Is Alan Watt Credible?

RMJ, not to mention that he is anti-group, and he must surely know that SOTT is fueled by a group of like-minded truth seekers. Interesting that he doesn't consider the RBN crowd to be an agenda-driven group, given that he practically decries their advertisers (mostly survivalist enablers, dissident preachers, and pseudo-tech alt health devices). A pleasant surprise, though, that he seems now to be openly endorsing Ponerology.
Adpop, I suspect his time on RBN is limited. In typical Watt fasion he doesn't overtly attack RBN hosts but is clearly on another page. Question is how do the other host's embrace him? Would think not warmly. Why did thy offer a spot? Anyway his latest podcast 11/23 (2nd half) gets into some of the issues addressed on SOT surrounding pressure to change message in exchange for coverage. Specifically seems someone wanted to do a documentary on him with promise of media exposure with the caveat of incorporating the alien agenda, and if he would not "they" would work to get him off the air which either was attempted via Red Ice or they actually got him off Red Ice.
Well if SOT chooses not to do a podcast interview at a minimum one can call him on the show while it's still on the air with any of the various concerns or questions raised here. Doesn't seem like he's hiding.

Cutting Through The Matrix
Host: Alan Watt
Call-in Number: 800-313-9443
Show Time: M/W/F 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Central Time)
Alan Watt, a genius of our time

I've listened to the two podcasts which are currently available by Alan Watt, and I have to say, with risk of exposing myself as being easily duped, I really like him. He seems to have done A LOT of work into the world.

I think the thing with him is that, he has no (from what I've heard so far) experience of Hyperdimensionality. It's more like he's completely absorbed in understanding 3rd D, which made me think that maybe he has a partially structured magnetic centre due to his questing. He doesn't talk about cyclical catastrophe, and he doesn't talk about "a way out" so maybe he's not expecting the worst. Seeing reality for how it really is doesn't motivate one to work for a way out if one doesn't know there IS a way out.

His show on Psychopathy was an attempt to illustrate how this breed have always been in control of the world, carefully structuring our environment for their deviant aims. He really bigged up the "Ponerology" book.

As far as disinfo goes, if anything, he's just saying "this is the world, it's terrible, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT". Instead, maybe, of saying "WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?"

Also, I guess it could be a double bluff but, the second show available as a podcast had to be done from a back-up power generator because at 8 O'clock, when his show was due to start, his power cut off.


I've been doing some searching and most of the Alan Watt stuff I can find IS very recent. Mostly 07' to be honest. I've found this 1.5hr video for all to see and analyse. He mentions a show he used to guest on back in 98'. Can't remember what it's called but I sure there a people here who've heard of it.
I just watched "Reality Check", which is available on google video, and the one thing that I took away from it - in a very real sense - was a brooding sense of fear/anxiety. I was mindful of self-observation during this episode - and the "fear" generated, was influencing my thought mechanism in the direction of sluggishness. Sure, he was stating "as a matter of fact"-ly, in general, what has been discerned here through research, but the fear/anxiety factor I was left with makes me suspect he is COINTELPRO, perhaps not intentional - but perhaps so. I do know that subtle emotional "buttons" were "massaged" through listening to his "thinking out loud".

Has anyone else seen this video? Any similar experiences?

RMJ wrote: << I suspect his time on RBN is limited. In typical Watt fasion he doesn't overtly attack RBN hosts but is clearly on another page. Question is how do the other host's embrace him? Would think not warmly. Why did thy offer a spot? >>

Well, Alan super-impressed John Stadtmiller as a guest on his show. JS offered AW a gig on the spot, probably before digging into all Alan's views. The RBN hosts don't research their guests any more than others do -- they've often admitted just flipping through the guest's book or snagging a peak at a web site and that's all the preparation they do -- this lack of careful discernment is somewhat understandable when people are busy, but they are pointing listeners at all kinds of crazy, flimsy stuff. Whether AW will last on RBN, who knows, and may have something to do with how tolerant the network is. I don't know.
Seems to be a fair bit of ignorant conclusion jumping going on here (in this forum) in regards to Alan Watt and his resources.
If you did a little digging you would find them.

Nov. 5, 2007
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
"Psychopathy of the Dominant Minority and Political Ponerology"
A study into the character traits of the ultimate predatory species.
(Book: "Political Ponerology" by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski - ISBN: 1-897244-18-5, Red Pill Books.)

Also i have his books and he does list most resources.
To name some after a quick scan through his first book "from queer to maternity"......

Quator Coronati Lodge No. 2076
the premier lodge of masonic research.

Texts by Wilfred Pelletier and Ted Poole

plato, the republic

The gnostic gospels, by elaine pagels, vintage books, isbn 0-394-74043-3

spy catcher, by peter wright

the fifth man, by roland perry

hebrew myths, the book of genesis, by robert graves & raphael patai, isbn 0-517-413663

morals and dogma, by albert pike

pleiades connection vol.VIII, by violinio germain & gyeorgos hatonn, the phoenix journal.

zbigniew brzezinski, between two ages

the impact of science on society, by betrand russell

future man, by brian stableford, isbn 0-246-12316-8

the growth of civilizations, by prof arnold tonybee

So it seems some people here saying they have the books with no listing of resources are lying. Gee i thought this site (moderators) bosted about its objective truth.

By the way all three of his books are full of valuable insites.
Read them for yourself instead of taking other peoples word on them as being true.

Now im waiting for the goon squad to pounce.

Has Sott got what it takes to interview Alan Watt is the question yet to be answered.
sh said:
Now im waiting for the goon squad to pounce.

You seem to have totally missed the context of exactly which 'sources' were missing - which isn't surprising for someone who would write 'goon squad to pounce'. Perhaps it might be best for you to actually READ the thread before inflicting your ignorance upon it? Or -- is that too 'goon squad' for you?

By the way, there is no such thing as 'Red Pill Books' - though if your vocabulary limits you, we certainly understand. It is, in fact 'Red Pill Press' - and guess who edited the book for publication? The people who run this forum - so - again - it might be best for you to READ before you post here.'

Your final question proves that you have not read this thread. READ first - post later.
I didnt write the resource listing, just copied and pasted, so its Alan Watt got it slightly wrong.

And i have read all the postings here on the subject and i did see people saying there are no resources listed, maybe not on this thread but on the others regarding Alan Watt.

So where is the interview?
solohawke said:
I didnt write the resource listing, just copied and pasted, so its Alan Watt got it slightly wrong.

And i have read all the postings here on the subject and i did see people saying there are no resources listed, maybe not on this thread but on the others regarding Alan Watt.

So where is the interview?
Ahh - so you post here without actually writing the content of your post - or researching it. Just copy and paste. Do this forum the favor of actually reading the full discussion on Alan Watt before commenting further. Your posts thus far are noise - this forum goes to great lengths to minimize noise.
have looked over this entire Thread and some nice points/views here.........

sort of wonder, why no-one, asked Jackie Patru, why she dumped Alan??

have you ever heard it said, that Alan claims to be a MD and a Surgeon, in private??does not practice.

didn't see or missed the 'word', mesmerized, which is what it seems Alan does to many people. He also wears the 'know-it-all-mantle'. He's quite clever on NWO stuff but sounds like a 'idiot' in many other areas, such as, Sex-Drugs-Religion. Also he seems to get a thrill/kick out of putting different groups of people down, imo.

well, just a-little more 'input' on the 'what' about Watt??

Alan Watt, a genius of our time

Laura, I know Alan Watt was doing online podcasts with Jackie Patru(?) I think thats how you spell her name....Anyways, I first heard him in 2005. I imagine he started with her in the year or two prior....

Just to add, another guy who's not too shabby out of Canada is Gary Bell. He has a show on on Saturday nights at 8PM est. He doesn't talk about the 800 pounder in the room though....zionism. With how ridiculous Canada's laws are with regards to hate speech, you can bet anybody mentioning Israel is bound for court. Amazing how so few people can control all of Europe, Canada, and the USA.
"This is why I suggested inviting him as a guest on a SOTT podcast. Assuming he knows what SOTT is (probably), his answer would be interesting. As Henry relayed, he always accepts speaking invitations, so if he declined, it would be revealing, IMO."

I stumbled upon this site while attempting to verify one of the countless unsourced claims put forth by Mr. Watt, and I can see after reading the posts on this thread I'm in good company. Very good company. Looks likes it's been awhile since anyone's posted on this topic, but I'm curious: has Watt been invited to speak on a SOTT podcast? If so, what was his response?
very interesting to see that there actually are people who are using critical thinking when investigating Alan Watt at

I have always wondered what alan means when he says that the solution is really for each individual to do something. I have wondered what he himself is doing. He wakes up every morning thinking "Oh foolish man what can you not be made to believe".

Well anyway.

Maybe he has come to the accurate conclusion that the foundation theories of this world, such as darwins theory of evolution, has never been proven. And because of that he creates his own theories that he thinks are more suitable for humanity to believe. More humane theories.

He said on one of the Alex Jones shows that he would give us all the CIA people that were culture creators. It had been declassified now he said. Including poets. Where are the sources of this information ? Because this kind of information is unique for Alan to believe in.

Some people say that Alan do have sources to his information. But this is what I mean. Some of the things he talks about it is difficult to find where he gets it from.

Also solohawke said :

Also i have his books and he does list most resources.
To name some after a quick scan through his first book "from queer to maternity"......

I have his books. All three of them. His trilogy. They are all in one spiral binder. None of the books are called "from queer to maternity". I would really like a reply on this question. Has Alan written more books. Are you reading from one of them. Or is it just another name for one of his three cuttingthrough series books?

Alan Watt is obviously speaking a lot of truth. But he says himself that movements who want to indoctrinate people with lies always speak a lot of truth but then they are selective with facts regarding something which causes the reader to get a bias or a wrong view upon things. This is how you create opinion. You have to speak truth, otherwise you loose credibility. This is why religions contains so much truth.

My point is some of the things Alan speaks about is difficult to find sources for. At the same time without sources for this information you cannot really prove Alans stuff.

Also I should say that I have done a list of sources that Alan refers to and it will take you a life time to read through it :


regards Matterik _

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Scrolling through your list of Watt's references, I begin to see the problem. He relies on a great many sources that would be shown, by deeper research, to be the product of pathological types.

Years ago I had the experience of being interested in a particular topic - a historical event - and I wanted to read everything about it that I could. The first book gave one perspective and opinion, the second gave another perspective and opinion, a third etc. These perspectives and opinions were similar in some ways, but on certain crucial points, there was wide divergence. They all seemed to be talking about the same thing, so it was very troubling to me that several acknowledged experts could have such different takes on things. I also noticed that one might mention a series of facts while the other did not, and other anomalies.

Wanting to get to the bottom of the problem, I kept digging. I also began to try to find out as much as possible about the individuals writing the books/opinions.

I learned a lot by going about this research in this way. I learned that so-called "experts" and "authorities" could have biases, could have bad days, could make big mistakes, could have pre-conceived ideas and even obvious agendas that not only colored their work, but could determine which facts they considered worth presenting and which ones they left out. It was shocking to learn that "experts" would stoop to "cherry-picking" data and spinning it to suit an agenda.

In some instances, it was harder to understand exactly what was going on... one had to read everything by that particular author, find out where they got their education, who supervised their Ph.D. (if possible) and follow that trail. I've done a certain amount of this type of pulling on threads in both The Wave and The Adventures series.

For about every book listed that Alan Watt refers to, I could suggest at least four or five others that he ought to have read to get a clearer view on the topic. For some of the books he has referenced, I could suggest that the author was pathological, and show where and how and why this must be the conclusion based on evidence.

I notice that he lists "Political Ponerology" as one of the books he references. I wonder how carefully he read it and how deeply he understood it? And did he understand that the guidelines of Ponerology can be applied to every field of endeavor?

To be fair, I'm sure that there are many books/references/sources that he has encountered that are not mentioned in this list, but still, so many of the sources are pathological and/or one-sided or simply useless to help one form an adequate view of what is really going on.

I also notice a lot of fiction. Well, certainly, fiction can be a disguise for truth, but it can also encourage too much fantasy.

Thanks for providing this list, it helps to understand why Alan Watts is probably not as well informed as he would like people to think.
I think alan watt is credible with what he says. But it is difficult to check up all his information. And it is difficult to know if he has checked up all his information. Especially since he has his own round about way of interpreting the information.

Regarding Alan Watt sources. Please send me the titles authors or isbn etc. I really do appreciate when people contact me and send me sources that they have received from alan watt either via his podcast, books or via phone calls. I have a list of sources at _

But if you know any other sources or if you have been able to locate any sources that I have tried and failed to locate (the bottom half of the readinglist page), then please send them to me. You can contact me at :


So I have the greatest respect for Alan. Much more than any other of these internet gurus.

I also want to thank solohawke for taking the time and posting some sources on this thread.

best regards Matterik _
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