Is Alan Watt Credible?

StevieX said:
I was only posting my thoughts from my own … oh … fairly long (since I was about 5)… interest in ‘esoteric’ subjects… but I get over that sort of thing within about 1 minute.
Given your given name, I suspect you were esoteric bound since birth. Not quite like Johnny Cash naming a boy Sue, but there's some toughness in your namesake too.

That quote of mine I've actually used here since I arrived last year.
Does anyone have one of Watt's books? If so, can you tell us how well it is sourced/documented/footnoted? Thanks.
I have all three of Alan Watt's books. They have no footnotes or sources whatsoever. What's worse, they came to me in duotang folders on photocopied paper! I paid about $80 Canadian for them. Needless to say, I felt ripped-off.

Now, let me first say that I listen regularly to Alan Watt's podcasts and radioshows and that he is my favourite source of information when it comes to "conspiracy" history. Why? Well, because he does not talk about Reptilian people or biblical aliens (which may be true but are so unbelievable that they are useless if you intend to wake the majority of people up) and because he does 90% of his work for free. According to him he lives hand to mouth in a small house in Estaire, Ontario and makes no money for his radio shows or television appearances. His self-admitted pauperdom, surplus of free information and extremely rigorous work ethic (he puts out three one hour talks a week and is a regular guest on numerous radioshows in the US, Canada and Europe almost every day) lead me to believe that he is genuine in his message, that is, that he truly believes what he is saying and is not deliberately lying to his listeners.

Having said that, as much as I like the guy and credit him for helping "wake me up" I have a couple problems with his information and attitude. For starters, his books have no footnotes, rendering them utterly useless even if they are 100% correct. Secondly, his assertion that the Beatles were a psyop experiment put together by Tavistock to change the world's culture seems to me to be an absurd belief. He even claims that the Beatles wrote none of their own songs and that they merely sang what was written by classical musicologist Theo Adorno. And lastly, whenever he is asked what some possible solutions could be he usually gives a vague answer that is something along the lines of "the solution has to be a personal one where you ask yourself what is the meaning of life and is it worth saving?" Nice cryptic advice but not a good answer for a person who is genuinely looking to take action.

I agree with him though that talking about UFOs and other paranormal topics will do more to discredit the messenger than spread the message.

Interestingly, Alan has just been added as a regular member of the Republic Broadcasting Network and will be on the radio live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7pm to 8pm.

Disinfo agent? Paranoid loner? Genius? Hero?

his email is

I have sent him three or four emails over the past oh, 8 months and he has responded to two of them. If you write a well-thought out letter I expect he will reply to you within a few days.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

Alan's references are not sourced which makes it a pain in the a** to research. I keep listening to his podcasts with the hope that he will one of these days, start digging into details but alas, I'm starting to doubt this is ever going to happen. I think he is probably right about the brain-chip and other Orwellian things to come, though his message, as it is, will never reach a very wide audience unless he starts injecting some more researchable sources into his talks. Then again, the man has probably woken up tens of thousands of people around the world. He is definitely, "doing his part".
I think he is a good man who is desperately trying to share the truth with as many people as possible and that his desperation causes him to forgo details and paint the big picture for all to see. I find his talks are best when he is being interviewed by Alex Jones and Red-Ice.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

baffledking said:
I think he is a good man who is desperately trying to share the truth with as many people as possible and that his desperation causes him to forgo details and paint the big picture for all to see.
I've been thinking about this and I just keep coming back to the question of - if he is spending such inordinate amounts of time doing this - dedicating his life to it, really - why would he so blatantly sabotage himself by 'forgoing details' - why would he not source things? Not sourcing sure seems like the simplist way in the world to make sure everything he says is easily dismissed.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

I have no idea who to trust anymore. It's getting to the point where I no longer have any time to pursue my personal goals because I'm so wrapped up this stuff. I find myself devoting all my free time to reading websites, listening to podcasts and posting on forums that, between my job and my schoolwork, I have no time to play my guitar, go hiking, hang out with friends and do all of the things I used to do during my time off. Part of me just wants to go back to sleep because this is so overwhelming. I think I've stumbled onto shore here seems like SOTT is worth exploring.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

baffledking said:
I have no idea who to trust anymore. It's getting to the point where I no longer have any time to pursue my personal goals because I'm so wrapped up this stuff. I find myself devoting all my free time to reading websites, listening to podcasts and posting on forums that, between my job and my schoolwork, I have no time to play my guitar, go hiking, hang out with friends and do all of the things I used to do during my time off. Part of me just wants to go back to sleep because this is so overwhelming. I think I've stumbled onto shore here seems like SOTT is worth exploring.
Well, for what it's worth, you're not alone - I think a lot of people here have had the same experience. There is something about starting to realize just how bad the situation is that makes the things we used to do with our spare time just seem useless. I think it is part and parcel of starting to wake up. It's important to take care of yourself as well, though - fun matters, rest matters, a mind is much more capable of learning when it is rested and relaxed - so there is a balance. osit
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

baffledking said:
I have no idea who to trust anymore. It's getting to the point where I no longer have any time to pursue my personal goals because I'm so wrapped up this stuff. I find myself devoting all my free time to reading websites, listening to podcasts and posting on forums that, between my job and my schoolwork, I have no time to play my guitar, go hiking, hang out with friends and do all of the things I used to do during my time off. Part of me just wants to go back to sleep because this is so overwhelming.
Wow... I sure know that feeling! Who knows... maybe if that is what you spend all your free time doing, then it could indicate that your personal goals are starting to change? Still, as anart said, it's important to leave time for a bit of fun. Indeed, sometimes it can even be "Work" that requires we have a bit of fun! The Fourth Way method is based upon the concept that "who and where we are" - the circumstances of one's life - are the perfect circumstances for us to learn the lessons we need (which can be a bit daunting sometimes given the current state of the world). The rest is up to us. So - enjoy your search!
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

baffledking said:
I have no idea who to trust anymore. It's getting to the point where I no longer have any time to pursue my personal goals because I'm so wrapped up this stuff. I find myself devoting all my free time to reading websites, listening to podcasts and posting on forums that, between my job and my schoolwork, I have no time to play my guitar, go hiking, hang out with friends and do all of the things I used to do during my time off. Part of me just wants to go back to sleep because this is so overwhelming. I think I've stumbled onto shore here seems like SOTT is worth exploring.
I know the feeling. It's difficult to find balance and so easy to go back to sleep. As stated already, balance is the key. Welcome to the shore/forum. You are not alone:)
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

baffledking said:
Part of me just wants to go back to sleep because this is so overwhelming.
And that's why everything is as it is. To overwhelm the people who are sincerely searching and cause them to give up, to fall back to sleep. So they throw all kinds of information here and there (bits of truth, bits of lies, shiny hooks) and it becomes a maze where you get lost in, instead of finding anything.

I would personally recommend two sott editorials that deal with the heart of this matter:

Transmarginal Inhibition, by Laura KJ.


Spiritual Predator: Prem Rawat AKA Maharaji, by Henry See.

Welcome and happy readings! :)
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

baffeldking wrote: << Alan's references are not sourced which makes it a pain in the a** to research. >>

I've listened a lot more now. He does reference, but not thoroughly at all. Yeah, HG Wells and Aldous Huxley wrote the things he says, and you can find them, but when he says that they worked for Tavistock, what's the source for that? That's what bugs me. His older references are okay, but when he says things like, "there are 57 HAARP installations worldwide, that they've admitted to, and they can all work in concert," well, what's the source for that? Maddening.

baffedking wrote: << his message, as it is, will never reach a very wide audience unless he starts injecting some more researchable sources >>

But, his audience is growing nonetheless. You see he has his own semi-weekly RBN slot now. He wows hosts and callers are sycophantic in their praise, claiming that Alan is the source they think they can get their friends to listen to, etc. I've noted all this just this month.

And, baffeledking, like you, I couldn't get well into this research thing until I gave up a couple of major personal pursuits. It was necessary to drop major time-sinks to be able to do what you say you're doing now -- reading and thinking. I'm a slow reader, myself. The sleep urge asserts itself every so often and those tired feelings really get one down, even as thoughts of what's being learned keep one up at night! And then real issues in life assert themselves and drag one away, too. Sticking with it is no picnic, and the growing pains are rough, but I don't want to go back.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

Thanks for the empathy everyone. In the word's of Trent Reznor, "nothing can stop me now." I've come to far to turn around now....this is part of the hero's journey anyway, isn't it? It's nice to know we've all got people to share it with.

Adpop, you are certainly right about Alan Watt's growing popularity. And to be sure, people are recognizing that he is much more "the real deal" than most of the other speakers out there. I think he should put up a forum on his website for people to use as a base for asking questions, checking sources, sharing info etc...though if the man is as busy as he says he is, I'm surprised he has time to sleep!

Hypothetically, if he were a gatekeeper, he would definitely be out there to keep people away from the "New Age" sciences as he vehemently expresses scorn and contempt for channeling, meditation, crystals, tarot etc nearly every show he does.....(to be honest, I have very little knowledge about any of these practices and would greatly appreciate any information regarding the validity/falsity of Alan Watt's claims.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

Funny you mentioned a forum for Mr. Watt as I emailed him a couple days ago asking him to consider adding a forum link to his site. I will keep you posted if he replies. He usually does.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

I am going to give my ‘instinctive/subjective’ impression.

I find Alan Watt subtly seeds despair.

A despair that weakens us – as it slides deceptively beneath our defences. Allowed in because he is ‘obviously’ one of the ‘good guys’ trying to ‘awaken us!’

I liken his talks (with much genuine and researchable material seeded in for plausibility) to be similar in operation to piano ‘dampers.’

What is a piano ‘damper?’ It is a soft pad, consisting of a small felted block that drops onto a piano string to stop its vibration.

Let me repeat that this is MY subjective feeling. But, to me, I feel that Alan Watt is softly killing (damping) the song of hope in our spirit. The message I receive is that ‘resistance is useless’.

I could be wrong. But I, for one, am very wary. In any case, I (we) don’t really need him. Do we? Listen, but hold your centre.

In contrast, what could be a more ‘damning’ message about our situation than that presented to us by the Cassiopeans?

And yet, from the Cassiopeans we constantly receive admonishments to ‘lighten up’; ‘learning is fun!’ And, most importantly, ‘Knowledge is Protection.’ (With the corollary that: ‘Ignorance endangers.’)

See the difference?

REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

Here is a transcribed snippet from the following program.\

Notice that Mr. Watt seems to be describing Ponerology but never mentions the book by name. Yet he mentions a book written back in the 1970’s!

Question: Is there any scientific works out there concerning
psychopaths...I guess such as these and their creation?

Alan Watts: Yeah there are. You can definitely go into the study...Strangely enough
there was lots of studies being done right up to the 1970's when
psychiatrists began to look at the psychopathic traits. Instead of
looking at the crook at the bottom, on street level, you start to see
the same phenomena all the way up to the top of political groups.

And Henderson and Gillespie their text book on psychiatry written about
1972 it's quit a good exposé on personality types and there's other
books out there as well on pathocracys.

If (you search?) Pathocracys you'll come up with different books.

Mainly it's a term derived by scientists in the ex-Soviet Union. Who
were doing studies on their own leaders and realized they were all
psychopathic and when they looked into the personality profiles of the
western politicians and realized they were the same as well.

So we have this- the system can only allow the psychopath the top-
remember the psychopath doesn't feel emotion but they go off like a
camera watching other people work and interacting. And they're very
good at acting, incredible good actors. They understand intuitively
what the public want and they will be what you want, they'll be your
man. You'll see what you want to hear and that's why they go into
politics where there's power.

So, there are standard traits to the psychopath and one huge thing
about them is when you understand their nature, they're very
predictable, very predictable. In fact they can't go any other way then
the direction they are going in right now - for total control.
REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3

What the heck is up with that? I'm sorry, but his refusal to name the
book is just plain weird and speaks to gate keeping. He says to
search for pathocracy and you'll find the 'books' - I just searched
google with 'pathocracy book' and just 'pathocracy' and Ponerology is
the only book mentioned - other than on Alan Watt's own web site where he
brings up another book, but not Ponerology. I find this very suspicious.
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