Anart said:
The 'deal with that' is that the whole line of thinking that encourages not paying your taxes plays right into the Pathocrat's hands. This forum serves a very definite purpose and leading people like lemmings into the cross hairs of the Pathocracy is not part of that purpose. Seems you should know this by now.
Well, I do know that principle. But what I don’t know is the basis for your certainty that that’s what’s going on with this particular income-tax issue. Is that viewpoint based on facts, intuition, or opinion? Are there examples of this ploy having been used by Pathocrats? It sounds familiar and reasonable in theory, but I’m drawing a blank as to specific examples of the “fly-paper trap" ploy. Any information you could provide on historical precedents would be helpful and appreciated.
From a purely logical point of view (though I don't necessarily believe this), wouldn't objective analysis would have to consider this possibility as well: Without factual evidence or precedents to the contrary, it's just as possible that anyone
condemning the pursuit of income tax justice are working to keep the Pathocratic system running.
Regarding my comment, “Does enlightenment have to equate to passivity and non-activism?"
Anart said:
Not at all, and this is a straw man argument, easily knocked down and not what is even vaguely intended by those who have pointed out the folly that Joda pointed out.
My comment was not intended as any kind of argument, “straw man" or otherwise. It was a sincere question about an important matter. Maybe a better approach would be to ask, “What type of, if any, activism or participation in/against the matrix system might be appropriate?" While I do believe that changing myself is the most important task at hand, I’m wary of simply retreating to “contemplate my navel" because I think that’s as much a ploy for neutralizing positive change as getting people ensnared in a “fly-paper trap." Both extremes are potentially treacherous, as with most continuums. Thus it seems a great weight rests on our shoulders to develop discernment of that balance through acquisition and application of knowledge--thus my question. Forum members what are your thoughts?
Regarding my comment, “Seems to me that enlightenment about the darkness, shouldn't make us to loose sight of the light."
Anart said:
This statement is completely nonsensical in this context. What is your point?
I sorry you couldn’t make sense of it. My point is that, just because something
could be a “fly-paper trap" doesn’t mean something
must be a “fly-paper trap." Or from a professional reference point, there's Freud's version: “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." My point is that we need to be wary of losing our perspective. As we play catch-up gaining the long-overdue “knowledge of evil" (i.e. STS, deception, “darkness� ) we need to cull (i.e. the naive “Jesus loves me" wishful thinking) and nurture our “knowledge of good" (i.e. STO, truth, “light� ).
For example, some people, including myself, feel that Barbara Marciniak’s channeled information from the Pleiadians (
Bringers of the Dawn) has more of an optimistic tone to it than Laura’s channeled information from the Cassiopaeans. It's not that one's right and the other's wrong (the C’s endorse Marciniak’s material and I certainly am a fervent proponent of Laura’s amazing work). "Barbara" and "Laura" are discussing the same thing, but from different viewpoints, reflecting, I believe, the particular yearnings of their hearts. I find it very helpful to alternate between the two to keep a balanced perspective
Anart said:
This actually has absolutely nothing to do with Free Will - but if you mean 'freedom of speech', this forum is not for 'respecting the freedom of speech' of those who post information that is counterproductive and destructive - but - again - you should know this by now… Interesting how you are proposing that jim46 has 'free will' to post what he wants, but Joda does not--now, I wonder why that is?
The free-will issue first bubbled up in me when it seemed the "IRS victim" Robert Lawrence (in jim46’s post) was being judged unfairly--and without factual evidence--for exercising his free will and choosing to fight--heroically and successfully--the IRS in court when he felt compelled to do so.
My comment to Joda was an attempt to make him aware of the rudeness of his response to what seemed like jim46's genuine effort to contribute to the Forum. I've seen disinfo agents get appropriately fried on here, so it's not that I can't appreciate that situation. Maybe I'm being naive, but is there factual evidence in this case the warrant that level of cynicism and rudeness?
Maybe it’s because I’ve had so many encounters with the manipulations of psychopathic people, but I’m quick to defend someone’s right to think for themselves and direct their own actions (including making their own mistakes, from which they’ll hopefully learn the valuable lessons intended). The very essence of what we call “evil" seems to be the disregard for another’s free will. The opposite of this is evidenced frequently in the transcripts by the C’s refusal to dictate exactly what Laura should think and do. They consistently resist impinging on Laura’s free-will or tampering with her own pace of enlightenment.
But I understand that Moderators may not have the luxury of extending such broad tolerance on the Forum because they have the responsibility to protect members from information that is counterproductive and destructive. No doubt, for Moderators to strike a balance between the extremes of zealotry and negligence would be quite challenging. Nevertheless, it seems this would be an essential task for preserving the essence of this whole enterprise, so well expressed by Laura on the first Cassiopaean page I ever read:
Laura said:
…We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We do encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit...
Edmund Burke said:
"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."