have gotten familiar with my character and are amused with how we as humans live and how different our motivations are from them. I think if I were to be able to see them it would frighten me. They have not said anything about this though. Sometimes I wonder if they are made up of physical matter at all. Has anyone found themselves in any kind of similar situation to my own. I feel very alone with all of this knowledge and the emotions that come with it all. I would greatly appreciate ANY type of comments or viewpoints you may have. Questions are okay too.