Is shedding (from the jabbed) a thing?

This is an interesting interview with Dr. Klinghardt, on "Covid, Multiple Infections, 5G, Vaxx, Shedding and Health" where he confirms and explains in detail that shedding is real, that scientific research on this topic is suppressed, that it basically shows up as multiple infections, and why it is affecting everyone.

It is in German, no English subtitles. Thus I did a quick English Google translation of the transcript. For those who want to read it, see attachement.

Dr. Klinghardt on 29:03 says

... the scientists are being absolutely sabotaged. Those who want to look deeper here, what happens to them, vaccinated versus unvaccinated, and of course everything looks worse for the vaccinated - somehow expected, the studies are stopped all over - that means we are essentially dependent on us or our own observations - there is absolutely no doubt that the damage exists, there is no doubt about it from a clinical point of view. I talk regularly about my Klinghardt Institute, my English organization with thousands of doctors and thousands of doctors all observe the same thing.


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Covid-heart effects / shedding from family

I have almost no heart palpitations anymore. Turns out I had chronic potassium depletion, because frequently I'm getting too much water out of the body. Since I take potassium-citrate, my heart works and my fatigue problems solved as well.
I measure it - during stretching - with if I get painful muscle cramps, which I had all my life. Once - when still a teenager - mom had to take me to the doctor, because I was screaming because of super-painful neck-stiffening. I bet the doctor gave me a potassium injection directly into the neck then..

In past years because I worked too many late nights I thought "my heart grew old" and that's why it started protesting frequently, if I didn't take 5-HTP, which helped with sleep after exhausting work / frequent burnouts.

But it turns out it was mainly dangerous potassium depletion in my heart muscle. All my life. Together with finely ground pig skin collagen every 2 days now I make sure I get enough (tri-)potassium-citrate.
Magnesium malate I used to take a teaspoon at most nights, but have difficulties ordering it nowadays, so I take only a 5th of a teaspoon.

Even past 52 when I spent late nights / all-nighters working recently, my heart stopped complaining. So it must have been the potassium. Heart palpitations now I get much more rarely. Mostly when I sleep little for weeks. (Got too cocky, because of the potassium results. Thinking I now don't need to sleep... [sigh])
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So if Covid & spike protein from shedding causes the heart to push itself into overwork mode from time to time when getting it from the family, then getting heart-strengthening supplements apparently can make the heart robust enough to shake off these effects. My entire family is stricken with this heart-curse. Mom developed serious heart problems, her brother always complained and is taking heart medications. Grandpa died of heart attack.
All my stressful working life I had either dangerous heart fibrillations that woke me up: I found my chest / heart area strongly vibrating shaking like an epileptic patient. Or it felt my heart "just stopped beating", which woke me up, me desperately punching my chest repeatedly - without oxygen - to "make it re-start" again. Heart problems all my life. Because of ignorance of what my body needed.

Then now with potassium all the above craziness just stopped as if by magic. Ignorance endangers, knowledge apparently fixes the heart.
Glad to hear that you found the cause and are feeling better, @lilies ! Potassium is super important, and it can't be too low OR to high, or else you suffer. You may also want to take the anti-spike/heart protector supplements that Laura and Gaby mentioned recently during a session, if you can, just in case.
I started asking my patients if they've taken the covid injections while doing their exams. My gawd, so many people have taken these shots. Today I had one woman who has had 5 covid shots! Five covid and a recent shingles shot, which she said made her very ill. I had another that had taken 3 covid shots (2 moderna, 1 pfizer). Another 43 y/o who had 2, didn't know which brand, but he had essential tremors. Scary sh!t. I immediately popped an Ivermectin after seeing all these folks. Nearly every person I saw today had taken vaccines.

I guess it is imperative to take the anti-spike/heart protection supplements religiously. I had been a little lax in that regard but have now doubled down!
I guess it is imperative to take the anti-spike/heart protection supplements religiously. I had been a little lax in that regard but have now doubled down!
Yeah, keep up the awareness factor. It's crazy. My blood pressure alone has gone down over 10 points by taking heart supplements such as hawthorn berry. Health care providers should be taking up to 3 doses of ivermectin a week during vaccination campaigns.
What is the opinion regarding Jim Fergusson? Is he a reliable source? He is cited by NaturalNews regarding this nightmarish scenario to be deployed in Japan. I wonder if this is just fear-mongering... This event was scheduled 3 days ago. Do we have more information regarding this technology? It might be prudent to stay on our toes and monitor this situation just in case, because that would mean we'll need to take our supplements even more diligently.

If you click on the NaturalNews website, there is a link to X (Twitter) which contains the 51 min video interview.
Update from Japan on the biological tsunami about to strike across the globe –

Former US Special forces and Green Beret reveals plans to release a biological tsunami right in the heart of Japan on June 16th. Those who become infected are being referred to as "replicons" They will go on to infect everyone who gets near them and will in turn infect others.

The term "Replicons" will be the term used to describe those who take the shot and replicate the spike shedding and cause massive infection in other people who they come into contact with. The globalists are planning to inject thousands with a self replicating mRNA variant gene editing shot in a football stadium in Yokohama that seats 40,000 people and which is designed to cause massive spike shedding of the most dangerous kind.

Michael Yon who is a former US Special Forces veteran and Green Beret has uncovered a truly horrific plan that is imminent in Yokohama stadium. He has been working with top Japanese virologists who have exposed this dangerous and horrific plan.
What is the opinion regarding Jim Fergusson? Is he a reliable source? He is cited by NaturalNews regarding this nightmarish scenario to be deployed in Japan. I wonder if this is just fear-mongering... This event was scheduled 3 days ago. Do we have more information regarding this technology? It might be prudent to stay on our toes and monitor this situation just in case, because that would mean we'll need to take our supplements even more diligently.

If you click on the NaturalNews website, there is a link to X (Twitter) which contains the 51 min video interview.
Update from Japan on the biological tsunami about to strike across the globe –

Former US Special forces and Green Beret reveals plans to release a biological tsunami right in the heart of Japan on June 16th. Those who become infected are being referred to as "replicons" They will go on to infect everyone who gets near them and will in turn infect others.

The term "Replicons" will be the term used to describe those who take the shot and replicate the spike shedding and cause massive infection in other people who they come into contact with. The globalists are planning to inject thousands with a self replicating mRNA variant gene editing shot in a football stadium in Yokohama that seats 40,000 people and which is designed to cause massive spike shedding of the most dangerous kind.

Michael Yon who is a former US Special Forces veteran and Green Beret has uncovered a truly horrific plan that is imminent in Yokohama stadium. He has been working with top Japanese virologists who have exposed this dangerous and horrific plan.
During my morning “news scrolling” I noticed this headline, two days ago.
I noted it, as a possible “marker”:

Japan reports record spike in potentially deadly bacterial infection​

Helen Regan, Junko Ogura and Rinka Tonsho, CNN
Mon, June 17, 2024, 12:26 AM PDT·
“Cases of a dangerous and highly fatal bacterial infection have reached record levels in Japan, official figures show, with experts so far unable to pinpoint the reason for the rise.”

As of June 2, Japan’s Health Ministry had recorded 977 cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), which has a mortality rate of up to 30%. Some 77 people have died from the infection between January and March, the latest figures available.”
[…]However, experts don’t know how the bacteria got into the body for nearly half of people who get STSS,” the CDC said on its website.
The reason for this year’s rise in cases of STSS in Japan remains unclear, according to Japanese public broadcaster NHK”
Yesterday, this was the headline:

Flesh-Eating Bacteria That Can Kill in Two Days Spreads in Japan
PUBLISHED Jun 18, 2024

[…]"Most of the deaths happen within 48 hours. As soon as a patient notices swelling in the foot in the morning, it can expand to the knee by noon, and they can die within 48 hours," Ken Kikuchi, a professor in infectious diseases at Tokyo Women's Medical University, told Bloomberg.
Former US Special forces and Green Beret reveals plans to release a biological tsunami right in the heart of Japan on June 16th.
Not sure about this Michael Yon. He has apparently spent more time as an embedded war reporter in the US military than anyone else and his Wikipedia article doesn't try to attack his current 'extremist' views. He has a substack too:

Not sure about this Michael Yon
I just read his Wiki page and website bio. He seems like an interesting character. I guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now since I found enough proof regarding the claim:

In the interview, he says:
- At least 43 000 Japanese have already been jabbed with this product, but the major rollout is scheduled for October.
- This vaccine factory is located in Fukushima
- Ivermectin came from Japan, but they've outlawed it during Covid.
- He spent 6 days with Professor Yasufumi Murakami, an expert virologist and immunologist, and teacher at Tokyo University.
(his name is shown in this study: Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients: Safety Concerns and Proposals for Specific Measures)
- The stadium event is to offer those jabs to the population
- A lot of Japanese are already at their 7th jab
- With this self-amplifying function, we don't know how it's going to spread. What's the math going to be behind this?

Here's another article on this:
Tokyo-based pharmaceutical company Meiji Seika Pharma has received approval in Japan for the production and distribution of the world's first self-amplifying mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, even without safety data. The vaccine named Kostaive is designed to trigger a strong immune response and potentially offer prolonged protection by instructing cells to produce multiple copies of the viral spike protein.
(...) In an article published on Nov. 30, Toby Young, general secretary of the public interest group Free Speech Union, noted that the sa-mRNA vaccine received approval in Japan “despite only testing it on 800 people, no control group, and only checking antibody levels, not infection rates.”

Here's the press release: Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd.
November 28, 2023
Meiji Seika Pharma Receives Manufacturing and Marketing Approval of Kostaive™, Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine against COVID-19, from MHLW in Japan. The World’s First Approved Vaccine Applying Self-Amplifying mRNA Technology
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