This made me think that now would maybe be a good time to re-read those books by John Keel. It's years since I read them, and I think I'll have another look! Keel had a sobering perspective on the 'tricksters' and did not hold them in 'great esteem'. Plus, he always applied humor to the rather grim topics he covered.
It would be a good idea to reread all of the historical information. However, if that's too much effort, and if you want a 'foundational' truth about "aliens" and this entire process of "disclosure" and what the nature of it is, you can simply keep this section from the 2nd Cs session in July 1994 in mind.
Q: [Unknown question.]
A: Bits childrens organs removed while wide awake - kidneys crushed - then next feet - next jaw examined on table - tongues cut off - bones stress tested - pressure placed on heart muscle until burst.
Q: Why are you saying these awful things?!
A: Must know what consortium is doing.
Q: What children are they doing this to?
A: Done mostly to Indian children.
Anyone who would like to try to put ANY kind of positive spin on the 'beings' that do this, or suggest that they are in any way inclined to be positively truthful with humans about who and what they are, please go ahead.