Hi Shari,
Well... That all sounds very overwhelming! Glad your search has fortuitously led you here.
I am sorry you have been enduring this - and having sought professional help, tried medication, suffered side effects, discontinued medication this seems to have left you feeling very confused, kinda alone and overwhelmed in some ways from the sounds of things.
Lots of support available if you are willing to do a lot of reading and reflecting. You have had many great suggestions from others here that will all really help on
so many levels.
I also place a great deal of weight on the suggestion to read The Wave - it gives you the 'bigger picture' pretty quickly.
When I read your post, a subject that springs to mind immediately is parasites. Parasites act as '
receivers', like 'antennae' so that entities like the ones interacting with you can zero in on someone / affect them in many extremely unpleasant ways. Most of us are walking around with a lovely smorgasbord of them in our bodies, some parasites are not 'bad' but many are terrible for us and directly related to a massive number of health issues.
This might interest you, from a session with the C's:
Session 18 July 2015
Q: (L) So you're saying that awareness is the key to the Great Work, work on the self, graduating to 4D, or whatever. Awareness involves knowledge, and quantum leaps in awareness can be prevented by parasitic infestations, which is somehow related to transmarginal inhibition.
(Pierre) How does it relate?
(Perceval) It makes people easy prey. Like toxoplasmosis in cats.
A: The parasites act as receivers.
Q: (Pierre) Yeah. The parasites act as receivers. So when you are full of parasites, you are more under the influence of bad waves, or waves sent by bad entities. You're more susceptible to those messages. There's a bad influence on you beyond the parasites.
A: Getting free of parasitic microorganisms is one of the first orders of business for transformation.
Did I make that last point big enough for you?

(helps to have a sense of humour around here)
So we are basically critters hosting critters.
Parasites are e v e r y w h e r e. Ugh, soooo gross.
We need to wham the nasty ones in our own bodies if we remotely want to stand a chance.
You can search the forum for info about this. There are a lot of threads where parasites are mentioned.
You might also want to check out our news site: SOTT.net for amazing articles on every subject imaginable.
Here's one on parasites:
Use 'search' to look for other posts on parasites on the site.
Another 'Parasite' thread on this forum:
Then the researchers put Toxoplasma-carrying rats in the enclosure. Rats carrying the parasite are for the most part indistinguishable from healthy ones. They can compete for mates just as well and have no trouble feeding themselves. The only difference, the researchers found, is that they are more likely to get themselves killed. The scent of a cat in the enclosure didn't make them anxious, and they went about their business as if nothing was bothering them. They would explore around the odor at least as often as they did anywhere else in the enclosure. In some cases, they even took a special interest in the spot and came back to it over and over again.
"They are more likely to get themselves killed." Same goes for humans who are 'asleep at the wheel', riddled with parasites. Their 'gut instincts' don't work. They are far more at risk of doing something stupid without realising. What do you reckon is going to happen with a gut/brain/body full of critters feeding off you?!
A quote from Laura:
But that doesn't mean that it is quite that simple as people being just physical food. It is also possible that such a parasitic infection could make a person just psychically susceptible to manipulation and control. Also notice the possible connection to shizophrenia. If this guy is right, half the population of this plane is infected. Those aren't very good odds. It will obviously take a lot of effort to overcome such a "frequency fence."
The C's have a deceptively simple saying:
"Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers". From what I have learned since joining this forum,
real knowledge is the only thing that will make any difference to your wellbeing. Without it we are 'toast' and will remain stuck, suffering on the hamster wheel of hell.
These entities / voices you sound like they are very comfortable where they are. They are definitely feeding off you, but they are also influencing you heavily consciously and unconsciously and their presence makes you very vulnerable in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. Likely they will not take kindly to you REALLY transforming the status quo - so you may find life gets a little more challenging if you really start committing yourself to sending them packing, but I encourage you to push back with all your might. It's going to take dedication, hard work and consistent effort to seek real knowledge and gradually grow in awareness - so you can transform your inner and outer reality. Any lengths you have to go to, are surely better living with that nightmare in your head.
I note that you are a Horror Fiction writer. Respectfully, I would think this is very 'fertile ground' for these entities in many ways.
"Where attention goes, energy flows". Therefore, in terms of spiritual/psychological hygiene SlipNet offered you a lot of great advice in their post, but I feel to emphasise this:
3. Be careful of what you watch and read. Avoid pathological content, be it in books, articles, TV, movies etc. What we take into ourselves can affect how we think, so try to be as discerning as possible about what you do in your day to day life. I'd echo what others have said, The Wave is an essential primer for sound intellectual pursuits. It's free to access online on the Cassiopaea website, so I'd recommend that for starters. Good psychological hygiene is how I'd describe it.
Have you ever considered writing something different (ie: not horror) - or perhaps to begin with,
reading something very different to 'cleanse the palate', as it were?
Many on the forum embarked on a group reading project (Romantic Fiction) that you might be interested in
later, after you have read The Wave).
Regarding this, Laura said:
I began to wonder why this sort of thing was apparently so popular with at least a goodly number of readers? There was, apparently, enough demand for it that some publishers had a stable of authors turning these things out, some of them even a bit formulaic. But then, there were other, more independent authors, who were producing some darn good stories, cast in often ridiculous “dooks and earls” settings of the pre-regency, regency, and post-regency eras.
It occurred to me that people must find such stories a good escape from a horrible reality, either their personal lives or the world-at-large. But then, I also thought about the fact that, if people weren’t just escaping into such literature, but rather LEARNING from it, and putting some of what they learned into practice, a very different result would be obtained than just going off into la-la land. Because, it sure appeared to me that many of the problems that were set up as the plot of the stories were problems that many people deal with in one way or another, and a few of the authors were darned good psychologists with excellent insight.
It was later when I was pondering the emotional engagement that I made the connection with “hyperkinetic sensate” which was how the C’s described the Wave’s effects on human beings. I began to wonder what if people were engaged in stimulating the RIGHT emotions during this process? And thus, my reference to the books in the last session.
The thread related to this project is called:
Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work.
If you read The Wave first, then you will understand Hyperkinetic Sensate / how it relates to reading Romantic Fiction. The Wave gives you clarity and perspective about the reality of the situation we find ourselves in in 3D and what we can actually do about it. You need a solid baseline to start from.
Definitely do a post to introduce yourself when you feel ready, you will receive a welcome message that offers you lots of links to helpful info and a framework to start your research from - if you so choose.
Good luck Shari.