NIce reply, SAO - good job. Now, onto the post of Starfaction...
StarFraction said:
Hi Scio,
OK …
… we are in the proverbial endless circle in our debate now.
I don’t think we will add much if we continue to ‘literalise’ each other’s every sentence and write paragraphs around it.
We need to come out of the loop … and move on to a new level (which is a spiralling loop) or agree to have our differences and call it a day.
I can counter-refute your counter-refutations about my counter-refutations about your refutations about my refutations endlessly ….
I've decided to step in at this point because StarFraction is, at this point at least, speaking as if there is no objective truth to the matter being discussed. As SAO pointed out in his post, this is not a debate forum. This is a forum where sincere people attempt to get at the truth of any matter by contributing data - researched, verifiable data. At this point, StarFraction, you are using your own opinions on the matter as if they were data. They are not, simply because you are providing no references, or proof of research or backup at all.
StarFraction said:
I will deal with (counter-refute!) a few specific points – and, of course, your own ‘freedom of response’ remains inviolable – but I’d like to start with some general comments.
When I first read your post I felt as though I was reading the writings of someone in a state of mounting hysteria.
I read his post as well and he did not come across to me as someone in a state of mounting hysteria, which indicates your reading instrument may be 'off'.
StarFraction said:
First of all you are at considerable pains to defend yourself against what you seem to perceive as an ‘attack’ from me on the possibility that you actually ‘believe’ things!
We ALL believe things! Doesn’t matter! As long as we are aware that we do, can admit the fact, and are prepared to ‘examine’ beliefs that could be adversely affecting ourselves and our relationships with others.
At this point, it becomes obvious that you need to do some research on belief - what constitutes belief as opposed to knowledge. After doing this research, feel free to comment.
StarFraction said:
But then, after this long ‘defence’ against the fact that you – or anyone else on this forum ( I gather this reference to others gives you a sense of support from the long term ‘team’!) – after this diatribe against my suggestion that there must be a lot of ‘belief’ within the members of this forum, you then go on to say:
>>The way I see it, it doesn't really matter if it's a hoax or not. What matters is what IS said and done - and the results of it. Results on our minds, in our lives, in our being, in our understanding of ourselves and the world, in our approach to life and reality. If somebody comes up with a hoax that ends up teaching people an unbelievable amount and resulting in their OBJECTIVE growth and removal of all assumptions, beliefs, and programming, and a true ability to see the unseen - then does it matter if it's a hoax?<<
So it doesn’t matter if something is not ‘objectively’ true, and is in fact – lets say it – a LIE or a FANTASY. But I agree, HOAX is a friendlier, sort of fun-sounding (like PRANK) word. It was just a ‘hoax’! (Hahahahaha) Nothing serious. Not like a LIE!
This is very interesting, because SAO only went into this explanation of 'what if it is a hoax' because you led him into it - he was speaking from a frame of reference that you built, which you then turned around on him, as if he constructed it himself. This is blatant manipulation. Granted, SAO was drawn into it, but the fact remains that he was attempting to communicate with you on a level that you 'created' - and you then act as if you did not create it. Very interesting. This is the kind of manipulation and twisting of reference that we see here again and again - and that we remove as quickly as possible.
StarFraction said:
My second observation is that I have seen in a number of posts here a certain tendency to round upon ‘newcomers’ whose views are obviously ‘not liked’ by some longer-term members of the forum with scathing remarks about ‘attention-seeking’, ‘noise’, and the ultimate killer: ‘Are you COINTELPRO? Sounds like disinformation!!!’
And the sanction is: ‘We will all ignore you!’
(Shriek! Oh my God! New member shudders in horror … cowers before witch-hunter general. Fears ever to post ‘on this forum’ again!)
Well. I don’t cower.
This is - again - a blatant manipulation. The fact of the matter is that we have many 'newcomers' who fit right in, and almost instantly contribute. What we do not tolerate is manipulators, those here with an agenda and those here so overburdened with self-importance as to be useless to the discussion - those individuals are removed. Where do you think you might fit in with that group of people? I only ask because as your posts have continued, you have displayed a rather telling degree of attempted manipulation, and a stunning degree of self-importance.
StarFraction said:
So I guess you will just have to arrange to ban me if you want to get rid of me.
So let me sum up MY understanding of my post.
First off, I am not interested in manipulating anybody.
This is a lie (or, at best, you are completely unaware of your own actions, which may actually be the case - you clearly are manipulating, so if you are not interested in manipulation, then you literally have no idea what you are 'doing'). Not only that, but if you'd like to be banned, then feel free to continue behaving as you have in this post.
StarFraction said:
My firm commitment is the ‘BELIEF’ that each individual must wake up themselves, and be able to function independently.
Each individual must do the work, correct - however, no one can wake themselves up - it takes a network, and the help of someone who has already woken up.
StarFraction said:
I DO ‘believe’ that we are about (within the next 2 years) to go through one helluva bad time. Like what people lived through in NAZI Germany in the late 30’s and early 40’s.
I DO think it is going to be a terrible – almost inassimilable! – shock to most people in the Western World.
I try and communicate this whenever I can. Not just on this forum.
Yes, my post was provocative. It was – without me consciously thinking it through at the time I typed it – it WAS designed to deliver a shock.
It was designed to provoke debate. (In that at least it was successful! Lol!)
Your self-importance is showing again. I hate to break this to you, but all these things you 'believe' are not news. You are quite a distance behind the 'cutting edge' here, so your 'shocking' intention falls more than a bit flat. I also find it a bit humorous that you state that you were not consciously thinking about the post at the time, yet it was designed to deliver a shock - which is it - were you thinking about it (designing it) - or were you not? You were called on the fact that you present no data - no facts - no objective information.
StarFraction said:
But more than anything I feel so terribly impotent to help my fellow humanity rouse itself to try and DO something to stop what I can clearly see coming down the pike!
And how exactly do you intend to do this? - just wondering because your technique so far is rather an ineffective one.
StarFraction said:
You know, Scio, there were people in Germany in 1933 who were trying desperately to warn others about what that ‘nice man’, ‘baby kisser’ and ‘STRONG man’ Adolph Hitler would do when he came to power. But even many Jews did not believe the warnings! They remained in Berlin and other places … until eventually they received their transportation orders! And even then most of them dutifully packed their suitcases and paraded in an orderly fashion at the designated meeting points.
Sometimes I feel it is 1933 and I am living in Berlin!
So forgive me if I post provocatively upon occasion.
A bit of historical research might help you here, and study into the nature of humankind and human psychology. The reason people did not believe the warnings had nothing to do with not being told - again, how do you intend to 'rouse' people differently than they were not roused in 1933?
StarFraction said:
And please try not to fall into the trap of helping to create a ‘forum inquisition.’
After all, what do you have to fear from new members, new ideas and sometimes provocative posts?
All you have to do is reply – if you wish – and maybe the ‘distasteful’ posts from ‘newbies’ will call forth your own fresh realisations.
And the above is not at all meant to ‘throw you off’ replying to me with as much force as you wish.
I never take it ‘personally’, and I enjoy a good ‘fight.’
I will change views and accept ‘correction’ when I feel convinced. And I will acknowledge such.
More manipulation. If you actually spent real time reading the massive threads on this forum, you would have realized that only those people who display a very clear inability to learn, a very clear agenda to distract, a very clear need to manipulate, or a very clear tendency to verbally abuse are removed.
Also, there is no difference between manipulative and provocative - you seem to like to classify your posts as provocative - provocation lacking objective truth is manipulation - yet, somehow, I doubt you will understand or accept that clarification.
If you would like to be removed, then feel free to continue this behavior. If, on the other hand, you would like to actually learn or even contribute, then please make that clear.