Jedi Master
Absolutely yes. I get serious brainfog /depression when eating gluten and sugar. I KNOW that. And I still sometimes find myself eating it.Mrs.Tigersoap said:Also, maybe you are feeling helpless and demotivated because of a particular food you are eating? Just a thought.
I'm not even on the fence, I'm hiding behind it. - And getting pretty tired of hiding :)legolas said:Do you know why you are manipulating yourself? As far as I understand it, you eat most of the time healthy (no gluten, dairy etc.) and sometimes it happens that you eat gluten for example?
To me it sounds like and I'm eventually wrong, if you are sitting on the fence?
It's been a growing feeling of being unsatisfied with my own efforts. - And I had a dream about Laura, where she scolded me, with a lifted finger and all. She said I needed to take some serious action, because I'm running out of 'time'. I was SO embarrassed (still am, cuz she's right!)1084 said:Just wondering, did something in particular (home life, kids, etc.) happen recently to prompt you to post this?
Yes. The feeling of being alone, is the worst in my case.Thor said:You have no idea how much I understand your situation. In itself, not being able to share something that matters so much to you with someone that matters so much to you is agonizing (at least in my experience).
I think the fear itself is worse, than it would actually be. I think my husband would accept my choice of diet / beliefs / anything, because he's very supportive of me being happy. It's ME that's blocking me. I can't DO it alone. Fix special foods for me, mornings, lunch and dinner. I HATE to cook, and I'm lazy. - And then I use the excuse, that it's not the body that counts, but the soul. (no bodycentrics need apply :) ) I know in my mind, that I need to detox and stay clear in my brain! But the struggle is almost more than I can handle, so maybe it's blocking me from some important work on myself.Thor said:What would happen if you "went all the way"? Is there anything in such a scenario that you fear or is it just too much with everything else that is going on?
Thanks :) I feel a bit less alone now!angela said:Hello Helle,
I know how you feel. I too have setbacks and slip from time to time. I just try to refocus and work on myself again. I sometimes feel guilty too for something I have eaten that I know isn't good for me, or for not doing EE as much as I can. That little voice starts nagging in the back of my head that ""oh well, you screwed it all up, whats the point in trying?" But I keep going and trying and working on myself. Just know that you are not alone.
Glad to see that you are back!
Yes, I've been thinking that too. And I thought that if he saw me improve my health and happiness, that would be the best statement I can make. Slipping and eating pizza, is kinda embarrassing in that respect for me though.RyanX said:Maybe giving your husband that extra 20% or even 10% isn't so bad if it means keeping the relationship stable for the sake of your family? Consider that extra energy as investment in External Consideration.
Ya, it's a program I'm not sure how to get rid of :/axj said:I think a change of focus might help. It can be incredibly powerful. Just as you are hard on yourself, you can choose to stop that behaviour and instead appreciate that you ARE already doing 80% of what you want to do. Isn't that something? The negative self-judging mind chatter is a pretty ingrained program in most of us.
Well it's like a booming voice in me shouting 'enough is enough goddammit!! I'm just so tired of me.. I'm so tired of the struggle. I know I need to put in a supereffort though, but I'm not as strong as I would like.Hildegarda said:Helle, I was wondering the same thing. 80% doesn't sound that bad at all, considering everything you juggle in your daily life. Yet, it is when you start talking about lacking support within your family, the frustration is palpable, as if something has got to you just recently, some sort of a last straw. Perhaps, with more information on the table, others will be able to better advise you. In any case, we are with you, and very glad to see you posting again!
I'll keep on fighting though, I already got a long way ! I got my 2 sons ADHD diagnose taken away from the psychiatrists, with just a small change in their diet, HUGE celebration that day :)
- And I don't HAVE a choice really. I need to move forward, and maybe stop being so harsh on me.