Is shedding (from the jabbed) a thing?

Well, the way I see it, FWIW, is that because they are literally playing "God", nobody knows how this really works.

At this point, we can assume that the large majority of the population has had Covid and variants. When injected with the nRNA, that changes the "receivership", maybe, possibly attracting an infection: The spike protein is signalling to the body to make antibodies, supposedly, but it's all messed up, because either the person already has them, or they are inducing an immunity out of nowhere (unlike the traditional vaccines where the attenuated virus is present in the body). So, who knows? Perhaps it's more akin to the spike protein/nRNA "attracting" the virus to justify the building of antibodies. Which then makes the vaccinated person an active carrier of the virus, and therefore the ways of spreading are just your normal contagion.

IOW, the vaccine makes a person catch the virus, then the person spreads it to others. Nothing to do with spike protein "shedding", and more with messing with people's immune system, making them "magnets" of viruses while destroying the normal functioning of the immune system?

I hope this makes sense!
Well, the way I see it, FWIW, is that because they are literally playing "God", nobody knows how this really works.

At this point, we can assume that the large majority of the population has had Covid and variants. When injected with the nRNA, that changes the "receivership", maybe, possibly attracting an infection: The spike protein is signalling to the body to make antibodies, supposedly, but it's all messed up, because either the person already has them, or they are inducing an immunity out of nowhere (unlike the traditional vaccines where the attenuated virus is present in the body). So, who knows? Perhaps it's more akin to the spike protein/nRNA "attracting" the virus to justify the building of antibodies. Which then makes the vaccinated person an active carrier of the virus, and therefore the ways of spreading are just your normal contagion.

IOW, the vaccine makes a person catch the virus, then the person spreads it to others. Nothing to do with spike protein "shedding", and more with messing with people's immune system, making them "magnets" of viruses while destroying the normal functioning of the immune system?

I hope this makes sense!
That was one angle I was thinking. The other, is that the, between the LNP and the synthetic spike, the conditions are created for a recombination of viral particles (from prior CV-19 infection) that have not yet been fully cleared.

Without viral information, the spike protein alone should not be able to infect (in the viral sense) and therefore shed.

Before we ended up getting jabbed, my wife and I would notice any time we were near Vx'd people for any length of time, we would start getting early cold symptoms, which would never worsen, and would disappear after a few days. So, we've certainly experienced this phenomenon.

It seems apparent to me that both the virus and the Vx should be avoided. Having various studies on the impacts of CV-19 infection for some, it's certainly not "just a cold" and the Vx may be seeting us up for some serious consequences down the road. We will will be learning more of its effects in the years to come as we move through the mid- to long-term.
In view of this thread
it may well be his death is staged and this whole thing about shedding or being poisoned with spike proteins is just horse hockey.
I remember that Dr Wolfgang Wodarg mentioned a longer time ago - that they did more recently discover that both spike proteins as well still functioning mRNA was found encapsulated within exosomes / extracellular vesicles (which is kind of the body’s genetic post network between cells and various locations in the body), and therefore also got secreted e.g. via sweat glands.

When the body incapsulates nanoparticles, genetic material and/or spike proteins into extra cellular vesicles / exosomes - the immune system doesn’t identify it as foreign.

I doubt that the shedding is dangerous for most people compared to direct injected mRNA jabs into muscles, who ultimately always reaches the blood stream wrecking havoc.

But there have been suspected cases in which non jabbed kids got affected with severe illness via shedding. (Dr Alexandra Henrion-Caude explained this at the Stockholm conference in jan 2023)
I don't know if this anecdote is of any significance or if it's just my imagination, but from time to time I have to travel with injected people, one of whom I know is thrice pfizerized. These travels are often six to eight car rides. When it happens, I feel sick with strange headaches and such. When I do travel with the few people I know not to be injected, there are no such symptoms. It could be a nocebo effect, an energy effect, but maybe there is something to this physical shedding phenomenon as well.
I don't know if this anecdote is of any significance or if it's just my imagination, but from time to time I have to travel with injected people, one of whom I know is thrice pfizerized. These travels are often six to eight car rides. When it happens, I feel sick with strange headaches and such. When I do travel with the few people I know not to be injected, there are no such symptoms. It could be a nocebo effect, an energy effect, but maybe there is something to this physical shedding phenomenon as well.
Maybe a bit of both, I sit next to someone who is "up to date on all his boosters!" and thankfully haven't really felt much effect whatsoever, I will mention that this year seasonal allergies have been particularly bothersome, congestion and itchiness.. which hadn't happened in well over a decade for me.

I will mention however, that there has been a higher pollen rate where I live, so it may be simply a higher exposure, but other than that... no effects that I can notice form sitting next to him every day.
In my own personal experience, shedding is definitely a thing. Things I experienced over the past 3 years after being in close contact with vaccinated people including skin to skin include: a persistent cough and mucous in the back of my throat, irregular heart beat (has subsided significantly thankfully!), sudden and explosive nosebleeds, and itchy skin.
During the jab rollout I would get nosebleeds just from walking through the pharmacy where injections were being given.
I couldn’t touch my stepson’s dirty laundry (he had 2 injections) without my arms breaking into a rash and itching.
This past Easter we had a gathering at my brother in laws house, several people there were freshly boosted. During the dinner I felt like I was choking on something in the air, like there were particles that tickled intensely in my throat. I had to excuse myself and cough in the bathroom for quite some time. There are more examples but these outline my own experiences throughout this whole mess.
I regularly do various kinds of detoxes including ivermectin, herbal supplements, heat and cold therapy, and vitamins/nutraceuticals to help mitigate some of the effects.
Everyone knows their body and even what they have to do, but I don't really understand taking medication if you are not sick.

I have been exposed to all the variants of this virus, since I am in people's houses at work and with many corpses and I have had many very interesting flus and colds, but if you recover, that's it.

Just my point of view.
Everyone knows their body and even what they have to do, but I don't really understand taking medication if you are not sick.

I have been exposed to all the variants of this virus, since I am in people's houses at work and with many corpses and I have had many very interesting flus and colds, but if you recover, that's it.

Just my point of view.
What medication are "talking" about? Ivermection, hydroxy, supplements or?
Everyone knows their body and even what they have to do, but I don't really understand taking medication if you are not sick.

I have been exposed to all the variants of this virus, since I am in people's houses at work and with many corpses and I have had many very interesting flus and colds, but if you recover, that's it.

Just my point of view.
What about things that hide in stealth mode and biofilms that are released or activated under certain conditions and stressors?

I went for a hot/cold/leg compression session 3 weeks ago. I used to do lots of this kind of thing, including fasting etc but have only just started getting back into it after having a baby. After the session I felt like crap and the next day woke up with an infection, a week later got a cold and have only just recovered.
It’s pretty obvious those things were stirred up by the therapy I did. I didn’t catch them, I already had them laying dormant in my body.
Session 29 May 2021:
(Joe) Are people vaccinated with some of the COVID-19 vaccines transmitting anything to non-vaccinated people?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They're transmitting COVID?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Anything else?

A: Not really.

So it seems C’s during the last session backed down on this and shedding is very much a thing.
Or I misunderstood?

Note that the answer was given back in May 2021, so not too long after the jab was introduced. It may have been correct at the time, but it doesn't apply to the current situation. Today, three years later, the picture may be different and the vaxed may be shedding more than just covid.

But I didn't read the C's comment as backing down, in my understanding they didn't actually confirm or deny that the vaxed are shedding more than covid, only that the increased incidence of tachycardia, particularly atrial fibrillation is a result of the covid jab. What it could mean is that covid in the vaxed has mutated into a monstrosity that is causing those symptoms. Dunno, it could also be me who misunderstood.

Quote from the latest session for easy reference:
(PopHistorian) Several forum members have reported onset of tachycardia, particularly atrial fibrillation. Drug companies have increased targeting of afib sufferers in recent years. Many articles call it a new epidemic. Is the incidence of tachycardia truly rising, and why?

(L) Is it truly rising?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why?

A: COVID vax.

Q: (L) Well, what if you don't take the COVID vaccines?

A: Shedding from others.

Q: (L) So, even if you don't take it, you can get the effects of it from the shedding?

A: All should undertake antivax protocol of some sort including heart support.
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