Imminent Alien Disclosure?

The impression I've got so far from the majority of these whistleblowers is that they're being used for pushing the "not so bad aliens" narrative while shi**ing on the governments. Thus priming those who are susceptible to the "message" to spread this idea as far and wide as possible, with the ultimate goal of an "amalgamation" of the masses by their new and better leaders because the human ones just suck due to their fecklessness.
Off the top of my head, here's how I'd categorize them. Some may fall into different categories if they were asked to clarify, but this is based on their public statements so far. Any others I missed?
  • All Aliens Are Awesome: Greer and associates, possibly Barber
  • A few bad apples: Blitch, Sands, Herrera
  • Neutral: Many of the scientists and mil/intel folks who haven't publicly offered an opinion one way or the other (e.g. Puthoff, Logan, Nell, Mellon, Gallaudet, Green, Lacatski, Kelleher, etc.)
  • Indifferent to malevolent: Grusch, Elizondo, Stratton, Nolan, Davis
  • Bad news: Tom DeLonge, and by association the people close to him: the TTS folks (Semivan, Elizondo, Puthoff, Mellon), Gen. McCasland, etc.
Off the top of my head, here's how I'd categorize them. Some may fall into different categories if they were asked to clarify, but this is based on their public statements so far. Any others I missed?
  • All Aliens Are Awesome: Greer and associates, possibly Barber
  • A few bad apples: Blitch, Sands, Herrera
  • Neutral: Many of the scientists and mil/intel folks who haven't publicly offered an opinion one way or the other (e.g. Puthoff, Logan, Nell, Mellon, Gallaudet, Green, Lacatski, Kelleher, etc.)
  • Indifferent to malevolent: Grusch, Elizondo, Stratton, Nolan, Davis
  • Bad news: Tom DeLonge, and by association the people close to him: the TTS folks (Semivan, Elizondo, Puthoff, Mellon), Gen. McCasland, etc.

This is great, thanks for putting that together.
Maybe we can add Chris Bledsoe to the list of the Aliens are good guys camp, but he's not a researcher.

He is however, a good example of why Knowledge is so important. Love, innocence, and Faith are not all that's needed like he seems to think. He's being used because of his lack of Knowledge IMO.
Suppose, though, to them we are just like animals to abuse, which is far from being benevolent when it is consumable sustenance they seem to need from us.
Do we consider the essence of the creatures and plants we consume for food, the pain they endure? Even though we know it is necessary for our survival, we often do not. But recently it is becoming increasingly apparent, from this thread and others and articles I read. So, a lesson for us? Yes, I think so. The Mantis was merely pointing out, if the story is true- we and they are not so different after all.
Do we consider the essence of the creatures and plants we consume for food, the pain they endure? Even though we know it is necessary for our survival, we often do not. But recently it is becoming increasingly apparent, from this thread and others and articles I read. So, a lesson for us? Yes, I think so. The Mantis was merely pointing out, if the story is true- we and they are not so different after all.
And this raises some philosophical questions such as Laura deals with in the Wave. Because, yes, they have a point, which many on this forum and the Cs have made repeatedly. From a certain perspective, aliens and psychos aren't "evil", they are STS. And humans in general are STS. In that sense, "aliens" aren't so different. We eat animals. They eat us. But that is a nuanced position when presented in full, and without that full context, the idea that "they're like us" transforms into projecting our perceived good qualities onto them, which amounts to making excuses for them.
Off the top of my head, here's how I'd categorize them. Some may fall into different categories if they were asked to clarify, but this is based on their public statements so far. Any others I missed?
  • All Aliens Are Awesome: Greer and associates, possibly Barber
  • A few bad apples: Blitch, Sands, Herrera
  • Neutral: Many of the scientists and mil/intel folks who haven't publicly offered an opinion one way or the other (e.g. Puthoff, Logan, Nell, Mellon, Gallaudet, Green, Lacatski, Kelleher, etc.)
  • Indifferent to malevolent: Grusch, Elizondo, Stratton, Nolan, Davis
  • Bad news: Tom DeLonge, and by association the people close to him: the TTS folks (Semivan, Elizondo, Puthoff, Mellon), Gen. McCasland, etc.
Here's Ryan Bledsoe saying DeLonge and Mellon, via TTS, wanted to make a movie about Bledsoe, but the catch was that it needed lizzies that eat people. That would remove Mellon from "Neutral" and confirm him a place of honor in "Bad News".

Based if true.
Here's Ryan Bledsoe saying DeLonge and Mellon, via TTS, wanted to make a movie about Bledsoe, but the catch was that it needed lizzies that eat people. That would remove Mellon from "Neutral" and confirm him a place of honor in "Bad News".

Based if true.
While watching the Joe Rogan podcast with Sands and Logan, Sands did mention that the reptilians were perceived by some as dangerous, a fact that inspired him to lean closer to the Bible and God.

So while listening to it i've got this crazy idea, what if the lizzies will be depicted at some point in the near future as the evil ones on purpose, and the Nordics as the saviors or protectors of humanity, as in the Bible where the Angels (who btw are resembling suspiciously too much to the Aryans or the Nordics) are slaying the serpent/demon.

I mean, the monotheistic religions were inspired by 4d STS, who knows if at that stage the 4d STS hadn't had already in mind the priming of the people's collective consciousness in a distant future where the Angels (depicted by the Nordics/undergrounders) will defeat the Serpent (the lizzies/reptilians) thus gaining the people's trust. A very cunning trap, if you think about it.

I know how it sounds, a bit nuts, though nowadays with all the crazy stuff happening out there, who knows...

Just a few thoughts.
the idea that "they're like us" transforms into projecting our perceived good qualities onto them, which amounts to making excuses for them.
And that is the overarching difference- the 4th Density STS are so by choice- we here on 3rd Density are STS but for the most part have not yet chosen our final orientation. When the Earth transitions to 4th Density, those who are ready will have the opportunity to choose. This is one of the lessons we should take with us to help us decide.
And this raises some philosophical questions such as Laura deals with in the Wave. Because, yes, they have a point, which many on this forum and the Cs have made repeatedly. From a certain perspective, aliens and psychos aren't "evil", they are STS. And humans in general are STS. In that sense, "aliens" aren't so different. We eat animals. They eat us. But that is a nuanced position when presented in full, and without that full context, the idea that "they're like us" transforms into projecting our perceived good qualities onto them, which amounts to making excuses for them.
I can’t see any of them giving thanks and praise for the meal that gave its life to sustain theirs.
While watching the Joe Rogan podcast with Sands and Logan, Sands did mention that the reptilians were perceived by some as dangerous, a fact that inspired him to lean closer to the Bible and God.

So while listening to it i've got this crazy idea, what if the lizzies will be depicted at some point in the near future as the evil ones on purpose, and the Nordics as the saviors or protectors of humanity, as in the Bible where the Angels (who btw are resembling suspiciously too much to the Aryans or the Nordics) are slaying the serpent/demon.

I mean, the monotheistic religions were inspired by 4d STS, who knows if at that stage the 4d STS hadn't had already in mind the priming of the people's collective consciousness in a distant future where the Angels (depicted by the Nordics/undergrounders) will defeat the Serpent (the lizzies/reptilians) thus gaining the people's trust. A very cunning trap, if you think about it.

I know how it sounds, a bit nuts, though nowadays with all the crazy stuff happening out there, who knows...

Just a few thoughts.
Not a crasy idea. It came into my mind as possible too.
I know how it sounds, a bit nuts, though nowadays with all the crazy stuff happening out there, who knows...

Well, if the C's statements about 4D STS going back and forth in time to set things for their own benefit is true, then what you say is not nuts at all, or even not nuts enough.

Who is to say with certainty that some time manipulation didn't happen or won't happen, there's a slight issue with verb tenses when talking about these kinds of things, from the point of view of what we perceive as future in the 1-dim linear time, while the consequences of that particular manipulation we've already been experiencing? Similar to when the C's said that maybe some of our future lives could be in fact our past lives.

And regarding the Nordics slaying Lizzies for a convincing display of their intentions, again if the C's statement that some 4D STS Nordics have Lizzies as their pets is true, I see no reason why a 4D STS being would hesitate to use in whatever manner deemed needed its pet for its plans. Not that they would care, right?
Off the top of my head, here's how I'd categorize them. Some may fall into different categories if they were asked to clarify, but this is based on their public statements so far. Any others I missed?
  • All Aliens Are Awesome: Greer and associates, possibly Barber
  • A few bad apples: Blitch, Sands, Herrera
  • Neutral: Many of the scientists and mil/intel folks who haven't publicly offered an opinion one way or the other (e.g. Puthoff, Logan, Nell, Mellon, Gallaudet, Green, Lacatski, Kelleher, etc.)
  • Indifferent to malevolent: Grusch, Elizondo, Stratton, Nolan, Davis
  • Bad news: Tom DeLonge, and by association the people close to him: the TTS folks (Semivan, Elizondo, Puthoff, Mellon), Gen. McCasland, etc.
I'm moving Barber into "a few bad apples", after this latest video:

At the timestamp he mentions some bad stuff associated with other crash-retrieval teams, and earlier he points out that even if he thinks his own experiences have been good, for all he knows, it could be 50/50. At point he also mentions the extradimensional hypothesis, and thinks UFO pilots might be biological drones controlled by an external consciousness.
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