Income Tax Scam=Truth About Congress (On A Red-State Reading Level)


The Living Force
I wanted to share this comment posted on Google Video. It was one of many encouraging posts regarding the "Freedom to Fascism" video (which is an excellent documentary of the quiet "coup d'etat" that has been perpetrated in America).

In response to a comment about "hoping things would turn around," the writer offers this "poetic justice" to rebuke Americans who deny there's a noose of fascism tightening around our necks:
"There’s nothing to ship
‘Cause there’s nothing to make.
You stare at reality TV
And believe it’s not fake.
Keep sticking your head in the tube,
And your mind in the sand.
But remember, the ones 'sticking it in'
Are the ones raping this land."
This video is an EXCELLENT tool for enlightening people from a broad spectrum (i.e. all wage-earners) because it uses the income tax scam to reveal the true nature of the entire U.S. Goverment. Beginning with solid documentation of the Congressional treachery of enacting the Income Tax Act of 1916 (despite the fact that this Amendment to the Constitution was never ratifed by an adequate number of states!), the video then marches forward into everything else that's transpired: The Federal Reserve scam, VISA, 9/11, The Patriot Act, RFID-embedded National Identity Card mandated next year, etc.
Russo recently announced that he's stepping down due to personal health reasons. Seems he has contracted cancer.

The following is a snippet I received in an email (trying to track down the actual announcement):

As you may have heard, Aaron Russo has resigned his position as the head of America: Freedom to Fascism and Restore the Republic in order to focus on personal health concerns regarding his battle with cancer. He wishes to maintain complete focus on getting well and has therefore entrusted Gary Franchi, National Director, as the head of these organizations. Along with Samuel Anthony Ettaro, National Media Director and Ilona Blakely, his Press Secretary, Mr. Franchi and the growing national team will continue both organizations as true to Mr. Russo's vision as possible.
I had heard that a few months ago, and in fact, felt compelled to send him related information about the "health concerns" that tend to plague truth-tellers (e.g. micro-biologists, UFO researchers, well-intentioned Congressmen and Presidents, et al). ;)
Please see this thread on this topic...

Riling people up about income taxes ultimately (at this point in 'time') serves one purpose - to get people arrested and killed - why the focus on this, JGerapoulas? Anyone who has studied history in depth knows that U.S. income taxes are illegal - so this is not news - getting people riled up to go and get arrested, or in the current 'Brown's' case, likely killed, is news - so what benefit is there in this line of thinking?
JGeropoulas said:
I had heard that a few months ago, and in fact, felt compelled to send him related information about the "health concerns" that tend to plague truth-tellers (e.g. micro-biologists, UFO researchers, well-intentioned Congressmen and Presidents, et al). ;)
Boy, that didn't take long. I was waiting to see how long it would take for someone to pull out the "secret [method X] assassination" gambit.

This lateral ploy has bourne much fruit in the past, and this latest will undoubtedly fan the flames of the conspiracy seekers. (You know, those that love to scream, and shake their fists at the "Man", without having any compunction, or interest in reconciliation of fact via research).

That there might be a conspiracy or not doesn't much matter (and even then the "conspiracy" here might certainly not be the one commonly understood), it is in the perception of "linked events".

Rabble-rouser in the first stage to see who will bite, and second stage via the newly developed technique of martyr through secret "unknown-to-the-public-denying-their-right-to-know" technology that is designed to "legitimize" his crusade.

Could just be another game, or maybe he just got sick from eating GM food, or being immersed in high EMF, or... [fill in the blank].

What do we know and what do we not know?

As Anart mentioned, (and I'll take quite a bit of liberty here), is that what Russo has actually done is only shown you to what extent the nature of the big, fat, middle finger, flipped up, pushed into your face really means. To those that have more than two brain cells to rub together, and aren't subjecting them to TV or other self-calming/distracting methods, it becomes CRYSTAL clear that this is a tar pit of an angle to tackle as a means for ameliorating their perceived ills.

I can almost hear someone think: "What if a critical mass of people decided not to pay their taxes? That would change things, they don't have enough "troops" to cover everybody". To this I say: it is very simple. 20 to 50 or even 1000 examples made out of "tax dissenters", aided via pervasive media, would easily do the trick. So an army of, say, 400, ten targets each, could easily intimidate the chosen examples. And this army need not be armed in the conventional sense. Think bankers, mortgage holders, employers, so many means it is not funny. Self-sealing matrix with many access points.

Russo's crusade in EFFECT (and this does not speak to his intent, for I do not know what that might be), might ultimately be nothing more than a sinkhole for those that persist in enacting within the model they were programmed for.

You must understand that there is a model in place! It is NOT beyond comprehension by 90% of the World's population, it is simply propped up by passive acceptance and ACTIVE distraction. And in the latter, the BIGGEST, by FAR, component, is the passive acceptance. ("Everybody's doing/thinking the same", so it must be valid, despite the internal twinge everybody seems to get when confronted with nonsense, but it is summarily buried because of that prehensile thought/survival mechanism or induced pattern.)
Hello to all
After reading these, do you think that everybody should pay their taxes and shut up or stand up for their values.


anart said:
Please see this thread on this topic...

Riling people up about income taxes ultimately (at this point in 'time') serves one purpose - to get people arrested and killed - why the focus on this, JGerapoulas? Anyone who has studied history in depth knows that U.S. income taxes are illegal - so this is not news - getting people riled up to go and get arrested, or in the current 'Brown's' case, likely killed, is news - so what benefit is there in this line of thinking?
First, let me say, had I perceived Russo's video as something to "rabble rouse" everyone into following the Brown's model (admirable as it is) of IRS protest, I would've had no interest in it, nor posted it on the Forum. I agree that it would be irresponsible of me to encourage anyone to ignore the fact that psychopaths have a firm grip on America; or to take any actions that could endanger them unnecessarily.

I believe the C's made it clear that it's never our place to "tell" people what to do, but rather to tell people the truth in hopes of empowering the exercise of their own free will. Therefore, if one hears this information and chooses to act as the Brown's have, then "more power to them" for following their destiny. Who's to say what individual "small" action might cause a critical branching of the universe.

More to the points raised by Anart, I have read all the comments here (and at the linked thread provided) and am surprised at the perception that the video promotes tax resistance. Maybe it was just my mind-set, but it seemed to me that the video promotes knowledge about the issue.

As I thought I made clear in my post, I recommended the video be used as a "tool" for waking up even the staunchest flag-waver as to the nature of the beast. To me, it's equivalent in function to the Pentagon Flash video or Laura's book on 9/11--a wake up call to see "the man behind the curtain." Recall that the entire second half of the video moves way beyond the IRS issue, ending on the broader Psychopathic Control issues exhibited in Bush, 9-11, The Patriot Act, RFID tags, Fascism, etc.

Your assumption that this video would "rile" everyone into some hysteria seems to reflect a lack of confidence in the many sharp minds on here and at large. Many people, like myself, can hear this information and not lapse into mindless hysteria that leads to arrest.

As for it all being "not news," I think your subjectivity has obscured an objective fact: it certainly was news to me (and probably many others like me who've not studied "history in depth," as you've been priveleged to do).

Personally, the video never seemed to be aimed at "riling people up" to promote some mass defiance of the IRS. For one thing, just at face value, such a protest movement would be doomed, with such a dumb strategy. Why? Because of this simple fact: American employers withhold your taxes before you ever get paid! That base has been covered for decades, so you don't even have the option of "not paying your taxes." And if employers do not deposit the Social Security taxes, they are severely penalized by having to pay the original tax plus an equivalent amount as a penalty. So even with a small number of employees like myself, the penalty would be quite inhibitory. Few employers would be willing to be fined or jailed as the "sacrifical lamb" representing of all their protesting employees.

In conclusion, your take on this surprises me as much as if you'd said, "riling people up about 9/11 serves one purpose - to get people tagged as Enemy Combatants and sent to Guantanamo. Why all the focus on 9/11?"

The same reason as the raison d'etre of this entire enterprise called Signs-of-the-Times and the Cassiopaen material--because "Knowledge Protects"
Azur said:
I can almost hear someone think: "What if a critical mass of people decided not to pay their taxes? That would change things, they don't have enough "troops" to cover everybody". To this I say: it is very simple. 20 to 50 or even 1000 examples made out of "tax dissenters", aided via pervasive media, would easily do the trick. So an army of, say, 400, ten targets each, could easily intimidate the chosen examples. And this army need not be armed in the conventional sense. Think bankers, mortgage holders, employers, so many means it is not funny. Self-sealing matrix with many access points.
I agree completely. If I were going to promote a protest movement, I would promote disconnecting from every form of media -- a big, old-fashioned media boycott. This would serve 2 important functions:
1) Deprive psychopaths access for programming our minds
2) Deprive psychopaths funds for controlling us

I came of age in the '60's and all that fervent activism (college kids were getting shot during protests at Kent State) hardly dented the system back then. And we have nothing like that going on in our blissful Prozac Nation.

A media boycott is a nice fantasy project to imagine--and one I'd recommend for every individual--but as far as protest movements, I'm not motivated to try "to change the world anymore." Instead, I take a more promising path: I channel most of my energy into sharing the truth with others and fostering my own transcendence.
aristar said:
Hello to all
After reading these, do you think that everybody should pay their taxes and shut up or stand up for their values.
hi Patricia,

I can't speak for everyone, but for myself I decide that I continue to pay my taxes (but NOT shut up - I pay under protest, and I take every opportunity to refer to it as "bullet tax"). This means that I am hopefully less likely to be arrested and locked away, which means that I am then more ABLE to continue to stand up for my values, without letting self-importance turn into self-sabotage. Deliberately stirring up a reaction from the matrix simply to satisfy one's self-righteousness seems like a dangerous and self-defeating path - it is too blatant, and one which the pathocrats are familiar with and will use to shut you down. what happened to wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove?

I consider my ongoing freedom to be more valuable and to allow me to be more effective, than to naively attempt to withhold my paltry tax revenues from the powers that be, who at this stage have ALMOST INFINITE material resources anyway.
sleepyvinny said:
I consider my ongoing freedom to be more valuable and to allow me to be more effective, than to naively attempt to withhold my paltry tax revenues from the powers that be, who at this stage have ALMOST INFINITE material resources anyway.
Values and taxes are not at all related to each other in my mind. Taxes are paid because we really don't have a choice and whether they are paid or not, I still have the values. A friend of mine recently watched Freedom from Fascism. The movie enraged her and she started writing letters to her congressmen and seeking a cause to join until she read the stories of people that insert their values into the tax system. It's like trying to ask psychopaths to have a conscious. Values and taxes don't mix. Fighting the PTB on such things is a death wish, they will squash you like a bug!
50megz wrote: << Fighting the PTB on such things is a death wish, they will squash you like a bug! >>
Here's a relevant bit from the C's about rebelling against the money system. From Session 941016:
Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of
A: Visa.
Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?
A: Yes?
Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to disconnect ourselves from the credit system?
A: Isn't just credit also debit.
Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.
A: How are you going to do this?
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?
A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.
Q: (L) What happened to free will?
A: Brotherhood AKA Lizards AKA antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.
Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?
A: If you are willing to leave the body.
Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If we were to move...
A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.
With regard to the tax fraud that has been perpetrated on the (unsuspecting?) public, have any of you read about a rather unusual defense offered in 2006 that used the basis of the Paperwork Reduction Act, which requires an official OMB number for information gathering to be legal? The following was posted by Rayelan of Rumor Mill News Agency:


Posted By: RayelansMailbag <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 8:33 p.m.

From We The People hxxp://

June 9, 2006

1040 Checkmate?

DOJ Dismisses Felony Tax Prosecution
-- With Prejudice -- After PRA Defense Raised

Evidence OMB Complicit In Income Tax Fraud

DOJ & IRS Petitioned To Explain

On May 12, 2006 in Peoria, Illinois, the attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) begged the court to dismiss all charges against IRS victim Robert Lawrence in federal District Court.

The motion for dismissal came on the heels of a surprise tactic by Lawrence’s defense attorney Oscar Stilley.

The tactic threatened exposure of IRS’s on-going efforts to defraud the public. The move put DOJ attorneys in a state of panic that left them with only one alternative: beg for dismissal, with prejudice.

Stilley’s tactic paid off. Sixty days earlier, the DOJ had indicted Lawrence on three counts of willful failure to file a 1040 form, and three felony counts of income tax evasion. The federal Judge dismissed all charges with prejudice, meaning the DOJ cannot charge Lawrence with those crimes again.

The trial was to have started on Monday morning, May 15th.

On Wednesday, May 10, Stilley mailed a set of documents to the DOJ in response to DOJ’s discovery demands. The documents revealed to DOJ for the first time that Lawrence was basing his entire defense on an act of Congress, 44 U.S.C. 3500 – 3520, also known as the "Paperwork Reduction Act" (PRA).

In Section 3512 of the Act, titled "Public Protection," it says that no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with an agency’s collection of information request (such as a 1040 form), if the request does not display a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in accordance with the requirements of the Act, or if the agency fails to inform the person who is to respond to the collection of information that he is not required to respond to the collection of information request unless it displays a valid control number.

In Section 3512 Congress went on to authorize that the protection provided by Section 3512 may be raised in the form of a complete defense at any time during an agency’s administrative process (such as an IRS Tax Court or Collection and Due Process Hearing) or during a judicial proceeding (such as Lawrence’s criminal trial).

In sum, the PRA requires that all government agencies display valid OMB control numbers and certain disclosures directly on all information collection forms that the public is requested to file. Lawrence's sole defense was he was not required to file an IRS Form 1040 because it displays an invalid OMB control number.

Government officials knew that if the case went to trial, it would expose the fraudulent, counterfeit 1040. They also must have known that a trial would expose the ongoing conspiracy between OMB and IRS to publish 1040 forms each year that those agencies knew were in violation of the PRA. That would raise the issue that the Form 1040, with its invalid control number, is being used by the Government to cover up the underlying constitutional tort -- that is, the enforcement of a direct, unapportioned tax on the labor of every working man, women and child in America.

Any information collection form, such as IRS Form 1040, which lacks bona fide statutory authority or which conflicts with the Constitution, cannot be issued an OMB control number. If a control number were issued for such a form, the form would be invalid and of no force and effect.

Under the facts and circumstances of the last 24 years, it is safe to say that IRS Form 1040 is a fraudulent, counterfeit, bootleg form. Government officials responsible for this fraud should be investigated and face indictment for willfully making and sponsoring false instruments.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, the DOJ and IRS decided not to let the Lawrence case proceed because it would reveal one critical and damning fact:

The PRA law protects those that fail to file IRS bootleg Form 1040

The DOJ knew that it stood a significant chance of losing the case, and if that happened, the press and others would quickly spread the word, and leave only fools to ever file a 1040 again. Oscar Stilley’s pleadings and documents made these points quite clear:

* IRS Form 1040 violates the federal Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) and is therefore a legally invalid form.

* Under the Public Protection clause of the PRA, no person can be penalized for failing to file a 1040 if the IRS fails to fully comply with the PRA.

* The PRA statutes explicitly provide that a PRA challenge is a complete defense and can be raised in any administrative or judicial proceeding.

* The IRS Individual Form 1040 has not and cannot comply with the requirements of the PRA because no existing statute authorizes the IRS to impose or collect the federal income tax from individuals. That lack of bona fide authority makes it impossible for IRS to avoid violating the PRA.

We The People Foundation has researched the facts, law and circumstances surrounding this case, and has determined that:

* A public trial would have opened a “Pandora’s Box� of legal evidence and government testimony under oath that would establish the IRS 1040 form as both fraudulent and counterfeit.

* Oscar Stilley’s PRA defense “checkmated� the DOJ and IRS

* The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) appears to have been complicit with IRS in deceiving the public and in helping perpetuate the 1040 fraud by promulgating federal regulations that negate the plain language of the PRA laws passed by Congress and by allowing the IRS to continually skirt the explicit requirements of those statutes

Accordingly, We The People Foundation has petitioned the U.S. Attorney General, the IRS Commissioner, and Director of the OMB, requesting an official explanation of their conduct in Peoria.

Click here
then scroll down the page to
See the petition below.

It includes links to all relevant statutes, regulations, court decisions, Federal Register publications, law review articles, Lawrence case pleadings, and the discovery documents sent by defense counsel Stilley to the DOJ.
Would you please STOP trying to convince people that they can avoid paying taxes and get away with it. Just how difficult it is to understand that it DOESN'T MATTER anymore what is legal, what is written in some statute, in the constitution, werever? That in the end those dupes that swallowed the bait ended up finding out it's those men with guns and badges that have the final word??

I've been stumbling over this and similar subjects for three years now, on different forums. There is always some guy pushing such stories, bragging how free he is, how he declared he isn't a corporation, but human being, that he isn't the person noted in birth certificate with CAPITAL LETTERS, that there is no law obliging him to carry driving license, etc. BULLSHIT.

Somehow, when approached directly and asked to describe step by step how one extricates oneself from the system crutches such fellow begins to hide behind the "find out for yourself" crap. Or points one to huge stash of books and laws which takes YEARS to understand, not mentioning making use of all this reading.

In other cases, I followed transcripts from judicial proceedings, where this or other fella tried to prove his point with his sophisticated vocabulary, citations, law code erudity, etc. Somehow (again), after his masterpiece speech was over the judge simply responded "Yes, but it doesn't apply here". This all it takes! Judge says "it doesn't apply here" and it's over. Period! And what you gonna do? Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS??

So, please. Do not post this kind of stuff. Do not waste our time. Thanks in advance.
GJeropoulos Wrote:
"There’s nothing to ship
‘Cause there’s nothing to make.
You stare at reality TV
And believe it’s not fake.
Keep sticking your head in the tube,
And your mind in the sand.
But remember, the ones 'sticking it in'
Are the ones raping this land."
That quote (first line) reminded me of a song/video by the sign's team. The Lyric is "Cause there's nothing to ship, nothing to pack
Just busted concrete and rusted tracks" James McMurtry: We can't make it here Anymore. It always makes me think of the signs weekly economic commentary.

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