Is Alan Watt Credible?

Jan. 9, 2009 HOUR 1 - Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Broadcast Jan. 9, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network)
Friday, January 09, 2009 22:01
World Culture, Academia - Proles - Dialectic - "Old Man" is Obsolete - "Political Ponerology" book, Psychopathy, Elite - Sadomasochists, Nuremberg Trials.


Allan recommends the book ("you should try to get this book") and talk a little bit of the biologic drive for control and lack of emotion in the psychopath. He only talks about this subject for 1-2min tough and Alex Puts his spin on it.
I don't know if you guys have heard about this yet but a lot of people are starting to look into the work of Glen Kealy and have a lot of questions about Alan's sources.

An article can be found ont his here
Alan Watt: Threats, Lies and Plagiarism

And a blog entry here
From the Moho Discontinuity to Sudbury; Watt Gets Icke

There is a forum thread here
Glen Kealey Alan Watt's Inspiration?

And a you tube video here
Very interesting.

Why don't you have a look at our Eric Pepin thread... Pepin decided to sue us for millions, but lost. You might learn a lot from our experience and by reading the legal documents filed in the case.
ColossusOfDestiny said:
I don't know if you guys have heard about this yet but a lot of people are starting to look into the work of Glen Kealy and have a lot of questions about Alan's sources.

An article can be found ont his here
Alan Watt: Threats, Lies and Plagiarism

And a blog entry here
From the Moho Discontinuity to Sudbury; Watt Gets Icke

There is a forum thread here
Glen Kealey Alan Watt's Inspiration?

And a you tube video here

Thanks for the pointers. Andre's piece at Outlaw Journalism is very good . These links are A1.

Really he just wants to be Icke i.e. financially sucessful, but hasn't the personality type. Same mystery school garbage, and should be shunned.
Glen Kealey has confirmed that Alan did solicit research from him and has used it without reference.

Kealey: Alan Watt called me for weeks on end to pick my brain, Alan Watt bought a newspaper subscription, read it, and copied material from it. He never, I am told, gave me any credit for having been the originator of all the ideas, however that doesn't matter to me, Im not in this for money, he might be in this for money.

I have been a lurker here for some time. I would say this is the thinking persons reality site. I am a little intimidated to post though as I am not sure what I could add. I need to spend some time reading up to get up to speed with all of you.

Now that I have an account I may chime in from time to time.
I think I should do a bit of sharing with you guys. In my studies after my little mishap awhile back. I was doing my thing and I found andre's post
I was like WOW this guy is realizing on the same level on items I had been discovering. Thanks to joe and anart they forced me to wake up, ( i was being a jonesy lover boy.)


I got in contact with Andre and have been comparing notes for sometime now. This Watt thing has amazed me. Good thing we still have SOTT. My personal thanks to everyone else who donated to fight that stupid lawsuit.
Alan Watt was born in Scotland. He was identified at an early age as 'gifted'. He left (fled) the British isles and settled in Canada. He is always identified as a researcher when on other people's programs. In his 'gifted' education he first completed mathematics, then went into music. His wife left him because of all the things that were 'happening' (brake lines on car were cut, phone calls, etc.) Somebody does not like him or what he has to say. The main problem I have with him is that it is hard to understand him with his Scottish drawl. Lately he seems to present almost entirely depressing and dreadful information. I do not know where he got all the stuff he says about ancient history, which is what his 'radio show' used to be about. If you listen to him at all or read the free transcripts his website has, it pays to jump around in time as he tends to talk about the same damn thing for about a week at a time. Apparently he has at least one type of engineering degree and some kind of PhD. I swear I heard him late at night on coast-to-coast talking about nothing but legends. peace.
Yes. Either he read Ponerology, or he's been skimming info from our work.

Hi Laura!

Yes, Alan Watt did read Political Ponerology; I have been doing some research about him/Credibility stuff and I found that he did mention, back in 2007, the book Political Ponerology and the author, he actually recommended it very much.

Here is the link to the mp3 (its an hour radio show, I think he mentions the book near the end or in the middle):

Hi Laura M. C.,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
a video from Watt at the end of last year:

Psychopaths Rule The World: _
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