
ISIL's Belgian Commander Killed in Iraq

A group named the Intelligence Hawks affiliated to the Iraqi interior ministry announced in a statement on Wednesday that the Belgian commander of the ISIL was killed in al-Qa'em town in al-Anbar province.

The slain terrorist was expert in surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

Late in July, at least 13 notorious ISIL leaders, including a deputy of ISIL Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, were killed by Iraqi warplanes near the Syrian border.

The Iraqi fighter jets launched an airstrike on a gathering center of ISIL commanders in al-Qa'em town, which is located nearly 400km Northwest of Baghdad near the Syrian border, an army statement said.

The statement said that the airstrike also led to the destruction of two booby-trapped cars and a bomb-making plant.

The statement also pointed to massive explosions at the site "which means the high quantities of ammunition and explosive belts which were destroyed".

Video: Yemeni Forces abush Saudi Army in Najran

Footage emerged of the Yemeni Republican Guard and the supporting Popular Mobilization Forces ambushing Saudi vehicles in Najran, a province in southwestern Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi regime has so far failed to stop the Yemeni advance that has reached Najran Dam amidst Houthi advances on almost all fronts. A few days ago, Yemeni forces managed to surround Saudi-backed forces in the imperative city of Taiz in southern Yemen by cutting all supply lines to the city from Aden.

Drone strike kills 5 people in southern Yemen

A US drone strike has left five people claimed to be suspected al-Qaeda militants dead in southern Yemen.

Yemeni witnesses said the victims were killed after their vehicle was completely destroyed in the US drone attack in Shabwah province on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, an unnamed Yemeni security official said the suspected al-Qaeda militants were heading from the Shabwah provincial capital city of Ataq to the nearby town of Nisab.

The al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has taken advantage of the chaos and the breakdown of security in Yemen to tighten its grip on the southern and southeastern parts of the impoverished crisis-stricken country.

The US carries out drone attacks in Yemen and several other countries, including Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Washington claims its drones target al-Qaeda militants, but local sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks.

The drone attacks in Yemen have continued alongside the Saudi military aggression against the Arab country.

Yemen has seen almost daily military attacks by Saudi Arabia since late March 2015, with internal sources putting the toll from the bloody aggression at about 10,000. The offensive was launched to crush the Houthi Ansarullah movement and its allies and reinstate the resigned president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

The Houthis took state matters into their own hands after the resignation and escape of Hadi, which threw Yemen into a state of uncertainty and threatened a total security breakdown there.
Good bargain?

Kerry arrives in Saudi Arabia to discuss Yemen conflict

(Ahram) Top US diplomat John Kerry arrives in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday for talks on Yemen after the UN-brokered dialogue collapsed and as international concerns were mounting over civilian casualties.

Over two days, Kerry is to meet Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir and other Gulf ministers.

He will also meet UN Yemen envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and Britain’s Under Secretary of State for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood.

The kingdom leads an Arab coalition that has been since March 2015 launching brutal aggression on Yemen in a bid to restore power to fugitive ex-president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is a close ally to Riyadh.

As the civilian death toll continues to climb, the kingdom has faced mounting criticism from human rights groups.

On Monday, a group that campaigns for stricter arms sales controls said that Western powers were breaking international law by selling vast amounts of weapons to Saudi Arabia that are being used to hit civilians in Yemen.

The Control Arms Coalition said Britain, France and the United States were flouting the 2014 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which bans exports of conventional weapons that fuel human rights violations or war crimes.

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said last week it was evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern Yemen after a Saudi-led coalition air strike hit one of its hospitals, killing 18 people.

Meanwhile, calls within the US have been pressuring Washington over its military support to Riyadh.

Last week, a US Senator slammed his country’s administration over bombing civilians in Yemen.

The Saudis are the ones dropping the bombs, but “there’s an American imprint on every civilian life lost in Yemen,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) told CNN’s Jake Tapper on August 16.

Kerry heads to Saudi on Yemen peace push

Top US diplomat John Kerry arrives in Saudi Arabia later on Wednesday to push for peace in Yemen after UN-brokered talks collapsed despite world concern over mounting civilian casualties.

Over two days, Kerry is to meet Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir and other Gulf ministers.

He will also meet UN Yemen envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and Britain's Under Secretary of State for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood.

The kingdom leads an Arab coalition that began air raids in March last year and later sent in ground forces to support Yemen's internationally recognised government after Houthi Shiite rebels and their allies overran much of the country.

As the civilian death toll continues to climb, the kingdom has faced mounting criticism from human rights groups.

But there is little expectation of a breakthrough from Kerry's latest visit to the kingdom.

Peter Salisbury, associate fellow at London's Chatham House think tank, told AFP there is "mounting pressure" from certain groups within the US government to see the war ended as soon as possible.

"However, the Americans are limited in their ability to produce a meaningful political settlement."

He said the current international approach, relying on United Nations Security Council Resolution 2216, essentially demands surrender by the rebels who control the capital Sanaa.

"Demanding that they surrender unconditionally simply isn't going to work and my expectation is that, in a best case scenario, we will see many more months of war," Salisbury said.

He added that neither the rebels nor the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi is willing to make the necessary concessions for a peace deal.

Seventeen months after the coalition intervened, anti-rebel forces have regained territory but the Houthis still control most of the interior highlands and Red Sea coast.

In the southwest, government forces are battling to break a rebel siege of Taez, Yemen's third city.

Riyadh says the Houthis are backed by its regional rival Iran.

Coalition-supported pro-government forces are also fighting Al-Qaeda militants who have exploited Yemen's power vacuum to expand their presence in the south and southeast.

For civilians in Yemen, the Arab world's poorest country even before the war escalated early last year, the humanitarian situation "continues to deteriorate", the UN says.

More than 6,600 people, roughly half of them civilians, have been killed, while millions lack food, clean water and adequate healthcare.

US officials have repeatedly urged their major Middle East ally to avoid harming non-combatants.

A diplomatic source in Riyadh said it is "becoming increasingly clear" that elements of the US administration are alarmed by the civilian death toll.

Most recently, the State Department expressed deep concern after 19 people died in an August 15 air raid on a hospital supported by the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) charity.

As well as providing precision-guided bombs, American forces have assisted the coalition with aerial refuelling and intelligence, although they have slashed the number of advisers directly supporting the coalition.

Yemeni diplomatic sources said the US wants a deal on Yemen before the end of the year and will insist on the resumption of peace talks.

After making no headway, Ould Cheikh Ahmed on August 6 suspended the talks in Kuwait for one month, which triggered an escalation in fighting.

Negotiations ended after the Houthis and forces loyal to their ally, former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, appointed a council to govern Yemen.

The move directly challenged Hadi's government, which works from Riyadh and Yemen's second city Aden.

The diplomatic source in Riyadh said he expected a push in Jeddah for new peace talks.

"I'm pretty sure that's what the Saudis want as well," the source said.

The problem is that "there's no clear mechanism" for a way forward, he added.

Salisbury said the talks should be broadened beyond the rebels and government to include groups in the south who want its pre-1990 independence restored.

That, he said, "would send the message that peace in Yemen will be inclusive, not something agreed purely along the lines of elite interests."

Kerry arrives from Nigeria and Kenya on a trip focused on counterterrorism.

In Saudi Arabia, he will also discuss the conflict in Syria, in which the kingdom has taken part in US-led air strikes against the Islamic State (IS) militant group, the State Department said.
Iraqi defense minister sacked as Mosul battle looms

(Reuters) Iraq’s parliament impeached Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi on Thursday over corruption allegations, removing him from office as the army gears up for an assault on Islamic State’s de facto capital, Mosul.

Parliament voted 142-102 to withdraw confidence from Obeidi, two lawmakers said, after questioning him this month about weapons contracts. He denies the corruption allegations.

Obeidi, a Sunni Muslim ally of Shi’ite Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, had spearheaded the military campaign to retake territory that the ultra-hardline Sunni Islamic State group seized in 2014.

Lawmakers have accused the Defence Ministry of wasting billions of dollars and weakening the armed forces to the point where they collapsed in 2014 in the face of the Islamic State onslaught under the previous government led by Nuri al-Maliki, who was also acting defense minister.

Iraq’s military is slowly being rebuilt with the support of a U.S.-led coalition. The army and Shi’ite militias have retaken many areas back from Islamic State, but the biggest test will be the battle for Mosul.

Thirteen years after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein and sparked sectarian violence, major OPEC oil producer Iraq ranks 161st out of 168 nations in Transparency International’s corruption index.

Syrian Foreign Minister arrives in Baghdad to strengthen ties

Baghdad, Syria (4:00 P.M.) – The Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mu’allem arrived in Baghdad on Thursday morning to meet with the Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Jamal, Syrian state media reported today.

Mu’allem is scheduled to meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-‘Abadi and President Fou’ad Masoum after his discussion with Ahmad Jamal.

The purpose of Mu’allem’s visit to Baghdad is to strengthen ties between both countries as they combat terrorism.

Iraqi troops in full control of Qayyarah near Mosul

Iraqi forces have managed to recapture the northern town of Qayyarah from the grip of the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group in their push to conduct a major liberation operation in the nearby city of Mosul.

"We control all parts of the town and managed, in very limited time, to root out Daesh," Lieutenant General Riyadh Jalal Tawfik, who commands Iraq's ground forces, was quoted by AFP as saying on Thursday.

The commander further noted that engineering units were clearing Qayyarah of unexploded ordnance and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The Iraqi troops launched the Qayarah operation on Tuesday, more than a month after retaking the Qayyarah air field,

Qayyarah, which fell to Daesh in 2014, lies on the western bank of Tigris River, some 60 kilometers (35 miles) south of Mosul. The town is expected to be used as a launchpad for the upcoming operation in Mosul.

Abadi hails Qayyarah liberation

Iraqi Prime Minster Haider al-Abadi also issued a statement, in which he described the Qayyarah recapture as a major move by the army on the road to Mosul, the last remaining bastion for Daesh in the north of the country.

He also congratulated the Iraqi people on the liberation of Qayyarah and its neighboring areas.

"Our heroic forces achieved a big victory, an important step towards the liberation of Mosul," Abadi said.

Meanwhile, Iraq's Ministry of Defense said the army's 9th division and the country's elite special forces took part in the offensive in Qayyarah, which was supported by the US-led coalition’s air cover.

The Iraqi army is gearing up for a major offensive in late September to purge Daesh from Mosul, the country's second city. Iraqi forces have managed to wrest control of several areas in the southern parts of the city.

155 MKO Terrorists Escape Iraq to Albania on US Passenger Plane

According to Neday-e Haghighat Website, a sum of 676 terrorists were transferred of Camp Liberty (TTL) to Albania in August.

The recent flight included several high-ranking members of the group, and possibly the group's ringleader Massoud Rajavi, who are notoriously known for their inhumane attitude against low-ranking members taken as hostages in the cult. These terrorists have been under the arrest warrant issued by the Iraqi government so they fled the Iraqi territory by fake identities and passports.

The Iran-based Arabic-language al-Alam news channel reported that Iraq's Sha'baniyeh Intifada is likely to attack the Liberty Camp to prevent Rajavi's escape and take revenge for the MKO's crimes against the Iraqi people during Saddam's era.

Neday-e Haghighat website also released the names of those MKO members who have been transferred by the US passenger plane:

1.Hamidreza Hakimi
2.Jalil Gholamzadeh
3.Majid Khabaz Sirjani
4.Morterza Omidi
5.Tajbakhsh Delavari
6.Bijar Rahimi
7.Mohammad Zareiee or Zare-zadeh
8.Hamidreza Esmaeil Beigi
9.Mahmoud Barisemi
10.Mohammadmehdi Sabet-Rostami
11.Farah Firouzmand
12.Sorour Lahmi
13.Abdollah Jaafar-zadeh
14.Hamid Robat
15.Ahmad Zarchi
16.Mehrdad Bazazian
17.Mojtaba Boland-Martabeh
18.Jamal Olyaei
19.Mahmoud Sufi
20.Esmaeil Kavousi-nia
21.Ghasem Jabrai
22.Seyyed Aliasghar Haj-Seyyed-Javadi
23.Morteza Ghaemi ( aliases Alimohammad Ranj-Orangi
24.Bahman Rezaei
25.Ahmad Taj-gardun
26.Siyavosh Farshid
27.Mehdi Mohammad-Moradi
28.Behzad Ghaderi
29.Mohsen (samad) siyahkolah ( aliases Hossein Golchian or Golshian )
30.Javad Soleyman-Jah
31.Golnaz Tamizi
32.Susan Bani-Hashemi
33.Mehdi Haj-Hosseini
34.Ozra Alavi Taleghani ( aliases Susan Kalali )
35.Shahriar Shakhes
36.Massoud Heidari
37.Aliasghar Akbari
38.Amirabbas Zabeti
39.Hossein Rezaei-nejad
40.Hamid Kohandel Gargari
41.Sheida Taheri
42.Raziyeh Ghadami
43.Nahid Sataroloyoub ( aliases Sattari )
44.Azar Karimpour ( aliases Mahnaz Abooei )
45.Fahimeh Azarani
46.Mohammad Fadaei
47.FArshid Raees-zadeh
48.Nima Habashi
49.Iraj Soltani
50.Ali Mamghani Mothagh
51.Behnam Alivandi
52. Unkonwn
53.Seyed Mohammadkazem Nabavi Chashami
54.Farzan Pur-Abed
55.Behrooz Barghian
56.Malek Beyt-Masha’l
57.Hossein Khorsand Akbarzadeh
58.Shahpoor Mohammadi
59.Ahmadreza Iranpur
60.Navid Danafar
61.Darush Shahpari
62.Jalil Borbor
63.Puran Dehghanpur
64.Laleh Noghreh-Saz ( aliases Narges Rakhshani )
65.Fatemeh Reza-zadeh
66.Alimohammad Rahimi Alashti
67.Mohammad Tavakoli
68.Esmaeil Ghasemi
69.Ali Osat Firouz-bakht
70.Nader Razaei-far
71.Ozra ( amineh ) Takhshid
72.Roghayeh ( Homa ) Jaberi
73.Maryam Kavani
74.Mahnaz Jadidian
75.Shokuh Ghasem-zadeh
76.Emad Duji
77.Alireza Baghban Khatibi
78.Hamid Mohammad Agh-Atabay
79.Abbas Ghodrati
80.Hasan Rahnama
81.Rasul Mahdloo Torkaman ( aliases Farid shafaei)
82.Ahmad Mohammadi
83.Ayoub Astan-alami
84.Mohammad Ranjbar
85.Mahmoud Latifi
86.Nurmorad Kolah-Jooei
87.Najaf Kamali
88.Babak Tahmasebi
89.Rahim Falahat-nejad
90.Gholamreza Esfandiari
91.Ali Tajbakhsh
92.Nader Keshmiri
93.Zahra Ruzbeh
94.Farideh Yazdan-panah
95.Narges Shafiei ( aliases Nasrin Shalivari )
96.Mahmoud Fard
97.Ali Mahdavi
98.Mohammadreza Iranpur
99.Alireza Pur-Jaafar Rudsari
100.Mehran Rastin
101.Ebrahim Haghiri
102.Ali Ashraf Maleki
103.Davoud Heydarian
104.Ali Hajari
105.Kheyrollah Mohammad-alian
106.Amir-younos Haghighi
107.Mehdi Jalilian
108.Hasan Sadeghi
109.Manouchehr Mohammadi
110.Ahmad Sorkhi
111.Soltan Bavi
112.Ahmad Pir-hayati
113.Musa Motahedi
114.Esmaeil Rezaei Sheikh Amiranloo
115.Saeid Mehdizadeh Mola-bashi
116.Fariborz Nemati
117.Alireza Gheytani
118.Mohammad Shafaei
119.Mohammadmehdi Mohseni
120.Saeed Hoseini

The second group:

1.Shayesteh Saghaei
2.Nasrin Masih
3.Raziyeh Tabari
4.Ensiyeh Golshahi ( aliases Golmohamamdi )
5.Akram Faraji
6.Nejah Javaheri
7.Kobra Amini
8.Mitra Amooei
9.Nushin Jahan-roshan
10.Esmat Kargar-zadeh
11.Zahra Shirzad ( aliases Kosar Negahdar Khorshidfar )
12.Alireza Nejad-Shams
13.Enayat Sohrabi
14.Saeed Rajaei-pur
15.Leila Ghanbari
16.Mahmour Fakhri-nia
17.Zahra Seraj
18.Akbar Moeini Karbkandi
19.Fatemeh HOmafar ( aliases Maryam Ratebi )
20.Alireza Maadanchi (aliases Bijan Hadizadeh )
21.Mojtaba Zakeri ( aliases Bahman Esmaeili )
22.Hossein Paydar
23.Monir Seyedi Kamjani
24.Mohammad Khujinian
25.Hojjat Rezaei ( Ali Hojati )
26.Vahid Sadegh
27.Gholamali Riyahi
28.Seyyed Mohammad Vahedi
29.Gholamreza Sireh
30.Mehdi Halvaei
31.Seyyed Hasan Musavi almaleki
32.Fatemeh Faghihi
33.Soheyla Shaabani
34.Zahra Mazuchian ( aliases Mina Sharifpur)
35.Soraya Yazdan-sepah

The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and participated in the overthrow of the US-backed Shah of Iran in 1979. Ahead of the revolution, the MKO conducted attacks and assassinations against both Iranian and western targets.

The group started assassination of the citizens and officials after the revolution in a bid to take control of the newly-established Islamic Republic. It killed several of Iran's new leaders in the early years after the revolution, including the then President, Mohammad Ali Rajayee, Prime Minister, Mohammad Javad Bahonar and the Judiciary Chief, Mohammad Hossein Beheshti who were killed in bomb attacks by the MKO members in 1981.

The group fled to Iraq in 1986, where it was protected by Saddam Hussein and where it helped the Iraqi dictator suppress Shiite and Kurd uprisings in the country.

The terrorist group joined Saddam's army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran.

Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States, who argued for the MKO to be taken off the US terror list.

The US formally removed the MKO from its list of terror organizations in early September, one week after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US Congress a classified communication about the move. The decision made by Clinton enabled the group to have its assets under the US jurisdiction unfrozen and do business with the American entities, the State Department said in a statement at the time.

In September 2012, the last groups of the MKO terrorists left Camp Ashraf, their main training center in Iraq's Diyala province. They have been transferred to Camp Liberty. Hundreds of the MKO terrorists have now been sent to Europe, where their names were taken off the blacklist even two years before the US.

The MKO has assassinated over 12,000 Iranians in the last 4 decades. The terrorist group had even killed large numbers of Americans and Europeans in several terror attacks before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Some 17,000 Iranians have lost their lives in terror attacks in the 35 years after the Revolution.

Rumors were confirmed earlier this month about the death of MKO ringleader, Massoud Rajavi, as a former top Saudi intelligence official disclosed in a gaffe during an address to his followers.

Rajavi's death was revealed after Turki al-Faisal who was attending the MKO annual gathering in Paris made a gaffe and spoke of the terrorist group's ringleader as the "late Rajavi" twice.

Faced with Faisal's surprising gaffe, Rajavi's wife, Maryam, changed her happy face with a complaining gesture and cued the interpreter to be watchful of translation words and exclude the gaffe from the Persian translation.
ISIS leader was secretly held in notorious Abu Ghraib torture prison - report

For the first time, the US Army acknowledges that the Islamic State’s caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, spent most of his time under US detention in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, according to a new report.

Through a Freedom of Information Act records request, the Intercept was able to confirm with the US Army that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), had been imprisoned in a special high-profile section at the Abu Ghraib prison in the Iraqi city of the same name, from February to October 2004.

Al-Baghdadi, who has also gone by the name Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali Badri, was simply referred to by his assigned serial number, US9IZ-157911CI, in detention records. While Abu Ghraib is not mentioned by name, that code reveals that’s exactly where Al-Baghdadi was held.

Former detainee al-Baghdadi’s internment serial number sequence number begins with ‘157,’” US Army spokesperson Troy A. Rolan, Sr. told the Intercept. “This number range was assigned at the Abu Ghraib theater internment facility.”

During Spring of 2004, just weeks after al-Baghdadi had been booked at Abu Ghraib, graphic photos leaked of torture sessions and abusive humiliation tactics utilized at the secretive prison.

On October 13 of that year, al-Baghdadi was transferred to Camp Bucca, as were many other Abu Ghraib inmates. Bucca had previously been reported as the sole facility where the IS caliph was held, but according to this new report, al-Baghdadi actually was there for less than two months. He was given an “unconditional release” on December 9.

Al-Baghdadi’s prisoner status had been “civilian internee,” for those with ties to terrorism but hadn’t been captured while carrying out such activities, according to Reuters.

Just 13 months after al-Baghdadi’s release, in January 2006, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s group al-Qaeda in Iraq aligned with other Sunni radicals to establish the Mujahideen Shura Council, and after Zarqawi’s death in a US bombing raid in June 2006, that new coalition renamed itself the Islamic State of Iraq. That group would go on to elect Islamic scholar al-Baghdadi its leader, who remains one of the most wanted terrorist suspects in the world.

Kerry pushes for peace between Houthis and Saudi-supported forces

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday announced after a meeting in Saudi Arabia with Gulf leaders, a British minister and UN envoy to Yemen, that there’s a fresh peace plan for Yemen in the works that aims to form a unity government to resolve its 17-month-old conflict.

“This war needs to end and it needs to end as quickly as possible,” Kerry said.

He continues by saying that participants “agreed on a renewed approach to negotiations” between the Hadi regime and Houthi rebels.

Kerry lashed out at Iran by accusing the Islamic Republic of threatening the United States by sending arms to the Houthi forces.

“The threat potentially posed by the shipment of missiles and other sophisticated weapons into Yemen from Iran extends well beyond Yemen and is not a threat just to Saudi Arabia and… the region,” Kerry told reporters in the Red Sea city of Jeddah. “It is a threat to the United States and it cannot continue.”

The new peace approach will have “both a security and political track simultaneously working in order to provide a comprehensive settlement”, said Kerry, adding that Gulf states had “agreed unanimously with this new initiative”.

He emphasized the need for a “swift formation of a national unity government with power shared among the parties” including the “withdrawal of forces from Sanaa and other key areas”, and the “transfer of all heavy weapons including ballistic missiles and launchers from the Houthis and forces allied with them to a third party”.

Saudi Arabia 'Too Arrogant to Accept Defeat' in Yemen

Days after over 100,000 Yemenis rallied in Sanaa against Saudi Arabia for the latter’s continued shelling campaign, US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Riyadh to discuss the ongoing bloodbath.

The founder of the UK-based Islamic Human Rights Commission, Massoud Shadjareh, spoke with Radio Sputnik about Western involvement and possible outcomes of the war.

Framing the violence in Yemen as a proxy war involving Iran is flat-out wrong, in the words of Shadjareh, who was interviewed by Brian Becker on Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear program.

Iran, accused by the Saudis of supporting the Houthi political opposition faction throughout the war, hasn’t got any influence on conflict in Yemen, he said.

“There’s a total blockade of sea, and [Iranian] weapons cannot get through, personnel cannot get through. Iran has no air forces involved,” Shadjareh noted, offering that the real driving force of the hostilities in Yemen is Saudi Arabia that has been shelling the country since March 2015.

To justify its attempted invasion, the Saudis used the pretext of spreading democracy, which is patently absurd, given that Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, and it practices executions and widely oppresses women, Shadjareh said.

Riyadh “wants to be a regional power” and has instigated a number of conflicts, including those in Bahrain, Syria and Yemen, he said. “They want to strengthen themselves so as to ensure the continuation of the royal family’s dictatorship.”

The Saudi’s real goal in sending troops Yemen, he said, is to place a puppet president in power who will obey Riyadh.

“Here we’ve got one of the richest countries in the region, or in the world, attacking one of the poorest countries, destroying infrastructure and killing children,” he said, speaking of the ongoing Saudi bombing campaign, known to be using US-manufactured weapons.

The war has not only killed over 9,000 people and left the country in ruins, but has also given a “kiss of life” to a branch of al Qaeda now planted in Yemen, he added.

Concurrently, “the international community, that is supposed to be the peak of democracy and justice, is involved in it,” Shadjareh stated. Citing an Oxfam report, he observed that the UK is also actively supplying Riyadh with arms and ammunition, which are being liberally used against civilians.

“Saudi Arabia couldn’t possibly get engaged in this sort of war without such support,” he said.

Riyadh made it clear that its airstrikes, targeting hospitals and schools, are overlooked by the West, Shadjareh pointed out, citing the Saudi Foreign Minister’s claim that US and UK commanders have access to the list of Saudi airstrike targets. “

The reality is that not only is Saudi Arabia commiting war crimes, but also those who make it possible,” he added, referring to logistical assistance and weapons supplied by Washington and London.

Among the reasons prompting Americans and Britons to turn a blind eye to the “carnage and international law violations” currently being committed in Yemen by the Saudis is the aggressive sale of weapons by the West, weapons specifically provided for the use of Riyadh against the Houthi opposition.

“There are no economic reasons, other than the sale of arms. There’s no oil, geopolitical interest for the US or the UK there. So it really goes back to old-fashioned corruption.”

In spite of the far-reaching support of the Western allies, the Saudis are stuck in a quagmire similar to that being experienced by the US in Afghanistan. The Houthi faction, disorganized at the beginning of the war, have become a “fighting machine, manufacturing weapons and being able to sustain themselves, despite all the blockades that had been imposed.”

The Saudis, in their wealth and Western friendships, are “too arrogant and don’t want to accept a defeat” that has already happened, he said.

Riyadh will drag on the war, refusing to negotiate or discuss peace, which is the only intelligent exit strategy left to the House of Saud.

UN human rights chief calls for international investigation of abuses in Yemen’s civil war

The U.N. human rights chief is calling for an international investigation of human rights violations in Yemen’s civil war, which has killed thousands.

Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein’s call came as his Geneva office on Thursday released a 22-page report chronicling abuses on both sides in the war.

The conflict pits the internationally recognized Yemeni government, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, against Shiite rebels known as Houthis and their allies.

Fighting escalated in March 2015 with the start of Saudi-led airstrikes.

The U.N. report also denounces the recruitment of child fighters in Yemen, suspected U.S. drone strikes and attacks on rights defenders.

Zeid’s office says an estimated 3,799 civilians have been killed since the escalation of the conflict. The U.N. and rights groups estimate at least 9,000 people overall have died.
sToRmR1dR said:
155 MKO Terrorists Escape Iraq to Albania on US Passenger Plane

According to Neday-e Haghighat Website, a sum of 676 terrorists were transferred of Camp Liberty (TTL) to Albania in August.

The recent flight included several high-ranking members of the group, and possibly the group's ringleader Massoud Rajavi, who are notoriously known for their inhumane attitude against low-ranking members taken as hostages in the cult. These terrorists have been under the arrest warrant issued by the Iraqi government so they fled the Iraqi territory by fake identities and passports.
Neday-e Haghighat website also released the names of those MKO members who have been transferred by the US passenger plane:
The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and participated in the overthrow of the US-backed Shah of Iran in 1979. Ahead of the revolution, the MKO conducted attacks and assassinations against both Iranian and western targets.
Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States, who argued for the MKO to be taken off the US terror list.

The US formally removed the MKO from its list of terror organizations in early September, one week after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US Congress a classified communication about the move. The decision made by Clinton enabled the group to have its assets under the US jurisdiction unfrozen and do business with the American entities, the State Department said in a statement at the time.
Rumors were confirmed earlier this month about the death of MKO ringleader, Massoud Rajavi, as a former top Saudi intelligence official disclosed in a gaffe during an address to his followers.

Excellent find - SToRmR1dR - including the list of names! I wonder, why ..... "to Albania"?

Members of Daesh Takfiri militant group have reportedly executed more than two dozen young men in Iraq’s northern province of Kirkuk as the terrorists continue committing crimes against humanity in various parts of the crisis-hit Arab country.

Daesh militants execute over 25 young men in northern Iraq

Muhammed Tamim, a legislator from Kirkuk with the Arab Front for National Dialogue political party, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria television network that Daesh terrorists killed at least 25 people in secret prison in the town of Hawijah, located about 282 kilometers (175 miles) north of the capital, Baghdad, on Thursday.

Tamim added that the victims were residents of al-Abbasi, al-Zab and Riyad districts of the town. They were executed either by firing squad or decapitation on charges of collaboration with Iraqi security personnel or attempts to escape from Hawijah towards areas under the control of Kurdish Peshmerga forces.

On August 15, Daesh extremists placed 25 local residents of Hawijah inside a booby-trapped house and then blew up the building.

An informed source, requesting not to be named, said Daesh members had accused the victims of espionage and collaboration with Iraqi security forces.

Hassan Mahmoud al-Soufi, a commander of pro-government Popular Mobilization Units, said on August 6 that Daesh militants had executed 61 people, among them a woman, by firing squad at a militant base
on the outskirts of Hawijah.

Soufi said those killed were among the 3,000 civilians whom Daesh Takfiris had ambushed and captured days before as the former tried to flee from the militant-held city.

The Yemeni army and popular forces discovered an arms depot of pro-Saudi forces in Ma'rib province which contained weapons and ammunition made in the US as Ansarullah fighters continued to gain more military grounds in the kingdom's Najran and Jizan provinces.

Yemeni Army, Popular Forces Seize US-Made Arms in Ma'rib, Continue to Advance in Najran

The Yemeni forces seized a weapons depot of the Saudi-led forces in Ma'rib province which was packed with the US-made arms and dispatched from Saudi Arabia to the Yemeni province.

The Yemeni army and Ansarullah fighters also seized the military positions of the Saudi army in Najran province.
angelburst29 said:
sToRmR1dR said:
155 MKO Terrorists Escape Iraq to Albania on US Passenger Plane

According to Neday-e Haghighat Website, a sum of 676 terrorists were transferred of Camp Liberty (TTL) to Albania in August.

The recent flight included several high-ranking members of the group, and possibly the group's ringleader Massoud Rajavi, who are notoriously known for their inhumane attitude against low-ranking members taken as hostages in the cult. These terrorists have been under the arrest warrant issued by the Iraqi government so they fled the Iraqi territory by fake identities and passports.
Neday-e Haghighat website also released the names of those MKO members who have been transferred by the US passenger plane:
The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and participated in the overthrow of the US-backed Shah of Iran in 1979. Ahead of the revolution, the MKO conducted attacks and assassinations against both Iranian and western targets.
Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States, who argued for the MKO to be taken off the US terror list.

The US formally removed the MKO from its list of terror organizations in early September, one week after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US Congress a classified communication about the move. The decision made by Clinton enabled the group to have its assets under the US jurisdiction unfrozen and do business with the American entities, the State Department said in a statement at the time.
Rumors were confirmed earlier this month about the death of MKO ringleader, Massoud Rajavi, as a former top Saudi intelligence official disclosed in a gaffe during an address to his followers.

... I wonder, why ..... "to Albania"?

"No expectations and no prejudices"!!!

sToRmR1dR said:
Iraqi defense minister sacked as Mosul battle looms

ISIL Celebrates Sacking of Iraqi Defense Minister

According to reports, the terrorists were watching television at a local cafe when they came to realize that the parliament rejected to give Khaled al-Obeidi a vote of confidence.

Eyewitnesses told Sputnik that ISIL militants exchanged greetings and joyful shouts after Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi was ousted.

“As soon as parliament announced on television the lack of vote of confidence for Minister al-Obeidi, the rebels began to shout Takbir [Allah hu Akbar] and congratulate each other on this event,” eyewitnesses said.

Khaled al-Obeidi is considered to be one of the key figures in the fight against ISIL, as it was under his command that the Iraqi air force earned victory in Ramadi, Fallujah, Al-Qayyara, Rutbah and other places where the Iraqi Army successfully defeated terrorists.

The Iraqi parliament passed a vote of no confidence Thursday in Defense Minister, suspected of corruption in the military sector, while the Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are currently preparing an assault to liberate the Mosul city in Nineveh province.

Meanwhile, Iraqi air force dropped leaflets over Mosul, asking civilians not to provide any help to the ISIL terrorists.

The press service of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said Thursday that the Iraqi forces are distributing leaflets by air over Mosul to inform citizens about the forthcoming operation to liberate the city.

The Iraqi armed forces declared on Tuesday the strategic city of Al-Qayyara was fully liberated from ISIL terrorists. The city is the biggest oil-rich region in Nineveh province, and is located South of Mosul, which is the main ISIL stronghold in Iraq.

Mosul, also, the second largest city in Iraq, has been controlled by the ISIL group since 2014.

Iraqi Air Force Strikes ISIL's Strategic Base in Nineveh Province, Kills 60 Terrorists

"At least 60 ISIL special forces who were undergoing military training in Tel Afar base were killed in the Iraqi airstrikes," the Arabic-language media quoted informed local sources as saying on Saturday.

The ISIL casualties came as the terrorist group is under siege by the Kurdish Peshmerga forces from six directions and under the Iraqi army's siege from three directions.

Earlier on Saturday, Iraq's counterterrorism department in a statement announced that 36 ISIL terrorists were killed in the Iraqi fighter jets' strikes on their military positions in Mosul city.

It noted that 15 foreign terrorists were among the ISIL's casualties in Mosul city after the Iraqi air force's F16 fighter jets pounded and destroyed the ISIL's military base there.

On Tuesday, the Iraqi armed forces declared that the strategic city of Al-Qayyara was fully liberated from ISIL terrorists. The city is the biggest oil-rich region in Nineveh province, and is located South of Mosul, which is the main ISIL stronghold in Iraq.

Mosul, also, the second largest city in Iraq, has been controlled by the ISIL group since 2014. Iraqi forces backed by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are currently preparing an assault to liberate the strategic city.

Also on Thursday, the Iraqi air force dropped leaflets over Mosul, asking civilians not to provide any help to the ISIL terrorists.

The press service of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said Thursday that the Iraqi forces are distributing leaflets by air over Mosul to inform citizens about the forthcoming operation to liberate the city.

"The residents were warned against any attempts to provide support to militants," the press service said, adding that the leaflets also urged those living in Mosul to stay indoors, as far as possible away from militant positions.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Starts Cleansing of ISIL Security Forces

"Al-Baghdadi has removed most of his commanders in Iraq, specially in Mosul, and surrounding areas, and replaced them with foreign and other Arab nationals," the sources said on Saturday.

According to the sources, al-Baghdadi has expelled all those Iraqi elements who worked for the ISIL security bodies as well as those whose family members worked for Hash al-Sha'bi (popular forces) or the Iraqi army's command center to prevent any coup or leakage of intelligence.

A group of senior ISIL commanders had earlier this month voiced their allegiance to Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawaheri and staged a coup against ISIL's commander Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the Southwestern parts of Kirkuk province.

"This move by the ISIL commanders in Kirkuk province will be a heavy blow to the ISIL," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military sources as saying.

The source noted that the coup will paly an important role in widening the rift among the ISIL commanders in other Iraqi province, including Nineveh.

Yemen's Houthis reject Kerry's initiative for peace

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has rejected an initiative put forth by US Secretary of State John Kerry to resolve the crisis in the war-torn country.

Mohammed Abdulsalam, the Ansarullah spokesman, said Saturday that the offer aims at depriving the Houthis of their arms in their fight of resistance against the Saudi invasion.

“Whoever has a greedy eye on our weapons, we will have a greedy eye on his life,” Abdulsalam wrote in a message posted on Facebook.
Kerry earlier called on Houthis to hand over their weapons including ballistic missiles and to pull back from the capital Sana’a. In return, the US secretary of state said Houthis and allies can have a share in Yemen’s future unity government.

The proposal comes amid reports that Houthis have stepped up missile attacks on border regions in Saudi Arabia over the past weeks. The attacks are carried out in reaction to deadly Saudi airstrikes that the regime in Riyadh says are meant to undermine Houthis and allies and to restore power to Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, Yemen’s president who has resigned and fled the capital.

About 10,000 people have been killed across Yemen since the Saudi campaign started in March 2015.

The conflict in Yemen re-escalated after peace talks mediated by the United Nations and held in Kuwait collapsed earlier this month. The talks hit a snag after Houthis rejected a similar initiative proposed by the UN, saying it lacked any clear mechanism for transition of power.

Houthis had declared since the start of the talks in April that they were ready for disarmament and withdrawal from key areas they control in case a broad political agreement is reached in which Hadi would have no role.

Houthis capture stash of Saudi weapons, destroy armored vehicles (Video + photos)

Houthis and their allies have stormed the Alsbkeh military site in Saudi Arabia’s Najran province.

Their raid proved successful as they captured a stash of weapons and destroyed a number of Saudi armored vehicles.

The following footage shows the operation conducted by Yemeni forces and the result of their successful assault.
International Conference in Support of the Yemeni people: US and Britain implicated in aggression

The first International Conference in Support of the Yemeni people finished its first meeting in the British capital today and concluded with a call to support the people of Yemen, and to stop the aggression and lift the siege being imposed upon the country.

The conference, held over two days, aimed to shed more light upon the injustices being endured by the Yemeni people, and to draw more attention to the grievous humanitarian and political situation that has been unfolding there – though largely ignored by Western media outlets. Of particular interest were the violations perpetrated against children, and the long term economic, humanitarian and social effects of the widespread destruction taking place as a results of Saudi Arabia’s war of aggression there.

Attended by politicians, economists, and jurists from Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Scotland, Canada, Iraq, Syria and Bahrain, the conference condemned the violations of human rights and international law that had become a daily occurrence in the Middle East’s poorest country.

Recommendations of the conference centered around two important points: the immediate cessation of the military aggression waged by the Saudi-led coalition, and the lifting of the blockade currently being illegally applied to the country. Furthermore, they stressed the need for the international community to set up an independent investigation of war crimes committed during the conflict.

During the conference papers were presented that highlighted the role of Saudi Arabia in inflaming sectarianism and extremism in Yemen, as well as their role in suppressing democracy there. Alongside this, there was a discussion of the destruction of the cultural heritage in the war-torn country. The role of Britain and the US in supporting the Saudi coalition by the sale of arms and with logistical support and military advice was also discussed there.

Five human rights organisations were involved in the conference: the ‘Stop the War Coalition’, ‘Human Rights of Yemen’, the ‘Organization of Sheba for Democracy and Human Rights’, the ‘Arab Organization for Monitoring Human Rights’, and ‘the International Campaign Against the Arms Trade’.

In parallel to this conference, the United Nations has called for the international community to respect the sovereignty and will of the Yemeni people, and to respect the newly formed parliament, which recently received a substantial show of support in a major mass rally in the capital of Sanaa.

British newspapers make major revelations on the use of British arms in Yemen

The British ‘Observer’ newspaper has recently claimed that the ‘Raytheon’ factories in Britain have started to produce smart bombs for sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

The British government is set to make vast profits from the sale of such weapons, with several orders already being placed by the KSA; since 2015 the price of these orders is thought to have reached a sum of 3.5 billion pounds Stirling.

The Observer goes on to note that the Saudi military has used such bombs in the shelling of civilian residential neighbourhoods in Yemen. The KSA remains the largest importer of British arms in the world, and its recent intensive expansion of its military seems to be aimed at assisting in its war against the Houthis in Yemen.

In keeping with this, Human Rights Watch has found that many of the weapons used in the Yemeni war seem to have been manufactured in Britain. Other major buyers of British weaponry in the region include Turkey, who recently bought 450 million pounds worth of weaponry, and Egypt, buying 116 million pounds worth of military equipment.

These large contracts have drawn domestic criticism, with the Deputy of the Scottish parliament calling for an end to sales to the KSA on Sunday – the call came at the conclusion of the International Conference on crimes in Yemen, held in London that evening.
Iraq: 10,000 Civilians Forced by ISIL to Migrate From Northern Qayyara

"The ISIL has forced 10,000 residents of villages in Qayyara region to abandon their houses and move towards al-Shoura region (45 kilometers to the South of Nineveh province) fearing that they might revolt concurrent with Iraqi army's advances," director of Qayyara region Saleh Hassan al-Jabouri said.

He added that the residents of the villages of the Upper al-Houd, Lower al-Houd, Sirt and Hamidiya are forced to migrate to the deserts.

On Tuesday, FNA dispatches said that the countdown had begun for the ISIL terrorist group in Qayyara as over 90 percent of the city had been fully seized back.

Iraq's joint military forces started the final phase of Qayyara liberation operation on Tuesday morning and the city center, except few building complexes and a school, is under the Iraqi forces' control now.

"Over 90 percent of Qayyara has been seized back and only the communications building, a school and few residential buildings where the bomb-laden vehicles are kept are under ISIL's control," a battlefield source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told FNA.

The Iraqi army and volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) have managed to win back vast areas of Qayyara city on Sunday as the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi army's ninth brigade entered the city at the same time.

The Iraqi forces are now driving out the terrorists from Qayyara refinery in the Southwestern part of the city.

Over 30 ISIL terrorists have been killed and many more wounded in Tuesday's fierce clashes.

Qayyara city is the biggest oil-rich region in Nineveh province as it has many oil wells there.

Last Sunday, Iraq's joint military forces managed to seize back most of Qayyara city.

The Iraqi forces had imposed full control over 75 percent of the Qayyara city and advanced from three directions deep inside the city.

Fierce clashes were underway in the Northern parts of the city as the ISIL terrorists were fleeing from the Northern parts to the Southern parts of the city.

The ISIL terrorists came under the siege of the Iraqi forces in the Southeastern and Western parts of Qayyara city.

Earlier on Sunday, Iraq's joint military forces approached the gates of Qayyara city which is 63 kilometers from Mosul and were ready to start the third phase of the liberation operations of Mosul city and its surrounding areas.

Hadi Al-Ameri: Over 1200 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Al-Khalediya Liberation Operation

"Around 1,200 to 1,500 terrorists have been killed in fierce clashes with Iraq's joint military forces in al-Khalediya battle," Al-Ameri said on Sunday.

He noted many ISIL terrorists have also been arrested, including some runaway notorious prisoners of Abu Ghreib prison.

"Some of the captured commanders were foreigners, including women who had military uniform on," Al-Ameri added.

On August 20, a senior military commander announced that Iraq's joint military forces had completely seized back the strategic al-Khalediya Island located to the East of al-Ramadi in Anbar province.

"The Iraqi security and Hashd al-Shaabi managed to fully liberate al-Khalediya Island 23 kilometers to the East of al-Ramadi and also take full control of the surrounding villages and regions of the island," Commander of Anbar Liberation Operations Major General Esmayeel Mahlawi said.

Meantime, Hashd al-Shaabi Command Center in a statement announced that over 150 terrorists from different countries, including two Americans, 7 Russians, 4 Chechens and many Saudis, were killed in the al-Khalediya Island liberation operation.

Also on Thursday, General Mahlawi said that the Iraqi forces killed 700 ISIL militants during an anti-terrorist offensive on Khalediya Island.

"Security forces so far have killed 700 ISIL members since the beginning of Khalediya Island liberation battles," said General Mahlawi.

The final anti-terrorist offensive on Khalediya Island started in late July.

The city of Ramadi was occupied by ISIL militants in May 2014. The government forces succeeded in retaking the city after weeks of fierce fighting from December 2015 to February 2016.

ISIL is a terrorist group mainly operating in Syria and Iraq. The terrorists have also claimed responsibility for attacks in Europe. The group is deemed as terrorist entity by international bodies, including UN.

Leader of Popular Forces Raps US, Turkey, S. Arabia, Qatar for Interfering in Iraq

"A great enemy (the terrorist groups) is against us and the countries which support them are big governments. These groups are no way related to Islam and the US leads them with the help of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey," al-Kaabi told reporters in a press conference in Tehran on Sunday.

Asked about the reason for Turkey's support for the ISIL in Syria and its attempts to take part in the anti-ISIL operations in Mosul, he said, "Turkey is trying to be present both in Iraq and Syria and historically, they have a greedy eye on Mosul and currently their presence in Mosul is limited and they are trying to activate a group called al-Hashd al-Watani which will not gain considerable victories since it is a group which has been formed by the foreign and not internal sides."

In relevant remarks in February, a senior Iraqi legislator censured Riyadh and Ankara for giving material support to the ISIL terrorist group in Iraq and Syria.

"The main goal of the Saudi-Turkish alliance is to save the ISIL terrorists who are losing the battles in both Iraq and Syria," al-Zaidi said.

He said the fate of ISIL has been sealed, which has confused the Saudi and Turkish leaders, adding that they are doing everything they can to save their spawn which was created to protect their interests in the region.

Saudi Arabia Preparing, Equipping 5,000 Al-Qaeda Terrorists to Fight Yemeni Army in Najran Province

"Saudi Arabia has resorted to making direct use of thousands of terrorists to confront the Yemeni forces following its heavy defeats in Najran and Assir provinces," the Arabic-language media quoted unnamed Yemeni military sources as saying on Sunday.

Since the Saudi invasion of Yemen nearly one and a half years ago, there have been many reports about coordination and cooperation between the Saudi troops and al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups to attack the popular forces in different parts of the impoverished country.

In late May, a senior Yemeni commander disclosed that the Saudi-led coalition has sent large cargos of state-of-the-art military weapons and equipment to the al-Qaeda terrorist group in Yemen.

"The Saudi-led coalition has recently sent modern military equipment, including tanks and armored vehicles, through the sea to the port city of Mukalla in Hadhramout province, Southern Yemen," Adel Abdollah told FNA at the time.

"The al-Qaeda terrorist group has received the military equipment to suppress the revolutionary moves and carry out terrorist operations," he added.

Abdollah dismissed the Saudi-led coalition's claims that it has increased deployment in Southern Yemen to fight against al-Qaeda, and said it is actually helping the terrorist group intensify its attacks.

Also in mid-May, another senior Yemeni military source disclosed that the Saudi regime has coordinated with Al-Qaeda to dispatch a large number of Takfiri terrorists to the strategic regions in Southern Yemen.

"Saudi Arabia has stationed a large number of al-Qaeda terrorists around the strategic strait of Bab al-Mandeb in Southern Yemen in line with a US plot to increase its military presence there," Khalil Abdollah told FNA.

Abdullah also said that Saudi Arabia has asked its Sudanese mercenaries to advance towards Ta'iz and Lahij provinces.

"Hundreds of Al-Qaeda terrorists are now in Southwestern Yemen and they have pointed their artillery at the strategic Bab al-Mandeb Strait," Abdollah said.

Saudi jets pound several areas of Yemen

Saudi jets have attacked several areas across Yemen including a naval base in Hudaydah on the country’s west coast.

Other areas targeted include four strikes against Harad district in the northwestern province of Hajjah, Nihm district northeast of the capital Sana’a, as well as Razih and Badim districts in the northwestern province of Sa’adah, according to al-Masirah television.

There have been no reports yet of casualties of infrastructure damage.

In a separate incident, Saudi jets hit a civilian car on a road in Sahar district, Sa’adah Province. No confirmations on people killed or injured have been made yet.

PressTV reported that Saudi military aircraft also hit a school in the Dhubab district of the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta’izz, situated 346 kilometers (214 miles) south of the capital.

Yemeni Missiles Hit Hard 6 Key Saudi Military Bases in Najran, Jizan Provinces

The Nahouqeh, Abu Hamdan and al-Sadis military bases of Saudi Arabia in Najran and Jizan provinces came under heavy artillery shelling and missile attacks of the Yemeni forces.

The Yemeni forces also hit the al-Shabaka, al-Bohtit and al-Montazeh military bases of the Saudi forces in Najran province.

Yemeni army officers said initial battlefield reports show that the attacks have inflicted dozens of casualties on the Saudi army men as they were taken off-guard.

Early reports indicate large casualties on the Saudi forces in the missile attack. The Saudi army and its coalition members have lost, at least, over a hundred troops each time they have come under a ballistic missile attack by Yemen.

The Saudi-led forces' armored vehicles were destroyed during the Yemeni missile attack.

On Friday, the Yemeni forces fired ballistic missiles at the facilities belonging to the Saudi state oil giant Aramco in the kingdom’s Southwest, in a retaliatory attack launched after Saudi fighter jets targeted civilians.

The retaliatory attack hit targets in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan region and causing considerable damage to the Aramco facilities there, Al Masira reported.

The Saudi military has been pounding Yemen since March last year to undermine Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and to restore power to the former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

Nearly 10,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in Riyadh’s military aggression which lacks any international mandate.

Earlier on Friday, Saudi fighters struck residential areas in the Baqim district of the northwestern Yemen province of Sa’ada, killing 11 people.

A day earlier, the fighters had hit a bazaar in the district, killing seven people and injuring 10 others, many of whom are in critical condition.

On Thursday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein said the Saudi military was using cluster bombs against residential areas in Yemen in violation of international law, blaming the Riyadh regime for most of the civilian casualties in its impoverished Southern neighbor.

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council ready to restart peace talks

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council says it is ready to restart peace talks if the regime in Riyadh stops attacking the impoverished Arab country.

During its weekly meeting at the Yemeni presidential palace in the capital Sana'a on Sunday, the council said its willingness to restart the peace talks depended on Saudi Arabia's "total cessation of the aggression and lifting of the unjust siege on the Yemeni people."

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement and the General People's Congress (GPC) party of the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, form the council, which is tasked with handling the country.

The conflict in Yemen re-escalated after the peace talks, mediated by the United Nations and held in Kuwait, collapsed earlier this month.

Ansarullah earlier rejected an initiative put forth by US Secretary of State John Kerry to resolve the crisis in Yemen.

Mohammed Abdulsalam, the Ansarullah spokesman, said Saturday that the offer aims at depriving the Houthis of their arms in their fight of resistance against the Saudi invasion.

Kerry earlier called on Houthis to hand over their weapons including ballistic missiles and to pull back from Sana’a and cease shelling across the border with Saudi Arabia. In return, the US secretary of state said Houthis and allies can have a share in Yemen’s future unity government.

During talks in the Saudi port city of Jeddah this week, Kerry said the conflict in Yemen had gone on too long and needed to end.

Meanwhile, supporters of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, Yemen's president who has resigned and fled the capital, said in a statement they were prepared to consider the ideas outlined by Kerry.

The Saudi-backed camp said it "is prepared to deal positively with any peaceful solutions... including an initial welcoming of the ideas resulting from the meeting in Jeddah that included the foreign secretaries of the US, the United Kingdom and [Persian] Gulf states."

The proposal by Kerry came after Houthis stepped up missile attacks on border regions in Saudi Arabia over the past few weeks. The attacks are carried out in reaction to deadly Saudi airstrikes that the regime in Riyadh says are meant to undermine Houthis and allies and to restore power to Hadi.

Houthis had declared since the start of the talks in April that they were ready for disarmament and withdrawal from key areas they control in case a broad political agreement is reached in which Hadi would have no role.
An Indian cargo ship loaded with vehicles and food supplies sank off the coast of Oman as it sailed towards Yemen, media reports said.

Cargo Ship Carrying Supplies for War-Hit Yemen Sinks

According to Oman’s state news agency, ONA all 11 crew members on board were saved by Omani fisherman, New Arab reported.

The vessel's cargo was loaded in the UAE emirate of Sharjah, but the ship sank in the Arabian Sea 15 nautical miles off AS-Suwayh because of a "technical fault", it said.

UAE daily Gulf News also reported the incident claiming the vessel was overloaded with supplies.

Food, tires, engine oils and 69 cars destined to reach Yemen's port of Mukalla were on board the ship, the Times of Oman said.

At least 7.6 million people severely short of food in Yemen, the UN's aid chief, Stephen O'Brien said, noting that the conflict is "exacting a terrible humanitarian toll".

More than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed since a Saudi-led coalition began a military campaign against Yemen in March last year, and more than 80 percent of region's poorest country is in dire need of supplies.
Bomb attack leaves over a dozen dead in central Iraq

More than a dozen civilians have lost their lives in a powerful bomb explosion that ripped through a residential neighborhood in Iraq’s central province of Karbala.

The Euphrates Operations Command said in a statement released on Monday that the incident took place in the town of Ayn Tamer, located 120 kilometers (74.5 miles) west of the provincial capital city of Karabala, the previous night, when five terrorists clad in explosives-laden vests attacked a wedding ceremony.

One of the assailants also hurled hand grenades at the site, fired gunshots from a Kalashnikov rifle, and blew himself up at last.

Iraqi security forces managed to gun down the four remaining attackers before they could inflict more causalities.

The provincial health directorate said at least 18 people were killed in the act of violence, while at least 26 others were wounded.

No individual or group has claimed responsibility for the assaults yet.

Saudi Arabian jets target civilian infrastructure in Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s unremitting attacks against Yemen’s civilian infrastructure continue, with the kingdom’s fighter jets bombing a sugar factory in the western province of Hudaydah.

At least 30 people have been reported dead and injured from the Sunday attack, which came as Riyadh’s fighter planes carried out over 80 airstrikes on the province in the last 24 hours, causing heavy damage to its infrastructure.

Saudi fighter planes also pounded a school in the country’s province of Sa’ada, as well as targets in the Razih and Badim districts in the mountainous northwestern province.

Earlier, the Saudis also launched four airstrikes against the Harad district in the northwestern Yemeni province of Hajjah, and also bombed the Nihm district northeast of the capital Sana’a.

Saudi military aircraft also hit a school in the Dhubab district of the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta’izz.

Saudi Arabia has pounded Yemen almost daily since March 2015, with internal sources putting the death toll from the military aggression at about 10,000. The offensive was launched to crush the Houthi Ansarullah movement and their allies and restore Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi to power.

The Houthi fighters took state matters into their own hands in the wake of Hadi's resignation and escape, which threw Yemen into a state of uncertainty and threatened a total security breakdown in the country, where an al-Qaeda affiliate is present.

At least 15 bodies taken to Aden hospital after suicide bombing: hospital source

At least 15 bodies were transferred to a hospital run by Medicins Sans Frontieres in the southern Yemen city of Aden on Monday, a source at the hospital said, after an attack on a building used by local militias.

A security official and witnesses said a suicide bomber drove a car into the building in north Aden. It was used by the Popular Resistance, a local force that had helped drive Iran-allied Houthis out of the city last year.

They said at least four people were killed and 11 were wounded in the attack, while a source at the medical charity said between 15 and 20 bodies had been brought into the hospital.
Iran deploys S-300 missiles at Fordow nuclear facility - report
Published time: 29 Aug, 2016 10:26

Iran has deployed a Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system at its Fordow uranium enrichment facility, the country’s state media have reported, as cited by Reuters.

"Our main priority is to protect Iran's nuclear facilities under any circumstances,"
Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' (IRGC) air defense force, told state TV

The Fordow site, which is around 100km south of the capital Tehran, has not enriched any uranium since a nuclear deal between Iran and six international powers came into effect in January.

Iran Deploys Russian S-300 Surface To Air Missiles At Its Fordow Nuclear Facility
In May, Iran announced that it had deployed the S-300 defense systems at its Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base. The missile redployment next to the facility which several years ago was the focus on an infamous Stuxnet infestation, which was allegedly masterminded by Israeli and US espionage organizations, is likely to provke an angry condemnation from the west which may see the move as one of provocation and potentially a hint that the Iran plans to quietly pursue its nuclear enrichment program in defiance of last year's landmark nuclear agreement.

Iran and the six major powers reached a landmark nuclear deal in 2015 aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear programme in exchange for lifting nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Tehran over its disputed nuclear work. Enrichment of uranium at the Fordow facility, around 100 km (60 miles) south of Tehran, has stopped since the implementation of the nuclear deal in January.

Russia, under pressure from the West, in 2010 canceled a contract to deliver S-300s to Iran. But Russian President Vladimir Putin lifted that self-imposed ban in April 2015, after an interim deal was reached between Iran and the six powers.

In August, Iran said that Russia had delivered main parts of the system to the country, adding that the missile system would be completely delivered by the end of 2016.

Fordow Nuclear and Physics Research Center

Syrian Army Unearths Rebels' Large Supply Tunnel in Damascus
Sputnik Exclusive: Iraqi Forces Bust Secret Daesh Training Camp

Local militia forces operating together with Iraqi Special Forces managed to uncover a hidden Daesh training camp in Anbar province.

The camp consists of several well-disguised dug-in structures connected by tunnels.

One of the militia fighters told Sputnik that the camouflaged facility was discovered during a sweep in the vicinity of Ar-Rutbah, a town located in the western part of Anbar province.

"This camp was used to train the so-called Daesh elite forces. It was difficult to reach the place by vehicle, and it was hard to detect because it was well camouflaged," he explained.

The fighter also added that the terrorist group’s toughest troops were deployed from this camp to battle Iraqi armed forces in Fallujah, ar-Ramadi and other liberated cities of Anbar province.

During the sweep of the camp, soldiers discovered weapons, training facilities and equipment needed to manufacture explosive devices. Also, the camp contained recreation facilities where terrorists could relax after fighting in Iraq and Syria.

Dead Body of ISIL's Females Battalion Commander Found in Tigris River

"Um Qazanfar was one of the highest-ranking members of the ISIL who was very close to the terrorist group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed source as saying.

"She was also the first female intelligence commander in charge of collecting security information from the opponents of the ISIL in Mosul," the report said.

ISIL had earlier declared that Um Qazanfar's disappearance was "suspicious".

The ISIL found Um Qazanfar's dead body near the fourth bridge over the Tigris River in the center of Mosul.

In early August, the local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that masked men attacked a house in the center of Mosul where ISIL's female terrorists worked, and abducted a number of them.

"Over 25 women, some from Libya, Yemen and European countries, were working in ISIL's Hasaba (monitoring-security system) in a house in Mosul city center when unknown men attacked the house and kidnapped them," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying on Tuesday.

No group had claimed responsibility for the abduction yet.

Saudi Coalition kills 9 Yemeni children in Saada and Sanaa

Sanaa, Yemen (4:35 P.M.) – Saudi-led Coalition warplanes continued their vicious attack against the Yemeni people on Monday, killing 9 children in the provinces of Saada and Sanaa.

According to local activists in Sanaa, the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Air Force carried out a number of airstrikes over the Yemeni capital on Monday, targeting densely populated neighborhoods amid the failures of the Hadi loyalists in the nearby Nihm District.

The local activists added that at least four kids were killed by the Emirati airstrikes in Sanaa today.

Meanwhile, on the Saudi-Yemeni border, the Saudi Air Force carried out a relentless series of airstrikes over the Saada Governorate, killing five children in the process.

These Saudi-led Coalition airstrikes that killed nine children were all conducted over the course of four hours.

sToRmR1dR said:
At least 15 bodies taken to Aden hospital after suicide bombing: hospital source

Daesh Claims Responsibility Yemen Army Recruits’ Camp Attack

The Daesh terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the Aden attack on an army recruits’, Arabic media reported Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Daesh terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on an army recruits’ camp in the Yemeni southern city of Aden, Arabic media reported Monday.

Earlier in the day, an attacker on a car rammed into a group of recruits at the camp in northern Aden, which is the second largest city in the country.

According to media reports, at least 60 people were killed and dozens injured in the attack.

The Daesh, which is outlawed in many countries including Russia, is active in Yemen, which has been engulfed in a military conflict between the government and the Houthi opposition movement.

Explosion in Afghanistan Ghor Province Leaves 3 Dead, 8 Wounded

The incident took place in Maidan Bara Khana area of Ghor province after a vehicle struck with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), Khaama Press reported.

A doctor in provincial hospital Mohammad Sharif Qazi Zada confirmed the death toll and said a kid and a woman were among those killed.

No group including the Taliban insurgents have so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

Taliban insurgents and militants belonging to the other insurgent groups frequently use Improvised Explosive Device (IED) as the weapon of their choice to target the security forces but the ordinary civilians are often targeted in such attacks.

This comes as the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan released the latest civilian casualties report late last month which stated at least 3726 civilians were killed or wounded between January and June of this year.

The UN mission said the civilian casualties in the country has reached to a record number since counting began in 2009, with 5,166 civilians recorded killed or maimed in just the first six months of this year, of whom almost one-third were children.

The total civilian casualty figure recorded by the UN between 1 January 2009 and 30 June 2016 has risen to 63,934, including 22,941 deaths and 40,993 injured.

According to the UN mission, the anti-government elements remain responsible for 60 percent of the civilian casualties with ground engagements continuing to cause the highest number of civilian casualties, followed by complex and suicide attacks and improved explosive devices (IEDs).
sToRmR1dR said:
Dead Body of ISIL's Females Battalion Commander Found in Tigris River

"Um Qazanfar was one of the highest-ranking members of the ISIL who was very close to the terrorist group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed source as saying.

"She was also the first female intelligence commander in charge of collecting security information from the opponents of the ISIL in Mosul," the report said.

ISIL had earlier declared that Um Qazanfar's disappearance was "suspicious".

The ISIL found Um Qazanfar's dead body near the fourth bridge over the Tigris River in the center of Mosul.

In early August, the local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that masked men attacked a house in the center of Mosul where ISIL's female terrorists worked, and abducted a number of them.

"Over 25 women, some from Libya, Yemen and European countries, were working in ISIL's Hasaba (monitoring-security system) in a house in Mosul city center when unknown men attacked the house and kidnapped them," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying on Tuesday.

No group had claimed responsibility for the abduction yet.

I know this might sound far fetched but the incident above is being reported as occurring "in early August" and this odd report was released on August 7th? Could there be a connection?

Turkish border patrol found US intelligence officer, who asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border two days ago, according to local media.

Turkish Border Patrol Finds US Agent After Two Days of Searches by Military

Turkish border patrol found on Sunday a US intelligence officer who US and Turkish military had been searching for two days, Turkish media reported.

Injured while on mission in Syria, the officer asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border, the Hurriyet newspaper said. Reportedly, US and Turkish military launched a search and rescue operation, involving helicopters and drones, but failed to find the intelligence agent.

On Sunday, the woman was found by Turkish patrol officers near the Syrian-Turkish border and brought to the Incirlik base. Her condition is unknown, the newspaper added.
angelburst29 said:
sToRmR1dR said:
Dead Body of ISIL's Females Battalion Commander Found in Tigris River

"Um Qazanfar was one of the highest-ranking members of the ISIL who was very close to the terrorist group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed source as saying.

"She was also the first female intelligence commander in charge of collecting security information from the opponents of the ISIL in Mosul," the report said.

ISIL had earlier declared that Um Qazanfar's disappearance was "suspicious".

The ISIL found Um Qazanfar's dead body near the fourth bridge over the Tigris River in the center of Mosul.

In early August, the local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that masked men attacked a house in the center of Mosul where ISIL's female terrorists worked, and abducted a number of them.

"Over 25 women, some from Libya, Yemen and European countries, were working in ISIL's Hasaba (monitoring-security system) in a house in Mosul city center when unknown men attacked the house and kidnapped them," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying on Tuesday.

No group had claimed responsibility for the abduction yet.

I know this might sound far fetched but the incident above is being reported as occurring "in early August" and this odd report was released on August 7th? Could there be a connection?

Turkish border patrol found US intelligence officer, who asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border two days ago, according to local media.

Turkish Border Patrol Finds US Agent After Two Days of Searches by Military

Turkish border patrol found on Sunday a US intelligence officer who US and Turkish military had been searching for two days, Turkish media reported.

Injured while on mission in Syria, the officer asked her command for rescue and headed to the Syrian-Turkish border, the Hurriyet newspaper said. Reportedly, US and Turkish military launched a search and rescue operation, involving helicopters and drones, but failed to find the intelligence agent.

On Sunday, the woman was found by Turkish patrol officers near the Syrian-Turkish border and brought to the Incirlik base. Her condition is unknown, the newspaper added.

ISIL Starts Search Operation for 3 Foreign Women in Mosul

"The ISIL has mobilized all its terrorists in Mosul city to conduct search operations for the three missing foreign women, including a European woman, who had gone to a clinic under the control of ISIL's security men," informed sources announced.

In early August, the local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that masked men attacked a house in the center of Mosul where ISIL's female terrorists worked, and abducted a number of them.

"Over 25 women, some from Libya, Yemen and European countries, were working in ISIL's Hasaba (monitoring-security system) in a house in Mosul city center when unknown men attacked the house and kidnapped them," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying on Tuesday.

No group had claimed responsibility for the abduction yet.

On Monday, local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that the body of the commander of ISIL's females battalion, nom de guerre Um Qazanfar, who went missing last week has been found in the Tigris River near the city of Mosul.

"Um Qazanfar was one of the highest-ranking members of the ISIL who was very close to the terrorist group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed source as saying.

"She was also the first female intelligence commander in charge of collecting security information from the opponents of the ISIL in Mosul," the report said.

ISIL had earlier declared that Um Qazanfar's disappearance was "suspicious".

The ISIL found Um Qazanfar's dead body near the fourth bridge over the Tigris River in the center of Mosul.

Pro-Baghdad Militias Recruiting Children for Mosul Liberation Operation

Children are being recruited for the Mosul liberation operation by the Iraqi government.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Two Iraqi government-backed militias are recruiting children for the operation to liberate the city of Mosul from the Daesh terrorist group, a prominent watchdog said on Tuesday, calling on Baghdad to ensure all underage fighters are demobilized.

According to the Human Right Watch (HRW), the two militias in the Kurdish part of Iraq have been recruiting underage soldiers from a displaced people’s camp south of the city of Irbil, where some 35,000 people are estimated to be living.

“The recruitment of children as fighters for the Mosul operation should be a warning sign for the Iraqi government. The government and its foreign allies need to take action now, or children are going to be fighting on both sides in Mosul,” Bill Van Esveld, HRW’s senior children’s rights researcher, was quoted as saying in the statement.

Van Esvald also urged the United States to press Iraq to make sure there are no underage fighters within its army or militias that support the government.

According to HRW, Daesh terrorists, outlawed in many countries including the United States and Russia, have been extensively recruiting children into their ranks.

Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq with a population of 500,000 people, has been controlled by Daesh since 2014. Iraqi forces backed by Kurdish Peshmerga militia are currently preparing an assault to liberate the city.

Missile Attack against Baghdad Foiled

"The Iraqi security forces discovered and seized a truck carrying 35 ready-to-launch missiles in the Northeastern parts of Baghdad," the source, who asked to remain unnamed due to the sensitivity of his information, said.

He added that the missiles were due to be used for a massive attack on the Iraqi capital.

The plot was defused after at least 18 people were killed and more than 26 others injured in a powerful bomb explosion that ripped through a residential neighborhood in Iraq’s Karbala two days ago.

The Euphrates Operations Command said in a statement on Monday that the incident took place in the town of Ayn al-Tamr, located 120 kilometers West of the provincial capital city of Karbala, the previous night, when five terrorists clad in explosives-laden vests attacked a wedding ceremony.

One of the assailants hurled hand grenades at the site, fired gunshots from a Kalashnikov rifle, and blew himself up at last. Iraqi security forces managed to gun down the four remaining attackers before they could inflict more casualties.

The ISIL terrorist group claimed responsibility for the assault which was a rare occurrence in this region Southwest of the capital, Baghdad.

Saudi Commander Killed in Yemen's Abyan Province

"Ali Hossein al-Juneidi, a Saudi commander, was killed and five other Saudi military men were injured when their vehicle was came under fire," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed local source as saying on Tuesday.

In a relevant development in early August, the Yemeni army and popular forces launched a fresh round of attacks on the Saudi forces' positions in Abyan province in Southern Yemen, killing scores of Arab coalition troops, including a Saudi military commander.

"Abdollah Salim Bakhit al-Barasi al-Aoulaqi, commander of the Second Battalion of Saudi army's 19th Division who had been wounded in Bihan region of Yemen's Shabwah province earlier has succumbed to his injuries," Senior Ansarullah Commander Hashem Abdelsalam told FNA.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Yemeni forces fired ballistic missiles at the facilities of the Saudi state oil giant, Aramco, in the kingdom’s Southwest and Abha airport in Assir province in a retaliatory attack launched after Saudi fighter jets targeted civilians.

The retaliatory attack took place on Tuesday morning, hitting targets in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan region and causing considerable damage to the Aramco facilities there, the Arabic-language news website Al Masirah reported.

A Qaher-I missile also hit the Saudi military positions at Abha airport in Assir province.

The Saudi military has been pounding Yemen since March last year to undermine Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and to restore power to the former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh.

Nearly 10,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in Riyadh’s military aggression which lacks any international mandate.

Earlier on Friday, Saudi fighters struck residential areas in the Baqim district of the northwestern Yemen province of Sa’ada, killing 11 people.

A day earlier, the fighters had hit a bazaar in the district, killing seven people and injuring 10 others, many of whom are in critical condition.

On Thursday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein said the Saudi military was using cluster bombs against residential areas in Yemen in violation of international law, blaming the Riyadh regime for most of the civilian casualties in its impoverished Southern neighbor.

UN Doubles Estimates of People Killed in Yemen War Over 18 Months to 10,000

10,000 people were killed in the Yemen civil war over the past 18 months, according to the new data of the United Nations.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The United Nations corrected its estimates of the number of people killed in the Yemen civil war over the past 18 months, revising them from 6,000 up to 10,000, UN Humanitarian Coordinator Jamie McGoldrick said on Tuesday, as cited by media.

According to McGoldrick, the estimates were based on data collected from healthcare facilities, Yemeni Akhbar daily said. He added that the figures could increase as there were no health facilities in many of the country's regions.

Yemen has been engulfed in a military conflict between the government headed by Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Houthi rebels, the country’s main opposition force. Since March 2015, the Saudi-led coalition of mostly Persian Gulf countries have been carrying out airstrikes against the Houthis at Hadi's request.

The UN human rights office said earlier this month that about 6,000 civilians were killed and more than 6,700 wounded in Yemen between March 2015 and August 23, 2016.

Bipartisan group of senators moving to block sale of US tanks to Saudi Arabia over human rights concerns in Yemen

60 US Lawmakers Seek to Delay Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia: FP

(AFP) A group of 60 congressmen have signed a letter seeking to delay the arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Foreign Policy reported on Monday.

The US magazine said the move signals that the “frustration is growing in Congress over Saudi Arabia.”

“A bipartisan group of 60 lawmakers have signed a letter seeking to delay the Obama administration’s planned sale of $1.15 billion in arms and military equipment to Riyadh.”

The letter, addressed to President Barack Obama, cites the growing number of civilian casualties in Yemen caused by the Saudi-led military coalition, and the Obama administration’s failure to reign in its Arab ally.

“This military campaign has had a deeply troubling impact on civilians,” wrote the lawmakers in a draft obtained by Foreign Policy.

“Just in the last several days, a Saudi airstrike on a school in Yemen killed 10 children – some as young as 6-years-old – and a Saudi airstrike on an MSF hospital in Yemen killed 11 people.”

The missive is expected to be sent to the White House on Tuesday.

The proposed sale, approved by the State Department on Aug. 9, includes up to 153 tanks, ammunition, hundreds of machine guns, and sundry other military equipment. Congress has 30 days to block the sale, but the lawmakers appear irritated that the notification of the sale came in the middle of Congress’s summer recess.

“Any decision to sell more arms to Saudi Arabia should be given adequate time for full deliberation by Congress,” wrote the lawmakers.

“We are concerned, however, that the timing of this notification during the August congressional recess could be interpreted to mean that Congress has little time to consider the arms deal when it returns from recess within the 30 day window established by law.”

According to FP, a State Department official declined to comment on whether the executive branch would delay the proposed sale, saying he hasn’t yet seen the lawmakers’ letter. The official said the U.S. remains committed to confronting “any external threat” to the territorial integrity of Gulf allies, like Saudi Arabia, but added that Riyadh and Houthi rebels “should cease all military action.”

Co-signers of the letter include a mix of Republicans and Democrats, FP reported.

“This is a first step, which shows that members of Congress are increasingly ready to move from expressing private concerns to the administration to taking public action to reduce US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen,” said Robert Naiman, policy director at Just Foreign Policy.
Nor into Balkans!

Middle East worse off after US invasions: Iraqi resistance group chief

The head of an Iraqi resistance group says the Middle East region’s woes have worsened ever since the onset of the United States “war on terror,” Press TV reports.

Akram al-Kabi, the Secretary General of the Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba (HHN), which fights militancy throughout the war-scarred Iraq, made the remarks to Press TV in an exclusive interview, parts of which were broadcast on Wednesday.

The United States has never played a positive role since its entry into the region. Problems and conflicts worsened with the US occupation of Iraq and, before that, Afghanistan,” he said.

The invasions, undertaken in 2001 and 2003, prompted far-and-wide anti-Washington sentiment and grass-roots intolerance of foreign meddling. The chaos that ensued provided for the proliferation of militant groups fighting central governments.

The US war on Iraq has been blamed for the emergence of the Takfiri terrorist group Daesh, which has been operating in Iraq and Syria since 2014 and has recently spread to Libya, Afghanistan, and Yemen, too.

Kabi further blasted the US-led campaign that purports to be fighting Daesh in Iraq and Syria but has stopped well short of dismantling the group.

Iraq never asked for US help in fighting Daesh, he said, accusing the US-led coalition of carrying out airstrikes near Iraq’s army bases on many occasions.

He said Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units — volunteer forces fighting militancy — have rejected any type of cooperation with the US-led coalition because of “America’s inappropriate intentions.”

The Iraqi resistance movement’s chief also said the US-led campaign had helped anti-Iraq groups such as the Baath Party, which used to tyrannize Iraqis under former dictator Saddam Hussein, find the necessary breeding ground to come out of the cold and trouble the country anew.

Daesh is believed to have been formed by Saddam loyalists and other extremist groups in Iraq.

20 killed as Saudi jets launch new airstrikes in Yemen

At least 20 people have lost their lives and many others sustained injuries in a number of Saudi airstrikes against residential neighborhoods across Yemen.

On Wednesday morning, Saudi military aircraft pounded al-Rawdah Village and the Nihm district in the western-central Yemeni province of Sana’a in addition to an area close to a military academy in the capital, Sana’a, leaving four people dead and scores of others injured, Yemen’s al-Masirah television network reported.

Sixteen people, mostly women and children, also lost their lives and a number of others were wounded when Saudi warplanes pounded houses in the Sahan district of Yemen’s northwestern mountainous province of Sa’ada.

Later in the day, Saudi jets launched an aerial attack against a gas station in the northwestern city of Hajjah, located 127 kilometers (78 miles) northwest of Sana’a. There were no immediate reports of casualties and the extent of damage caused. The Mustaba district in Hajjah Province was also hit, though no reports of casualties were available.

Separately, seven people were injured in an airstrike against a courthouse in Yemen’s northwestern province of Amran.

The developments came a day after Saudi aircraft hit a parking lot in the Mafraq al-Shara’b district of the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta’izz, killing 16 civilians and injuring 10 others.

Moreover, Yemeni soldiers, backed by fighters from Popular Committees, on Tuesday launched a barrage of rockets at two camps belonging to militiamen loyal to Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who has resigned as Yemen’s president, in the Thaabat area and al-Wazi’iyah district of Ta’izz Province, leaving an unspecified number of pro-Riyadh gunmen dead and injured.

Saudi Arabia has pounded Yemen almost daily since March 2015. The United Nations (UN) announced on Tuesday that at least 10,000 people have been killed in the war so far.

Saudi Arabia launched the war to put Hadi, who is a Saudi ally, back in power.

The Houthi fighters and allied army units have been fighting back the Saudi invaders and their mercenaries.

Saudi chopper crashes in Najran

Najran, Saudi Arabia (2:40 A.M.) – A Saudi Apache Helicopter was reportedly crashed in the Najran Region of southern Saudi Arabia tonight after completing an attack against the Houthi forces near the provincial capital.

Local activists claim that the Saudi chopper crashed in the Najran Region; however, they did not specify if the aircraft was shot-down by the Houthi forces and their allies.

Despite several reports by local Yemeni activists regarding the chopper’s fate, the Saudi Ministry of Defense has not confirmed these claims.
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