Imminent Alien Disclosure?

A: Bits childrens organs removed while wide awake - kidneys crushed - then next feet - next jaw examined on table - tongues cut off - bones stress tested - pressure placed on heart muscle until burst.
There is much on eating food in the transcript, but this thread is not the place for it, although your point @tschai was well brought up. The C's also state that 1st and 2nd density have mechanisms to deter (toxins, running away, sharp teeth and claws etc.), but it is hard for us when 4th density STS simply swoop in out of hyperdimensional space and scoops/beams/tans dimensional atomic remolecularization us out of existence.

Just a few ponderings (although obvious ones) on the 4D STS vs. human feeding.

The 4D STS "torment" us, creating situations where they can feed on our negative emotions and also, can torture/consume the physical body in a horrific way. On our side, there can be farms and places where (modern) humans mistreat the livestock, but many provide a good and healthy life for them, treating them kindly. And when the time comes, their lives can be ended "humanely", for example with the invention designed by Temple Grandin. (She has written several books, and there is a pretty good movie about her life.)
Whenever any of these 'whistleblowers' or 'abductees' starts talking like this - about seeking The Experience of 'summoning' Them! - you know he's been 'hijacked':

You see where this is going, right? While I don't doubt that Barber really had 'the experience that changes your life forever', the nature of it - as with pretty much all abductees/contactees who are left with 'positive vibes' following close encounters - is deceptive, turning the subject into a 'religious convert' who then goes on to 'evangelize the uninitiated'.

Look who he's with in the above podcast clip: one of those 'super-influencers', Jake Paul (or his brother, Logan). In the old days, the 'evangelizing abductees' would go on TV, write a book or start a movement to get their message of 'they come in peace/to stop nuclear war/to save the planet/to save us from ourselves' out in to the wider population.

Today, it's easier to seed stuff via social media influencers (especially, one suspects, 'special' ones) and thereby engender similarly 'positive vibes' about the phenomenon's interest in humanity among the general population.
You see where this is going, right? While I don't doubt that Barber really had 'the experience that changes your life forever', the nature of it - as with pretty much all abductees/contactees who are left with 'positive vibes' following close encounters - is deceptive, turning the subject into a 'religious convert' who then goes on to 'evangelize the uninitiated'.

He could just be a conscious manipulator. So I leave some doubt open.
Do we consider the essence of the creatures and plants we consume for food, the pain they endure? Even though we know it is necessary for our survival, we often do not. But recently it is becoming increasingly apparent, from this thread and others and articles I read. So, a lesson for us? Yes, I think so. The Mantis was merely pointing out, if the story is true- we and they are not so different after all.

Do plants consider the essence of the rocks and minerals they consume for food. Don't think so. Do animals consider the essence of the other plants and animals they consume? Don't think so. Do we....etc etc. When it comes to us, we can, and often do, but find ourselves in the position of not having any other choice if we want to be healthy. The most we can do is try to treat animals well before we eat them, which includes allowing them to live relatively 'normal' lives in 'peace'. But obviously it's complicated. I take exception with the mantis man story that it's just like us taking an animal to the vet. For the most part, we don't take animals to the vet to negatively program them and inhibit their freedom and ability to function optimally.
In some Ancient Aliens episode to come, the eggs are avatars of the cosmic egg, an ancient knowledge given long time ago by our alien creator when they built the pyramids, stonehenge and delphi: "omne vivum ex ovo" (.
In some Ancient Aliens episode to come, the eggs are avatars of the cosmic egg, an ancient knowledge given long time ago by our alien creator when they built the pyramids, stonehenge and delphi: "omne vivum ex ovo" (.
View attachment 105544
As far as i can tell this is one interpretation of an elemental atom ( as per C. Webster Leadbeater ) , though...
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In some Ancient Aliens episode to come, the eggs are avatars of the cosmic egg, an ancient knowledge given long time ago by our alien creator when they built the pyramids, stonehenge and delphi: "omne vivum ex ovo" (.

From the link above:

Your post brought to mind the Great Serpent Mound effigy that appears to be a snake about to swallow what some have said is the Cosmic Egg -


- and what is officially now the Year of the Snake as well. The google webpage that I accessed to find an image does have a linked youtube vid questioning if it's a prehistoric effigy or alien construction with a grey being prominently displayed to catch the eye! Well, it is a mystery for sure. I haven't watched the vid.


In a recent vid by Richard Dolan regarding this latest egg exposure, he did mention that such eggs were noted a few times before. He didn't go into details, but apparently this is not the first instance of an egg "encounter", FWIW.

EDIT: Just to add another thought, despite Joe's pic of all the chickens with the summoned egg, let's not forget that snakes reproduce via eggs as well!
It is probably much easier for the mind to think that it is not controlled or manipulated at all and that it doesn't happen in this reality except in some extraordinary cases. Unfortunately, the truth might be quite different, even the exact opposite of that.

In the article bellow there're some examples linked already mentioned on the Forum, all of them without even going into the "alien" territory. Another good resource to look into about this subject, again not even mentioning the "alien" angle to the whole thing, might be "Strangers to Ourselves" by Wilson, included on the list of Recommended Books.

If we include the alien agenda, which by all means does not appear to be beneficial for the humanity, where an appropriate analogy might be that when the Europeans came to conquer Americas and people living there, as the aliens have most probably been planning to do to us earthly humans, we can easily come to conclusion to question even our own thoughts and reasoning processes, let alone what comes from figures who might have any kind of influence on public perception and population thought processes in general.

In other words, if there is a possibility that a planted thought or a controlled mind might further the alien agenda, of having more power over us and getting more sustenance and energy from us and eating more of humanity consciousness and whatever else the agenda might include on the short and on the long run, it's almost a certainty that they would go for it, OSIT.
I actually believe it’s much easier for the brain to assume that someone is mind-controlled. But in the end, that’s not really that important from my perspective. What truly matters is that we are no different from the reptilians—even people who, from our point of view, have good intentions are still STS (Service to Self).We distort information by default and are highly prone to unconscious manipulation—both of ourselves and others, as well as by a third party. Considering all that, do you really think it’s necessary to use mind control on us that often? :) .

I still have to mention that everything with Steven Greer is a bit strange.
For the most part, we don't take animals to the vet to negatively program them and inhibit their freedom and ability to function optimally.
Exactly. I don’t think I came across clearly in my post- lately I have been trying to sort out my thoughts regarding this topic. I wasn’t taking the Mantis side or defending 4D STS, but the thing is, we here in 3D STS, even though we are STS often make choices that go against the STS norm. We choose NOT to harm others, to NOT cause pain even if it leads to our own death. I think that makes them fear us, and makes them angry- and that is why they are so desperate in these days. They are AFRAID!
I actually believe it’s much easier for the brain to assume that someone is mind-controlled. But in the end, that’s not really that important from my perspective. What truly matters is that we are no different from the reptilians—even people who, from our point of view, have good intentions are still STS (Service to Self).We distort information by default and are highly prone to unconscious manipulation—both of ourselves and others, as well as by a third party. Considering all that, do you really think it’s necessary to use mind control on us that often? :) .

I still have to mention that everything with Steven Greer is a bit strange.
Depends on the meaning of "that often" and which of "us" we're talking about.

Points being:
1) we can't think about the way we think with the way we think, and
2) network.
One thing to be careful about, even if one takes "credentials" seriously is that cointelpro can play a role even with whistleblowers. In addition to 4D entities, deep state agencies and anything "beyond" also have brainwashing capabilities. Let's suppose we have two whistleblowers A and B: A supports the material flying saucer hypothesis and B supports the hyperdimensional hypothesis. In case the UFO phenomenon becomes difficult to occult, they are left to speak. However, in order to favour the materialistic hypothesis, instead of silencing whistleblower B, they are fed instead (via hypnosis or exposure to false data for instance) false and easily debunkable information that by association at the right moment weakens their position and credibility even if personally they are sincere. Et voilà, done.
Your post brought to mind the Great Serpent Mound effigy that appears to be a snake about to swallow what some have said is the Cosmic Egg -

To me it seems that most probably the above monument/construct is a depiction of a comet so close to Earth that it seemed like it was about to devour it. Its architects being the inhabitants of that area, living there aound the time of the Younger Drias.

At least to my understanding that's the theory Graham Hancock lays out in his recent documentary series available on Netflix.

Edit: clarification

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