Imminent Alien Disclosure?

There's a chance that disclosure doesn't get received as planned, and rather the general population sees them as demons. Last month a normal firefighter told me about a UFO he saw, and during the sighting he was screaming "God is great!" against it because he perceived the UFO as demonic.

He has the right approach.
I remember (decades ago) reading Linda Moulton Howe's work - a passage about her contact with deep Gov insiders and her attempts to draw out the foundational truths behind UFOs/aliens/abductions/mutilations/etc. Something about the way these insiders operated struck me as very truthful based on my own experience with deep black Gov programs. I think they gave her some truthful information but when it came to the foundational truths, they refused, saying she (and her readers) could not handle the truth and that it was too "horrible" to reveal.

I think these "horrible" truths involved the nature of STS, the fact that humanity is farmed/controlled in many ways, the nature of human "food" for structures beyond our 3D "reality", and the role our Gov power structures play in service to themselves. These are all the things that Laura and the Cs have brought to light.

So, I think Joe is right on - these foundational truths will never be revealed by the power structures involved - nor will they reveal anything that leads directly to the truth. Expect all manner of diversion.
Because it turns out that in the not too distant future, all that knowledge might come very handy indeed whenever the so-called 'disclosure' happens! It may make the difference for any one person between being 'assimilated by the Borg' or not! Think about it, these 4D critters can make people feel extatic like they did with Jake Barber, or they can make people feel irrationally terrified, as described in some episodes of John Keel's books.
This made me think that now would maybe be a good time to re-read those books by John Keel. It's years since I read them, and I think I'll have another look! Keel had a sobering perspective on the 'tricksters' and did not hold them in 'great esteem'. Plus, he always applied humor to the rather grim topics he covered.
Here's a curveball. Chris Bledsoe, the North Carolina contactee who thinks aliens are benevolent angels, had this to say recently:

"Animal mutilation, people missing in state parks that's what you're probably going to hear at some points. There is no such thing as God, only aliens and they eat people, they eat little girls. I've heard this in briefings."
Chris Bledsoe says human mutilations and abductions are scheduled as part of the government UFO Disclosure. Chris doesn't align with this view himself.
Basically, Bledsoe, who has been contacted by all kinds of military, government, and intel people, says that some of them have "briefed" him on human mutilations and Missing 411, and that this is part of the disclosure plan, but he doesn't want anything to do with such "lies."
According to John Blitch, who appeared in Coulthart's special, Dave Grusch is the one who put him in contact with Jake Barber and his team, specifically with the goal of giving them some support to go public.

I can't remember which podcast it was on, but one of the hosts reached out to Grusch, who clarified that Barber wasn't one of his 40 witnesses during the UAPTF investigation, so Grusch only met him after that. This suggests at the very least that Grusch doesn't find Barber's claims outlandish - probably matches with stuff he already knows.
Blitch has since done his own 'sit-down' with Ross Coulthart:

I've yet to watch it, but it includes this description of his abductor telling Blitch what they're doing to humans:

Blitch has since done his own 'sit-down' with Ross Coulthart:

I've yet to watch it, but it includes this description of his abductor telling Blitch what they're doing to humans:

In a lecture from a year or two ago on abductions, Blitch mentioned the evidence of malevolence: human mutilations and Missing 411. But he thinks that the abductors show signs of benevolence: they block out our memories to prevent trauma, and they bring us back after doing procedures.

It's amazing and sad to see the contortions a human mind can go through to soften the trauma of such an encounter. Right after this he describes how the Mantid started ripping flesh off his face (he thinks this was a "false, fuzzy" memory and didn't actually happen) as a demonstration:
He is conveying to me, "see we can't get your soul. We could do a lot of damage to your body if we want to. We don't. We're trying to help you. But this is how bad it could get, so stop squiggling around and let us get this done.
Despite this, Blitch seems to have come to the conclusion that the Mantid he encountered was basically benevolent. They're just like veterinarians testing and working on animals.
You are right that in most cases mind control or similar is not really needed, since people are very good at deluding themselves and don't have in-depth knowledge about many things. In the case of Greer though, it is my opinion that it is something way more than standard human psychology, because he has been on the topic for several decades - how could he simply ignore the hundreds of cases in which aliens kill, harm or violate people's free will (as in abductions)? Or lie and mislead contactees repeatedly? Or are in cahoots with 'deep-state' elites that he distrusts? He has studied the subject, he has insider knowledge with his contacts in government and the military, etc. So why does he insist on something that is clearly not true? Either he does it on purpose (which makes him a traitor to humanity, as AI said), or is a 4D STS 'walk-in' (as someone else suggested), or he's been mind-programmed to play this role.

Furthermore, he has always been on the spotlight. When you hear the word 'disclosure', he's the first person that comes to mind. That speaks of a solid PR/propaganda campaing around him. Somehow the system allowed him to be in that position.
Yes, that is strange, but maybe they are not providing him with evidence of alien abductions and are presenting all of it to him as government projects. The government muddles the waters so much with abductions or "negative things" that he can't get to a story he would genuinely believe in.

Simply put, the only evidence whistleblowers are aware of are those about establishing contact with UFOs and shooting them down. They have no idea that someone might be deliberately giving them those crafts to manipulate them in a broader context. The only thing he reliably knows is that those crafts never offered any resistance, and that is the only strange detail his insiders can confirm. If someone tells him there was a conflict between humans and aliens underground, he could never get proof of who started it, right? As I mentioned earlier, the circumstances and the secure environment likely forced him to think pragmatically, which is not ideal for the kind of work he does.

You can't claim that it isn't about mind control; I just wanted to present the general idea that it's always easier for me to see it as being caused by the person himself. I think mind control happens very, very rarely, in some exceptional cases significant to reptilian overseers.
In a lecture from a year or two ago on abductions, Blitch mentioned the evidence of malevolence: human mutilations and Missing 411. But he thinks that the abductors show signs of benevolence: they block out our memories to prevent trauma, and they bring us back after doing procedures.

It's amazing and sad to see the contortions a human mind can go through to soften the trauma of such an encounter. Right after this he describes how the Mantid started ripping flesh off his face (he thinks this was a "false, fuzzy" memory and didn't actually happen) as a demonstration:

Despite this, Blitch seems to have come to the conclusion that the Mantid he encountered was basically benevolent. They're just like veterinarians testing and working on animals.
Freaking selection and substitution of data taken to a whole new level!

I was going to report here that what you're saying Glitch said in the past is out of synch with what he told Coulthart in this recent interview, but it does seem, by the end of the interview, that he's assuring Coulthart that 'they' are not a threat. In fact, 'us' shooting at them could be making them more aggressive towards us. :rolleyes:

And this despite stating, emphatically, mid-interview, that he thinks the abductions are the lynchpin of the 'whole alien program', and that it terrifies him as a parent that 'they' can just take your children whenever they want. The only wishful thinking I got from him on that note is that he thinks there are more and more whistleblowers these days because he thinks 'we' are getting better at tracking and downing UFOs, thus interfering with the abductions, thus preventing at least some of them from happening.

Near the hour-mark, he even casually mentions that it's common knowledge among special forces types involved in crash investigations/retrievals that they don't just find dead or dying 'aliens' in the crafts, they find human body parts too. Couthart at that point remarks that Glitch is "the first person I've talked to who suggests malevolence."

I'm thinking to myself that THIS is the strand of 'disclosure' that is consistent with the Cs' picture of what's really happening!...

...and then Glitch recounts his 'preying mantis' story, from which he concluded that the being was only trying to show him that it could rip him apart if it wanted to, but not if he'll just comply and 'let it do its job' of tinkering with him 'for research purposes, just as you do with animals'.

What a mind-job.
Freaking selection and substitution of data taken to a whole new level!

I was going to report here that what you're saying Glitch said in the past is out of synch with what he told Coulthart in this recent interview, but it does seem, by the end of the interview, that he's assuring Coulthart that 'they' are not a threat. In fact, 'us' shooting at them could be making them more aggressive towards us. :rolleyes:

And this despite stating, emphatically, mid-interview, that he thinks the abductions are the lynchpin of the 'whole alien program', and that it terrifies him as a parent that 'they' can just take your children whenever they want. The only wishful thinking I got from him on that note is that he thinks there are more and more whistleblowers these days because he thinks 'we' are getting better at tracking and downing UFOs, thus interfering with the abductions, thus preventing at least some of them from happening.
His thinking is very contradictory, as you point out. On the one hand abductions are bad, and he seems to imply that the only reason Grusch (for example) is still alive is because we have anti-alien weapons. But on the other hand, we're the bad guys for angering aliens, and they really only want to help.
Near the hour-mark, he even casually mentions that it's common knowledge among special forces types involved in crash investigations/retrievals that they don't just find dead or dying 'aliens' in the crafts, they find human body parts too. Couthart at that point remarks that Glitch is "the first person I've talked to who suggests malevolence."

I'm thinking to myself that THIS is the strand of 'disclosure' that is consistent with the Cs' picture of what's really happening!...

...and then Glitch recounts his 'preying mantis' story, from which he concluded that the being was only trying to show him that it could rip him apart if it wanted to, but not if he'll just comply and 'let it do its job' of tinkering with him 'for research purposes, just as you do with animals'.

What a mind-job.
He didn't say it in this interview, but in the older interview I mentioned before, he says something much more reasonable. He says that even if only 1% of aliens are malevolent (this is what he believes), he STILL advises approaching them with caution, i.e. with a gun at your side, figuratively. I don't know if his opinion has changed since then, but I thought that at the very least, that is the smart approach IF you lean in the "aliens are good" direction. He said this in response to a question about Greer - that he disagrees with Greer about ALL aliens being good.
I just wanted to present the general idea that it's always easier for me to see it as being caused by the person himself. I think mind control happens very, very rarely, in some exceptional cases significant to reptilian overseers.
It is probably much easier for the mind to think that it is not controlled or manipulated at all and that it doesn't happen in this reality except in some extraordinary cases. Unfortunately, the truth might be quite different, even the exact opposite of that.

In the article bellow there're some examples linked already mentioned on the Forum, all of them without even going into the "alien" territory. Another good resource to look into about this subject, again not even mentioning the "alien" angle to the whole thing, might be "Strangers to Ourselves" by Wilson, included on the list of Recommended Books.

If we include the alien agenda, which by all means does not appear to be beneficial for the humanity, where an appropriate analogy might be that when the Europeans came to conquer Americas and people living there, as the aliens have most probably been planning to do to us earthly humans, we can easily come to conclusion to question even our own thoughts and reasoning processes, let alone what comes from figures who might have any kind of influence on public perception and population thought processes in general.

In other words, if there is a possibility that a planted thought or a controlled mind might further the alien agenda, of having more power over us and getting more sustenance and energy from us and eating more of humanity consciousness and whatever else the agenda might include on the short and on the long run, it's almost a certainty that they would go for it, OSIT.
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Yeah, when I listened to it, it sounds a lot like people's descriptions of smoking DMT or other psychedelic plant-medicine ceremonies - the mix of beauty/sadness of witnessing something holy, the feeling of specialness, etc. I can imagine that a guy like Barber with significant military programming, which often is designed to kill emotion in service of duty, could be really profoundly affected by such a 'spiritual' experience. Then there's the cognitive dissonance of this 'wonderful' experience paired with his skin falling off soon afterwards, heart problems, etc. It sounds like he may be slowly dying. The whole thing reminds me of a quote from one of Laura's books, I think CatHoM, citing Ernest Gellner's Anthropology and Politics:
That sounds like some of these big organised festivals that people go to celebrate art, spirituality, unity etc. I’m guessing they’re held all over the world. Some I know of here (but never had any interesting in going to, getting high and hugging a heap of strangers) are Rainbow Serpent, Dragon Dreaming, Rabbit Eats Lettuce… notice a trend with those names?
He didn't say it in this interview, but in the older interview I mentioned before, he says something much more reasonable. He says that even if only 1% of aliens are malevolent (this is what he believes), he STILL advises approaching them with caution, i.e. with a gun at your side, figuratively. I don't know if his opinion has changed since then, but I thought that at the very least, that is the smart approach IF you lean in the "aliens are good" direction. He said this in response to a question about Greer - that he disagrees with Greer about ALL aliens being good.

What's stunning is that there appears to be several people presenting themselves (or being presented) as 'experts' on this topic who apparently have not acquainted themselves with the entirety of UFO lore. To the extent that any such 'experts' do not see the phenomenon as overwhelming negative, they have clearly not engaged in any significant or impartial reading on it.
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That sounds like some of these big organised festivals that people go to celebrate art, spirituality, unity etc. I’m guessing they’re held all over the world. Some I know of here (but never had any interesting in going to, getting high and hugging a heap of strangers) are Rainbow Serpent, Dragon Dreaming, Rabbit Eats Lettuce… notice a trend with those names?
Here’s the quote I was trying to copy from iamthatis

The way in which you restrain people from doing a wide variety of things, not compatible with the social order of which they are members, is that you subject them to ritual. The process is simple: you make them dance around a totem pole until they are wild with excitement and become jellies in the hysteria of the collective frenzy; you enhance their emotional state by any device, by all the locally available audio-visual aids, drugs, dance, music and so on; and once they are really high, you stamp upon their minds the type of concept or notion to which they subsequently become enslaved. Next morning, the savage wakes up with a bad hangover and a deeply internalized concept. The idea that the central feature of religion is ritual, and the central role of ritual is the endowment of individuals with compulsive concepts which simultaneously define their social and natural world and restrain and control their perception and comportment, in mutually reinforcing ways. These deeply internalized notions henceforth oblige them to act within the range of prescribed limits. Each concept has a normative binding content, as well as a kind of organizational descriptive content. The conceptual system maps out the social order and required conduct, and inhibits inclinations to thought or conduct that would transgress its limits.
Basically, Bledsoe, who has been contacted by all kinds of military, government, and intel people, says that some of them have "briefed" him on human mutilations and Missing 411, and that this is part of the disclosure plan, but he doesn't want anything to do with such "lies."

Wow, imagine the govt. comes and tells you the truth about aliens and you dismiss it for "friendly space brothers".
So, I think Joe is right on - these foundational truths will never be revealed by the power structures involved - nor will they reveal anything that leads directly to the truth. Expect all manner of diversion.

Pretty much. More to the point, this is why I say that any and all disclosure will be lies and manipulation. Any 'down-stream' details that could be said to be "true" like "ancient humans" etc. will also functionally be lies because they will, by definition, be attempting to obfuscate the upstream truth.

It's like a psychopath telling people of the details of the good deeds he did. He actually did a few "good deeds", but they were done to create a smokescreen to hide his psychopathy and should in no way be taken as evidence that he is not a psychopath or that what he said is "true" in any meaningful or useful definition of that word. In fact, they can be taken as precisely the opposite. And telling others of those 'good deeds' is an also an attempt to hide the truth of his foundational psychopathy.

When a person's basic nature is evil, marshaling technically truthful statements to hide that basic nature, turns those technically truthful statements into, at best, manipulations in service to a lie.

As "Jesus" said of the devil "he does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies".
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