Gosh I’m looking forward to hearing more. Ark has the infectious enthusiasm of a wide eyed child, really uplifting and so interesting to listen to.
I wonder if problems in 3D are not problems in 4D? Is not being able to go through walls actually a problem for us, or perhaps things are problems because some knowledge is withheld by some controlling influence, they know it, we don’t, so “they” get to call the shots. That sounds like a problem.
From an experience of my consciousness being in two places at the same time I could imagine travelling in time consciously. One of me anchored in my advanced (a point in time of having more knowledge/awareness) and the other of the aware me being free to observe a different point in time.
I can’t see time as an arrow, rather it presents to me as a fabric, perhaps an individual consciousness could travel in time to other points that that consciousness has experienced but not ones it hasn’t. Limiting the amount of free will it can exert at other time points. Any change of the time fibres will effect everything else in the fabric instantly. Like tension in a spider web.
But if you try pick up a stitch in time and translocate it you create a big mess in the fabric.
Well just rambling I guess, but super fun to think after being introduced to ideas and possibilities.