I'm on the Medical Merry-Go-Round

Hi Everyone! An update: I've decided to take a breather from treatment using cayenne. After having essential oils rubbed onto my feet, and then wearing socks dosed with cayenne and ingesting a couple of doses of a liquid cayenne/ginger tincture, plus drinking a super tonic mixture that was also extremely 'hot', I had some kind of seriously intense reaction.
My feet turned very red and became increasingly hot as the hours passed on the first night, and by the end of Day 1, I had to remove the socks because I couldn't tolerate the intense burning. I do NOT think this was caused by increased blood flow to my feet. I think it was a really painful reaction to dosing with so much cayenne and whatever other peppers were contained in the tincture or super tonic.

The pain was very bad. My feet swelled and I couldn't sleep because of it. On the first night, I stayed awake all night trying to put out the fire in my feet. I tried cool wet cloths and sticking my feet in the tub and running some cool water on them. The pain intensified. I couldn't cover them with a sheet or blanket.

Day 2: I was hoping that perhaps the tincture and cayenne socks would indeed open up my vessels, so I put the cayenne socks back on and took another dose of the cayenne/ginger tincture. The burning pain shot off the chart. It was so bad, I couldn't keep the socks on all day. Again on Night 2, I tried wetting my feet to cool them. This did NOT work at all, but seemed to make the burning pain worse. My toes were very swollen and inflamed and felt like they were going to burst. No sleep again on night 2, even though I took my pain medication in the hope of just passing out.

Day 3: I decided there was no way I was putting the cayenne socks back on my feet. The pain was too much and another night of rocking and moaning didn't seem therapeutic at all too me. I am very familiar with pain that is part of healing. This was NOT that kind of pain. It seemed to me like the cayenne and other ingredients, combined with the essential oils may have induced some sort of inflammatory/autoimmune response from my body.
With no socks on and no ingestion of tincture, , my feet continued to burn, but the burning didn't get worse until I tried to sleep. Another bad night for sleeping.

Day 4: My feet were no longer burning like the previous 3 days, until I tried to take a shower, where the water hitting my feet seemed to trigger them to burn intensely again.

Day 5: The burning pain of the previous 4 days seems to be gone and now I am just dealing with the usual more familiar and tolerable pain.

The STIM has arrived ( thank you very much, LQB) and so I am going to familiarize myself with the apparatus and try that.
I've also begun taking melatonin again to try and normalize my sleep cycle, plus taking a supplement for energy, the magnesium and the other various supplements I've been taking.

Also, since I figure it's harder to chop stuff off of a moving target, I've been making efforts to do some walking, like I did on my birthday. Walking is slow. Still having issues with bearing weight on both feet. Still having issues with temperature and contact sensitivity, but I'm pretty used to this by now and am awaiting delivery of some battery powered socks.

My hands are still temperature sensitive - and this house is nice and warm. Plus, I have an extra portable heater in the room in which I sleep, so there is no issue with the temp inside the home or the room. The problem is with me.

Foxx: I have heard of the heat packs you can stick inside gloves and socks. I've used them before walking in cold winters over the years, but don't have them now. I'm hoping the variety of appliances and supplements, combined with rest and getting more sleep in a mold-free environment will do the trick at some point. Thank you for the suggestion, though. I may get some of those packs for my hands, which stay pretty chilly.

At any rate, I am greatly relieved that the intense fire of the cayenne burn is gone. It may be a great vasodilator, but it wasn't having that effect on me at this time, not in such a large continuous dosage ( in the socks) and not in conjunction with oils. I could be very wrong, but judging by the reaction I experienced, it seemed like maybe too much at once and perhaps too soon for such dosing?

On another note, I want to thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes and for your concern and offers to help.
My birthday was unforgettable and it got me out of the house and into some needed sunshine, which felt good.
Walking now tires me pretty quickly, but I did enjoy being outside, seeing the Cherokee Mothertown, driving through scenic countryside, and going for a ride above all of it in a helicopter. It took my mind off my feet and thyroid for half a day and was so much FUN....:-)

A million thanks to you all for sticking by me.
I’m sorry to hear you have been in such pain, Lisa. :hug: Nerve pain is probably the worst pain anyone can experience. I’ve had a taste of it myself, but this supersensitive pain to even a touch or drop of water is downright scary. Is this what happened to you before too?

My best suggestion, after reading quite a bit on this, is to first have full body thermography. There are a couple of docs in your area that have these machines, one is a female, naturopathic doctor, the other a M.D. I’ll pm their info to you. The M.D. near you also has a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. You will likely need this sooner or later.

There is also another M.D. who specializes in full body thermography and seems to have good knowledge of RSD, but he is further, up near Wintston-Salem. Having the RSD diagnosed by an MD is important, insurance wise. OSIT. He will likely know who the best pain management docs in the area are for RSD too.

I do want to make a point of what I read in the book on RSD. The first thing the guy writes is that no one should ever have to have their feet cut off because of RSD. So those docs who were making these threats to you are just plain evil. !!!

If you can get the thermography done, with a report and copy of results, it’ll show where the nerve impulses are faulty. This would be important to know, so as to apply TINS or even Cayce Wet Cell Appliance to the right areas. Cayce’s use of gold and silver solutions, reminds me of soldering a circuit board. So who knows, maybe a few nerve connections get repaired this way?!

You may have to consider a nerve block at the appropriate ganglion (as determined by thermography). The sympathetic nervous system pain needs to be interrupted. Having no pain helps to restore the proper nerve flow. Once you get past the acute pain, then you can look for specific treatments that will help restore nerve function and rebuild everything.

You are incredibly strong, Lisa, to have endured everything you have. DCM love ya! :hug2:
Lilou said:
I do want to make a point of what I read in the book on RSD. The first thing the guy writes is that no one should ever have to have their feet cut off because of RSD. So those docs who were making these threats to you are just plain evil. !!!

Apologies if you mentioned it Lilou, but what is the name of the book you are reading?
I tried wetting my feet to cool them. This did NOT work at all, but seemed to make the burning pain worse.

Fwiw the same thing happened to one of my kids after he accidentally bit into a hot pepper, and than cried and rubbed his face with cayenne juice-covered hands. Water made the pain so much worse. We were told to use vegetable-oil soaked rag for cleaning and ice cream or whipped cream, in other words, oily cold sweet stuff, to soothe the palate.

Given the above, it just may be the common effect of cayenne oils on sensitive skin. It is a powerful enough substance to cause chemical burns. Not something one would expect from a food item. I am sorry you felt this horrible and glad you feel better now.
My apologies, Heimdallr, I did not mention the book. It is this one,

I bought it used and was planning to forward it on to Lisa. I have read a good portion of it, but it is very heavy reading and have still a few chapters to finish. I also read Raynaud's Phenomenon by Jay D. Coffman. From my understanding so far, Lisa's symptoms point to RSD, with secondary Raynaud's.
Hi Lisa,
I don't know if this treatment is mentioned before in earlier posts but I have been doing bio-resonance readings for many years now and I found they are the most amazingly accurate, inexpensive diagnostic tool I have ever encountered (ie. better and cheaper than doctors and even psychics too!). QXCI (Quantum Xrroid) is what I am currently using now but I have another source to recommend possibly if you can't find a practitioner in your area. I find the QXCI to be incredibly accurate and also shares not just your physical issues but your mental and spiritual issues, all based on your own bio-feedback. I have seen many peoples' readings and I can tell you from my experience, it is EXTREMELY accurate if one can read and understand their reading and have knowledge about the body and disease. I can help you with reading the report if needed and can help recommend some herbal remedies too. If you contact the site from the link below, they can possibly recommend someone near you. It is well worth the money and will save you more money and more pain in the long run. Here's some info on it.

Using a micro-current device or a silver zapper with your feet in pure water will help heal your feet from the inflammatory damage and possibly relieve some of the pain, if not all but you need to find out the underlying cause for complete healing. Electricity or "electroporation" is best with the colloidal silver and helps get the low voltage electricity all the way through your body to kill of pathogens and other issues so drink some CS too for faster healing.

Another thing I find helpful is cutting out all carbs, dairy and wheat, all processed foods and even try a ketogenic diet or an elimination diet at least to see if your system responds differently, especially in your feet.

I would also help the circulation by doing self (lymph) massage, raising legs, and acupressure (hand or feet gently) and acupuncture to open any blocked meridians. Ice to reduce hot swelling, if possible too. Inflammation is damaging to the tissues so you want to keep your feet cool rather than overheated and swollen.

Cleansing your main cleansing organs (ie. kidney and liver) is a must to bring your body back into balance since we all have so many toxins in our environment (ie enemas and herbal tea/tinctures)

Herbs for Circulation: all medicinal herbs have multiple healing properties so they can work on many angles of your health at the same time. The key is to get proper diagnosis quickly so you can repair and rebalance naturally.

Blue Vervain
Butcher's Broom
*Cayenne (internally, a little at a time). I put cayenne in my warm tea, for instance.
Catnip (relieves pain too)
Chamomile (will also help with nerves and sleep, Valerian is good too)
Dong Quai (balance hormones)
Feverfew (pain reliever, inflammations and "hot-swellings")
Gentian (also normalizing effect on thyroid)
Guggul (stimulates thyroid function)
*Nettles (excellent for cleansing the blood)
*Pine Tree Bark (aka pycnogenol)
Prickly Ash
Rose Hips

Liver and kidney:
Dandelion is great for the kidneys
coffee enemas for liver

I hope this helps!
I just got an idea since time is of the essence. Maybe the Cs can help diagnose you if there are plans for a session soon. They seem to be right on the mark and won't cost you a dime! :)
I just received the book "The Iron Elephant:What You Should Know about the Dangers of Excess Body Iron" and after giving it a quick skim and reading some parts more carefully, I'd highly recommend it to everyone.

Lisa ? Are you there? Are you getting better?
It is a long time since your last post and it was serious. I hope you will be ok.

But the Cs stated that the iron can help to improve psychic defense. So where is the truth?

Session 23 March 2013
(Bubbles) Do we want to ask any questions about iron? (Ailen) Hemochromatosis? (L) Well, I thought we were gonna wait for the tests and stuff, but I guess we should ask. Bubble's iron is pretty high, and there's the possibility she could be afflicted with hemochromatosis, which is what my grandfather had. (Bubbles) You wanted to ask what the significance is of having high iron?

A: Survival under specific circumstances.

Q: (Perceval) So it could be a hereditary thing that was provoked in the past when there was plague.

A: It can also arise spontaneously.

Q: (L) So it's not always genetic? (Ailen) What about these specific circumstances? (Bubbles) Is it like a defense mechanism?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) A defense against what?

A: Breaching the barriers. Your psyche feels in need of greater defense.
Hello to Everyone...:-) Just a little update, since it's been a while since I last posted and I don't want anyone to be worried about me.

I'm happy to tell you all that I'm feeling a bit better than I was feeling in PA., and my feet aren't always so cold all the time anymore ( which is GREAT). I do get chilled easily, but the milder temps seem to be helping my feet ( and the rest of me) to stay warmer. They do still hurt when bearing weight, so walking is kind of slow and some of that has to do with the hip/lower back thing still going on, and a heaviness in my legs, too. I seem to tire easily. My sleep cycle is getting more normalized and people have been saying I do look healthier than I did when I first got here ( which is also a GREAT thing). Apparently, I didn't realize how sick I looked before. It's a relief that the season is changing and I'm hoping this will help with the frequency of cold-triggered (?) vasospasms.
No idea what's going on with my thyroid situation, other than the dry skin I'm treating on a daily basis.

Right now, we're in kind of a limbo temporarily, waiting for the cabin I'll be living in to become available. My understanding is that this is supposed to happen within the next few days.
So basically, there isn't too much to relate ( that isn't repetitive) since my last post, which is one reason I haven't been posting.

Overall, I am very hopeful that the change of environment will help me to regain my health, and look forward to being able to start helping out more with some work once everything is settled with the move. As always, I thank you all very much for your care and concern. I wouldn't have made it this far without you all and am appreciative and well aware of that truth.

Goose and I are happy to be here and have been made to feel very welcome and comfortable with the warm southern hospitality, fresh air, good conversation and laughter....:-)
Goose has a new best buddy and he seems to be thriving, which is so wonderful to see. This is a much better and more beautiful place for the dog and the human to live...:-)

Please accept my apologies if failure to post recently has caused anyone here to worry. This is an old computer I'm still using temporarily and it has issues a lot of the time, so I'm not on it very much.
Most of my stuff ( including the electronics) is still boxed up and being stored until I move again soon into my own living space.

My plan is to be posting more regularly once I get into the cabin, the internet /computer situation is all set up and get my bearings in there.
I look forward to being more useful in the coming days.

I hope you're all doing well and anticipating the coming warmer months as I am and...I send you all my love.
Glad you and Goose are settling in and you are feeling some renewal and warmth. Think many know you are in the recovery mode you are in and in caring hands, however, nice to hear from you and thanks for the note. :)
Lisa you LIVE ! That is so great. I actually worry more after the session where the Cs told that most of the good guys are already dead. And without good guys this world is without hope. Even though I am a loner because in my vicinity I didnt found anyone who wish to know the truth and fight for it I realize more and more that the only way through this is to stick together and help each other. I think that it was a major decision for you to move and it was the right choice. So yeah I think it will do you some good even though it will take time, but afterwards you will be even better than before. I remember I was once away for three months, I was in very nice little town with lot of trees and I was all day out in the sun, walking, cycling and working out and I actually healed my insanity and afterwards also my body healed. But then I had to make a choice. And I choose to get back and go to work and make some money and after just three months all came back and I was really ill. And still I am. So I wonder what could have been if I had more courage and did stay in the fresh air and in the mountains. I really do not know. But somehow I feel happy for you that you have such great opportunity to heal. And thanks to you and all others i feel like I learned something but dont know exactly what but maybe to be less selfish. Like everything is interconnected somehow and even if I loose the battle for my life, I can be happy for those who win.
And i really do not wish to force you to write if you do not feel like it. I actually hate it when i dont feel like talking but then some colleague is like "Say something" and I am like what? I have nothing to say :P
and then he is like whatever.
But hey you got some news - that you are getting better. So dont be shy. Maybe for you it is no big deal but for many on the forum it is a great news. Sorry if i am blabbering too much, anyway you made my day Lisa and I wish you godspeed.
Lisa Guliani said:
Hello to Everyone...:-) Just a little update, since it's been a while since I last posted and I don't want anyone to be worried about me.
Many thanks for the update. Interestingly enough, I was just thinking about you last night and was going to ask you in this thread how you were doing. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. :hug2:
truth seeker said:
Lisa Guliani said:
Hello to Everyone...:-) Just a little update, since it's been a while since I last posted and I don't want anyone to be worried about me.
Many thanks for the update. Interestingly enough, I was just thinking about you last night and was going to ask you in this thread how you were doing. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. :hug2:

Ditto on this. Thank you for the update, Lisa. Keep on getting better. :flowers:
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