Does anyone have one of Watt's books? If so, can you tell us how well it is sourced/documented/footnoted? Thanks.
I have all three of Alan Watt's books. They have no footnotes or sources whatsoever. What's worse, they came to me in duotang folders on photocopied paper! I paid about $80 Canadian for them. Needless to say, I felt ripped-off.
Now, let me first say that I listen regularly to Alan Watt's podcasts and radioshows and that he is my favourite source of information when it comes to "conspiracy" history. Why? Well, because he does not talk about Reptilian people or biblical aliens (which may be true but are so unbelievable that they are useless if you intend to wake the majority of people up) and because he does 90% of his work for free. According to him he lives hand to mouth in a small house in Estaire, Ontario and makes no money for his radio shows or television appearances. His self-admitted pauperdom, surplus of free information and extremely rigorous work ethic (he puts out three one hour talks a week and is a regular guest on numerous radioshows in the US, Canada and Europe almost every day) lead me to believe that he is genuine in his message, that is, that he truly believes what he is saying and is not deliberately lying to his listeners.
Having said that, as much as I like the guy and credit him for helping "wake me up" I have a couple problems with his information and attitude. For starters, his books have no footnotes, rendering them utterly useless even if they are 100% correct. Secondly, his assertion that the Beatles were a psyop experiment put together by Tavistock to change the world's culture seems to me to be an absurd belief. He even claims that the Beatles wrote none of their own songs and that they merely sang what was written by classical musicologist Theo Adorno. And lastly, whenever he is asked what some possible solutions could be he usually gives a vague answer that is something along the lines of "the solution has to be a personal one where you ask yourself what is the meaning of life and is it worth saving?" Nice cryptic advice but not a good answer for a person who is genuinely looking to take action.
I agree with him though that talking about UFOs and other paranormal topics will do more to discredit the messenger than spread the message.
Interestingly, Alan has just been added as a regular member of the Republic Broadcasting Network and will be on the radio live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7pm to 8pm.
Disinfo agent? Paranoid loner? Genius? Hero?
his email is
I have sent him three or four emails over the past oh, 8 months and he has responded to two of them. If you write a well-thought out letter I expect he will reply to you within a few days.