I just witnessed two a little bit weird 'explosions' of glass. First, I went to the kiosk to buy some cigarrettes, and just as the lady was to open the cupboard with the cigarrettes – and she hadn't yet touched anything – something large, and based on the sound something made of glass, moved-and-shattered and fell on the floor. I couldn't see what it was, but the sound was quite loud and the pieces of glass filled the floor behind the counter (the lady said something like: "Oh no, it's all over the floor!")
Okay, nothing too weird...but when I came home something similar happened. I had started lining up dirty dishes on the kitchen counter, to later put them in the dish washer. I briefly turned my back to the counter, and then suddenly there was a loud and sharp sound of explosion. I first thought that something big had fallen from the shelf, shattering the dishes, but no. The explosion was caused by a regular glass beaker shattering into thousand small pieces. After having examined the devastation I still can't explain the cause. There was nothing in the glass, nothing fell onto it etc. I've seen beakers of glass cleaved into a few pieces because of too hot water, but I've never seen nothing like this. The small pieces were everywhere, and I could find them several meters away. I'm attaching a picture of the pieces, and for comparison a similar glass beaker.
This may be nothing, but these two things happening in a row within a half an hour got my attention. Is 'someone' trying to get my attention, or warn me? Or, just fooling around?