I Hear Them


A Disturbance in the Force
 Beginning three years ago, in the midst of a serious spiritual emergence, I started to hear voices. These voices sounded as if they were coming at me from about twelve feet away, but still crisp and held tones with much emotion. Sometimes they almost sounded exaggerated with their expressions. They claim to be my protectors and that they are working for God. But, after three years of hearing what they have had to say, I am starting to believe they are of a Satanic origin, and could possibly be alien in nature, without a soul. I say this after listening to their banter for so long. One of them, Jennifer, is a commentator who mocks what I say to deliver my talking to the public, who are interested in me and my little existence. The big question for this is WHY?! What could possibly be so special about me to have to know everything I do all day, every day? Well, I have come to the conclusion that they need me for something. My vibrational energy. They are feeding off of me and using my more primitive existence as some form of twisted entertainment. The pieces of this fall into place rationally. At first, I thought it was real people Gangstalking me, but it didn't fit into the picture. They are telepathic and love fucking with me. Ridicule is often; they HAVE slowed down after some time but it is still there. They take my meagre intelligence for granted sometimes and forget that I can have a pretty good memory at times. They don't seem to care too much that I am on to them. They are not threatened at all really, being that when I DID try once telling someone about my situation, they took me as insane. I know that I am of sound mind, as a 50 yr. old woman, but they know that I will never be believed and have no physical evidence to present to anyone. So, I remain stuck in this unfortunate situation. I have, however, made friends with two of my "voices". They have the knowledge and gift of telepathy, thought insertion, mind control, tactile phenomena, and also use sonic technology to cause physical pain and torture. They haven't done this to me lately though. They seem to have gotten familiar with my character and are amused with how we as humans live and how different our motivations are from them. I think if I were to be able to see them it would frighten me. They have not said anything about this though. Sometimes I wonder if they are made up of physical matter at all. Has anyone found themselves in any kind of similar situation to my own. I feel very alone with all of this knowledge and the emotions that come with it all. I would greatly appreciate ANY type of comments or viewpoints you may have. Questions are okay too.
They are feeding off of me
I think that's pretty solid thinking. However much I don't know what you're going through, and posting online is scarcely any help (and not a good idea, since in truth no one can be counted on for privacy, and unwanted exposure is possible), I can say that something is going around. Me and a friend of mine have decided there are basically a whole lot of possessed people. Serious mind control may be the same issue. I decided I care about nothing. Like you, he also thought of someone involved as a friend, or as someone to save. I'm going to give you the same advice: don't think that way, especially if it's an emotional attachment; expect their constant betrayal. However, if it's a part of yourself you're befriending, then I have given you bad advice.

Someone kept me late at work recently (actually, a couple days ago) because they were hearing voices. It was an experience suggesting to me that there's nothing really I could help that individual with (and they decided they needed medical attention), but it did make think of this:

If there's anything you did to anger anyone, such as exposure of the truth, being loud, or doing something illegal, try stopping that, if you want.

Otherwise, I am just very sorry to hear what you're going through.

If I went through other possibilities, they may be frightening. However, nothing I can think of is different from the gist of what you're saying.
I have, however, made friends with two of my "voices". They have the knowledge and gift of telepathy, thought insertion, mind control, tactile phenomena, and also use sonic technology to cause physical pain and torture. They haven't done this to me lately though.

I am not the expert on this subject but there is one thing that I sure about: these are hardly your friends. Even if they currently refrain from pain and torture.

I think your case calls for a spirit release therapy which hopefully will be available to you.

Aside from that, welcome to the forum!
 Beginning three years ago, in the midst of a serious spiritual emergence, I started to hear voices. These voices sounded as if they were coming at me from about twelve feet away, but still crisp and held tones with much emotion. Sometimes they almost sounded exaggerated with their expressions. They claim to be my protectors and that they are working for God. But, after three years of hearing what they have had to say, I am starting to believe they are of a Satanic origin, and could possibly be alien in nature, without a soul. I say this after listening to their banter for so long. One of them, Jennifer, is a commentator who mocks what I say to deliver my talking to the public, who are interested in me and my little existence. The big question for this is WHY?! What could possibly be so special about me to have to know everything I do all day, every day? Well, I have come to the conclusion that they need me for something. My vibrational energy. They are feeding off of me and using my more primitive existence as some form of twisted entertainment. The pieces of this fall into place rationally. At first, I thought it was real people Gangstalking me, but it didn't fit into the picture. They are telepathic and love -flicking-g with me. Ridicule is often; they HAVE slowed down after some time but it is still there. They take my meagre intelligence for granted sometimes and forget that I can have a pretty good memory at times. They don't seem to care too much that I am on to them. They are not threatened at all really, being that when I DID try once telling someone about my situation, they took me as insane. I know that I am of sound mind, as a 50 yr. old woman, but they know that I will never be believed and have no physical evidence to present to anyone. So, I remain stuck in this unfortunate situation. I have, however, made friends with two of my "voices". They have the knowledge and gift of telepathy, thought insertion, mind control, tactile phenomena, and also use sonic technology to cause physical pain and torture. They haven't done this to me lately though. They seem to have gotten familiar with my character and are amused with how we as humans live and how different our motivations are from them. I think if I were to be able to see them it would frighten me. They have not said anything about this though. Sometimes I wonder if they are made up of physical matter at all. Has anyone found themselves in any kind of similar situation to my own. I feel very alone with all of this knowledge and the emotions that come with it all. I would greatly appreciate ANY type of comments or viewpoints you may have. Questions are okay too.

Hey, that all sounds pretty intense. But also fairly normal in its own kinda way... as humans we're all surrounded by a gigantic sea of energies and entities. For some reason, you're attracting them, or they're attracted to you - and it seems you're sensitive enough to sense what is happening, something that is hidden or unconscious for many people. I've been there before, hearing voices and stuff. It can be scary and confusing. But it is possible to get past it with diligence and faith. So yeah, please know that you're not alone here. Good on ya for posting!

The first question I'd ask is have you read The Wave? If not, I'd get on it ASAP, as it seems that you're interacting with spirits that do not have your best interests at heart - as you say, they are feeding on you. Even the ones whom you claim to be your friends are probably feeding on you as well. It's up to you what you want to do here, but if it were me, I'd act quickly to greatly increase my level of personal protection, and growing in Knowledge is the best way to do so.

Another good book would be Spirit Releasement Therapy by Dr. Baldwin.

The second question is about diet - there is a link between diet and paranormal phenomenon. Our DNA are like antennae. They attract certain frequencies and experiences. Dietary change is one of the most accessible ways of changing our DNA to attract the positive and get rid of the negative. How is your diet? Do you eat gluten, dairy, GMO stuff, highly processed stuff, seed oils, are you a vegan or vegetarian, etc? All of these are epigenetic forces that can act to negatively dampen our DNA potential. A good intro to this topic here:

Smoking organic, additive-free tobacco can also help protect us from malign influences.

Finally, it'd be a great idea to check out EE, the breathwork program. This can help to clear negative emotions, which can attract negative entities. It's been a lifesaver for me. Literally. More info on all this below, on the forum's obligatory welcome post. Laura's Knowledge and Being videos will be helpful for you as well, as it discusses spirits specifically.

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Take care, and consider posting in the newbies section and introducing yourself to us all.
Dear @writtenfromadarkness
I think you’re in the right place and I’d like to emphasise what @iamthatis has written: Do introduce yourself in the newbies forum and copy and paste this intro you have written here into it.
You will get a lot of advice and support and you sound like you are doing well with understanding that these energies are feeding from you.
Some things to help would be looking at your diet particularly going gluten free.

Also start reading, you likely will get recommendations but good place to start is the Wave Series so you can start understanding this strange reality and you are not mad at all.
Take care, stay with us, you will get the support you need by continuing your efforts to learn.
Hello @writtenfromadarkness, I'm very sorry to hear that you've been going through this the past three years. You certainly aren't alone as there are people who have experienced similar issues. Have you spoken to a professional therapist or psychiatrist about it? Someone who is trained and can give you the one-on-one care that you need to help overcome this. That would be a first and important step to take before anything else.
Hello @writtenfromadarkness, I'm very sorry to hear that you've been going through this the past three years. You certainly aren't alone as there are people who have experienced similar issues. Have you spoken to a professional therapist or psychiatrist about it? Someone who is trained and can give you the one-on-one care that you need to help overcome this. That would be a first and important step to take before anything else.
Hi writtenfromadarkness,

I would second the above, I think trying to ground the experience in reality might be more useful in the long run, mostly because these events are happening away from your agency and against your will. I would suggest you seek some professional help in order to get to the bottom of it.

Such invasive and foreign voice I think needs to be paid close attention to, and analyzed before attributing them a personality.
Hi @writtenfromadarkness

Have you been getting any physical sensations ? I only ask because your explanation reminded book entitled "Operation Mind Control"

( excerpt here )

The author quotes a small story of a Woman named Dorothy Burdick, who seemed to have gone through what you are describing. If this is the case, I wonder what it was you did or said beginning three years ago that got "their" attention ?

I would also go along with previous suggestions to see a professional psychologist 👍
Hello @writtenfromadarkness, I'm very sorry to hear that you've been going through this the past three years. You certainly aren't alone as there are people who have experienced similar issues. Have you spoken to a professional therapist or psychiatrist about it? Someone who is trained and can give you the one-on-one care that you need to help overcome this. That would be a first and important step to take before anything else.
I third this suggestion. Now is not the time to be trying various things and ideas when you don't know for sure what is going on. Seeking profession help with a therapist or psychiatrist would be the first step in understanding what is really going on.
Dear @writtenfromadarkness
I think you’re in the right place and I’d like to emphasise what @iamthatis has written: Do introduce yourself in the newbies forum and copy and paste this intro you have written here into it.
You will get a lot of advice and support and you sound like you are doing well with understanding that these energies are feeding from you.
Some things to help would be looking at your diet particularly going gluten free.

Also start reading, you likely will get recommendations but good place to start is the Wave Series so you can start understanding this strange reality and you are not mad at all.
Take care, stay with us, you will get the support you need by continuing your efforts to learn.
Thank you!
Hello @writtenfromadarkness, I'm very sorry to hear that you've been going through this the past three years. You certainly aren't alone as there are people who have experienced similar issues. Have you spoken to a professional therapist or psychiatrist about it? Someone who is trained and can give you the one-on-one care that you need to help overcome this. That would be a first and important step to take before anything else.
Yes, I have dealt with both psychologists and psychiatrists and even took prescribed medications that were to take the "voices" away, all of which ceased to make the entities "go away". The meds didn't do a thing so I stopped taking them thankfully. I say this because of all the side effects those chemicals created for me. I still have no mental health diagnosis. I have been deemed mentally capable and rational. So, I am left with these entities and what I need to do about their existence from here. Thanks!

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