I’m wondering what Stratton is going to say. The rumors are that he is David Axelrod from the Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program book, who was investigating Skinwalker Ranch during its Bigelow ownership. If so, he had very horrific experiences, as he brought a hitchhiker from the ranch home. Excerpt from the book:This is going to be pretty big:
It's been known about for a while now, but was just announced officially. This is Dan Farah's UFO documentary (Farah produced Ready Player One). He interviews "34 senior members of the U.S. Government, military, and intelligence community", including Rubio, Gillibrand, Carson, Burchett, Elizondo, Stratton, Clapper, and more. The rumor has been that they will be saying a lot more here than they have publicly until now. The trailer seems to confirm this, with Jay Stratton (who ran AAWSAP, AATIP, and UAPTF, at the latter of which he directed Grusch to find the stuff he found) saying for the first time that he has personally seen non-human craft and intelligences.
It premiers at SXSW in March.
Ten days after the ranch episode Kelleher received a call from Axelrod. He sounded puzzled as he recounted that almost immediately after he had returned home from Skinwalker Ranch strange things had begun to happen in their home, not to him, but to his family. Axelrod recounted that on the previous night at about 2 a.m. while he was asleep beside his wife, Ruth, she had seen a large black humanoid shape walking towards her in their bedroom. Ruth did not scare easily, but she had felt alarmed and turned on the light but saw nothing. Ten minutes later, she clearly heard footsteps coming slowly up the stairs. She slipped out of her bed and walked to the landing. But there was nobody there. Quickly she walked to her teenage sons’ bedrooms and saw that both were asleep in their beds. Axelrod said his wife was not completely freaked out, but the episode had concerned her.
During a second call about a month later, Axelrod reported an alarming escalation in anomalous activity at his home. All of the activity appeared to be directed against his family. On several occasions, Axelrod was out of town. Axelrod reported that while he instantly gone. Even after the bizarre night with the orbs, Ruth continued seeing shadow-like figures in her home, and she routinely heard loud noises down in the kitchen after everybody had gone to bed. Ruth and Jonathan Axelrod were certain that these events had begun after he had returned home from his trip to Skinwalker Ranch.
Later, an even more bizarre event with strong links to the Skinwalker Ranch erupted in the Axelrod home. Again, Jonathan was out of town on a work assignment. It was after midnight, and Ruth had turned off all the lights in the kitchen and was preparing to go upstairs when her eye caught a movement out in the yard. She walked over to the window for a better look, then froze as she witnessed one of the most bizarre sights she had ever beheld. Standing upright and leaning against one of the trees at the perimeter of her yard was a huge wolf-like creature. She saw the creature plainly in the dim night light. It had long hair and looked like a wolf. But it was standing on two legs. Ruth stood paralyzed, feeling both confusion and a kind of dread.
The creature appeared to be staring right at her; its gaze was not friendly. She continued to stare at this eerie sight, trying to fathom the impossibility of an upright wolf-like creature in a quiet, upper middle-class suburban Virginia neighborhood. The creature then took one last look at her, turned, and walked slowly on two legs further into the tree line. Within minutes, she had lost sight of it. She stood there a long time trying to determine if she had just had a very intense hallucination, or if her mind was beginning to go. The scene had been so bizarre and frightening she decided not to call her husband or to tell her kids. The kids were stable and well-adjusted, but Ruth had noticed that they were on edge from the unexplained events that had happened in their household. Ruth went to bed and tried to put the surreal vision out of her mind.