Is Alan Watt Credible?

matterik said:
It is increasingly clear that he is correct unfortunately. Yes I would say that Alan is bringing you the truth. He is human so he does make mistakes. And you cannot rely on him to tell you the truth.

So he's bringing the truth but he's not bringing the truth ?

I myself understand perfectly why Alan is not taking interviews from you guys.

If Watts is saying the truth and you understand why he's not taking interviews from SOTT, what are you doing here ?

Since you joined this forum you posted 5 messages and each of your five messages are about Alan Watts :

In your 5 messages you have typed "Alan" 25 times. But of course you have no agenda right ?
matterik said:
I myself understand perfectly why Alan is not taking interviews from you guys.

Then, why are you loosing your time here and our time. Go to another forum.
mik said:
I myself understand perfectly why Alan is not taking interviews from you guys.

Uhmm, actually, that probably has to do with the fact that he was never asked...  nice try, though.  :rolleyes:
matterik said:
Because if you dont read the books you can never come to your own conclusion to if he is speaking the truth or not.

Mr. Watt frequently states that time is short, that we're running out of time and shouldn't dwell on insignificant details. Conveniently, he often makes statements of this sort when callers bring up topics he's obviously uncomfortable elaborating on. If he truly believes mankind is "running out of time," then why does he leave us a book-list that would take most several years to read? He could, if he were intellectually honest, simply leave footnotes that would point his readers to directly to the source of claims. Instead, readers are condescended to with "trust me" airs and platitudes. If Mr. Watt doesn't want to be perceived as another bogus guru, he should stop acting like one.

*Since posting this I've visited Materik's site and have noticed several appeals to his readers for clarification on Mr. Watt's vague literary references. Matterik does, in fact, cite a long list of books and notes (almost as long as the verified list) that he cannot verify anywhere, and he has obviously spent a fair amount of time attempting to do so. That being the case, I can't help but find the man's latest post here on Cassiopaea out of sync with the character of his own site.
I bought an Internet radio last summer, and found RBN , now living in England the best programmes are on between 10pm and 3am my local time.
I have spent much time listening to Watt, and draw the following conclusions:
(1) Watt appears from nowhere. He exists out of time and place anywhere. He actively despises anyone holding the most mild religious feelings; he is amoral to the point of being as bad as those who he 'outs'. :evil:
(2) He claims to have carried out 'years', perhaps a 'lifetime' of research, yet produces books and media which would shame a high school group project:lol:
(3) He rejects all objective methods of measure when dealing with the claims, statements or ideologies of others: all are lies and liars, it's all the creation of 'the elite' - every religion, every political ideology - so, therefore is completely untrustworthy. The only 'truth' is the 'truth' which he offers, because he is of course not just some oddball with the money to pay the fees of a programme on RBN that he takes no sponsorship for - no mention of 'Heart and Body Extract' or 'EFoods Direct'for 5 minutes of his show; just the regular ad's, which RBN gets the money for.
(4)All groups are bad, because they can be taken over by 'bad' people with their own agenda, so the best thing to do is to hide in a rural place, endlessly reading his books and living in 24/7 fear of working with anyone because they are potentially a liar spreading lies, funded by the CIA/Masons/ PTB/'Elites'/ God , but strangely not Zionists or Mossad.;)
(5) His claims that he could be earning big bucks 'somewhere else'; doing what precisely? No place of learning would touch him; perhaps a relaunch of his music career? His show could be done in 60 mminutes, three times a week, and still leave him time for brain surgery or helping Shania Twain along in her career.

I know. All subjective,all unresearched, just a niggling feeling that he really isn't either well informed - most of his ideas are there on the net somewhere - to the point of ignorance, that his more unique thoughts are either random good fortune or being fed to him, nd finally that he is an oddball, crank having too little interpersonal contact and spends too little time at the beach, on a mountain or doing something that's not connected with Chemtrails or Hamish.

Thanks to the 13 pages of posts here I have made my own mind up. No more cuttingthroughthematrix for me.
Alan Watts - Philosopher

I've always enjoyed this man's lectures and humor.


Is anyone else familiar with his works?
Alan Watts

Myth of Myself said:
I've always enjoyed this man's lectures and humor.


Is anyone else familiar with his works?

Please use the search function at the top of the page before posting new threads - your post has been merged with the original thread.
Alan Watts

The Alan Watts I'm refering to is,

"Alan Wilson Watts (January 6, 1915 – November 16, 1973) was a British philosopher, writer, speaker, and student of comparative religion."

not the Alan Watt reffered to in this thread.
Alan Watts

Apologies, that confusion also happened earlier in this thread so I should have caught it. I'll replace your post to its original location.
Re: Alan Watts

Thanks anart.

Here are some animations done to compliment his lectures of the late 60's early 70's.
Re: Alan Watts

the distinction between watt and watts maybe high lighted in the title .
i almost didn't bother to read it cause i made the same mistake as anart :-[
Re: Alan Watts - Philosopher

MoM, thank you, for i was not aware of this particular Alan Watts, and i enjoyed his perspectives. Especially this one:

God's Nonsense ;D
Re: Alan Watts - Philosopher

Alan Watts is near and dear to my heart. I devoured his books as a spiritually-searching teenager, and they introduced me to ideas and concepts that have stayed with me my whole life.
Re: Alan Watts - Philosopher

Me too Pepperfritz. :)

Alan Watts was the first voice that I heard as a teenager as well in a predominately Christian environment that opened my mind to the possibilities of thought. What a relief it was to have discovered his works at that time!
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