Is Alan Watt Credible?

matterik said:
Much more than any other of these internet gurus.

Do you consider him being one of the "internet gurus"? Why so?
"........Alan Watts is probably not as well informed as he would like people to think."

Absolutely. I would add my impression that Mr. Watt is intellectually dishonest in presenting half-truths and unsourced claims to his listenership, all of which he attempts to mask behind a know-it-all, don't you dare question me sort of attitude. How is this credible? His callers,for the most part, seem gullible groupie types who cower when he reads from one of the many psychopathic authors he's so fond of quoting. It would be very refreshing to hear someone with the scholarship of Laura interview this character. That's why I'm curious if he's been invited to speak on SOTT.

Does anyone know?
It was asked if Laura could do an interview with Alan Watts. I just made a statement. I recall he died when i was a freshman in collage, I had a philosophy prof who was very much into Watts. So i remember his death. It was just a comment.
"It was asked if Laura could do an interview with Alan Watts."

Kindly refrain from putting eroneous words in my mouth, artemis. I specifically refer to Alan WATT in my query, and leave the question open to those actually interested in answering it.
henry said:
But the other thing is that when Laura has been invited onto one of these shows, such as Coast-to-Coast, there is always some last minute problem that arises, some change of schedule. She gets a message that says, "Oh, something has come up. We'll be in touch", and, of course, they never write back.

Watt doesn't appear to have this problem.

I guess he wouldn't have, if the PTB needed to set up an alternative 'credible' person to Laura. I think they may have already come to the conclusion that they 'needed' one.... by now. ;) And they don't have the smarts or the credibility to obtain one from an unbiased or scientific source.

They have learned one lesson though - not to link him to Vincent Bridges too stongly. Bet they either 'told' VB to stay silent on Watts - or they 'told' Watts not to directly reference anything Laura said, so Watts would get 1. paid, 2. not attacked by the 'robotoid'.

They probably sat down one day and came to the conclusion that they needed a "Laura clone", only, being typically STS, they couldn't quite get it 'right'. :P

Not 'credible' in my opinion... My intuition would suggest that this may have been a turning point for Laura to change direction in some way. Funnily enough that's what happened. Can't have too many clones around. They tend to dilute the message.
Magoo said:
have looked over this entire Thread and some nice points/views here.........

sort of wonder, why no-one, asked Jackie Patru, why she dumped Alan??

have you ever heard it said, that Alan claims to be a MD and a Surgeon, in private??does not practice.

didn't see or missed the 'word', mesmerized, which is what it seems Alan does to many people. He also wears the 'know-it-all-mantle'. He's quite clever on NWO stuff but sounds like a 'idiot' in many other areas, such as, Sex-Drugs-Religion. Also he seems to get a thrill/kick out of putting different groups of people down, imo.

well, just a-little more 'input' on the 'what' about Watt??


to add, would like to say, imo, that Alan Watt is a 'Judas-Goat' and more.

also a tidbit, at the age of 'puberty', Alan had a encounter with a 4th dimensional [ or more ] being that downloaded him with data in a language that Alan didn't speak but understood as the 'being' dowloaded into Alan, until it reached such a fast speed that Alan couldn't understand or keep up with the other-dimensional-being. Now why do i say this, for data for readers and also for the fact that Alan is quite curt/rude to people trying to talk to him of 'beings' from other dimensions. Also he always puts these groups of open-minded seekers down and insults them ! He might have said this on a Jackie Patru Show, call or contact Jackie, she knows of this also, if you find the need to confirm this 'data' given in good-will on the Alan Watt 'scene'. [ Alan has said this to other people besides Jackie ]

8/29 Feast-Day of the beheading of Saint John the Baptist.

{ and Alan sure loves to behead people } so, more 'input'

Hi Magoo,

It sounds as if you have a personal vendetta against Watt and that is really not the point of this thread. The point is to gather and analyze data (that can be backed up - not hearsay or rumors) to come to an objective conclusion.
anart said:
Hi Magoo,

It sounds as if you have a personal vendetta against Watt and that is really not the point of this thread. The point is to gather and analyze data (that can be backed up - not hearsay or rumors) to come to an objective conclusion.
Hi Anart,

the word 'vendetta' doesn't fit. On Alan being downloaded, Alan has said this to people. I have heard this from him, also Jackie has and she knows of others. As i have said, Alan is a clever-fellow but if you listen to his talks, you will find the errors. Here's one item, notice how Alan says that we don't need money but he fails to give a plan on how to replace it. The other views that i mentioned were areas where, 'red-flags' might have gone up for others and if they did, one should look at the warnings that ones mind is giving on what Alan Watt is saying or not saying.
Laura wrote: << I also notice a lot of fiction. Well, certainly, fiction can be a disguise for truth, but it can also encourage too much fantasy. >>

This may have been mentioned, but, regarding the fiction, Watt regards them as sources based on his belief that the authors are tied to military says that some popular fictional books, as well as movies and TV shows, are examples of "predictive programming," which is a concept not new or strange (or undiscussed) to many here -- basically, a form of herding, mind-shaping, etc. by introducing concepts through fiction that the PTB want in the popular mindset. As I recall, he says these concepts represent changes that the PTB hope to introduce and would be extremely shocking (and unpopular) if the possibilities were not first introduced through fiction, which is non-threatening. Thus, when it appears in the real news, it is more easily accepted. This would include a whole heap of things that were first introduced through science fiction -- everything from implantable chips to dangerously intelligent robots to superstorms -- not saying that these ideas could not be the legitimate brainchildren of lay futurists.

This ties into another of his of-expressed ideas, which is "culture creation" by the elite. If there's one thing of great interest and value I've gotten from hearing Watt, it is this idea that social movements are actually often begun at the top and sort of implanted. These social movements, another form of herding and mind-shaping, have intended results, predicted by the elite, to benefit them. Tavistock, etc. I think the recent example of Dave McGowan's investigative series on Laurel Canyon is an example of this -- a social movement that appears to have been initiated by children of the elite/military/intelligence/industrial complex to discredit/slow down/limit opposition to, at least, the Vietnam war. Such investigative work lends credence to the culture-creation theory. Connections to suspicious PTB sources swirl around lots of influential material from Star Trek to The Beatles.

What I do not see, at least not yet (and that could be my laziness), is strong back up to Alan's claims that the authors of this predictive fiction (and movers and shakers in social movements) are directly on intelligence-agency or think-tank payrolls. He claims that conscious agency, quite off-handedly, of everyone from H.G. Wells to Gloria Steinem. What are these sources, I'm curious. Putting such sources right up front would go a long way toward "breaking" this concept to more people. I also note that in McGowan's series, as of Part X, he hasn't gotten at such connections either -- not to say that he won't. Sure, the circumstantial evidence seems overwhelming, but I want to see harder connections, personal associations, meetings, documents, or something.
Re: Alan Watt, a genius of our time

From what I can recall is that he did many shows with Jakie and was not asked back. Him and Jackie had a difference of opinion about spirituality. I think you can still download the older shows off of his website and Sweet liberty's site for free.
To me, Alan Watt is very much a hypnotist. His voice is so calm and soothing, with very little variation in tone and volume...when listening to him, I find it very easy to imperceptively slip into a more absorbent, suggestive mindframe. Not good when the man's subjects of conversation seem to circumnavigate around doomtelling and expanding upon quotes by deeply disturbed, psychopathic insiders such as Bertrand Russell.

Interestingly, in one radio interview Watt claims to have been offered 'excellent funding' and 'worldwide publicity' should he embrace the 'alien agenda' theory, which he claims is 100% COINTELPRO. He then remarked that David Icke, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion are part of this group who received insider funding by incorporating extraterrestrial components to their respective theories, thus removing credibility from research into a global conspiracy that he perceives is 100% human in origin.

This is matterik. I want to clarify something.

If you read the books that Alan Watt refers to you start to understand what he is speaking of. For people who dont read the books he just sound like another guru. And in fact he is. Because if you dont read the books you can never come to your own conclusion to if he is speaking the truth or not. But for those who read the books like those at :


It is increasingly clear that he is correct unfortunately. Yes I would say that Alan is bringing you the truth. He is human so he does make mistakes. And you cannot rely on him to tell you the truth. But you can use him as a guide for finding it out. In the end though you have to use your own mind to come to a conclusion about the credibility of everything.

The books are out there. But the people like these on this thread choose to indulge in tantalizing fascinating stories like children . That is sad. But it is the truth. for people who don't have the energy to read dry and boring books Alan will remain a hoax. For those who have the necessary discipline to read the books it can be like finding the holy grail, like at last understanding the world that you live in.

I myself understand perfectly why Alan is not taking interviews from you guys.

Best regards Matterik

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