Interesting Poltergeist video

Aragorn said:
This was just published on RT. Either it's an elaborate hoax, or a quite astonishing video testimony of poltergeist activity. Creepy... :scared:

I would not know, and, yes is creepy, I was wondering why this kind of evidence, it usually happends - when there is no people around, would ghosts know that?, they do perceive or not time in a different sense, is not it?. To be less scared, I remained my self of the movie of Ghost, seeing it like just a "pair of ghosts trying to touch things" :P
Hmm that’s scary... only doubt I have is that wet floor sign. It suspiciously there at 3AM for the reason of.... being flipped by a ghost impressively without a doubt?

What I’m saying is that the sign is the one thing you’d expect to be recorded moving on a poltergeist video, as it’s not leaning against a wall, and be considered proof. Like if someone had planned a hoax I can see how they’d arrive at the conclusion that the best thing to be used would be a wet floor sign.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t trust that sign xD
Everything that moved was in a position to have been done so by someone else. The door could have been flung open from the other side, the locker pushed from the window behind, the locker door pulled open by wire, and the wet floor sign looks as if something was attached to the leg and tugged from floor level.

I want a levitating, disappearing wet floor sign and then I'm impressed! ;)

Thanks for sharing.
I just witnessed two a little bit weird 'explosions' of glass. First, I went to the kiosk to buy some cigarrettes, and just as the lady was to open the cupboard with the cigarrettes – and she hadn't yet touched anything – something large, and based on the sound something made of glass, moved-and-shattered and fell on the floor. I couldn't see what it was, but the sound was quite loud and the pieces of glass filled the floor behind the counter (the lady said something like: "Oh no, it's all over the floor!")

Okay, nothing too weird...but when I came home something similar happened. I had started lining up dirty dishes on the kitchen counter, to later put them in the dish washer. I briefly turned my back to the counter, and then suddenly there was a loud and sharp sound of explosion. I first thought that something big had fallen from the shelf, shattering the dishes, but no. The explosion was caused by a regular glass beaker shattering into thousand small pieces. After having examined the devastation I still can't explain the cause. There was nothing in the glass, nothing fell onto it etc. I've seen beakers of glass cleaved into a few pieces because of too hot water, but I've never seen nothing like this. The small pieces were everywhere, and I could find them several meters away. I'm attaching a picture of the pieces, and for comparison a similar glass beaker.

This may be nothing, but these two things happening in a row within a half an hour got my attention. Is 'someone' trying to get my attention, or warn me? Or, just fooling around?


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This may be nothing, but these two things happening in a row within a half an hour got my attention. Is 'someone' trying to get my attention, or warn me? Or, just fooling around?

Could be a message of some sorts, or not. I think Laura once proposed that stuff like this could be caused by psychic tentions or something to that effect. Is there something going on in your normal life right now that could be connected? Something that needs attention maybe?
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