redrock12 said:
I know of numerous instances in my small city of 35,000, and elsewhere in Canada, where individuals and groups of individuals have stopped Canada Revenue cold in their tracks because they had the legal knowledge of Canadian tax law, contract law, and the Uniform Commercial Code, which is not all that different from the British and American versions.
Ok, let's talk about this group of people who supposedly avoid taxes in a succesfull and legal manner. In my opinion every system can tolerate some limited number of folks, who behave like that - they are a small percentage and do not harm it in some significant way. To the contrary, they may be useful to the system, which probably lets them have a little "victory" and keeps them like "scapegoats in storage". Should some financial problem arise, be it shortages in elderly pensions, malfunction in health care services, etc - those people are perfect ones to put the blame on and direct general public fury on them. What's more, most people feel uncomfortable paying taxes, so it's very easy to manipulate those who pay them that the taxes are so high, because there are those "unfair, selfish citizens" who decline bearing "obvious" civil responsibilities. Options are many, one could probably imagine many ways how a system would find such "tax avoiders" usefull.
Other thing to consider is law itself. Even if it has loopholes which enables tax avoidance - it can be changed any minute, momentarily incriminating those who thought they evaded tax legally. You think law doesn't work backwards in time? Think again. Once the upgraded legislation is in place, every one of those "lucky ones" will find himself incarcerated or at least fined with painfully big sum of money.
The idea that tax avoidance as a form of rebellion is workable is pure fantasy. It doesn't harm the system when only a limited number of folks do it. It WOULD be dangerous for the PTB only in case when the whole general public denied paying taxes. To achieve this some robust mass communication means would have to be put in work, coupled with deep knowledge of human psychology, for people are so confident that taxes are "obvious and absolutely neccesary", that it would take significant effort to convince them otherwise.
Another, more local or personal perspective - this time we can take a hypothetical situation when someone who is doing The Work buys into this "tax avoidance" stuff. I have a question for proponents of this "rebellious" idea - Have you felt the pressure of General Law already? Did you experience the situation when all of a sudden EVERYTHING starts to fail? Your car stops working, your computer doesn't start, your parents are suddenly in desperate need of attention, your tooth starts to give you horrible headaches, your work suffers from some market turbulence, you've been denied credit, etc? Now, imagine you also started the procedure of evading tax and out of the blue you receive significant attention and harrasment from tax revenue officials, police, courts?
Is it some extremely unlikely and dark scenario? No, in the case of anyone working to wake up IT IS NOT. Contrarily - it's VERY PROBABLE. Such scenario GUARANTEES that such "rebel wannabe" would have to spend all his energy and resources on simply surviving the day. The Work would have to be relegated to "the future"...
Do you see how irresponsible is to promote this idea in general, and among our forum members in particular?
But wait, there's more. This forum, but more importantly it's owners do not function somewhere "over the rainbow", in the land of peace and safety. They live in a system just like everyone else. France may be not as oppresive as USA (for now), nevertheless, you can be sure those who rule the local chessboard pay strict attention to what's going on here. Would they happily tolarate the promotion of "tax avoidance" on their own ground? Would you want SOTT team to be put in the situation when their right to live in France is revoked? Hmm? We are balancing on the rope here!
So, it's really a matter of responsibility. Every forum member is expected to be responsible, not only for himself, but to take some responsibility for the safety of this forum, for the safety of it's owners, admins, mods and members. It concerns especially older members - those who are here over a year should know it already. OSIT.