The Living Force
CelticWarrior said:[size=10pt]Indeed, Muxel.
It was quite a battle to work at freeing myself from those oppressive surrounding which were to a great effect hindering my ability to keep up the work on growing as an individual. You can only imagine the whirlwind of emotions and pretty much a non-stop feeback loop from my family. It was offensive on a daily basis to say the least.
While sometimes it can be useful to look for external freedom from truly oppressive situations, as stated earlier in the thread, it is internal freedom which is the deeper goal. Internal freedom is about being free from the mechanical reactions that are generated in us from our surroundings. While an admirable goal, it is usually involves a long and hard process. While on this path, there is an almost inevitable impulse to immediately fix what is seen as an undesirable reaction in response to the surrounding environment. One either wants to change the environment or to change the self immediately so that the feeling of discomfort goes away. However, the Work is composed of intentional suffering - which would include observing and suffering the current state of being that we are in without judgment or self-pity. From such suffering, the lesson inherent in the situation becomes clear and then there may arise creative solutions.
Something to keep in mind in general - not necessarily applicable to the specific context of your situation with family.