
Iraq: Think Nothing can Shock you Anymore? “576,000 Iraqi Children may have Died..”

November 1995 – New York Times Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 30—

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

The study also found steeply rising malnutrition among the young, suggesting that more children will be at risk in the coming years. The results of the survey will appear on Friday in The Lancet, the journal of the British Medical Association.

That was over 20 years ago. Today, including sanctions and the Bush/Blair attack of Iraq landmark researchproves that the US-led ‘war on terror’ has killed much higher numbers than previously reported. Counting in Afghanistan and the sanctions prior to the so-called War-on-Terror the horrifying number of fatalities is concluded at somewhere over six million.

In this environment, drone attacks and state sponsored murder such as is extrajudicial executions carried out by the USA and more recently the UK have followed on from truly appalling evidence of coalition abuse of torture and abuse of prisoners, much of it so bad the public were excluded from viewing an orgy of depravity via heavily redacted documents. Read The Torture Report or the first pages of the Senate Intelligence Committee REPORT for some truly shocking facts or indeed “US Stalling Release Of Thousands Of Torture Photos Worse Than Abu Ghraib” by MintPress.

Around the world, in secret detention centres, the United States assisted by Britain, was, and still is, brutalising Muslim detainees in the name of the war on terror. These reports graphically demonstrate nothing but another bloody stain on what was supposed to be a model to the world of justice. You would think all citizens of America and Britain would have insisted that individuals involved in such acts of wanton barbarity would have been brought to a court of justice in shackles.

Far from it. Soon your kids will be able to play the video game. Yes, that’s right, a game to do exactly what these reports have gone to such lengths to condemn.

A team of video-game designers have been working for the last two years on perfecting a more visceral way of experiencing horrifying modern day torture techniques as adopted in US prisons such as Abu Ghraib. The idea is to bring players “uncomfortably close to the abuses that took place in one particularly infamous prison camp.”

The Atlantic reports that:

“In the game, which is still in development, players assume the role of an American service member stationed at Camp Bucca, a detention center that was located near the port city of Umm Qasr in southeast Iraq, at an undetermined time during the Iraq War. Throughout the game, players interact with Iraqi prisoners, who are clothed in the camp’s trademark yellow jumpsuits and occasionally have black hoods pulled over their heads. The player must interrogate the prisoners, choosing between methods like waterboarding or electrocution to extract information. If an interrogation goes too far, the questioner can kill the prisoner.”

The developers relied upon actual allegations of the abuse suffered by prisoners in archived news articles and a leaked Red Cross report to assist in the design of the game.

Accordingly, the developers say they chose to have the player grapple with life-like assignments to experience the role of American prison camps in Iraq that ends with the radicalisation of the next generation of fighters and terrorists in the form of ISIS from where so much death and destruction has emanated.

The Atlantic interviewed the game designers and finally reported that the team were “Worried for their safety if their names were associated with what’s likely to be a controversial video game, the designers, a group of five graduate students at Carnegie Mellon University and New York University, asked to remain anonymous in this story.”

The fact that the US and UK discarded the United Nations Convention against Torture to prove its case for going to war in the first place should not allow for the sanitising of such horrific and brutal abuses via a video game to be somehow enjoyed, especially as torture victims continue in their struggle against a justice system that denies them exactly that – justice.

The Atlantic seem to have trivialised the story by turning torture into an interesting read with contributors and experts enthusiastic about realism and ensuring a good game player experience with their advice. The reality is that torture is no better than rape, paedophilia, murder or any other heinous crime that only the sick minded, psychotic and insane would somehow find gratifying.

Instead of simply profiting from the inflicted life-long pain of others, these students need help.

he rise of extremist armed groups such as the Islamic State and Boko Haram has brought renewed attention to the plight of children—both as victims of abuses, and as fighters and militants. All too often, the concern and assistance governments offer abuse victims does not extend to those children caught up on the wrong side of the law or front line.

Extreme Measures - Abuses against Children Detained as National Security Threats (Video)

Human Rights Watch field research around the world increasingly finds that in countries embroiled in civil strife or armed conflict, state security forces arrest and detain children for reasons of “national security.”
Often empowered by new counterterrorism legislation, they apprehend children who are linked to non-state armed groups or who pose other perceived security threats, and often hold them without charge or trial for months or even years. Their treatment and conditions of detention frequently violate international legal standards.

Since 2011, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has repeatedly raised concerns regarding the detention of children who are perceived to be a threat to national security, suspected of participating in violent activity, or alleged to belong to armed groups. In 2014, he reported that such detention took place in 17 of the 23 situations of armed conflict or concern covered by his annual report on children and armed conflict.[1] In countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria, Somalia, and Syria, hundreds of children may be detained at any given time for alleged conflict-related offenses.

Many children are detained on the basis of groundless suspicion, flimsy evidence, or broad security sweeps. Some are detained because of alleged terrorist activities by family members. They are often denied access to lawyers and relatives, and the opportunity to challenge the basis of their detention before a judge. Many have been subjected to coercive interrogations and torture, and in places like Syria, an unknown number have died in custody.

Conditions of detention are frequently appalling, with grossly inadequate food or medical care. Children often share overcrowded cells with unrelated adults, putting them at additional risk of physical and sexual violence. (Article continues.)
angelburst29 said:
Iraq: Think Nothing can Shock you Anymore? “576,000 Iraqi Children may have Died..”


A team of video-game designers have been working for the last two years on perfecting a more visceral way of experiencing horrifying modern day torture techniques as adopted in US prisons such as Abu Ghraib. The idea is to bring players “uncomfortably close to the abuses that took place in one particularly infamous prison camp.”

The Atlantic reports that:

“In the game, which is still in development, players assume the role of an American service member stationed at Camp Bucca, a detention center that was located near the port city of Umm Qasr in southeast Iraq, at an undetermined time during the Iraq War. Throughout the game, players interact with Iraqi prisoners, who are clothed in the camp’s trademark yellow jumpsuits and occasionally have black hoods pulled over their heads. The player must interrogate the prisoners, choosing between methods like waterboarding or electrocution to extract information. If an interrogation goes too far, the questioner can kill the prisoner.”

The developers relied upon actual allegations of the abuse suffered by prisoners in archived news articles and a leaked Red Cross report to assist in the design of the game.

Accordingly, the developers say they chose to have the player grapple with life-like assignments to experience the role of American prison camps in Iraq that ends with the radicalisation of the next generation of fighters and terrorists in the form of ISIS from where so much death and destruction has emanated.

A video game to torture Iraqi prisoners that can’t be won

A video game is being developed in the United States, in which the player can torture prisoners in a jail in Iraq by assuming the role of an American soldier.

Work on the project started two years ago by a designer team in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Atlantic reported on Monday.

The designers claim that the game is aimed at bringing the player uncomfortably close to torture against inmates at the infamous Camp Bucca in southeastern Iraq, where the US troops held suspects of the so-called US war on terror between 2003, when the Iraq War started, and 2009.

They say they also want to bring more attention to abuses at the camp, situated in the vicinity of Umm Qasr.

What’s in game?

The story of the game occurs in an undetermined time during the US invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The player is supposed to interact with Iraqi inmates, wearing the trademark orange jumpsuits and at times black hoods covering their heads.

The player should extract intelligence from the inmates by resorting to “enhanced interrogation techniques,” a euphemized term coined by the CIA to refer to torture in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

The player must interrogate the prisoners by choosing between various methods, including waterboarding, electrocution, rectal rehydration, attention grasp and stress positions, and is allowed to slay the prisoner if the questioning goes too far.

S/he should also carry the prisoners in the area of the detention camp.

Like many other games, the player’s objective is to either gather points or fail; however, even if s/he gathers the points required, they do not amount to anything and the game cannot be won.

To make the game, the designers relied on accounts of the inmates as well as leaked Red Cross reports to develop the storyline.

Who’s behind the game?

The game is being developed by five graduate students at Carnegie Mellon University and New York University, who have asked to remain anonymous given the sensitivity of the issue.

The game, of which no footage is available yet, is said to be affiliated with neither university.

The team initially intended to design a fictional horror game but after one of the members learned of Camp Bucca through reading about Abu Ghraib, they came up with the new idea that also fit the nature of what they had in mind in the first place, a horror game.

The designers of the Camp Bucca, which will probably be released by the end of the year, also felt that torture at the camp has been underreported compared to torture in the more notorious Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.

Why Camp Bucca?

The camp, named after Ronald Bucca, an NYC Fire Marshal who died in the September 11 attacks, is known as a place where the founders of the Daesh Takfiri terror group were incubated.

The group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, spent five years in the camp himself and “forged many of the connections that make up the group’s network today,” according to the Atlantic.

No investigation was ever launched over human rights violations at that camp despite myriad reports of torture and abuse against the suspects there.

Will the game serve its stated purpose?

The game is claimed to be an attempt to raise awareness in regard to rights violation by the US. The developers also aim to send a clear message that torture results in radicalization, which could ultimately lead to the rise of terror groups like Daesh (ISIL) in Iraq and neighboring Syria.

Through assumption of a US serviceman’s role, the game posits “the firsthand revulsion of being in the position of torturer,” according to one of the developers.

This is not the first time that torture is being portrayed in a game. At some point in the most recent Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game, for example, the player is required to waterboard a man.

Another attempt akin to the Camp Bucca game was made by Nonny de la Peña, a journalist and virtual-reality pioneer in collaboration with Peggy Weil, a digital artist, in 2007.

They created a digital model of Gitmo, where the player could peacefully explore a “torture contemplation area.”

Some, including David Ibsen, the executive director of the Counter Extremism Project, believe that games like the Camp Bucca could end up being counter-effective as they could be used by Takfiris as a means to recruit more members.

“In this case, I doubt it,” one of the developers said. “Even terror groups would understand there is a nuanced message behind the game that will in turn shine a light on their own abuses.”

This is while elements of violent video games such as Call of Duty and GTA are already being used by Takfiri terrorists to recruit militants.

“Until you play a game, I don’t think you can tell whether it succeeded or not,” said prominent video game designer Brenda Romero. “At this point, it’s like reading the summary of a book and wondering whether the book can deliver on its promise. And I strongly feel games should be given that chance to deliver.”

The suicide rate among US military veterans has increased by more than 30 percent since 2001, a larger rise than in the wider population of the United States, according to a new government study.

US veterans suicide rate rose 32% since 2001: Study

The study, released Wednesday by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, found that between 2001 and 2014, veteran suicides increased by 32 percent, while civilian suicides increased by 23 percent in the same time period.

The study found that veterans faced a 21 percent greater risk for suicide than those who had not served in the military or fought in a war.

Male veterans faced an 18 percent higher risk for suicide than their civilian counterparts in 2014. By contrast, the risk of suicide among female veterans was 2.4 times higher than among civilian women in the same year.

The report said that it used data from 55 million veterans’ records from 1979 to 2014 and from all 50 US states.

Previous research on veteran suicides was more limited in scale and used three million veterans’ records from 20 states or from records of those using veterans health services.

Among active-duty and reserve personnel in the US military, nearly 500 killed themselves last year, continuing a trend of unusually high suicide rates that have plagued the US armed force for at least seven years.

The number of suicides among troops was 145 in 2001 and began a steady increase after the so-called war on terror, more than doubling to 321 in 2012, the worst year in recent history for soldiers killing themselves.

America's perpetual engagement in overseas wars and the lack of adequate care for veterans returning home are frequently cited as the main reasons behind such alarming suicide figures.

US troops have been at war since 2001 in Afghanistan, and fought in the Iraq war from 2003 to 2011.
Iraq's judiciary has imposed a travel ban on the speaker of parliament, two lawmakers and several other people in connection with corruption allegations, a spokesman said on Thursday.

Iraq judiciary bans speaker from travel over graft claims

Defence Minister Khalid al-Obeidi on Monday told parliament that speaker Salim al-Juburi and several lawmakers were corrupt and had sought to blackmail him.

The next day, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's office said he had ordered a "temporary travel ban" against those under investigation, but Juburi rejected it, saying only the judiciary had the authority to impose such measures.

After hearing testimony from Obeidi, a judiciary commission decided to impose a travel ban on Juburi, lawmakers Mohammed al-Karbouli and Taleb al-Maamari, said spokesman Abdelsattar Bayraqdar.

Four other people were also barred from travel, including a former member of parliament, he said.

The commission, which is investigating the corruption allegations, will also hear testimony from current and former officials, Bayraqdar said.

Juburi has denied the accusations against him, which Obeidi first made on Monday while appearing in parliament to answer graft allegations he said were brought in retribution for his rejection of corruption.

Obeidi also outlined his accusations on social media, including that Juburi was involved in attempting to pass corrupt arms contracts.

A post in on the minister's official Twitter account said Thursday that he would "give his testimony and provide his evidence in corruption cases of a number of politicians and MPs."

Corruption is widespread in Iraq's government, from senior officials to low-level functionaries, and while Iraqis have repeatedly demonstrated for change in the past year, little in the way of real reform has taken place.

The accusations against Juburi and the lawmakers are just the latest problems in a tumultuous year for the Iraqi legislature.

Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai considers Afghani government's call for help to the US to be a wrong action.

Afghan Ex-President Slams Gov't Request for US Assistance in Counterterrorism

The Afghan government is 'terribly wrong' to ask the United States to help in the fight against the Taliban by bombing the country, and such a government does not act in the accordance with the will of the Afghan people, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thursday.

Those who ask foreign forces to bomb Afghanistan are not representing the Afghan people or their interests. They are very wrong – they are terribly wrong," Karzai said.

According to him, the recent government's loss of control over the parts of Afghan territory, which fell in the hands of Taliban, should not be a reason to ask for the foreign intervention and help.

"If we cannot fight it ourselves, then we cannot ask a foreign force to come take it for us. Those who take it have more ownership than we have," Karzai noted.

Afghanistan is experiencing political, social and security instability, as the Taliban Islamic movement and other radical extremist organizations such as Daesh, which is prohibited in many countries, including Russia, continue to stage attacks against civilian and state targets. In the last months, the Taliban has made advances in Helmand, Kandahar, Kunduz and Uruzgan provinces, and civil casualties are at their highest level in two years.

In June, US President Barack Obama announced he would leave 8,400 troops in Afghanistan by the end of his term in office instead of his original plan to leave 5,500 soldiers.

Terrorist attack in Western Afghanistan left ten foreigners killed and five injured, district governor Farhad Khadimi said.

Ten Foreign Tourists Killed, Five Injured in Attack in Western Afghanistan

Ten foreign tourists were killed and five other injured in an attack on two buses in Afghanistan's western province of Herat on Thursday, district governor Farhad Khadimi said.

There is no information on the nationality of the victims yet.

"Two mini buses carrying foreign tourists were attacked by gunmen along a main road in Chishti Sharif District Thursday morning. As a result of the incident 10 people were killed and five others wounded," Khadimi told Xinhua news agency.

According to the governor, the buses were traveling from central Bamyan province to Herat province.
Local police have launched an investigation into the incident.

None of the regional militant groups have claimed responsibility for the attack yet.

Hussein al-Qaedi, an official responsible for tracing abducted Yazidis in Duhok province, announced that the ISIL is training 1,400 Yazidi children, abducted from their families, to conduct suicide attacks.

ISIL Training 1,400 Kidnapped Yazidi Children for Suicide Attacks

Speaking at a news conference, Qaedi also said that 400 Yazidi children who have been displaced from their hometowns in Sanjar and Bashiqa suffer mental and other diseases.

He added that the ISIL has kidnapped 3,770 Yazidis after 2,640 of the abducted population were taken back from the terrorist group in the past two years.

As the ISIL loses control over one city after another in its self-styled caliphate, it is tightening its grip on its captives, taking the Yazidis deeper into its territory.

Thousands of Kurdish-speaking Yazidis were taken prisoner and thousands more were massacred when ISIL terrorists overran their Northern Iraqi villages in August 2014. Since then, the Yazidi captives, specially women and children, have been conscripted into sexual slavery and used as human shields and suicide bombers.

A Pakistani government helicopter crash-landed in Taliban-held territory in neighbouring Afghanistan on Thursday and all passengers and crew are feared captured by the insurgents, officials said.

Pakistani helicopter crashes in Afghanistan, occupants feared held by Taliban

The helicopter went down in Logar province, close to the Afghan-Pakistan border - an increasingly lawless area since a two-year Pakistani military operation pushed many Taliban and allied fighters further into Afghanistan.

"Those detained by the Taliban are Pakistanis," Sameem Saleh, spokesman for Logar's governor, said. "The chopper was not shot but made the landing because of technical failure."

A Pakistani Foreign Office spokesman confirmed that a helicopter belong to the Punjab provincial government had gone down, saying the fate of the crew was not yet clear.

"The Afghan authorities have assured they will investigate and learn about the whereabouts of the helicopter and the passengers," spokesman Nafees Zakaria said.

He said seven passengers were on board, six of them Pakistanis and one a Russian technician. The pilot was Pakistani.

The aircraft had permission to fly over Afghan air space on its way to Uzbekistan further north, he said.

Pakistani army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif spoke with top U.S. commander Gen. John Nicholson on Thursday asking for the international military coalition's help in recovering the Pakistani personnel, military spokesman Lt. Gen. Asim Bajwa, said in a tweet.

Hameed Khan, district governor of Azra district of Logar, said the helicopter landed in his border district, which lies across from Pakistan's Kurram agency.

They were detained by the Taliban," Khan said.

A senior Pakistani military official said the Russian-made MI-17 transport helicopter was en route from Peshawar in northwest Pakistan to Uzbekistan for maintenance when it experienced technical failure and made an emergency landing.

He said there was no information about the occupants.
The UN refugee agency UNHCR says Daesh terrorists may have captured up to 3,000 fleeing Iraqi villagers on Thursday and subsequently executed 12 of them.

Daesh captures 3,000 fleeing Iraqis: UNHCR

The report followed a statement on Thursday from the Iraqi Observatory for Human rights, which said about 1,900 civilians had been captured by an estimated 100-120 Daesh militants.

The observatory said Daesh was using people as shields against attacks by Iraqi security forces, adding scores of civilians had been executed, and six burnt.

The report said the Takfiri group had captured the internally displaced people from villages in Hawijah District in Kirkuk Governorate trying to flee to Kirkuk city.

“Reportedly, 12 of the IDPs have been killed in captivity," the UNHCR report said.

The Iraqi army and allied volunteer forces are preparing for a final push to dislodge Daesh from Mosul - the Takfiri group's last major city in Iraq.

Iraq's joint military forces seized over a dozen missiles with chemical warheads during their search operations in captured ISIL military positions in the city of al-Ramadi, a senior commander disclosed.

Anbar Province: Iraqi Forces Seize 15 Chemical Missile Warheads in Ramadi

"The Iraqi army and popular forces seized at least 15 missiles with chemical warheads comprising very strong poison substances, including mustard gas which belonged to the ISIL in Street 20, al-Tamim, al-Qatana and al-Sharka regions of Ramadi city," Brigadier General Fauzi Farih al-Dailami said on Thursday.

He noted that the chemical warheads have been transferred to Baghdad labs where it was discovered that they contained poison substances like mustard gas.

In May, an intergovernmental organization warned of the “extremely worrying” signs that ISIL terrorist group could be developing chemical weapons of its own.

Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmet Uzumcu said that the Takfiri terrorist group might have already used them both in Iraq and Syria.

Uzumcu said fact-finding teams from The Hague-based watchdog have discovered evidence that suggest the use of sulfur mustard in attacks in the two crisis-hit Arab countries.

"Although they could not attribute this to ISIL... there are strong suspicions that they may have used" chemical weapons, Uzumcu said.

Iraq's joint military forces continued their military advances against the ISIL terrorists in Nineveh province, and discovered a large number of Saudi number plates in the newly-liberated hilltops near the city of Mosul.

Iraqi Forces Discover ISIL's Saudi Number Plates Near Mosul

"The Iraqi forces came across an area packed with number plates of Saudi Arabia in al-Baaj in Southern Mosul," the Arabic-language media outlets said on Thursday.

On Wednesday, the Iraqi forces cleaned up 50 kilometers of the highway which links al-Qayara air base to al-Baaj hills as well as al-Hazar Y-junction in Southern Mosul of militant groups.

The armored unit 9 of the Iraqi army and the anti-terrorism forces also liberated the villages on the two sides of the highway.

In a relevant development in June 2014, a sum of 100 four-wheel-drive vehicles with Saudi number plates were also destroyed during the air strikes on ISIL's positions.
The website of Iran’s Arabic-language Al Alam television news network, has been hacked, has been hacked, marking the latest cyber attack against the Tehran-based channel.

Hackers hack Iran’s Arabic Al Alam TV website

On Saturday, the official website of Al Alam was hacked by a group calling itself AMAR^SHG. The hackers posted a deface page along with a message on the home page of the news channel.

“If the world could be perfect… In a grown and smart society, I still see madness and horror such as war. What’s the point ? Human stays human, the world is still burning… You’re only a small part of the population, you always see your problems first, you’re not happy with what your country is offering you,” the deface message read.

This is not the first time that AMAR^SHG has hacked websites worldwide.

The group hacked and defaced the official website of Météo-France, which is the French national meteorological service, on May 23.

Last March, AMAR^SHG defaced the official website of the French premium cable television channel Canal+.

On Apr 12, 2015, Al Alam said its Twitter account had been hacked and a false report regarding the death of Yemen’s Houthi leader Abdel Malek al-Houthi had been tweeted. Al Alam later held hackers affiliated to Saudi Arabia responsible for the attack.

Al Alam actively reports on Saudi Arabia's atrocious aerial bombardment campaign against Yemen, which has killed thousands of civilians, uprooted many more and ravaged heath and educational facilities in the impoverished Arab country.

The news network is also shedding light on the extent of the Israeli regime’s aggression towards Palestinians. Its staff members have also been targeted in Syria by foreign sponsored Takfiri militants fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

Back in September 2012, Al Alam Damascus bureau chief, Hosein Mortada, was shot and wounded in an attack by foreign-backed militants.

Takfiri Daesh terrorists have reportedly executed tens of civilians in Iraq’s oil-rich northern province of Kirkuk as the victims sought to escape from the extremists.

Daesh terrorists kill 61 more citizens in northern Iraq

Hassan Mahmoud al-Soufi, a commander of pro-government Popular Mobilization units, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria television network on Saturday that Daesh militants executed 61 people, among them a woman, by firing squad at a militant base on the outskirts of the militant-held town of Hawijah, located about 282 kilometers (175 miles) north of the capital, Baghdad.

Soufi noted that the deceased were among the 3,000 civilian whom Daesh Takfiris had ambushed and captured a few day ago as the former tried to flee from Hawijah. It is estimated that hundreds of women, children and elderly people are among those being held captive.

There are reports that Daesh extremists plan to use the hostages as human shields to stop the advance of government forces gearing up for the liberation of Hawijah.

At least five Afghan police officers have been killed in an explosion that hit the Khak Jabar district in the southeastern part of Kabul Province.

Explosion leaves five Afghan officers dead in Kabul Province

Among the victims of the late Friday incident was commander of the Public Order Police Forces (POPF) General Abdul Satar Hashemi, said the provincial governor’s spokesman for Logar province, Salim Saleh, on Saturday.

According to Saleh, Hashemi lost his life when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device (IED) as he was on his way from Logar to Kabul.

Local media further reported Saturday that at least six civilians, including a woman, had been killed in a similar attack on Azra-Khak-e-Jabar highway in the province about four days ago.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the Friday blast.

IEDs have widely been used by Taliban and other militant groups in Afghanistan for targeting the security forces, but ordinary civilians mainly fall victim to such attacks.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said in a report late last month that at least 3,726 civilians were killed or wounded between January and June of the current year.

According to the UN mission, the anti-government elements remain responsible for 60 percent of the civilian casualties.

A massive fire on a 42-inch gas pipeline in southern Iran has been contained after leaving one person dead, the National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) says.

Iran contains massive gas pipeline fire

The fire on the Aghar and Dalan gas transmission line in the Shiraz province came under control early Saturday four hours after it started, NISOC Managing Director Bijan Aalipour said.

“After putting off the fire and securing the line, necessary measures for its reconstruction have begun and we are currently in the process of supplying the necessary equipment,” another NISOC official, Alireza Dabiri, said.

A committee has been formed to investigate the cause of the explosion, he said as other officials ruled out sabotage.

“The incident had four injured, one of whom named Amin Bayrami, a substitute slug catcher for the Gachsaran Oil and Gas Company, passed away at hospital a short while ago and two of the injured received outpatient treatment and were discharged, while another injured person remains in hospital,” Dabiri said.

The fire and blast happened during maintenance operations. Officials said it occurred in the vicinity of polyethylene facilities and sour gas pipelines but they were not damaged.

The incident came in the wake of at least three fires at petrochemical and oil installations in recent weeks.

A fire at Iran’s largest oil refinery in Abadan on Thursday was contained with no serious damage or impact on operations, the Shana news agency reported.

The blaze broke out in the distillation section 80 of the refinery but did not damage the facilities of the distillation section, its Managing Director Habibollah Abolhosseini said.

He said the fire was due to a leakage in one of the pipes. The refinery in southwest Iran with a processing capacity of 429,000 barrels per day continued to operate normally.

Another fire broke out last week at the Bistoon petrochemical plant in Kermanshah in western Iran after a fault at the facility’s power transmission system but it was brought under control shortly.

The worst blaze, however, hit Bu Ali Sina petrochemical refinery complex in the southwest city of Bandar Mahshahr last month, seriously damaging its paraxylene unit.

Most units at the complex have resumed operations but the paraxylene tower, measuring 121 meters, is said to take a couple of months to get back online.

On Friday, production control director at the National Petrochemical Company Ali-Mohammad Bossaqzadeh said he saw the tower becoming operational again within two or three months.

He said a French company is providing short-term advisory service to reconstruct the unit.

Iran, which holds the world’s largest reserves of gas, plans to upgrade and expand its energy industry, including petrochemicals.
About 400 soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, will deploy to Iraq as part of the military's effort to set up a logistics base at an airfield South of Mosul.

400 US Soldiers Heading to Iraq to Aid Mosul Fight

The soldiers are part of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team and are among the 560 additional troops that President Barack Obama approved for the Iraq mission last month, FOX news reported.

The troops are establishing a logistics hub at Qayara air base, to help Iraqi forces prepare to retake the Northern city of Mosul from ISIL.

The US troop authorization for Iraq is 4,647. The Pentagon says there are about 3,800 US forces there, not including hundreds who are on temporary duty and not included in the official count.

Media officials in the Ministry of Defense announced that ISIL Sharia Court and an explosives factory have been destroyed in Mosul.

Iraqi Air Force Destroys ISIL Sharia Court in Mosul

According to Iraqi News, the officials, in a statement, said, “Iraqi Air Force carried out an airstrike against ISIL, destroying ISIL Sharia Court in Mosul.”

“The airstrike was carried out based on accurate intelligence information and it also destroyed an explosives factory,” the statement added.

The Baghdad Operations Command announced that it has seized a factory used for manufacturing Hell Cannons and dismantled over 300 IEDs.

Iraqi Forces Seize Hell Cannons’ Factory, Diffuse over 300 IEDs

The command, in a statement, said “the Field Engineering Brigade of the Rapid Intervention Force diffused 48 improvised explosive devices in Fallujah intersection, while forces from the 2nd regiment of the Rapid Intervention Force’s 1st brigade seized a factory used for the manufacturing Hell Cannons. The factory contained 150 rockets, materials and aluminum pieces,” Iraqi News reported.

“Field Engineering Brigade also diffused 125 IEDs and 143 booby-trapped houses, as well as liberating a 5 km long road in Fallujah axis. Forces from the headquarters of the 51st brigade further diffused two booby-trapped vehicles, 162 IEDs and 150 booby-trapped houses,” the statement added.

The command further added, “Forces from the 3rd regiment of the 23rd brigade also diffused two IEDs at al-Obeid in Southern Baghdad, while forces from the Federal Police’s 4th brigade diffused an adhesive bomb in Jurf al-Naddaf.”

The crew of Pakistan’s Mi-17 helicopter that crash-landed in Afghanistan may have been captured by the Pakistani Taliban, local media reported on Friday.

Pakistani Taliban May Be Holding Captive Mi-17 Crew

Senior Taliban leader Qari Saifullah Mehsud told the Pakistani newspaper Dawn that the crew was captured by the Hakeemullah Mehsud group of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan organization and being held in Azra district of the eastern Afghan Logar province.

He also said that there was no use in trying to seek help of Afghanistan’s authorities as the territory was fully controlled by the Taliban.

Mehsud added that the detainees would be killed if Afghan or US forces tried to release them.

The helicopter reportedly flew from Peshawar to Uzbekistan’s city of Bukhara when the crash landing occurred on Thursday. There were reportedly seven people on board with one of them being a Russian citizen. On Friday, the Afghan authorities ordered a rescue mission.

Russian Foreign Ministry control the situation on possible Taliban kidnapping of the Russian citizen on Pakistan’s helicopter that crash-landed in Afghanistan.

Russian Foreign Min. Copperate With Afghani, Pakistani Officials Over Mi-17 Case

Russian officials are in contact with authorities on the ground to verify reports of a Russian citizen possibly kidnapped by the Taliban aboard Pakistan’s helicopter that crash-landed in Afghanistan, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday.

“We are verifying this information. Our embassies in Islamabad and Kabul are in close contact with the authorities in host countries with the purpose of taking comprehensive measures for the release of the Russian citizen,” the ministry said in a statement.

The kidnapped Russian citizen was identified as pilot S.K. Sevastyanov, born in 1956.

The ministry said Pakistan’s Mi-17 civil helicopter was heading for repair works to Russia when it crash-landed Thursday. Seven people, including Sevastyanov, were reportedly taken hostage by the Taliban militants

A local provincial official announced that all villages bordering al-Qayyara airbase in the Southern part of Nineveh have been seized back by Iraq's joint military forces.

Iraqi Forces Recapture Entire Villages Near Al-Qayyara Air Base

Governor of Al-Qayyara Region Saleh Hassan Ali reiterated that the road linking al-Qayyara airbase to Mosul has also been recaptured.

He noted that al-Qayyara-Mosul road is 30 kilometers, and said that the Iraqi forces are seizing back more ISIL-controlled areas.

The Iraqi army destroyed several tunnels of the ISIL terrorist group as well as a bomb-laden factory in Bu Obeid and Bou Bali regions in the Eastern part of Ramadi.

Iraqi Army Destroys ISIL's Tunnels in Eastern Ramadi

The Iraqi army discovered ISIL's tunnels and destroyed them in Bu Obeid and Bu Bali regions.

In a statement on Saturday, the Iraqi army announced that three ISIL terrorists who had hidden inside the tunnels were killed and their hideout in Bou Ali Jassem area came under CH4 fighter jets' raids.

Meantime, the Iraqi army's drone attacked the ISIL's gathering in the same area which resulted in the death of tens of ISIL terrorists and destruction of a military vehicle and an arms depot.

Saudi warplanes hit the positions of the friendly forces in Northern Yemen and killed a large number of militants loyal to fugitive former President Mansour Hadi, in what has come to be known as "routine" shooting and bombing of friendly troops by the Saudi air force.

Saudi Jets Slaughter Tens of Friendly Troops in Northern Yemen Again

Tens of pro-Hadi militias were killed in the Saudi fighter jets' air raid on their positions in al-Jawf province in Northern Yemen.

The friendly fire came as the pro-Hadi militias were trying to push back the popular forces to open their way into al-Jawf province with the aerial support of the Saudi fighter jets.

In a similar incident on June 24, scores of the militias loyal to Mansour Hadi were killed in the Saudi airstrikes in al-Jawf province.
Iraq received another F-16 jets, the US anti-Daesh envoy said.

Iraq Receives Four Additional F-16 Jets Over Weekend

The Iraqi military received an additional four F-16 fighter jets over the weekend, US Presidential Envoy for the global coalition to counter Daesh Brett McGurk said on Monday.

As part of its ongoing fight against Daesh, Iraq has ordered 36 F-16s from the United States, at a cost of more than $2 billion. The last delivery was made in February, when the United States delivered two F-16 jets.

56 people, primary young men, were executed by the Daesh terrorist group in the northern Iraqi Kirkuk province, according to local media.

Daesh Militants Execute 56 People by Burning, Shooting in Northern Iraq

Militants from Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh) radical group executed 52 people by burning them, with the other four having been shot dead in Hawija city in the northern Iraqi Kirkuk province, local media reported on Sunday.

According to the Al Arabiya broadcaster, citing its sources, the victims, primary young men, were executed on Saturday night for encouraging residents of Hawija to escape from the city seized by militants.

Kirkuk province has been at the epicenter of fierce clashes between militants from Daesh, outlawed in Russia and various countries, and joint Iraqi forces since the jihadist group captured vast parts of Iraq in 2014.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, Daesh militants seized some 3,000 people, trying to escape from Hawija, on August 3.

There is no threat to the lives of seven Mi-17 helicopter crew members who were taken hostage by Taliban, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is personally supervising the release of the hostages.

Abducted Mi-17 Crew in Afghanistan 'Safe' - Russian Foreign Ministry

The lives of seven Mi-17 helicopter crew members, including a Russian national, who have been taken hostage by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, are not under threat, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday.

"There is no threat to the lives of hostages, talks on their release have been scheduled," the ministry said in a statement.

According to the statement, Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is "personally supervising the release of hostages," has asked Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani and Commander of NATO 'Resolute Support' Mission in Afghanistan Gen. John Nicholson to provide assistance in release negotiations.

"A quick release of the Russian national remains our priority," the ministry stressed.

A Pakistani Mi-17 reportedly flew from Peshawar to Uzbekistan’s city of Bukhara for scheduled repairs when it crash-landed in Afghanistan last Thursday. Six Pakistanis and a Russian national were taken hostage by Taliban militants.

The US Department of Defense spokesperson told Sputnik that the soldiers were on a force protection patrol when their vehicle was struck.

Two US Soldiers Suffer Injuries in Attack Near Afghanistan’s Jalalabad

Two US soldiers have suffered minor injuries after an explosive devise struck their patrol car near the Afghan city of Jalalabad on Monday, US Department of Defense spokesperson Adam Stump told Sputnik.

"Two US soldiers suffered minor injuries when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device near Jalalabad in the early evening of Monday, 08 August," Stump stated on Monday.

The militant group in Afghanistan that has allegedly pledged allegiance to Daesh, also known as the Islamic state, claimed to have seized advanced US military equipment from American troops who had fought side by side with the government forces in the eastern flank of the conflict-ridden country.

Terrorists Seize Advanced American Weaponry From the Battlefields of Afghanistan

The news first emerged when Daesh’ Amaq News Agency published via social media pictures of gears allegedly taken from US personnel after the fights in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, which is bordered by Pakistan. The speculation was confirmed by SITE intelligence Group, a think tank specialized in tracking and monitoring terrorists networks around the world.

One of the photos depicts a bunch of US military equipment that reportedly was not provided to the Afghani official forces and includes a portable rocket launcher, an advanced military radio, and grenades. There’s also a close up of an ID card of American serviceman Specialist named Ryan Larson.

Responding to the speculation of the circumstances under which the militants could have obtained the munition and documents, the US military command in Kabul ruled out on Sunday the possibility of Larson being taken captive.

The US military spokesman Commander Ron Flesvig claimed that the serviceman had lost his belongings after a military operation, highlighting that he "has been accounted for and remains in a duty status within his unit."

"SPC Larson was attached to a unit conducting a partnered (operation) with Afghan Forces," Flesvig said in a statement. "The loss of personal identification is unfortunate."

At least 43 Daesh and Taliban terrorists reportedly surrendered to the Afghan forces in the country’s eastern province of Nangarhar.

At least 43 Daesh, Taliban Terrorists Surrender to Afghan Army in Country’s East

At least 43 Islamic State (Daesh) and Taliban terrorists surrendered to the Afghan forces in the country’s eastern province of Nangarhar, local media reported citing the National Directorate for Security (NDS).

According to NDS, the surrendered terrorists belonged to four groups operating in Achin, Nazian, and Ghani Khel districts of the Nangarhar province, Khaama Press news agency reported on Monday.
Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled Obaidi has survived an assassination attempt near Iraq's second-largest city of Mosul in the north of the country, escaping uninjured, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said Tuesday.

Iraqi Defense Minister Unharmed After Assassination Attempt Near Mosul

The minister's convoy was attacked near Qayyarah Airfield in the Nineveh Governorate, with the attackers using mortars, the ministry said.

The ministry has not named the group responsible for the attack, adding that no one traveling in the defense minister's convoy was killed or injured.

Iraqi forces are carrying out operations in the Nineveh Governorate in preparation for an assault on Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city that has been under Daesh control since 2014.

Daesh militants have started removing computers and documents from the Daesh-controlled Iraq's city of Mosul as it has come under attack from Iraqi forces, according to a source in the city.

Moving Out: Daesh Removing Computers, Documents From Iraq's Mosul Amid Strikes

Militants have started relocating computers and folders containing data on militants and the organization's plans to commit terrorist attacks, from Mosul to the Syrian city Raqqa, Shafaq News reported.

The terrorist group has also reportedly changed the location of some of its headquarters in Mosul after Iraqi forces and the international US-led coalition destroyed prominent Daesh command posts, according to the source.

US military equipment the Daesh had captured and showed in photographs over the weekend had been left behind during a rescue operation in Afghanistan.

Daesh Captures US Equipment Abandoned in Rescue Operation in Afghanistan

The US rescue mission took place on July 25 in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nangarhar, CNN reported.

The US forces gathered a number of troops at a so-called casualty collection point for further evacuation when the location came under "effective" enemy fire, which prompted a rescue operation, according to media reports.

Over the weekend, Daesh released pictures of two identification cards belonging to US Army specialist Ryan Jay Larson, along with US weapons and radio equipment that the terror group had captured.

In July, President Barack Obama announced the United States would leave 8,400 troops in Afghanistan by the end of his term in office instead of his original plan to leave 5,500 soldiers.
A fire at a Baghdad hospital maternity ward left at least 11 newborn babies dead on Wednesday, CNN reported, citing the Iraqi Health Ministry.

Fire in Baghdad's Maternity Ward Leaves 11 Newborn Babies Dead

The babies suffocated after the fire broke out in the pre-term birth unit in Yarmouk Hospital, the CNN broadcaster reported with reference to the ministry's spokesperson.

An electrical short circuit caused the fire, according to the broadcaster. Other babies have been transferred to other hospitals in the city.

A senior Iraqi legislator disclosed that the country's high-ranking military officers were involved in the July terrorist attack in Central Baghdad which killed over 200 people.

Senior MP Blames High-Ranking Iraqi Officers for July Explosion in Baghdad

"A number of high-ranking officers in the interior ministry and operations command center played a role in the terrorist blast in al-Karrada district of Baghdad," Imad Youkhan, a member of the Iraqi parliament's Security and Defense Committee, said on Wednesday.

A devastating bombing in the crowded commercial area of Karrada in the Iraqi capital killed more than 200 people, including many children.

The powerful explosion came near the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, when the streets were filled with young people and families out after sunset.

The death toll from the blast in Karrada, a predominantly Shia neighborhood in Central Baghdad, rose to over 200, as the bodies of more victims were pulled from the rubble.

Hundreds were also wounded when a lorry packed with explosives blew up in a busy shopping street filled with people after they had broken their fast.

The ISIL terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement circulated by its supporters online.

Local sources in Kirkuk province disclosed that the ISIL has burned nearly two dozen Iraqi young men who have been in its custody after they rejected joining the terrorist group for operations.

ISIL Burns 20 Jailed Young Men for Refusing Membership

"At least 20 young people were set ablaze by the ISIL for rejecting the request to join the terrorist group," the sources said.

In early July, Iraqi warplanes dropped leaflets over Hawija region calling on the local residents to stay away from the ISIL's concentration centers or if possible to evacuate the region.

"The ISIL terrorists are terrified that the Iraqi joint forces will recapture al-Sharqat region in the coming days and Iraqi army's preparedness to seize back Mosul after liberation of Fallujah," the Arabic-language al-Sumeria News channel quoted an unnamed Iraqi security source as saying.

The ISIL has abducted over 70 teenagers from Hawijah town in Iraq’s Northern Kirkuk province in less than one week, a commander of the Iraqi volunteer forces (Hashd al-Sha'abi) said.

ISIL Kidnaps 70 Teenagers in Hawijah

"Based on intel from Hawijah, , the ISIL has kidnapped over 70 teenagers in this region and is keeping them in prison under the pretext of interrogation and investigation," Jabbar al-Ma'mouri said on Wednesday.

He also said that the ISIL seeks to turn the teenagers into suicide bombers by brainwashing them.

Last week reports from Kirkuk said that the ISIL terrorists executed tens of civilians in Kirkuk province as they were trying to escape from Takfiri militants.

Hassan Mahmoud al-Soufi, a commander of popular forces, told the Arabic-language al-Sumaria television network on Saturday that terrorists executed 61 people, among them a woman, by firing squad at a militant base on the outskirts of the town of Hawijah.

The ISIL is training children, abducted from their families, near the city of Beiji in Salahuddin province to prepare them for suicide attacks.

ISIL Training Children in Salahuddin Province for Suicide Attacks

The terrorist group trains the children under the name of 'Children of the Caliphate' program as it has increased its reliance on missions by children to carry out suicide attacks.

The videos released by the ISIL from its operations in Manbij in Syria's Aleppo province shows children participating in an attack on a military base in Manbij.

Other photos released also show the children wearing military uniforms and standing beside the ISIL terrorists in Anbar province, Iraq.

The ISIL's media office in Tigris region announced that a Belgian Child named Abu al-Nour Beljiki has carried out a suicide attack in Nineveh's al-Qayyara region.

Last Thursday, Hussein al-Qaedi an official responsible for tracing abducted Yazidis in Duhok province, announced that the ISIL was training 1,400 Yazidi children, abducted from their families, to conduct suicide attacks.

Speaking at a news conference, Qaedi also said that 400 Yazidi children who have been displaced from their hometowns in Sanjar and Bashiqa suffer mental and other diseases.

Iraq's joint military forces seized back a strategic airbase controlled by the ISIL in the Western part of Anbar province on Wednesday.

Iraqi Forces Win Back Key Airbase From ISIL in Anbar Province

"H3 airbase which is located 40 kilometers from the town of al-Rataba in Anbar is now under the full control of the Iraqi forces," the Arabic-language media quoted senior Volunteer Forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) Commander Nazem al-Jugheifi as saying on Wednesday.

The leader of an ISIL-linked terrorist group based in Eastern Afghanistan was reportedly killed during an operation by Afghan security sources.

'ISIL Khurasan' Chief Reportedly Killed in Eastern Afghanistan

The Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan officials have said they are aware of the reports regarding the death of Hafiz Saeed who call himself as the leader of 'ISIL Khurasan' group, but an investigation is underway to confirm his death, Khaama Press reported.

This is not the first time reports have emerged regarding the death of Hafiz Saeed in Eastern Afghanistan.

However the commander of the 201st Silab Corps of the Afghan National Army General Zaman Waziri has said Saeed was killed along with around 30 others in Achin district.

Reports regarding the death of Saeed comes as the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces launched a major operation against the terror group in Nangarhar province two weeks ago.

The operations kicked off from the restive Kot district which was once one of the main strongholds of the terror group in Afghanistan.

Local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that unidentified assailants have gunned down 34 terrorists in three separate attacks in the Eastern parts of the city of Mosul.

Unknown Gunmen Assassinate 14 ISIL Terrorists, Injure 20 Others in Mosul

The unknown gunmen killed the ISIL terrorists with light BKC rifles by attacking their bases in al-Karama, Sana'e, and al-Bak regions in Eastern Mosul city and fled the scene, the Arabic-language media quoted local sources as saying.

The assassination attempts against the ISIL terrorists have considerably increased after the liberation of Fallujah as the people's morale to confront the ISIL has boosted.

In a relevant development on Saturday, unidentified assailants gunned down two terrorists in Mosul city center.

The unknown gunmen killed the ISIL terrorists with handguns equipped with silencers in Bab al-Sara market in Mosul city center.

Also in late May, masked armed men assassinated a senior ISIL commander in Salahuddin province in Northern Iraq.

Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Anbari and his bodyguard were killed in in the city of al-Sharqat by gunmen using handguns equipped with silencer, the Arabic-language Sumeria News quoted an unnamed security source as saying.

Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Anbari was in charge of ISIL's security in al-Sharqat city.

Al-Sharqat has been under ISIL's control since June 2014.

Former militants and informed sources said militants supporting Yemen’s fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Hadi have left frontlines as Hadi fails to pay them any more.

Penniless Yemeni Militants Desert Frontlines as Hadi Fails to Pay up

The sources said as money ran out the militants ditched the frontlines in groups for a very different kind of work and many of them are now selling propane cylinders, Middle East Eye reported.

"When the war broke out in Taiz city, I lost my work in a clothes shop and took my five family members to my original village,” 36-year-old Zakarya al-Aswad, once fighting with pro-Hadi forces says.

“I decided to join militant groups as I wanted to resume work and get money from the resistance to eke out an income for my family."

Aswad says he fought dutifully in many key battles as long as the resistance kept paying him YR2000 ($8) per day. The payments continued for nine months but then, like many other civilian fighters, they stopped earlier this year and prompted Aswad to lay down his arms.

According to Nael al-Adimi, a pro-Hadi commander in Taiz, some 5,000 of their fighters have left the battle in the last few months, largely due to funding shortages. He said there were about 10,000 armed men left but that he expected further desertions over the coming weeks.

The airstrikes on Sana'a resulted in the death of at least 20 people and injury of tens of others as well as destruction of a food factory in al-Aqel district of the capital city.

Saudi Fighter Jets Pound Factory, Destroy Civilians' Food Supplies in Sana'a

Al-Aqel factory where a majority of its workers were women were hit several times by the Saudi warplanes.

The airstrikes on Sana'a also led to the temporary closure of the Sana'a international airport.

Saleh al-Samad, Head of the Political Council of Yemen's Ansarullah Movement, said the airstrikes are against the international law.

"The aerial transfer of medical and food supplies to millions of people across Yemen has been halted as a result of the suspension of the flights from the airport in the capital," he added..

In a relevant development on Tuesday, Saudi jets bombed a potato factory in the Nahda district of Sana'a. Over a dozen people were killed in the attack. More than half of the victims were believed to be women.
12 ISIL Commanders, Deputies Killed in Iraqi Airstrike in Nineveh Province

The ISIL terrorists had gathered to take important decisions as they are losing the war against the Iraqi army and volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi).

Several other senior ISIL terrorists were also killed when the terrorists' largest bomb-making factory was hit in another region of Nineveh province.

A number of ISIL Chechen commanders were among the terrorists killed in bomb-making factory.

Earlier on Wednesday, Local sources in Nineveh province disclosed that unidentified assailants have gunned down 34 terrorists in three separate attacks in the Eastern parts of the city of Mosul.

The unknown gunmen killed the ISIL terrorists with light BKC rifles by attacking their bases in al-Karama, Sana'e, and al-Bak regions in Eastern Mosul city and fled the scene, the Arabic-language media quoted local sources as saying.

The assassination attempts against the ISIL terrorists have considerably increased after the liberation of Fallujah as the people's morale to confront the ISIL has boosted.

In a relevant development on Saturday, unidentified assailants gunned down two terrorists in Mosul city center.

The unknown gunmen killed the ISIL terrorists with handguns equipped with silencers in Bab al-Sara market in Mosul city center.

Also in late May, masked armed men assassinated a senior ISIL commander in Salahuddin province in Northern Iraq.

Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Anbari and his bodyguard were killed in in the city of al-Sharqat by gunmen using handguns equipped with silencer, the Arabic-language Sumeria News quoted an unnamed security source as saying.

Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Anbari was in charge of ISIL's security in al-Sharqat city.

Al-Sharqat has been under ISIL's control since June 2014.

In early May, the Iraqi army and popular forces continued their advances in Anbar province in Western Iraq, and killed over half a dozen ISIL terrorists, including one of their most wanted leaders.

Chief commander of the military operations in Anbar Ismail Mahlavi confirmed that senior ISIL commander Shaker Wahib al-Fahdavi has been killed in an Iraqi army operation in the town of Rataba in the Western part of Anbar province.

Mahlavi added that seven other ISIL commanders were also killed in the Iraqi army's operations in Rataba town.

The confirmation by the Iraqi army comes while Fahdavi was reported dead eight times before.

The Iraqi army, meantime, announced that ISIL's war strategist was killed in the village of al-Asouja in Makhmour region in Nineveh province.

10 killed in separate blasts outside Baghdad

Separate blasts outside the Iraqi capital Baghdad have claimed the lives of ten people and injured several others.

A bomb attack targeted an army checkpoint in the town of Latifiyah, about 30 kilometers (20 miles) south of the capital, on Wednesday, police said, adding that it killed four civilians and three soldiers and wounded nearly a dozen others.

To the southeast of Baghdad, three civilians were also killed and 12 others injured in a bomb blast at an outdoor market in the suburb of Nahrawan.

Medical sources have confirmed the figures.

Meanwhile, a police convoy patrolling Taji district, north of Baghdad, was hit by an explosive device. Four officers were injured.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

On July 3, massive bomb blasts at a shopping district in Baghdad’s Shia neighborhood of Karradah claimed the lives of over 300 people.

The United Nations recently said that nearly 760 people lost their lives and more than 1,200 others sustained injuries as a result of acts of terrorism and violence in Iraq in the month of July.

Yemen Strikes Saudi Coalition with More Ballistic Missiles

The Qaher-I missile hit Saudi Arabia's Khamis Mushait military base in the Southern province of Najran, destroying their military hardware and equipment.

Early reports indicate large casualties on the Saudi forces in the missile attack. The Saudi army and its coalition members have lost, at least, over a hundred troops each time they have come under a ballistic missile attack by Yemen.

The Saudi-led forces' armored vehicles were destroyed during the Yemeni missile attack.

In a relevant development on Tuesday, the Yemeni army missiles pounded the Saudi troops' military positions in the kingdom's Southwestern provinces on Tuesday, while Ansarullah fighters fended off the Saudi forces' attacks in border regions in Northern Yemen.

"The Saudi military centers in Najran and Jizan provinces came under the Yemeni army's missile attacks today," Ansarullah Commander Abdullah al-Zeidi told FNA.

He also noted that the Yemeni forces repelled the Saudi army attacks on their military positions in border areas near Jizan and Najran provinces, and said, "The Yemeni army and popular forces fired tens of mortar rounds at al-Tala'a and al-Shabaka military sites in the Southern parts of Saudi Arabia."

Al-Zeidi also said that Saudi Arabia's newly-established site in al-Khoba of Jizan province also came under Yemen's missile attack, killing and wounding several Saudi troops.
Iraqi forces drive terrorists out of villages near Mosul

Iraqi security forces have liberated four villages south of the strategic northern city of Mosul from the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group, continuing a push to flush the extremists out of the city.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command announced in a statement that security personnel had taken control of the villages of al-Bazajleh, al-Marir, Imam Gharbi and al-Tale’ah, which lie on the suburbs of the town of Qayyarah and more than 60 kilometers (40 miles) south of Mosul, on Friday, al-Baghdadia television reported.

The statement added that scores of terrorists were killed and seven vehicles rigged with explosives destroyed during the operations.

Hisham al-Hashimi, a consultant to the Baghdad government on the anti-Daesh campaign, has said the operation for the liberation of Mosul is slated for late September.

According to Iraqi officials, high-ranking Daesh commanders and their families have sold their belongings and fled Mosul as Iraqi forces are closing in on the northern Iraqi city.

Mosul fell into the hands of the Takfiri terrorists in June 2014 when they launched an offensive in Iraq.

Separately, Iraqi military aircraft, aided by intelligence from elite counter-terrorism forces, launched four precision strikes against the positions of militants in the northern province of Salahuddin, destroying a large volume of munitions.

The strikes also killed a Daesh bomb making expert, identified as Fahem Mejbel Ezzedine al-Ani but better known by the nom de guerre Abu Razwan al-Ani.

Iraqi F-16 fighter jets also struck terrorist positions in the northern oil-rich province of Kirkuk, killing Daesh’s self-proclaimed Kirkuk governor Abu Mishan al-Janabi, his second deputy, Mohammad Rashid al-Janabi and seven of their fellow terrorists.

The northern and western parts of Iraq have been plagued by gruesome violence ever since Daesh terrorists mounted their offensive in June 2014. The militants have been committing vicious crimes against all ethnic and religious communities in Iraq, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds and Christians.

The Iraqi army and fighters from the Popular Mobilization units have been engaged in joint operations to retake militant-held regions.

Daesh executes five civilian rescuers in Iraq: Local TV

Daesh has reportedly executed five individuals who had been helping civilians in Iraq flee the areas controlled by the Takfiri terrorist group.

Iraq’s Alhurra television channel reported the atrocity on Saturday, saying the group had confirmed the executions — which had been carried out at unknown locations — by circulating related images across social networks.

Separately, the Iraqi Joint Operations Command, which supervises operation of military and volunteer forces, was cited by the country’s Alforatnews agency as reporting the elimination of 16 Daesh operatives in the north-central provinces of Salahuddin and Kirkuk on Friday.

The fatalities included the so-called “governors” assigned by the terror group to the respective provinces.

The northern and western parts of Iraq have been plagued by gruesome violence ever since Daesh terrorists mounted their offensive in June 2014.

Iraqi forces secured their most-resounding victory yet against Daesh last December by liberating Ramadi, the capital of the sprawling western Anbar Province.

The group also has a presence in neighboring Syria, where Syrian government forces are pushing it out of much of the areas it has overrun.

Security forces in Syria and Iraq are closing in on the cities of Raqqa and Mosul, Daesh’s so-called headquarters in the respective countries.
Important Iraqi Army offensive begins, 2 villages captured

The Iraqi Army, backed by local committees, began their important offensive to liberate the key town of Al-Qiyyarah from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the Nineveh Governorate.

Striking the terrorist group from the south, the Iraqi Army was able to take control of two villages at Al-Qiyyarah’s southern flank, including ‘Ajaban and Zuhiliyah

‏Following the liberation of these villages, the Iraqi Armed Forces continued their push north towards Al-Qiyyarah, killing several members of the Islamic State before nightfall ok Saturday night.

Al-Qiyyarah is strategically located along the main highway linking both the Iraqi capital of Baghdad and Mosul (provincial capital of Nineveh); its capture by the Iraqi Armed Forces would be devastating for the Islamic State, as they have enjoyed a large buffer-zone to the south of Mosul for over two years.

War Crime? Iraqi Defense Video Shows Use of Incendiary Weapons in US-Led Fight

A disturbing new video released by the Iraqi Defense Ministry celebrating the liberation of Qayyarah by Iraqi Air Force and the US-led Combined Joint Task Force for Operation Inherent Resolve shows the airborne drop of incendiary munitions in potential violation of international law.

Troubling video issued by the Iraqi Defense Ministry show the country's air force dropping incendiary munitions from an airplane on the villages of South Qayyarah as part of the campaign to liberate the territory from the control of Daesh terrorists.

Initial reports from on the ground freelance reporters indicate that the munitions were dropped by either the Iraqi Air Force or by the US-led Joint Task Force for Operation Inherent Resolve planes although the former seems more likely with video footage appearing on the Iraqi Defense Ministry's YouTube page.

The town, only 35 miles (56km) from Mosul, has long been a Daesh stronghold until recently when Iraqi forces have made major gains against the Jihadists taking back the strategic Qayyarah Air Force Base in July. Once a booming oil town, Qayyarah has become the epicenter of some of the most violent fights against the Daesh jihadists serving as a critical staging point for the offensive to retake Mosul.

Freelance combat reporters Aldin Abazović said that the incendiary munitions appear consistent with white phosphorus. The use of white phosphorus is prohibited under international law and is considered a war crime if dropped from an warplane into an inhabited area.

Protocol III of the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons defines an incendiary weapon as any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target. These are distinguished from more benign weapons that have secondary incendiary properties such as tracers. The video shows the use of the alleged incendiary weapons at 1:50.

Additionally, even a village overwrought by Daesh jihadists would still be considered to fit within the protocol's "concentration of civilians" definition which extends to any reasonable number of non-combatants including even "a group of nomads." It has been argued by the United States under the Bush administration that these conventions lack full weight because the enemy is not fighting in accordance with international law, but scholars contest that the protections are for the civilians, not the combatants, thus defeating that argument.

Both the United States and Iraq are signatories to protocol III of the Convention Against the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons and are bound against using these weapons in the field of fight by force of treaty and by censure of the United Nations.

Kurdish forces launch fresh offensive in southeast Mosul

The Kurdish “Peshmerga” forces launched a fresh offensive against the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the southeastern countryside of the Nineveh Governorate on Sunday morning.

According to the Peshmerga’s official social media accounts, their forces are attempting to capture several of the villages located in the Khazir Region of Mosul.

This latest Peshmerga offensive will be backed by the air forces in the anti-ISIS Coalition.

Meanwhile, south of Mosul, the Iraqi Army and their allies are attempting to capture the key village of Al-Qiyyarah after a one month-long operation to liberate Fallujah.
sToRmR1dR said:

War Crime? Iraqi Defense Video Shows Use of Incendiary Weapons in US-Led Fight

A disturbing new video released by the Iraqi Defense Ministry celebrating the liberation of Qayyarah by Iraqi Air Force and the US-led Combined Joint Task Force for Operation Inherent Resolve shows the airborne drop of incendiary munitions in potential violation of international law.

Troubling video issued by the Iraqi Defense Ministry show the country's air force dropping incendiary munitions from an airplane on the villages of South Qayyarah as part of the campaign to liberate the territory from the control of Daesh terrorists.

Initial reports from on the ground freelance reporters indicate that the munitions were dropped by either the Iraqi Air Force or by the US-led Joint Task Force for Operation Inherent Resolve planes although the former seems more likely with video footage appearing on the Iraqi Defense Ministry's YouTube page.

The town, only 35 miles (56km) from Mosul, has long been a Daesh stronghold until recently when Iraqi forces have made major gains against the Jihadists taking back the strategic Qayyarah Air Force Base in July. Once a booming oil town, Qayyarah has become the epicenter of some of the most violent fights against the Daesh jihadists serving as a critical staging point for the offensive to retake Mosul.

Freelance combat reporters Aldin Abazović said that the incendiary munitions appear consistent with white phosphorus. The use of white phosphorus is prohibited under international law and is considered a war crime if dropped from an warplane into an inhabited area.


Both the United States and Iraq are signatories to protocol III of the Convention Against the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons and are bound against using these weapons in the field of fight by force of treaty and by censure of the United Nations.

Very serious development - the U.N. should be screaming but will probably only "issue a warning"? Drop one of those incendiary munitions in Switzerland and see what reaction you would get!

Disturbing images of children killed in an airstrike on a religious school in Sa’ada, Yemen have filled the media and various sources put the child death count at 8 to 50, scores are said to have been injured.

Primary School in Yemen’s Sa’ada Hit in Saudi Airstrike, Several Children Killed

A video obtained by Ruptly shows numerous children with head, arm and leg wounds being carried away on stretchers with blood covered faces and bodies, Russia Today reported.

The video also provides still pictures of the bodies of children presumably killed, some with dismembered limbs and covered with dust.

There has been no official confirmation that the video portrays the exact aftermath of the alleged air strike on Saturday so far, however.

Some sources reported 50 school children were killed in the strike, while local sources put the number at 8.

RT sources say 20 students were killed, noting that an exam session was underway at the time of the strike.

Since last March, Yemen has been the target of an air campaign launched by a Saudi Arabian-led coalition being carried out at request of Yemeni fugitive former President Mansur Hadi's government, who is waging a civil war against popular forces, which support Ali Abdullah Saleh as Yemen’s legitimate president.

The alleged air strike would add to a growing list of civilian casualties in Yemen blamed on the Saudi-led coalition. At least nine people were killed in a bombardment on the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, earlier this month when a potato chip factory was hit.

One of the deadliest attacks on civilians occurred in September of last year, when 131 people died in an airstrike on a wedding in the village of Al-Wahijah. Locals blamed the assault on Saudi Arabia, though Riyadh strongly denied responsibility.

In April of 2015, Saudi aircraft attacked a crowded marketplace in Mastaba, a village in Yemen’s Northern Hajja governorate. UNICEF, the UN children’s agency, estimated the death toll from those airstrikes at 119, including 22 children.

Human Rights Watch later examined the bomb fragments found at the site and determined they came from a “US-made satellite-guided bomb”. The US alongside the UK is one of the major arms suppliers to Saudi Arabia.

Security sources in Anbar Province announced that the Iraqi forces besieged a large number of Takfiri terrorists inside tunnels in Ramadi.

Iraqi Forces Storm Tunnel in Ramadi, Besiege Tens of Terrorists

Anbar Provincial Council revealed that the Iraqi security forces have stormed into ISIL tunnels in Khalidiya Island in Eastern Ramadi after besieging tens of ISIL members inside them.

“Security forces today launched a military operation and stormed into the remaining tunnels of ISIS in Albu Bali area in Khalidiya Island,” Member of the security committee in Anbar Provincial Council Raje Barakat al-Eissawi said

"Tens of ISIL members were besieged inside the tunnels,” he added.

The Iraqi army in a special operation rescued several families from ISIL's custody in one of the terrorist group's horrifying prisons in the city of Heet in Anbar province.

Iraqi Army Rescues Women, Children From ISIL's Prisons in Western Iraq

At least 30 Iraqi civilians, most of them children and women, were freed from ISIL's custody in al-Baghdadi Island in Heet city.

The rescued civilians were later transferred to safe places after the army's successful rescue operation.

In a relevant development earlier on Sunday, the security sources in Anbar Province announced that the Iraqi forces besieged a large number of Takfiri terrorists inside tunnels in Ramadi.

Anbar Provincial Council revealed that the Iraqi security forces have stormed into ISIL tunnels in Khalidiya Island in Eastern Ramadi after besieging tens of ISIL members inside them.

“Security forces today launched a military operation and stormed into the remaining tunnels of ISIS in Albu Bali area in Khalidiya Island,” Member of the security committee in Anbar Provincial Council Raje Barakat al-Eissawi said

"Tens of ISIL members were besieged inside the tunnels,” he added.
Mosul: ISIS executes six young men on charges of spying for coalition

ERBIL – Extremists of the Islamic State (ISIS) on Sunday publicly executed six young men in the city of Mosul in Iraq’s northwestern Nineveh province after accusing them of spying for the US-led coalition, activists and eyewitnesses reported.

The radical group has executed the men by burning them to death in a public square in Mosul.

“They were accused of spying for the US-led coalition and cooperating with the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, who have been attacking ISIS headquarters in Mosul and its countryside for months,” local media activist Abdullah al-Malla told ARA News.

According to eyewitnesses, an ISIS official read a statement before carrying out the execution, saying: “Those mercenaries have cooperated with the crusader coalition and the Peshmerga in order to destroy the Caliphate territory and kill innocent Muslims in the name of freedom and democracy. The Caliphate [Islamic State] will show no mercy to such traitors.”

“The six young men were brutally burned to death in front of hundreds of people at the Shora square in central Mosul,” al-Malla reported.

ISIS has earlier executed dozens of civilians in Mosul city on similar charges, especially after its key headquarters have been exposed to airstrikes by the coalition.

‘Tsunami wave’ to wipe out Islamic State if Mosul Dam collapses

The Mosul Dam near an Islamic State stronghold in Iraq faces a catastrophic risk as it stands on unstable ground where soft gypsum rock is constantly eroding. If a breach occurs as warned by a US report, over a million Iraqis living along the Tigris River will be wiped out. IS dismisses this warning as mere propaganda to scare them off even as US military is planning an offensive in early October to recapture the northern Nineveh province from IS, with a final battle in Mosul at month-end. History may repeat. Just like Tigris floods destroyed the Assyrian capital Nineveh in 612 BC helping the Medes and Babylonians to victory, dam breach may trigger a flood that will overwhelm IS and make the job much easier for US-backed Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

In a 2006 report, the US Army Corps of Engineers called Mosul Dam “the most dangerous dam in the world”, and the situation has deteriorated since then.

In Mach 2016, CENTCOM Commander Gen. Lloyd Austin III and US Embassy in Baghdad both warned the dam is on the verge of collapse, and as many as 500,000 to 1.47 million Iraqis living along the Tigris River could be swept away by a tsunami estimated to be up to 70 feet high within hours. They urged everyone to implement an evacuation plan and to move at least 3 miles to 4 miles away from the banks.

However, there is one problem. The dam sits a few miles upstream from Mosul that is under Islamic State (IS) control, and the Iraqi government is unable to inform or coordinate evacuation plans with the population there. In fact IS took control of Mosul Dam in 2014 for a few weeks before it was wrested back by Kurdish forces.

Dam’s weak foundation

Standing 2 miles long and 371 feet high, the Mosul Dam was built on the Tigris River in the early 1980s on unstable ground, where soft gypsum rock is constantly eroding. From the day it was inaugurated, maintenance crews have had to continuously pour 2 tons of cement daily under its foundation, called “grouting”, to solidify its foundations.[2]

However, after IS briefly overran the dam in 2014, maintenance work has fallen, in part because IS still controls the nearby factory that produces the concrete for the dam.

Even worse, one of the two sluice gates used to ease water pressure is jammed shut, which is dangerous when water level rises due to melting snow or sudden rainstorms.

Nadhir al-Ansari, an Iraqi engineer from when the dam was built, said a second structure — Badush dam — was started 20 km downstream to prevent a catastrophe in the event of the Mosul dam’s failure. However, work halted in the 1990s when US/UN imposed sanctions on Iraq, leaving it only 40% complete.[5]

Now, the Iraqi government has signed a $296 million contract with Italy’s Trevi group to repair and maintain the dam. Italy plans to send 450 troops to protect the dam site from IS before any work can commence, though it is unclear how long the whole process may actually take, or if it may be completed before an actual breach of the wall.

In the meantime, IS is dismissing these warnings as US propaganda to scare them off. They’ve dug in their heels in Mosul to solidify their caliphate, even opening a 5-star luxury hotel reserved for IS commanders from nearby provinces and for jihadi fighters’ weddings.

Formerly known as the Ninawa International Hotel, the 262-room accommodation boasted a stunning view of the Tigris River and received excellent reviews in TripAdvisor before it fell to IS.

As such, the IS hotel and IS headquarter in Mosul City would be in the frontlines to face the unfurling of the 70 foot tsunami wave should a breach occur in the dam’s walls.

They also face a second front — the upcoming Mosul offensive by US, Kurdish and Iraqi forces.

Mosul offensive plan

Currently, the military offensive is tentatively scheduled in early October to recapture the northern Nineveh province from IS, with a final battle in Mosul at the end of October.[7]

However, some US officers in Baghdad are wary, believing the Obama administration is rushing plans for the offensive to take place before the November presidential elections.[8]

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Barbero said his contacts in Baghdad fear an “artificial timeline” for a rushed operation, in what is a monumental task of capturing a city of almost 2 million citizens and up to 10,000 IS fighters and their booby traps.

Nonetheless, an offensive less than three months from now would help Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton dispute Republican charges that the Obama administration is soft on IS.

Unless the dam breaches and floods IS before the US’ planned October surprise.

After all, Mosul is the former capital Nineveh in the Assyrian empire, which in 612 BC was destroyed when a sudden flood from the Tigris River breached the city wall, helping to lead the Medes and Babylonians to victory. The prophet Nahum at that time actually predicted, “but with an overwhelming flood, he will make a complete end of Nineveh” and “the gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace is dissolved.”[9]

Now if the gates of Mosul Dam were opened/breached to unleash the flood, certainly IS in Nineveh would be dissolved. If not, they would be flooded with another wave of the Medes (Kurds) and Babylonian (Iraqi) armies in the Mosul offensive. Either way, it seems IS is facing dark days ahead.

King Salman gives bonus to Saudi troops in Yemen

Saudi troops involved in Riyadh’s relentless onslaught on Yemen have been given a one-month cash bonus.

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (seen below) announced in an official decree that the bonus would be given to all members of the kingdom’s armed forces who are involved in operations against Yemen.

The decree notes that the bonus is a token of Saudi Arabia’s appreciation and would also be given to members of defense and interior ministries, as well as the National Guard, who are involved with the operations.

The decree was issued after Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al Sheikh called on banks, businessmen and nongovernmental organizations to donate funds towards aiding Saudi border guards.

The attacks against Yemen have already been adding to the kingdom’s financial woes as it tries to deal with the plunging of oil prices and its rising army expenditure. About 10,000 people have been killed since the Saudi aggression began in late March 2015. Yemenis say most of the victims in the Saudi airstrikes are civilians. The attacks by Riyadh are meant to reinstate the resigned president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Houthis, allied army units kill 32 Saudi-backed militants

Yemeni Ansarullah fighters and allied army forces have killed 32 Saudi-backed militants loyal to Yemen’s former regime in fierce clashes across the country.

The fatalities were caused during fighting in the provinces of Ma’rib, Jawf and Bayda on Sunday, Yemen’s al-Masirah television reported.

Another 91 militants were injured in the clashes.

There was no information about potential casualties among the Yemeni forces.

Meanwhile, Yemeni forces managed to take control of a number of hills in Rabi’a area in Ma’rib, killing 19 militants in the process.

Also on Sunday, the Yemeni forces fired a ballistic Zelzal-3 missile at a Saudi military camp in Najran, inside Saudi Arabia, in retaliation for its military aggression.

Saudi Arabia claimed that the missile was intercepted before impact.

The Yemeni forces also killed two soldiers in the Saudi region of Asir while another soldier was killed in the Faridah military camp in the southwestern province of Jizan, also in Saudi Arabia.

Ansarullah fighters and their allies in Yemen's army have been fighting off a Saudi war since March 26, 2015. Riyadh launched the war in an attempt to reinstate Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who has resigned as Yemen’s president and who seeks to grab power again by force.

About 10,000 people have been killed since the onset of the aggression, according to local Yemeni sources.

Houthi forces seize key mountaintop in northeast Sanaa

The Houthi forces, backed by the Yemeni Republican Guard, continued their counter-offensive in the northeastern part of the Sanaa Governorate on Sunday, capturing a new mountaintop from the Hadi loyalists and Saudi-led Coalition.

According to local reports in Sanaa, the Houthi forces and their allies seized Jabal Al-Manara after a series of intense clashes inside the contested Nihm District on Sunday morning.

Making matters worse for the Hadi loyalists, the Houthi forces also advanced at the western axis of the Marib Governorate, where they were able to position themselves within 9km of the provincial capital.
Caution: Graphic photo.
Saudi warplanes are adding to the ever-growing number of incidents of attacks on civilians fueling international disquiet this weekend, attacking a village in the northern Saada Province and killing 19 civilians, most of them children.

War Crimes As U.S. Backed Coalition Kills Children, Saudi Warplanes Strike School Killing 19 In Yemen

The majority of the casualties in the village came in the attack on a school, which killed 10 children and wounded 21 others according to Doctors Without Borders. The other attacks hit houses in the surrounding area, including the home of the school’s principal, a strike which killed his wife and four children.

Saudi officials confirmed the attack, but insisted that the school was secretly an Iranian-backed training camp for child soldiers. They insisted there are no schools of any type anywhere in the district, and that the Doctors Without Borders confirmation that they killed mostly small children “confirms the Houthis practice of recruiting and subjecting children to terror.”

While the Saudi claims about the school are preposterous and readily disproven, the Saudi comments defending their attack amount to an admission that they deliberately targeted a site full of children which they themselves believed to be full of children. This would doubtless get added to the annual UN report of war crimes against children from 2016, assuming the Saudis don’t manage to weasel their way out like they did this year.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned an airstrike on a school in Northern Yemen that killed 10 children and called for an investigation on the incident.

UN Condemns Yemen School Attack by Saudi Coalition

Aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres said 28 other children were wounded in Saturday’s attack on the school in the Sa’ada province, Indian Express reported.

The United Nations Children’s Fund said the facility was a religious school in Juma’a Bin Fadil village in the province’s Haydan district.

Dozens of air strikes have hit civilian facilities in Yemen since a coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia began military operations in March 2015 to restore fugitive former President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power and roll back gains by Ansarullah popular forces.

A spokesman for Ban said he condemned the attack and urged parties “to prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and human rights and do everything in their power to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.”

The ISIL refrains from supplying people with foodstuff in Mosul in Nineveh province in a bid to force them to join the terrorist group in the fight against the army and popular forces, a military source said on Monday.

Mosul: People Starving, Food Rations Only Allowed to ISIL Recruits

"To force people to carry weapons and fight against the army, the ISIL has imposed a type of famine in Mosul, and this indicates that the residents of Mosul oppose the ISIL and its thoughts," Rabi'e al-Javari said.

Facing the army and popular forces' advances and the terrorists' repeated defeats in different parts of Iraq, the ISIL is resorting to such methods to recruit people against the army, he added.

Other reports from Mosul also said that tens of families have fled the region and reached the bordering areas of Bashiqa.

41 families consisting of 171 members escaped from Mosul and took refuge in regions controlled by the Pishmarga forces in Northern Iraq.

The latest reports said that the Kurdish Peshmerga forces continued their rapid advance against the ISIL near Mosul on Monday, forcing the terrorists to retreat from more regions in Nineveh province.

The Peshmerga forces liberated 3 more villages, including al-Hassoudiyeh, near Mosul today.

The new advances came one day after the Kurdish Peshmerga forces had liberated 9 villages on Sunday, including Keneshi Saqira, Keneshi Kabira, Satih and Homayrah after heavy battle with the ISIL terrorists.

At least 15 ISIL terrorists were killed in the Peshmerga forces' liberation operations on Monday in the battle over al-Hassoudiyeh and the other two villages.

Over 150 terrorists have been killed in fierce clashes between Peshmerga forces and the ISIL on Sunday and Monday which resulted in the liberation of 12 villages near Mosul city.

An explosion rocked Kabul city on Monday targeting a civilian vehicle near US embassy in the Afghanistan capital that left at least 3 people wounded, authorities said.

Explosion Rocks Kabul, Vehicle near US Embassy Targeted

The incident took place in Makroryan area of the capital after a magentic bomb planted in the vehicle was detonated, Khaama Press reported.

The Afghanistan’s ministry of Interior confirmed three people, all civilians, were wounded in the explosion.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the incident.

There has been a considerable rise in the use of magnetic bombs in Kabul city during the recent months.

At least one person was killed and three others were wounded in a similar attack in Bagrami district of Kabul nearly a week ago.

Earlier two people were killed and two others were wounded after a magnetic bomb planted in a vehicle went off in Kote Sangi area of the city.

One of the victims was the head of the Human Resources department of the Afghan parliament who was travelling in the vehicle.

Tens of US soldiers arrived in the recently-liberated al-Qayara airbase in Southern Mosul, Iraqi sources said on Monday.

Tens of US Troops Enter Mosul's Al-Qayara Airbase

Al-Ma'louma news website quoted informed sources as saying that the military men entered al-Qayara in Nineveh province at midnight. The exact number of the US forces deployed at the airbase has remained confidential.

No official source has yet confirmed the report but the US media had reported earlier this month that 400 soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, will deploy to Iraq as part of the military's effort to set up a logistics base at an airfield South of Mosul.

The soldiers are part of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team and are among the 560 additional troops that President Barack Obama approved for the Iraq mission last month, FOX news reported.

The troops are establishing a logistics hub at Qayara air base, to help Iraqi forces prepare to retake the Northern city of Mosul from ISIL, it added.

The Iraqi army and popular forces took back al-Qayara airbase in Southern Mosul after heavy clashes with the ISIL terrorist group early July.

The US troop authorization for Iraq is 4,647. The Pentagon says there are about 3,800 US forces there, not including hundreds who are on temporary duty and not included in the official count.
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