Is Alan Watt Credible?

REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

sobelow said:
Seems everyone is a little bewildered by this man who calls himself Alan Watt. I'm sure he knows he will be infecting a few people with that skeptism bug. Try not to become paranoid. Actually, if you really think about it, he is simply a down to earth sort of eccentric kind of guy who thinks reptiles, UFO's, and New Age things are laughable. I have to agree with his sentiments. I have never witnessed a UFO or a shape-shifting reptile. Human beings have been around a long long time and I think we as a species are quite capable of some of the unexplained phenomena witnessed on this planet. Do you think the Elite are going to tell you or show you everything? To me Alan Watt is a breath of fresh air. For once someone is not sounding like some kind of lunatic mad man with flashes of brilliance. I think we are safe to listen and learn.
Geez, and to think that some people actually think George gives all the orders. ;)
I don't think anyone here is bewildered at all, we are just trying to get to the objective truth, without letting our emotions get in the way.

You have every right in the world to think that Alan Watt is a breath of fresh air, however, that does not mean that he is telling the full truth.

It also doesn't mean that those aspects of the truth that he consistently leaves out don't point to an agenda to keep people who could fully awaken from fully awakening. One either tells the truth, or one does not - there is no 'almost' about it.

For the record, most of us have never seen a UFO - me included - but what does that have to do with Alan Watt? You see, in this world, there are those individuals who value nothing more than the truth and there are those that value nothing more than their own comfort level and fragmented, subjective understanding. This forum is for those who value the truth, no matter what it turns out to be - no qualifying, judgmental 'lunatic mad man' statements necessary. Perhaps you would be more comfortable on another forum.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

Azur said:
Laura said:
So, in the end, we see Alan Watt promoting the Jewish agenda of turning normal people against one another.
And he might be unknowingly, at that.

But one sure does get the distinct impression that anybody that might come across his material, without their own deep background of what he speaks, are basically given a rock in their shoe, and pointed to walk down a long road.

Loose cannons, walking in fear because they realize (or might be beginning to realize) something very wrong is going on, once they bothered to have a look.

And that leaves them with what?

Certainly any kind of direction offered post-realization can, will be and is scrutinized for agendas, personal or otherwise. They tend to become clear for what they are pretty quickly. The triple, quadruple, x-tuple blinds take more time (no pun intended), but always come up short.

Sharing knowledge is distinctly different than providing direction. The distinction is not cut-and-dried in every case, depending on individual perception. But there is certainly a means available to share a little bit of knowledge that effectively renders a calculated reaction, thus a direction.

In essence, giving some or half knowledge, is a grand disservice, without specifically knowing its effect.

If by design is one thing. If by accident, it is chaos. Both require discernment from the individual.
Post edit and further thoughts on my post.

To clarify somewhat, when I said:

azur said:
In essence, giving some or half knowledge, is a grand disservice, without specifically knowing its effect.
I was trying to say this:

In essence, giving some or half knowledge, is a grand disservice to the recipient, unless the recipient specifically knows its effect.

This is very important.

It is a matter of intent of the speaker, and his responsibility to the recipient of any communication that he may utter.

In any communication, there is the transmitter, the receiver and the context between them that allows for various levels of fidelity of understanding.

Now consider this: the context, or overlap of "common" perception between any two speakers is an essential base to any information exchange. This varies greatly between social groups, cultural differences, etc, essentially all of those are individual "perception" matrices. Some overlap must occur to initialize a basic reference point that allows a modicum of understanding which then allows a communication to proceed.

And from this, further overlap, or addition to individual perception occurs. This process requires a nurturing by BOTH parties in order to further communicate information in context, and thus, understanding.

This is all, of course, if the communication is to establish an understanding, a sharing. It has been the case that communication can be one way, or transmitted in such a way to trigger biological fear, such as Humans are purview to. This phenomenon is a scientific certainty, and again, depends on individuals perception for which triggers to target.

In short, to be understood requires feedback between the receiver and transmitter. This process does not by any means protect against manipulation, and here intent or discernment of intent is, as always, important.

So: seeing someone who only transmits, you have to look at why.

Best case scenario, if intent is pure, without further development, examination, feedback to understand between parties a common ground (at deeper levels), it's a very, very long shot that the information will "hit" someone in such a way that they fully understand the "transmitter" deeply enough to see what they are saying.

And that's the BEST case scenario.

And that, of course, assumes that sharing via communication is the intent.
sobelow said:
Where may I ask are you going to find this kind of information?
The same places he does. Books like Political Ponerology, which he shamelessly refuses to give credit while passing the ideas off as his own.

sobelow said:
I think we owe him a debt of gratitude and if you find yourself feeling depressed, well maybe that's a good thing.
Ummm...are you Alan Watt or somehow affiliated with him?
Sobelow, as I wrote in another thread:

You have every right in the world to think that Alan Watt is a breath of fresh air, however, that does not mean that he is telling the full truth.

It also doesn't mean that those aspects of the truth that he consistently leaves out don't point to an agenda to keep people who could fully awaken from fully awakening. One either tells the truth, or one does not - there is no 'almost' about it.

sobelow said:
We are lucky to have a man who really is one of today's great minds sharing his knowledge, insights, philosophy and emotions with us.
You are wholly missing the point - he is not telling the full truth and all indications are that he is doing so because of an agenda. You may feel 'lucky', that does not mean that you are 'lucky' - however, it could mean that you are very sound asleep.

You see, in this world, there are those individuals who value nothing more than the truth and there are those that value nothing more than their own comfort level and fragmented, subjective understanding. This forum is for those who value the truth, no matter what it turns out to be. Perhaps you would be more comfortable on another forum.
sobelow wrote: << As far as the Beatles go. I can understand your doubts, but it is true that Paul can't read music and John Lennon came to understand that he and the band were duped. >>

Watt didn't start this idea of Beatles as Tavistock pawns, as far as I know it's pretty old. I'd guess more than half the pop musicians I've known can't read music. Pavarotti couldn't -- so that's beside the point. Lennon and McCartney exhibit very clearly, objectively different writing styles in both musical and lyrical ways, even from their earliest records. That doesn't prove anything, I suppose -- yes, the PTB and Theo could've thought of everything, including that, but isn't it somewhat counter-evidentiary? I don't know.

Yes, Lennon underwent a clear transformation, became more focused about what pissed him off, and developed some understanding of power systems. However, I can't help thinking that he would have just spilled the beans, or at least given more indications if he knew much about commercial music as control mechanism. He said he was damn scared by being shadowed and tapped by US gov't agencies. That seems very odd, assuming he was being honest, if he was a conscious Tavistock subject.

If anyone can recommend a thoroughly researched compendium on commercial music as control mechanism, I'd love to read it. I haven't seen one, and expect that numerous people might have done this work by now. It just hasn't been a focus of SOTT research. My own experience suggests that serious control is exerted there (as in all commercial realms -- this is *the money system* as AW calls it), but I don't know anything of the extent of Alan Watt's suggestions.
From what I understand this is a forum on whether or not people feel Alan Watt to be a credible source of information. If people have been paying attention as of late we would notice that the economy is getting worse, the North American Union is here and the new religion (Earth Religion) is being peddled by the Elite. It should be evident to anyone paying attention that what Alan Watt is saying is all coming to fruition. I am not going to argue whether or not he is correct on every issue. The point is, he gives a good solid background on the roots to this long running agenda. All you need do is read Agenda 21 put out by the UN to fully grasp the plan.

Whether or not this is the right forum or not, well I guess that all depends on who dictates the policy around here.
sobelow said:
From what I understand this is a forum on whether or not people feel Alan Watt to be a credible source of information.
No, but it is a thread discussing evidence and data that indicates whether or not he is 'credible'.

sobelow said:
If people have been paying attention as of late we would notice that the economy is getting worse, the North American Union is here and the new religion (Earth Religion) is being peddled by the Elite.
What exactly is the 'earth religion'? How is the North American Union 'here' ?

sobelow said:
It should be evident to anyone paying attention that what Alan Watt is saying is all coming to fruition.
'Coming to fruition'? So, he is a prophet now? Has he predicted these things or is he simply making observations based on his own understanding, or based on a script he has been handed?

sobelow said:
I am not going to argue whether or not he is correct on every issue.
Either he is or he isn't - no argument necessary -there is no 'in-between'.

sobelow said:
The point is, he gives a good solid background on the roots to this long running agenda.
Does he? Could you please provide data to back this statement up? Exactly what 'long running agenda' are you talking about? (after all, there really are SO many, right?)

sobelow said:
All you need do is read Agenda 21 put out by the UN to fully grasp the plan.
What 'plan' is this?

sobelow said:
Whether or not this is the right forum or not, well I guess that all depends on who dictates the policy around here.
Does it really depend on such a thing? I don't think anyone 'dictates' anything around here - there is, however, a comprehensive set of forum rules that you should have read before you registered. Did you read these rules? Did you understand them?
sobelow said:
From what I understand this is a forum on whether or not people feel Alan Watt to be a credible source of information. If people have been paying attention as of late we would notice that the economy is getting worse, the North American Union is here and the new religion (Earth Religion) is being peddled by the Elite. It should be evident to anyone paying attention that what Alan Watt is saying is all coming to fruition. I am not going to argue whether or not he is correct on every issue. The point is, he gives a good solid background on the roots to this long running agenda. All you need do is read Agenda 21 put out by the UN to fully grasp the plan.

Whether or not this is the right forum or not, well I guess that all depends on who dictates the policy around here.
Things on the planet are indeed really bad. It seems though, that in between your agenda to defend Watt, you're also trying to teach others how bad things are (using what I imagine are Watt references). I think it could be of benefit if you took some time to read the material in the forum as well as it's associated pages. If you'd do that, I think you'd find there's no need to teach anybody here how bad our world situation is. 'Teaching,' as you are doing it, really isn't productive. The terror of our situation is thoroughly researched here and there is also plenty of material that can give an opportunity to understand 'why' things are the way they are. Of course not everything is known or understood, but I think there is a unique approach here that fosters an ability to develop these things - and how we might utilize it.

There's plenty of sources out there that will provide what seem to be unique insight to the world around us, but what's interesting is they most always retain the process they use to get such information. Audiences are left thinking the source is some kind of idol. More often than not, I think the source will do this because they themselves do not know how to collect knowledge in a creative way - it's probably stolen or a 'script was given to them,' as Anart said. This becomes apparent in the way material is presented, inconsistencies in data and in the interpretation of data, and often in what they don't say. Once a certain level of understanding is conveyed in some material, contradictions in that level shoot up a big red flag. When a source shows to be on the money in one crucial area but completely off in a related area, there should be concern. If you are interested, and with some effort, I think you could find how all this applies to Watt.
Alan Watt Depressing person

What is anybodys take on this person i am from scotland and have been listening to him for a while now have you ever heard him say where in scotland he is from his accent i can`t pinpoint sounds a bit like aberdeen area anyway i am becoming more hopless all the time listening to this guy its like my mind is becoming disabled to other areas or fields of study and this air of hoplessness he has and his hipnotic trance like voice which if you are tired puts you to sleep in 2 mins my once open mind is now becoming closed to other possibilitys because i dont believe anybody now he has a show on rbn radio now this has made me more suspicious of him. My gut feeling says to not trust him anybody feel like this
Alan Watt Depressing person

this guy?

always check existing threads.
i am from scotland and have been listening to him for a while now have you ever heard him say where in scotland he is from his accent i can`t pinpoint sounds a bit like aberdeen area anyway i am becoming more hopless all the time listening to this guy its like my mind is becoming disabled to other areas or fields of study and this air of hoplessness he has and his hipnotic trance like voice which if you are tired puts you to sleep in 2 mins my once open mind is now becoming closed to other possibilitys because i dont believe anybody now he has a show on rbn radio now this has made me more suspicious of him. My gut feeling says to not trust him anybody feel like this
peaky said:
i am becoming more hopless all the time listening to this guy its like my mind is becoming disabled to other areas or fields of study and this air of hoplessness he has and his hipnotic trance like voice which if you are tired puts you to sleep in 2 mins my once open mind is now becoming closed to other possibilitys because i dont believe anybody
Now, it's odd because I didn't see that anyone mentioned Alan Watt being depressing when sobelow said the below two days ago (i'm a poet and didn't know it):

sobelow said:
To say that he can be depressing is understandable but how should one feel after coming to understand the very system we live in?
sobelow said:
I think we owe him a debt of gratitude and if you find yourself feeling depressed, well maybe that's a good thing. When you finally come to terms with the fact that we have all been had, I think feeling a little down is normal.
Perhaps your timing is off?
also in his mind its all a masonic creation i dont think this is the case like when he said rap music came from rapping the gavel in masonary lol . Some things he says are facts but other stuff is bull he almost never says anything about the vatican which i think has heavy involvment in this alex jones and rence deagle etc wont touch the vatcan what are they hiding are they jesuits
I wondered about his accent, too. It's very mild, as Scottish accents go, to American ears.

Watt does not say it's all "a Masonic creation" but that worldwide control by a dominant minority goes back much further than Masonry, which is just one of the more visible tentacles. The "plan" he talks about I think is best summed up in his own words that civilization/life on Earth is "just a business plan" of the elite. Everything happens to advance outright ownership of everyone and everything by this dominant, conscienceless minority, but it's done incrementally, deviously, and involving ever more centralization, standardization, etc., because that's the only way it can be done.

I'm weary of him by now. He did point to a few interesting resources about mind control and some current documents that are overt manifestations of nasty plans, but that's about it. And he moves slowly! I can see the hypnotic and depressing effect some have cited.

Is he credible? Yeah, okay, his general thrust and many specifics are probably mostly credible, but, when you think about it, so what? His focus is pretty narrow and definitely limited. It's like wanting to learn about cars but only ever hearing about spark plugs. Once you grok the general state of affairs and the direction it's going, I think it's time to get back to other aspects of personal growth, and to exposing the negative agenda by means of proofs unfolding around us daily. I think most on this forum should already have signaled left, pulled into the passing lane, and sped by Alan's car.
I think the problem here is that Alan Watt wakes people up to a certain extent but then offers no way out. I get the impression that he knows about esoteric work but it seems to me it’s not mentioned much in his talks apart from giving the impression of how it was bastardized by psychopaths Does he understand the importance of learning how to establish an objective communication to the universe via the network principle?

Basically the only way out is ‘up’ (growing the magnetic center, seating the soul, developing a conduit), and this is where esoteric work comes in since it offers hope. If there is no hope then any knowledge gained will become its own inertia and this will weigh one down like dead wood. If one does not know how to burn the wood and utilize this inertia to produce energy then what’s the use of carrying around a bunch of wood at all?

Also, the basis of what he teaches is based more on listening then ‘looking.’ What I mean is that one is listening more to Watt then one is doing their own ‘looking’, that is, their own active research, reading, studying, which sharpens the critical faculties of the mind. The end result of this "listening without looking" is that whatever unconscious program that Watt himself is under the influence of will be correspondingly programmed into his ‘listeners’ and so it goes…

It may be like this. If you shine a flashlight onto the floor and you hold it close (to the floor) it will make a bright spot. But the further away you take the light from the floor, that is, the more you see the bigger picture, the more diffuse the spot of light on the floor will become. So in order to maintain the intensity of this larger spot of light one must increase the wattage of the bulb. Watt does not seem to see the big picture (in hyperdimensional) terms. That doesn’t mean he has to talk about it directly but at least he could leave it ‘open.’ He seems to close it off and as things happen in the future, which requires seeing the bigger picture, the knowledge he is dispersing will loose its intensity and fade away.

Not only that, or perhaps worse, if someone’s “teachings” increases our consciousness (and knowledge) and we don’t know how to utilize it properly (in the esoteric sense), then this increased consciousness will just drive the reaction machine in us even harder when this consciousness “collapses” due to its lack of proper utilization.

The fear (or anger) that’s produced from this greater knowledge, without teaching how to utilize it properly, will become destructive instead of constructive. The end result is loss of hope and this produces even more fear and people will just wind up breaking each others heads even harder and become divided towards each other even more-so then before.
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