Income Tax Scam=Truth About Congress (On A Red-State Reading Level)

Of course you could always appeal, but then guess what, you go before ANOTHER JUDGE!

So you would be fighting them in their place under their rules. If it were that easy many people would have done it.

j0da said:
This all it takes! Judge says "it doesn't apply here" and it's over. Period! And what you gonna do? Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS??
DonaldJHunt said:
Of course you could always appeal, but then guess what, you go before ANOTHER JUDGE!
That's precisely what I had in mind, Donald - thanks for summing it up. In fact, U.S. and Polish legal system or any other legal system aren't much different from each other in this regard.

If one files a lawsuit against criminal offender, or a company, some minor institution - one is using the system against something which is subordinate to the system. That usually works, for better or worse. But those "sovereign" whackos propose to fight the system using the system itself and I just can't express strongly enough how ignorant it is. There will be always a chain of appeals which ends in the same way - "down the drain you go".

A couple of weeks ago I was reading short book about judicial struggle of a polish guy who's "adventure" begun when he was asked to leave the court room because he had a wicker basket with him. Being a stubborn journalist and a man of honour, he began to send letters, then filed a lawsuit, then appealed several times only to find out that he just couldn't win. He had a constitutional right to carry a wicker basket, he knew all the laws, he cited all the required paragraphs - in short - he was one of a "damn smart and informed citizens", but it didn't matter. Judge has the final word in EVERY LEGAL SYSTEM.

Whether the judge didn't like the wicker baskets in general, or that basket in particular - I didn't find out ;)
I well may be completely wrong and i still don't have sufficiently clear thoughts on this either, but this is what I think

Modern legal system, which is based on Roman Imperial legal system completely disregards psychological continuum of individual differences among people, I would add here fancy ‘tempo-spatial differences’ but regards citizens alike chess pieces on the chess-board; which are not proactive but reactive.
Lobaczewski said:
Three principal heterogeneous items coincided in order to form our European civilization: Greek philosophy, Roman imperial and legal civilization, and Christianity, consolidated by time and effort of later generations. The culture of cognitive/spiritual heritage thus born was internally fuzzy wherever the language of concepts, being overly attached to matter and law, turned out to be too stiff to comprehend aspects of psychological and spiritual life.
Such a state of affairs had negative repercussions upon our ability to comprehend reality, especially that reality which concerns humanity and society. Europeans became unwilling to study reality (subordinating intellect to facts), but rather tended to impose upon nature their subjective ideational schemes, which are extrinsic and not completely coherent.
in any imperial civilization, the complex problems of human nature are troublesome factors complicating the legal regulations of public affairs and administrative functions. This begets a tendency to dismiss such matters and develop a concept of human personality simplified enough to serve the purposes of law. Roman citizens could achieve their goals and develop their personal attitudes within the framework set by fate and legal principles, which characterized an individual’s situation based on premises having little to do with actual psychological properties.
It is not the legal system which serves human society but human society is artificially clinically tailored to suit the needs of artificial concept of legal system, contradicting the natural flow of everything like in Nature (Shepherd versus Agriculturalist??). This bears osit a clear analogy of the Greek legend about Procrustes, who was a giant, son of Poseidon, who would invite guests to his house, but if they did not fit in his bed, he would either stretch them or chop off their limbs or heads until they fit his Iron bed. This is osit exactly what pathocratic legal system does with society: it chops off our individualities, heads, limbs, with a pathological ideal that with so-chopped off heads we would finally fit Procrustean bed of their schemes about us. The term "procrustean" is even used to indicate a disregard for individual circumstances in favor of an arbitrary conformity.

Modern legal system is based on Roman law, and Roman Imperial Legal system had its roots in Etruscan law; Romans adopted Etruscan laws to suit their imperial needs (but in strictly civilian terms without referring to intrusion of divinity as in Etruscan system). Plutarch wrote that Romolo, when he founded Rome, did exactly what Etruscan scientists have suggested him to do; that being: the delimitation of city’s borders, construction of famous Roman Walls and ‘Entries’ into the city, excavation of mundus (Rom, XI, I). Etruscan life had been governed by ‘limitation’ – the fundamental principle of ethical, religious and civil life of Etruscans, sanctioned by ‘disciplina’ (Varrone, ap. Frontin; in Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum).
‘Terrae ius Eturiae’ is the title in Latin, used by Servio Danielino to transcribe Etruscan codex of laws where the rules of foundation of a city, modes of consecration of temples, sites to build entrances into city along the city walls, division of population into tribu, curie and centurie had been layed out. Corpus Gromatici Veteres, attributed to nymph Vegoia, to give an authorization declares that the [agricultural] camps had been measured and attributed under the terms of Jupiter (Giove) – Tinia; for who will put aside those limits to increase proper possessions is committing a crime against the supreme deity and will be punished severely (destruction of home, death of members of family, dreadful diseases, poor harvest, etc.).
So, the psychopathic millennial-long legal system continuosly robbing us and disposing of us is rooted in Etruscan law. At least this is how I understand it, maybe completely wrong. My question is - And where Etruscans had taken their legal system from? What kind of ‘legal system’ was prevailing in Shepherd culture as opposed to Agricultural culture? Or even the essence of term ‘legal system’ itself was so different as shepherd society versus Agricultural? Or how it was? I have to re-read SH!

Added: I knew that sooner or later i would come to my beloved Etruscans or here or there! inevitable.
I wanted to add just a short comment that the law is perhaps written in a
language that is arcane, obscure, rife with (hidden) references and the
key(s) are given to the one who benefits. If should one, who is not the
intended beneficiary as authorized by the PTB should find the key(s) then
the PTB will change the rules "on-the-fly"?

This reminds me of the labyrinth with the minotaur waiting to consume the
ignorant seeker but perhaps with the exception being that the minotaur is
not stationary but is able to freely move about at anytime within the labyrinth?

j0da said:
Would you please STOP trying to convince people that they can avoid paying taxes and get away with it. Just how difficult it is to understand that it DOESN'T MATTER anymore what is legal, what is written in some statute, in the constitution, werever? That in the end those dupes that swallowed the bait ended up finding out it's those men with guns and badges that have the final word??
While I can appreciate your point of view, where does such ultra-pragmatism ultimately lead? Seems it would lead to complete passivity and compliance with injustice. And this would seem to inch awfully close to complicity and collusion with injustice. This attitude has come up twice in the responses to my original post here. What's the deal with that?

Does enlightenment have to equate to passivity and non-activism? Seems the C's and spiritual adepts cite the need to put knowledge into practice. And seems they have a lot to say about respecting the sacredness of someone's free will to choose the manner in which one puts acquired knowledge into practice (e.g. refusing to pay taxes if one so chooses).

j0da said:
So, please. Do not post this kind of stuff. Do not waste our time. Thanks in advance.
I, and likely others, found the information about the Paperwork Reduction Act very interesting and not a waste of my time at all. It wasn't because I intend to stop filing tax returns (personally, I share those concerns you mentioned).

So why then? Because I find it invigorating any time I encounter evidence to remind me of the TRUTH that psychopaths are NOT gods! They're simply defective, albeit dangerous, human beings! I'm encouraged by anything that reveals their blind spots (i.e. "wishful thinking" the C's say will thwart their plans ultimately).

Just the other morning, in the shower, I almost laughed out loud when I realized a snag in the cashless society envisioned by the Illuminati/STS/Consortium/As Nauseum: if they eliminate cash, how will they sustain their black-market drug cartels, etc.? Love those flies in their ointment!

Sure they'll craft another scheme, but that's only one side of reality, lest we forget the ying and yang of it all. Who knows, maybe "jim46" will craft a delightful anti-scheme. Seems to me that enlightenment about the darkness, shouldn't make us to loose sight of the light.

And seems enlightenment should make us more respectful of the free will of an honest seeker who posts something with which we disagree. So "j0da," please do not post those kind of replies. "Thanks in advance"
JGeropoulas said:
While I can appreciate your point of view, where does such ultra-pragmatism ultimately lead? Seems it would lead to complete passivity and compliance with injustice. And this would seem to inch awfully close to complicity and collusion with injustice. This attitude has come up twice in the responses to my original post here. What's the deal with that?
The 'deal with that' is that the whole line of thinking that encourages not paying your taxes plays right into the Pathocrat's hands. This forum serves a very definite purpose and leading people like lemmings into the cross hairs of the Pathocracy is not part of that purpose. Seems you should know this by now.

JG said:
Does enlightenment have to equate to passivity and non-activism?
Not at all, and this is a straw man argument, easily knocked down and not what is even vaguely intended by those who have pointed out the folly that Joda pointed out.

JG said:
Seems the C's and spiritual adepts cite the need to put knowledge into practice.
In this case, putting knowledge into practice means not getting all riled up about something as ultimately ineffective and likely suicidal as what has been suggested - but - again - you should know this by now.

JG said:
And seems they have a lot to say about respecting the sacredness of someone's free will to choose the manner in which one puts acquired knowledge into practice (e.g. refusing to pay taxes if one so chooses).
This actually has absolutely nothing to do with Free Will - but if you mean 'freedom of speech', this forum is not for 'respecting the freedom of speech' of those who post information that is counterproductive and destructive - but - again - you should know this by now.

JG said:
I, and likely others, found the information about the Paperwork Reduction Act very interesting and not a waste of my time at all. It wasn't because I intend to stop filing tax returns (personally, I share those concerns you mentioned).
That is fine, you can find such information in many, many other places on the internet - feel free to go there to read it.

JG said:
So why then? Because I find it invigorating any time I encounter evidence to remind me of the TRUTH that psychopaths are NOT gods! They're simply defective, albeit dangerous, human beings! I'm encouraged by anything that reveals their blind spots (i.e. "wishful thinking" the C's say will thwart their plans ultimately).
Such evidence is available in copious amounts daily on the SotT page and the associated web sites - but, I think you know that.

JG said:
Sure they'll craft another scheme, but that's only one side of reality, lest we forget the ying and yang of it all. Who knows, maybe "jim46" will craft a delightful anti-scheme.
And, 'who knows', maybe jim46 is crafting schemes to benefit the Pathocracy. We do not know, we do not have enough data - this forum is not for crafting schemes - but - again - you should know that by now.

JG said:
Seems to me that enlightenment about the darkness, shouldn't make us to loose sight of the light.
This statement is completely nonsensical in this context. What is your point?

JG said:
And seems enlightenment should make us more respectful of the free will of an honest seeker who posts something with which we disagree. So "j0da," please do not post those kind of replies. "Thanks in advance"
This thread actually has absolutely nothing to do with Free Will, yet you keep bringing it up - no matter, though, since this forum is not for 'respecting the free will' of those who post information that is counterproductive and destructive - but - again - you should know this by now.

Interesting how you are proposing that jim46 has 'free will' to post what he wants, but Joda does not --- now, I wonder why that is?
IMHO the most potent weapon we have against the PTB is information about how our system actually works, not how they want us to think it works. And yes JGeropolous, I agree with you that knowledge gained is useless if we don't utilize it. I know of numerous instances in my small city of 35,000, and elsewhere in Canada, where individuals and groups of individuals have stopped Canada Revenue cold in their tracks because they had the legal knowledge of Canadian tax law, contract law, and the Uniform Commercial Code, which is not all that different from the British and American versions.
And even when a judge has ignored those laws and exacted unjust penalties, the word gets around, and it tends to open an even bigger can of worms. So then they have to tread ever more carefully when one of these people armed with knowledge appears before them. In fact,there are instances where judges have been removed from the bench because they thought they were a law unto themselves.
IMO, in order for the system to function smoothly and efficiently, there has to be a general consensus that it is fair and just. When experience shows that is not the case, then the whole system is in imminent danger of collapse. And, IMO, it only takes a small percentage of the total population to effect positive change. Information is counterproductive and destructive only when it is used in a violent and destructive manner. We are to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves."
Grandstanding, as Ed and Elaine Brown are doing, is imo counterproductive and destructive.
Redrock12 said:
IMHO the most potent weapon we have against the PTB is information about how our system actually works, not how they want us to think it works. And yes JGeropolous, I agree with you that knowledge gained is useless if we don't utilize it. I know of numerous instances in my small city of 35,000, and elsewhere in Canada, where individuals and groups of individuals have stopped Canada Revenue cold in their tracks because they had the legal knowledge of Canadian tax law, contract law, and the Uniform Commercial Code, which is not all that different from the British and American versions...
Well said, Redrock12. That's one of my points: a little knowledge applied at the right time in the right way can have incredible affect on the branching of the universe. It seemed to me that Lawrence’s defense attorney, Oscar Stilley, was exemplifying a specific example of how knowledge can protect one from deceit and exploitation.
Anart said:
The 'deal with that' is that the whole line of thinking that encourages not paying your taxes plays right into the Pathocrat's hands. This forum serves a very definite purpose and leading people like lemmings into the cross hairs of the Pathocracy is not part of that purpose. Seems you should know this by now.
Well, I do know that principle. But what I don’t know is the basis for your certainty that that’s what’s going on with this particular income-tax issue. Is that viewpoint based on facts, intuition, or opinion? Are there examples of this ploy having been used by Pathocrats? It sounds familiar and reasonable in theory, but I’m drawing a blank as to specific examples of the “fly-paper trap" ploy. Any information you could provide on historical precedents would be helpful and appreciated.

From a purely logical point of view (though I don't necessarily believe this), wouldn't objective analysis would have to consider this possibility as well: Without factual evidence or precedents to the contrary, it's just as possible that anyone condemning the pursuit of income tax justice are working to keep the Pathocratic system running.

Regarding my comment, “Does enlightenment have to equate to passivity and non-activism?"

Anart said:
Not at all, and this is a straw man argument, easily knocked down and not what is even vaguely intended by those who have pointed out the folly that Joda pointed out.
My comment was not intended as any kind of argument, “straw man" or otherwise. It was a sincere question about an important matter. Maybe a better approach would be to ask, “What type of, if any, activism or participation in/against the matrix system might be appropriate?" While I do believe that changing myself is the most important task at hand, I’m wary of simply retreating to “contemplate my navel" because I think that’s as much a ploy for neutralizing positive change as getting people ensnared in a “fly-paper trap." Both extremes are potentially treacherous, as with most continuums. Thus it seems a great weight rests on our shoulders to develop discernment of that balance through acquisition and application of knowledge--thus my question. Forum members what are your thoughts?

Regarding my comment, “Seems to me that enlightenment about the darkness, shouldn't make us to loose sight of the light."

Anart said:
This statement is completely nonsensical in this context. What is your point?
I sorry you couldn’t make sense of it. My point is that, just because something could be a “fly-paper trap" doesn’t mean something must be a “fly-paper trap." Or from a professional reference point, there's Freud's version: “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." My point is that we need to be wary of losing our perspective. As we play catch-up gaining the long-overdue “knowledge of evil" (i.e. STS, deception, “darkness� ) we need to cull (i.e. the naive “Jesus loves me" wishful thinking) and nurture our “knowledge of good" (i.e. STO, truth, “light� ).

For example, some people, including myself, feel that Barbara Marciniak’s channeled information from the Pleiadians (Bringers of the Dawn) has more of an optimistic tone to it than Laura’s channeled information from the Cassiopaeans. It's not that one's right and the other's wrong (the C’s endorse Marciniak’s material and I certainly am a fervent proponent of Laura’s amazing work). "Barbara" and "Laura" are discussing the same thing, but from different viewpoints, reflecting, I believe, the particular yearnings of their hearts. I find it very helpful to alternate between the two to keep a balanced perspective

Anart said:
This actually has absolutely nothing to do with Free Will - but if you mean 'freedom of speech', this forum is not for 'respecting the freedom of speech' of those who post information that is counterproductive and destructive - but - again - you should know this by now… Interesting how you are proposing that jim46 has 'free will' to post what he wants, but Joda does not--now, I wonder why that is?
The free-will issue first bubbled up in me when it seemed the "IRS victim" Robert Lawrence (in jim46’s post) was being judged unfairly--and without factual evidence--for exercising his free will and choosing to fight--heroically and successfully--the IRS in court when he felt compelled to do so.

My comment to Joda was an attempt to make him aware of the rudeness of his response to what seemed like jim46's genuine effort to contribute to the Forum. I've seen disinfo agents get appropriately fried on here, so it's not that I can't appreciate that situation. Maybe I'm being naive, but is there factual evidence in this case the warrant that level of cynicism and rudeness?

Maybe it’s because I’ve had so many encounters with the manipulations of psychopathic people, but I’m quick to defend someone’s right to think for themselves and direct their own actions (including making their own mistakes, from which they’ll hopefully learn the valuable lessons intended). The very essence of what we call “evil" seems to be the disregard for another’s free will. The opposite of this is evidenced frequently in the transcripts by the C’s refusal to dictate exactly what Laura should think and do. They consistently resist impinging on Laura’s free-will or tampering with her own pace of enlightenment.

But I understand that Moderators may not have the luxury of extending such broad tolerance on the Forum because they have the responsibility to protect members from information that is counterproductive and destructive. No doubt, for Moderators to strike a balance between the extremes of zealotry and negligence would be quite challenging. Nevertheless, it seems this would be an essential task for preserving the essence of this whole enterprise, so well expressed by Laura on the first Cassiopaean page I ever read:

Laura said:
…We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We do encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit...
Edmund Burke said:
"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
JGeropoulas said:
Maybe a better approach would be to ask, “What type of, if any, activism or participation in/against the matrix system might be appropriate?"
It's simple: "Spread the knowledge about the essence of the matrix and how it works as widely as possible in the mass of normal humans." I recall what I read a while ago on this forum: When slavery was not yet abolished, it was illegal to teach the black to read, but not to arm them. Why? Because it was knowledge that later freed the black, not weapons. And the white rulers knew that so they tried to prevent the spread of knowledge.

It's the same here. If the matrix is to be destroyed, it will be knowledge that does it. Unless and until knowledge about the essence of the matrix and how it works reaches enough people, activities such as refusal to pay income tax by some individuals are suicidal and play right into the hands of the pathocrats. Given the time you are here, you should know this by now.
hoangmphung said:
I recall what I read a while ago on this forum: When slavery was not yet abolished, it was illegal to teach the black to read, but not to arm them. Why? Because it was knowledge that later freed the black, not weapons. And the white rulers knew that so they tried to prevent the spread of knowledge.
yeah, I think that is a great analog that can be used here.
1. information-about-the-matrix = ability-to-read
2. money-withheld-from-income-tax = weapons

In this way, suggesting that people take on the tax system, in order to get themselves some resources back, leaves that person extremely exposed and vulnerable to being crushed underfoot by the system, because they are not aware of the awesome ability of the matrix to do this to them, once they stick their head above the parapet (by withholding tax).

so it is akin to sending a black slave out with a gun, whilst keeping him illiterate so that he is unaware of the wider circumstances, ie that he WILL get shot, by the racist, oppresive regime that enslaved him.

The knowledge is necessary, and is the only way for the slave to become truly 'free'. The gun, on the other hand, is simply encouraging the slave to walk unwittingly into the jaws of his anihilation.
hoangmphung said:
JGeropoulas said:
Maybe a better approach would be to ask, “What type of, if any, activism or participation in/against the matrix system might be appropriate?"
It's simple: "Spread the knowledge about the essence of the matrix and how it works as widely as possible in the mass of normal humans." I recall what I read a while ago on this forum: When slavery was not yet abolished, it was illegal to teach the black to read, but not to arm them. Why? Because it was knowledge that later freed the black, not weapons. And the white rulers knew that so they tried to prevent the spread of knowledge.

It's the same here. If the matrix is to be destroyed, it will be knowledge that does it. Unless and until knowledge about the essence of the matrix and how it works reaches enough people, activities such as refusal to pay income tax by some individuals are suicidal and play right into the hands of the pathocrats. Given the time you are here, you should know this by now.
Thanks, I do know that and I do practice that as my "religion" and "part-time job", BUT here's what's been puzzling me. What if 90% of everyone on earth knew about the matrix today, how would that translate into change or destruction of the matrix IF no one took action or got involved in whatever systems surrounded them (e.g. school board, tribal chief, whatever)?

I can see easier how knowledge PROTECTS an individual, but how does knowledge have any POWER to impact outside oneself IF it doesn't translate into action, at least in this 3D world we're in. I'd be fine with simply learning and teaching others. I don't particularly WANT to be involved with the system or trying to change it (which I don't expect to do), but I am wary of adopting the monastic approach of withdrawing from the system. That's why we've lost any democracy we ever had, because the smart, good, enlightened people didn't get involved (for many good reasons, yet for many bad ones ultimately).

On a more metaphysical level, I have no problem conceptualizing DNA changes, crystallization of bodies, ascension into 4D, non-material existence, etc., etc. It's while we're still here in mundane 3D, enshrouded in the matrix, that baffles me more. What is the nature of the interface between enlightened STO candidates and the matrix in actual, tangible practice? I keep hearing what shouldn't be done, but very little of what should be done. I mean, 1/6th of the whole population of the planet has viewed the Pentagon Flash video on SOTT! That's fantastic. So how does 1 billion people knowing about the matrix have an impact if they just know it and tell others, if no one interacts with the matrix components in some real way (e.g. votes, protests, runs for office)?

Sorry to be so repetitious but I should've been in bed 5 hours ago. This is no minor interest of mine. This site is like a "black hole" of truth (a joke)--irresistible and consuming if you feed on truth and ideas. That's the easy part. It's the burden I feel from knowing as much as I do. It's a privilege. It's Life itself. But it's a responsiblity too. I'm usually having to restrain myself from preaching on a street-corner these days, but, "just as in the days of Noah..."
JGeropoulas said:
I keep hearing what shouldn't be done, but very little of what should be done.
Are you sure about this? Did you mean you can't find on our forum enough inspiration for what should be done?

JGeropoulas said:
I mean, 1/6th of the whole population of the planet has viewed the Pentagon Flash video on SOTT! That's fantastic.
Indeed. The author might have chosen to not pay taxes, instead he paid his taxes like everyone else and created his flash video. Now, which action is more productive?

JGeropoulas said:
I know all about the matrix, etc. but how does that affect anything in 3D directly. So how does 1 billion people knowing about the matrix have an impact if they just know it and tell others, if no one interacts with the matrix components in some real way?
How do you know that no one "interacts with the matrix components in some real way"?
Besides, if most people really knew it, that would be enough. I think the problem is people DO and believe what the matrix wants them to do because of ignorance. If they knew, they wouldn't do it. But they wouldn't have to act against the Matrix, they'd just not go along with it, if they knew it was all just control and lies. The Matrix relies on us to do its bidding.
JGeropoulas said:
hoangmphung said:
JGeropoulas said:
Maybe a better approach would be to ask, “What type of, if any, activism or participation in/against the matrix system might be appropriate?"
It's simple: "Spread the knowledge about the essence of the matrix and how it works as widely as possible in the mass of normal humans." I recall what I read a while ago on this forum: When slavery was not yet abolished, it was illegal to teach the black to read, but not to arm them. Why? Because it was knowledge that later freed the black, not weapons. And the white rulers knew that so they tried to prevent the spread of knowledge.

It's the same here. If the matrix is to be destroyed, it will be knowledge that does it. Unless and until knowledge about the essence of the matrix and how it works reaches enough people, activities such as refusal to pay income tax by some individuals are suicidal and play right into the hands of the pathocrats. Given the time you are here, you should know this by now.
Thanks, I do know that and I do practice that as my "religion" and "part-time job"
You say this, yet what you 'do' contradicts it. You've actually spent quite a bit of time on this thread alone trying to convince readers of this forum that it is not true.

I've noticed in your posts over time that you tend to lean toward the 'metaphysical' aspects of things and less toward the Gurdjieffian understanding of mechanical humanity and even the General Law - I think this is showing here again. You would like for things to be different - for the masses of humanity to make a difference by 'doing' something like not paying taxes - or whatever you might substitute that with tomorrow - when the fact of the matter is that the masses of humanity can DO NOTHING - nothing at all.

Humanity is asleep and powerless - to be able to effectively change their position (and not end up in the cross hairs because they sleep walked into thinking they could 'do' something) they must first learn to awaken - and that takes knowledge of themselves, their machines, objective reality and then- and only then - will they be able to be effective about 'doing' anything.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that in this reality, very, very few people will ever wake up because it is more fun and much easier to get lost in the wishful thinking that they are already awake and able to 'do' anything about anything.

Have you studied any Gurdjieff?

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