Is shedding (from the jabbed) a thing?

It is very much a thing - at least for sure to our youngest; infants and babies of which some have been injured and in some cases even died. (Vaccinated mother, via breastmilk giving the child the toxic artifical spike proteins) This has been greatly discussed e.g. in the Corona Investigative Committee. Also Dr Naomi Wolf had quite a great deal to say about shedding.

When it comes to adults the water are more muddled and diffuse. It is believed that adults with a good immune systems can cope with the spike proteins as those get stuck and handled accordingly in the mucus of our lungs/throat/nose (like the normal way we always dealt with corona viruses and their spike proteins in the past - which most of the time was a non-issue).

Only when the immune system is low, particularly stressed or we have damages in our nose e.g. mucus protections, and spike proteins may reach the blood stream, then things can get far more rough.
It is very much a thing - at least for sure to our youngest; infants and babies of which some have been injured and in some cases even died. (Vaccinated mother, via breastmilk giving the child the toxic artifical spike proteins) This has been greatly discussed e.g. in the Corona Investigative Committee. Also Dr Naomi Wolf had quite a great deal to say about shedding.

When it comes to adults the water are more muddled and diffuse. It is believed that adults with a good immune systems can cope with the spike proteins as those get stuck and handled accordingly in the mucus of our lungs/throat/nose (like the normal way we always dealt with corona viruses and their spike proteins in the past - which most of the time was a non-issue).

Only when the immune system is low, particularly stressed or we have damages in our nose e.g. mucus protections, and spike proteins may reach the blood stream, then things can get far more rough.
Do you have a link to Naomi Wolf ?
Can somebody delete the previous text? 10 min was to little time for editing...

I can only speak for myself as I am quite sure this happened to me.
This is the story: My friends mother -95 years- was newly vaccinates. As my friend was not in contact with others than the mother and her not so very recently vaccinated sister shedding may be the cause to me being ill.
To go to the mother my friend have to drive about 7 hours each way. Which she did, alone in the car, both ways. she lives alone. She could attract the cv when she was tanking, but as we speak of it, she do not remember being close to anybody.
She was with her mother a couple of days. She came home a sunday night, visited som friends monday (none became ill), started to be ill tuesday morning. I came tuesday for lunch.
As she couffed in my direction I immediate knew "I god it".
What has been baffeling me is that I became more ill than her. If this is shedding, then she is the first and I am the second. Shouldn't it be the other way around?? She being more ill than me?
I am living on my own out in the forrest, in touch with nobody in the periode.

Neither the mother, nor the sister became ill.
Can somebody delete the previous text? 10 min was to little time for editing...

I can only speak for myself as I am quite sure this happened to me.
This is the story: My friends mother -95 years- was newly vaccinates. As my friend was not in contact with others than the mother and her not so very recently vaccinated sister shedding may be the cause to me being ill.
To go to the mother my friend have to drive about 7 hours each way. Which she did, alone in the car, both ways. she lives alone. She could attract the cv when she was tanking, but as we speak of it, she do not remember being close to anybody.
She was with her mother a couple of days. She came home a sunday night, visited som friends monday (none became ill), started to be ill tuesday morning. I came tuesday for lunch.
As she couffed in my direction I immediate knew "I god it".
What has been baffeling me is that I became more ill than her. If this is shedding, then she is the first and I am the second. Shouldn't it be the other way around?? She being more ill than me?
I am living on my own out in the forrest, in touch with nobody in the periode.

Neither the mother, nor the sister became ill.
Hi Sheeba, this "shedding phenomenon" or theory refers more to shedding of spike proteins and now they are saying graphene oxide
( although I dont see how this can be possible) than transmission of actual COVID virus. They theorize that these shedded spike proteins or graphene oxide then cause clotting problems and red blood cells abnormality in unvaccinated.

If this is really a thing I would imagine it is possible only through intimate contact i.e skin to skin or sharing of bodily fluids, although some claim that vaccinated have severe changes in their energy field and that this affect energy field of anyone in close proximity to them - however i find this pretty outlandish.

In any case I dont like this Dr. Jane Ruby she seems pretty sensational and attention seeking and doesnt let their finish the sentence. I am taking her with big pinch of salt.
I'm in very close contact with someone who's had 4 of the injections, every day (My mum - I'm her carer, skin contact while lifting her, helping with going to the toilet, picking up snotty tissues etc).. Don't have any actual data but have noticed I have an unusually gunky throat lately, though I'm not sick.. Coughing up hard-ish little bits of green phlegm.. Also immediately after mum had her first injection my gf (who, like me, is not vaccinated at all) had a weirdly irregular menstrual cycle for awhile..not usual for her. I really don't know if we're just jumping at shadows or what.. (We both take a lot of vitamin C and other supplements of course, and haven't been sick other than a bit of a cold everyone at our house got several months ago)
I don't understand the full science of it, and would also avoid going to much into conspiracies here. That said, if you inject a virus on a person, or help activate it in the person, it seems logical to conclude that the virus being active means it's also contagious for a while, regardless of symptoms. And the means of contagion will depend on how this particular virus is usually transmitted.
I don't understand the full science of it, and would also avoid going to much into conspiracies here. That said, if you inject a virus on a person, or help activate it in the person, it seems logical to conclude that the virus being active means it's also contagious for a while, regardless of symptoms. And the means of contagion will depend on how this particular virus is usually transmitted.
At work, in any cafeteria or restaurant, your relatives..., everyone is vaccinated.

Perhaps..., the fact that you are not (vaccinated) but who you are (your VRF) have been of enormous help, simply because we have been there.

In any case, a situation is proposed and each one of us chooses what we do.
I could be wrong but I don't think one can get vaccinated by proxy with these particular jabs. How will the lipid nano particles get into your bloodstream? Even if let's assume they can via skin contact or you breathing it in from the air, the amounts would be surely quite small compared to being injected?

I think, as Chu said, the jab makes those infected have some sort of reaction and this may entail activating some latent virus or making them more susceptible to catching stuff and as a result, they could affect those nearby. So in a sense, it makes them act as vectors. I'm not sure if that constitutes shedding i.e. as in shedding the lipid nano particles.

Added: I'm more inclined to think that water and food supply could be cross contaminated but I feel we can't escape not consuming it?
I don't understand the full science of it, and would also avoid going to much into conspiracies here. That said, if you inject a virus on a person, or help activate it in the person, it seems logical to conclude that the virus being active means it's also contagious for a while, regardless of symptoms. And the means of contagion will depend on how this particular virus is usually transmitted.
The thing with mRNA vaccine is that no virus is injected. It is a new technology, previously vaccines were based on the premise that if you inject a person with virus which is attenuated (weakened) it will not cause the disease but provoke immune response which will last for years. This was also hit and miss but far less harmful than this new technology.
With this new technology they are basically injecting messenger RNA which tells your body to produce spike protein ( which is a feature of Coronavirus) so that your body starts producing antibodies. That is the theory, however whenever they previously tried this in animals they all died. Also in Sweden the just published the research which shows that this mRNA actually changes your DNA - which means permanent changes to your genome, the ones that will be transmitted to your offspring. So we are in a way witnessing creation of a new human species - if enough survives in the long run.

As for the graphene oxide and all other weird stuff, large number of credible scientists who studied the vaccine under the microscope did find all sorts of things that shouldn't be there. I am keeping my mind open, I remember Catherine Austin Fits saying that the elites have access to unbelievable technology we know nothing about and as a result they started viewing the rest of us as inferior different species. That would also explain the ruthlessness behind all this.

So yeah, I think caution should definitely be exercised when dealing with jabbed people. Now we really need to keep the distance - but not because of COVID, kind of ironic.
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I could be wrong but I don't think one can get vaccinated by proxy with these particular jabs. How will the lipid nano particles get into your bloodstream? Even if let's assume they can via skin contact or you breathing it in from the air, the amounts would be surely quite small compared to being injected?
I have the same questions. I am inclined to think that there is a lot of fear mongering on this side of the fence as well. If this is true there is no escape and that is quite a gloomy prospect. However the findings of the physician in the video are too strange to be ignored.

The bottom line is - if this is so easily transmitted why would they go through such great lengths to actually inject so many people. They could have easily just poison the water supply or food. So something doesn't quite add up.
We simply dont have enough information.

Did we ever ask C's about shedding?
Did we ever ask C's about shedding?
Yes. 😉

Session 29-May-2021:
(Joe) Are people vaccinated with some of the COVID-19 vaccines transmitting anything to non-vaccinated people?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They're transmitting COVID?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Anything else?
A: Not really.
Q: (Joe) That's one way that they can then keep the whole thing going.
(L) They vaccinate people and then more people keep getting infected since the people being vaccinated are shedding the virus.
A: Yes
Just an example, in the house where 3 of us live together: on 1 occasion of contact with someone JUST vaxed, 2 of us came down with the infection (again). One of us has a weaker immune system, and she comes down with flu like symptoms regularly when in contact with the vaxxed. Personally, I try and avoid when possible. That is a sad state of affairs for someone used to a busy social life through cultural events! I simply avoid events and have not accepted any reading or playing gigs all of this year!
Its my understanding that this idea came from the theory that we "shed" virions when we are infected by a virus. For a very mainstream explanation see: Viral Shedding and How to Prevent Spreading Infections - GoodRx, or google "virus shedding".

Just for the sake of argument I have a few questions for us to ponder about this theory of shedding COVID spike proteins after being vaxxed:
  1. How do the spike proteins get out of the body? In the case of a natural COVID infection or other URI there's an active infection in the nasal passages and lungs so virions are spread into the atmosphere around the infected individual by their breath. As far as we know the mRNA lipid nanoparticles are spread around the body through the bloodstream, so it seems like shedding into the environment would be limited. I guess they could be coming off of the vaxxed person's skin?
  2. My understanding (the article goes into it a little bit) is that you can "shed" virus particles that are not infectious because they are inactivated or damaged by your immune system. So that means even if an individual is "shedding" they might not be infectious. As far as we know the immune response after getting one of the shots (antibody production) is robust, and that's what is causing a lot of the health problems and death we're seeing. So if the bodies of the vaxxed are producing lots of antibodies against the spike protein wouldn't it follow that any/most of the spike proteins they shed would be damaged and inactivated?
I am inclined to think that there is a lot of fear mongering on this side of the fence as well.
I would tend to agree with you. This theory about "the vaxxed" shedding spike proteins and making the people around them sick doesn't make logical sense to me based on what I know about how the immune system works. It seems to me like a program designed to further divide people and make the different camps more afraid of each other. Like a mirror image of the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative.

Yes. 😉

Session 29-May-2021:
We've seen quite a bit of evidence to suggest that the more shots and "boosters" people get the more likely they are to get re-infected by some of the COVID variants, so it seems more likely to me that this is what's going on.

Just my two cents.
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I think the idea that vaccination causes an immune suppression, leading to susceptibility to and/or reactivation of latent infection, which is then passed on to others makes the more sense. Shedding of the actual products of the MRNA vaccine (ie. Spike protein) seems less likely because the mechanism isn't exactly clear.

Where I am most symptomatic infections are now being identified by the unreliable Lateral Flow tests, so I take any self reported Covid-19 infection stories with a pinch of salt anyway. You don't know if you have it, if and when you passed it on, or who gave it to you. All complete speculation, which we used to avoid when it was 'just a cold'. Sigh, the good old days.

Fortunately most people around me seem to have relaxed into something resembling normal, for now.
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