I'm on the Medical Merry-Go-Round

I have a bottle of magnesium oil here I'll mail to you if you'd like it. :flowers:

Combining some with DMSO might get it where it needs to be sooner? Anyone else have thoughts on that?

I wonder why no lab work has been ordered to check my thyroid levels in a month or so. I'm just supposed to go to the vascular surgeon later in March and then see the internal med doc in 4 months. Doesn't that seem strange? One thing I noticed they never tire of doing: every single doctor's appointment I have, they ask me the same questions over and over: Do you want a flu shot today? I've already refused this repeatedly and told them why ( since they asked) but they continue to ask. It's just getting creepy how much they continue to push this flu shot on me - while knowing I have an infection in my body somewhere.

That could be a matter of coverage from insurance, re the blood work. Sometimes doctors will toss drugs at you to see what works first, in a bid to reduce your misery index. That is the default reaction: symptom fixes.

As far at tossing vaccines and 'preventatives' at you? Its become policy in a lot of medical networks to push them, in some states its even a law. I've had a letter from the neurologist put in my file stating that I cannot have any kind of vaccination, and STILL have to say no every visit. It does get to be an irritation. They are not 'out to get you', its just part of the 'monkey dancing for treats' non-sense. I know it gets very old having to hear it. I've even joked to a few nurses that I'm going to have a T-shirt or button made that states: "No flu shot, thank you." :flowers:
Hi Lisa--sorry to hear that the "merry-go-round" is still spinning. :hug:
Hang in there--"This too shall pass," but it is hell getting through it.

I really hear your fears about visiting the vascular Dr.--just remember you have
the final say about going into the hospital and about having any surgery. Just say NO!
I remember when an ortho Dr. wanted to cut my arms in half and reattached them (long story) to relieve chronic
wrist pain--I was saying "No thank you" as I was backing out the door and thinking to myself "find someone else to
finance your new pool."

One more thing.
Often taking a less than effective amount of pain reliever is worse than taking none at all as it seems to increase ones
tolerance for a lesser amount of pain but does not break the pain cycle. You might considered taking the full prescribed
dosage for a week or ten days and see if you can break the pain cycle and then gradually decrease the dose.
Constant chronic pain is very debilitating in and of itself.
Take Care Dear and hang in there. :hug2: :hug2: :hug2:
Lisa, please continue to post here as much as you are able, both for yourself and "getting it off your chest" and for us in knowing how you are doing. Of course, if you are too tired, that is an entirely different matter and getting rest is most important.

Maybe you could look at some of the articles on SOTT about cholesterol and print them out and take them to you doctor next time telling them that no way will you take any of those poisonous meds to lower your cholesterol. As Shelly said, just say No.

You are constantly on my mind, Lisa. And you are loved. :hug: :hug2:
Lisa Guliani said:
Laura - I'm using the settings suggested in the manual with the sauna: 38 C for my upper body and arms, 44 C for my torso and 42 C for my lower limbs and feet. But I stay in there now until my feet start to sweat. My upper body begins to sweat sooner than my lower legs and feet. That can take over an hour for my feet to sweat and they burn at the same time ( toes and bottoms of feet). I know I'm in there to induce sweating, so i can put up with the burning part. I only eat the yogurt because the nurses told me to eat that with the antibiotic or I'd be dealing with diarrhea. Ok, probiotics it is then. I thought there are probiotics in the yogurt. No?

Turn the temp down on the feet to something like 35 C. I had to do that so I could stay in longer. I generally stayed for 90 minutes though I did a double once... actually fell asleep in there a few times!

Yogurt - ALL DAIRY - is totally evil. Please forget that it exists. Just consider the source of the advice. Probiotics in capsule form are much more efficient and safer. There are a few outspoken doctors with serious authority who are convinced that consumption of dairy causes heart and arterial problems, cancer, and a whole host of other deadly conditions.

Now, everybody who has any kind of autoimmune issues or who don't seem to be getting better fast on the Ketogenic diet, read my new thread: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,30709.0.html
Lisa, on the brain fog side, when did it begin? Because for me any drug (that I have taken over the last few years, at least), and at the lowest dosage, triggers a bad reaction most commonly manifested in brain fog and headaches. This isn't to say that you should stop taking them, pain can be very debilitating, but just to add another perspective to the problem.

I'm praying for you, and sending you a big, big hug :hug2: :hug2:
Laura, I normally avoid dairy. Milk tastes curdled to me and always has, so i don't drink milk and my parents had a hard time making me drink any of it as a kid. I hate it. I know dairy is bad for me, but I hate diarrhea even more than I can't stand milk, I guess. I am no longer eating any yogurt. I'm going to follow your suggestions regarding the sauna so I can stay in there longer. Maybe if I wear ear plugs, I might fall asleep in there....:-)

Gertrudes, the brain fog started happening at the beginning of all this foot stuff. Within the first week of being off of work, I developed a very bad cold. My eyes watered terribly and I got this horrific headache. I had some sinus pain and pressure, but that subsided after 2 or 3 days. But a pounding headache remained and persisted for almost 2 weeks. The top of my head, my forehad and temple areas were in constant pain. I used to have chronic migraines in my 20s and early 30s, but have not had one in years. I don't think this was a migraine. It felt different from the kind of headaches I used to get all the time. It hurt so bad, I could barely lift my head. I worry alot about headaches because I've had viral meningitis twice in my life and both times, it started as a headache that worsened in a short period of time.
Both cases of meningitis occurred in my 20s within 5 years' time. I never found out what caused me to get it. I was living in Florida both times I had it.
This hasn't been an issue for me living in a colder climate, so in looking back at it, I think ( maybe incorrectly) that the warm, moist climate conditions in florida were conducive to the growth of bacteria and perhaps whatever caused me to get the meningitis. I haven't had it since moving up north.

This headache I got for almost 2 weeks in January was different from the meningitis headaches too. I worried that maybe I was having a little stroke or something like that when it happened. Over the counter headache remedies didn't make it go away. Finally, the headache subsided after almost 2 weeks, but I feel like I'm in and out of a fog ever since. My memory is horrible these days and I have trouble focusing and concentrating. My vision seems to be worse ( and it was bad before the headache).

I told the doctors all about this and NONE of them seems interested in it at all. So, nothing has been done to investigate the cause of my cognitive issues or the headache that preceded them. And, this all occurred before I was taking anything being prescribed for me. I know it was not medicine-induced because I wasn't on any medicine at all when it happened.
Hi Lisa, I'm sorry to hear you're still on the merry-go-round. The headache you suffered sounds like vasospasm of the blood vessels and could be related to the Raynaud's. I did find an excellent used text totally devoted to Raynaud's, written by Jay D. Coffman. I can ship it to you if you'd like. I went ahead and ordered it because there was only 1 left- new, they're pricey (over $50), otherwise I would have just had it drop shipped to you. The book gives a good overview of the entire syndrome, a bit technical, but understandable.

I found this text by looking into hyperbaric oxygen treatment for Raynaud's. Here is the excerpt from Coffman's book

Hyperbaric oxygen was used in one study to treat six patients with scleroderma and Raynaud’s phenomenon (Copeland and Ashfield, 1967). Patients were exposed at 2 atmospheres of absolute oxygen for two daily sessions of 2 hours each for 10 to 14 days. Alleviation of the Raynauds phenomenon was said to last longer than 1 month. Pain was relieved within 48 hours, and ulcers healed within 1 to 3 weeks in all 4 patients.

So while hyperbaric oxygen may not be the "cure" for this, it would certainly keep the pain and ulcers in check and keep the scalpel happy surgeons away from your toes! I read a big section of excerpts from this book, and it sounds like you may have to think about moving south - to a warmer climate. Many people (48%) found relief, just moving. So something to keep in mind.

Sending you strength, Lisa. :hug2:
It looks like Reynaud's, migraines, and lupus are all cross-correlated (if you have one, you're more likely to have one or both of the others). If you have a history of both Reynaud's and migraines it looks like a common treatment is calcium-channel blockers -- but I think you said that you had already tried that and it didn't work, so I'm just noting that in case it helps anyone to make any more connections.

Since we're starting to look into it, here's a list of symptoms of hereditary hemochromatosis (I've bolded the symptoms that you've either mentioned or seem like they might be related to what you've mentioned -- maybe there are more that are applicable that I didn't catch):

Chronic fatigue and weakness
Sore or aching joints, especially in the knuckle and first joint of the first and second fingers
Frequent infections (colds, flu and other signs of weakened immune system)
• Abdominal pain/swelling
• Red palms
• Impotence – low libido (males) – sterility - infertility
• Cirrhosis of the liver (with or without history of alcohol use)
• Liver cancer (with or without history of alcohol use)
• An enlarged liver or other liver disease
Arthritis or joint pain (or joint replacement)
• Slightly elevated liver enzymes
• “ Bronze diabetes” – abnormal gray or bronze discoloration of the skin
• Early menopause/irregular menses
• Darkening of the skin without exposure to the sun
Always feeling "cold"
• Hair loss, loss of body hair
• Weight loss
• Cancer
Hypothyroidism (thyroid deficiency)
• Adrenal gland damage
• Heart irregularities/heart failure/heart attack (particularly in younger men)

FWIW, in case it might be a piece of the puzzle.
Hi Everyone...:-)

Regarding the migraines: I think I started having those when I was on the pill back in my 20s. I think the contraceptives had everything to do with the headaches I experienced. I used to give myself Imitrex shots to alleviate the headaches and the Imitrex itself used to make me feel like my head was going to blow off before the medicine got rid of the headache. I haven't had a migraine since I got off contraceptive pills. I stopped taking them when I was 27 or 28.

Today I went and donated some blood in an effort to trigger my body to make fresh blood and possibly dump iron, if that might be part of the problem. It took a while, and this is typically what has happened in the past when donating blood, due to my small vessels. I feel very tired. My sister called me today and told me that lupus has an even wider history in my family. My father had it, my sister has it, and now I learned that my paternal grandmother and my father's sisters also had lupus.

so, I don't know what the chances are that I do not also have lupus, but it seems to me that there's a high probability that what I'm experiencing also is lupus-related.
I can't get the doctors to confirm or rule this out this for me though, and I've asked repeatedly.
Lisa, this might be a long-shot, but are there ticks where you live? I'm looking at a book right now about peripheral neuropathy (by Norman Latov), and it says that Lyme Disease can be one of the causes. If you remember having a skin lesion any time in the past several months it might be a clue, although apparently it doesn't always manifest. Some of the symptoms are consistent with what you've described above (the unidentified infection, the bad headache and brain fog, joint pain (although not the cold symptoms) and meningitis can be involved). Just wanted to throw it out as a possibility.
My heart goes out to you, Lisa. I'm really hoping you'll find some way to improve overall before the doctors' looming "deadlines." And afterward, recover as completely as possible.

There's been quite a lot of new info in the last couple of days. Just wanted to say, since I'm just catching up, remember the importance of drinking enough water and also replenishing minerals when doing the FIR sessions.

Finally, what Shijing mentioned above about Lyme Disease (and other infection related triggers) can be fought with colloidal silver and other alternative antimicrobials. All the best to you in this difficult time.
Lisa Guliani said:
My sister called me today and told me that lupus has an even wider history in my family. My father had it, my sister has it, and now I learned that my paternal grandmother and my father's sisters also had lupus.

so, I don't know what the chances are that I do not also have lupus, but it seems to me that there's a high probability that what I'm experiencing also is lupus-related.
I can't get the doctors to confirm or rule this out this for me though, and I've asked repeatedly.

Lisa, there is a paper here with lupus-related diseases:


You can download the paper here:


Does it sound familiar to some of the stuff you had experienced throughout your life? Perhaps if you start taking them docs papers like this they might give you a straight answer? Perhaps they didn't even tested you for immune markers such as "autoantibodies" and "complement".
Psyche, I've read that paper. I can't print it out because I no longer have a printer. I don't think they tested me for lupus, Psyche. I just ordered copies of my medical records and am awaiting the consent form in the mail. When i get that, I'll pay the fee and then we'll get to see what tests have been done, because other than what I've posted on this forum, nothing has been discussed with me regarding my lab work/blood tests.

Hi Shijing, I have not had a skin lesion such as a tick bite. The only things on my skin are the skin ulcers on my toes and the month old puncture wound on one toe from when my dog stepped on my foot one morning, which still hasn't gone away - none of which were caused by a tick.
Lisa Guliani said:
This hasn't been an issue for me living in a colder climate, so in looking back at it, I think ( maybe incorrectly) that the warm, moist climate conditions in florida were conducive to the growth of bacteria and perhaps whatever caused me to get the meningitis. I haven't had it since moving up north.

You are describing almost the exact symptoms I had when I was infested with a Black Mold that almost killed me years ago. It is the only time in my life I've been sick, and I just wanted to die I felt so awful. Over time Black Mold can totally destroy your immune system, then everything starts to fall apart.

I remember you said your place often floods...is there any mold that you know of, perhaps in the walls?

Toxic Black Mold Symptoms
On this page you will find symptoms caused by the Stachybotrys chartarum species of mold, which is also called black mold or toxic black mold.

However not all mold that looks black is Stachybotrys and in fact most dark mold isn't even toxic. For a list of symptoms that other molds can cause visit the Mold Symptoms page.

Types of Toxic Black Mold Symptoms
Toxic black mold causes serious symptoms and health problems such as mental impairment, breathing problems, damage to internal organs and sometimes even death. The main groups of symptoms toxic black mold causes are:

Mental and neurological symptoms
Respiratory symptoms
Circulatory symptoms
Vision and eye problems
Skin problems
Immune system problems
Reproductive system problems
Tiredness and discomfort
Other illnesses and health effects

Mental and Neurological Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
The trichothecene mycotoxins produced by toxic black mold are neurotoxic. This means they can kill neurons in the brain and impair a person's mental ability. They also cause nervous disorders such as tremors and can cause personality changes such as mood swings and irritability.


Brain fog
Shortened attention span
Difficulty concentrating and paying attention
Slowed reflexes
Memory loss and memory problems
Impaired learning ability
Aggression and other personality changes

Respiratory Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
People living in homes with toxic black mold are exposed mainly through breathing in toxic black mold spores and mycotoxins. Toxic black mold mycotoxins create irritation and a burning feeling in a person's air passages such as the nasal cavity, mouth and throat.

The mycotoxins can even become lodged in the mucus membranes, sinuses and the lungs which then causes a burning feeling, breathing problems and bleeding in the lungs.


Difficulty breathing - breathlessness or shortness of breath
Pulmonary edema - swelling of the lungs
Pulmonary hemorrhage - bleeding in the lungs
Sore throat
Burning sensation of the mouth
Bleeding gums
Runny nose
Itchy nose
Stuffy, blocked nose
Nose bleeds

Circulatory Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Toxic black mold mycotoxins can be breathed in, ingested, or absorbed through a person's skin or eyes. Eventually the mycotoxins then find their way into the person's blood. This leads to heart damage, problems with blood clotting and internal or external hemorrhaging.


Irregular heartbeat
Heart inflammation
Damage to heart
Low blood pressure
Bone marrow disruption
Bleeding tendency
Blood not clotting properly
Hemorrhage - internal bleeding
Vomiting up blood
Bleeding in the brain and in other organs

Vision and Eye Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Toxic black mold mycotoxins that are in the air can enter a person's eyes. The mycotoxins are cytotoxic (toxic to cells) and when they come into contact with eye cells they cause inflamed and injured eyes and create vision problems.


Eye inflammation and soreness
Red or bloodshot eyes
Eye damage
Blurry vision and vision worsening
Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes)

Skin Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Through the skin is one of the three main ways that toxic black mold mycotoxins enter the human body. There have been cases in the past where people have handled hay contaminated with toxic black mold and developed severe rashes and skin problems on their body where they touched the hay, as well as on sweaty areas like the armpits.


Crawling skin
Dermatitis - skin inflammation, rash, blisters, itchiness
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin)

Immune System Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Toxic black mold puts out chemicals which suppress the immune system. In fact many immunosuppressive drugs are actually created from toxic molds. A person who is immunocompromised from being around toxic black mold will more easily get infections and sicknesses.


Immunosuppression - immune system not functioning properly
Infections reoccurring

Reproductive System Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
Mycotoxins from toxic black mold are teratogenic. This means they can cause problems in the fetus during pregnancy which then leads to birth defects. Toxic black mold mycotoxins are also cytoxotic and mutagenic (cause cell mutations) and inhibit protein synthesis including DNA and RNA.


Fetal development problems

Tiredness and Discomfort Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold
When a person is around toxic black mold the immune system may release a sedative called Chloral Hydrate. This is used as a defense to try to slow down the effects of toxic black mold. But this also makes a person tired and causes fatigue. Toxic black mold can also cause soreness of the muscles and joints.


Chronic fatigue
Aches and pains
Muscle pain
Chest pain
Abdominal pain
Joint pain
Malaise - general discomfort
Cold or flu type symptoms or recurring colds

Other Symptoms From Toxic Black Mold

Hair loss
Weight loss, anorexia
Hearing loss
Liver disease

Toxic Black Mold Causes Allergic Symptoms
Like other molds, toxic black mold is allergenic. The spores from toxic black mold cause allergic reactions such as breathing problems, sore eyes, runny nose, itchiness, sneezing and a sore throat.

For a more detailed list of allergic reactions caused by mold visit Mold Symptoms and Allergic Reactions.

Differing Toxic Black Mold Symptoms
Toxic black mold affects different people in different ways. Some people won't experience symptoms as severe as what others experience. Children, the elderly and people with weak immune systems are usually the worst affected by toxic black mold.

Toxic Black Mold and Cancer
Experts suspect that toxic black mold can cause cancer, although there still needs to be more research. Some other toxic molds, like Aspergillus for example, definitely cause cancer though. The aflatoxin mycotoxins which Aspergillus produce are among the most powerful carcinogens.

Are Toxic Black Mold Symptoms Permanent?
Once a person is no longer around toxic black mold most of their symptoms should gradually decrease. Some of the health problems caused by toxic black mold are permanent though. For example, after a person has lived with toxic black mold their immune system won't be as strong as it used to be and they'll be more sensitive to mold and mycotoxins in the future.
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