Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

Thank you for sharing @WIN 52. I think we all have similar type experiences with the life's challenges, asking for help and some thing received in response. I doubt any of us in this forum would have survived with out some form of help. That doesn't need to be 4D STO alone.
The help we got was in the form of 3D beings. They had set up shelters and were offering food and blankets to those who came out of hiding, requesting assistance. Things were not that great for humanity on the surface at the time. A lot of turmoil had taken place, winter was at hand and surface electricity was questionable. Also, there were a lot of empty dwellings. The people who were around were hidden in their homes, afraid to come out.

People were able to stand in front of a screen and view records of past lives, right up to current events. Answering questions they may have. No one was forced to do anything. It was on a voluntary basis.

It's not clear but people didn't have 4D abilities yet. They were just beginning to transfer. Some were not nearly ready yet. More time was necessary for those.
Do you mean to say the above text is from the vision you have seen when you are on the hospital bed?
I probably didn't point it out clearly enough, I was referring to the 'Swaruu' STO fighter pilot channelings. :rolleyes:

She says its direct communication using some kind of networked text-chat, NOT channelling. This information is at the start of all, or at least most of their videos.
Thank you for sharing @WIN 52. I think we all have similar type experiences with the life's challenges, asking for help and some thing received in response. I doubt any of us in this forum would have survived with out some form of help. That doesn't need to be 4D STO alone.

Do you mean to say the above text is from the vision you have seen when you are on the hospital bed?
Yes, just after suffering a stroke. There was multiple visions of different things over a couple of days. Most of them have been put on here already. Quite a bit has passed under the bridge like water, and is gone.

What was put here has relevance for me in relation to others comments about what to expect. The end of PaPa, PaPa and this event were in sequence. Well my grandson is not around anymore, recent development. Starting kindergarten 100km away, with his mom.

The only thing now is a reduction in the population and cooler weather to set in.

I would think my vision is as accurate as anyone else's, for now.
Yes, just after suffering a stroke. There was multiple visions of different things over a couple of days. Most of them have been put on here already. Quite a bit has passed under the bridge like water, and is gone.

What was put here has relevance for me in relation to others comments about what to expect. The end of PaPa, PaPa and this event were in sequence. Well my grandson is not around anymore, recent development. Starting kindergarten 100km away, with his mom.

The only thing now is a reduction in the population and cooler weather to set in.

I would think my vision is as accurate as anyone else's, for now.
Thanks for sharing your visions. Do you think they were a kind of near death experience (NDE)? My sister lives in Seattle, not a million miles from you. She has had two very graphic dreams recently in which she saw sheets of fire all over the place and huge destruction everywhere. Such fires could I guess be caused by cometary bombardment, as occurred in western Europe in the 6th century AD, which we now know brought the Roman Empire to an end and ushered in the Dark Age. Alternatively, it might be caused by plasma or electric discharges (ground based lightning), as occurred on Malta thousands of years ago, leaving behind grooves in the ground that people today think of as cart ruts. The C's have warned us of this.
Thanks for sharing your visions. Do you think they were a kind of near death experience (NDE)? My sister lives in Seattle, not a million miles from you. She has had two very graphic dreams recently in which she saw sheets of fire all over the place and huge destruction everywhere. Such fires could I guess be caused by cometary bombardment, as occurred in western Europe in the 6th century AD, which we now know brought the Roman Empire to an end and ushered in the Dark Age. Alternatively, it might be caused by plasma or electric discharges (ground based lightning), as occurred on Malta thousands of years ago, leaving behind grooves in the ground that people today think of as cart ruts. The C's have warned us of this.
There was no fire or cometary bombardment viewed. It was brought to my attention that things were about to get significantly worse for surface dwellers. Thus the initial assistance from 3D, off world beings who looked human. It seemed to be part of some type of moving on.

This was understood much more deeply once I began diving into the Cassiopaean material. Right at the beginning stages of this forum. Which I might add, was the first thing that was part of these visions. They were most definitely out of body experiences. My body was stable on the bed. I was connected to it by a long thread or cord and could see myself the entire time. Or felt connected to myself while viewing what was playing out.

I had a similar spiritual connection in 1980 after a near death experience which lasted throughout. Right up to today. To be fully honest, the connection goes back to 1952, my year of birth. It has been a great comfort during times of stress/distress. And usually on the money!
There was no fire or cometary bombardment viewed. It was brought to my attention that things were about to get significantly worse for surface dwellers. Thus the initial assistance from 3D, off world beings who looked human. It seemed to be part of some type of moving on.

This was understood much more deeply once I began diving into the Cassiopaean material. Right at the beginning stages of this forum. Which I might add, was the first thing that was part of these visions. They were most definitely out of body experiences. My body was stable on the bed. I was connected to it by a long thread or cord and could see myself the entire time. Or felt connected to myself while viewing what was playing out.

I had a similar spiritual connection in 1980 after a near death experience which lasted throughout. Right up to today. To be fully honest, the connection goes back to 1952, my year of birth. It has been a great comfort during times of stress/distress. And usually on the money!
Thank you for the follow-up. I have never had an out of body experience or near death experience as you have had, although I know people who have, including my twin brother. The long thread or cord you saw is normally referred to as the silver thread or cord, which preserves one's connection to this 3D life. An Australian friend of mine, who has now passed away, told me of a near death experience he had at the age of 12. Like you he saw his body externally, in his case from above. What really struck him though was the overwhelming sense of lightness of being that he felt, which made him realise just how heavy the material body is. This makes me think of what the C's have said about the role of gravity in the transcripts.

Another acquaintance of mine had a near death experience after a serious accident, where he was shown by a being he took to be Christ that he needed to use his inherent gifts more once he returned to this life. He is in fact a skilled Reiki healer and after his experience he started providing his services for free through a local hospital. Interestingly, he has Mayan blood in his lineage.

Where you say: "Thus the initial assistance from 3D, off world beings who looked human." - this reminds me that the C's have told us that 4D Nordics can operate in this world without the experiencing the strain that STS beings do when they enter our realm, which limits the time STS beings can spend here. The C's also said that help would come from 4D Nordics once things got very interesting. Perhaps what you saw was an example of this.
Where you say: "Thus the initial assistance from 3D, off world beings who looked human." - this reminds me that the C's have told us that 4D Nordics can operate in this world without the experiencing the strain that STS beings do when they enter our realm, which limits the time STS beings can spend here. The C's also said that help would come from 4D Nordics once things got very interesting. Perhaps what you saw was an example of this.
They also said there was no help, it is up to us. Now, the person asking the question might have had something totally different in mind when that was asked, justifying that response.

To me, the whole scene was that of a convention. Where people were getting a first, new look at things we were previously kept from knowing and understanding. It was quite the revelation for many, including me.

I just thought they looked like 3D human beings. The convention atmosphere was complete with tables of food. Some people were in review, some were divided into groups like a reunion of sorts and others were having discussions with these arrivals. There likely were 4D beings around as well. I did not see any specifically, not that I would know what they looked like. I understand 3D food is likely quite different than 4D food. These beings were partaking in the fare.

I did understand that people would be gathering in family units. Not all of the family members were present. People had the opportunity to view why they were missing from the units, should they be curious. That was left up to those who had questions. There was no condemnation from these beings either. Also many found their units to be larger than expected.

In fact, thanks to the Cassiopaean material I have found love for myself. No more condemnation of myself. I have come to accept all as lessons to learn from. Today only condemnation comes from others which rolls off like water on a ducks back. I look at it as if it's their issues reflected onto me.
@WIN 52, what an interesting and beautifully detailed description. Thanks for sharing this.
I too, have had similar experiences and when you described the gathering, whoa, I had a lot of recall, as well.
You wrote:
To me, the whole scene was that of a convention. Where people were getting a first, new look at things we were previously kept from knowing and understanding. It was quite the revelation for many, including me.
Man, you gotta watch this movie, if you haven’t yet.
It has been out for years, and was done in a light hearted, romance comedy, yet it delivers some deep messages.
Even the subject of food preferences and differences between 3rd density and 4th density are featured in this movie!
Is there any way to ask the Cassiopeians if the taygetean material is reliable or not ?
Hello Terri: let me tell you that I began to follow the "disclosure" of Swaruu (a 7D Taygetan "star seed" embodied in 5D according to her stated) on the two channels in Spanish, my native language. One of the two youtubers, Gosia opened the English-speaking version of his channel "Agencia Cósmica" (Cosmic Agency) from which you post the video of Yazhi Swaruu (one of the "variants" of the original Swaruu after their "deaths" where his noble and faithful ship "Suzy" went to rescue them from other timelines).
They claim to be the "follow-ups" of the Billy Meier contact. In fact, in the first "seasons" Asket appeared who, according to legend, was the successor to the Swiss contact after Semjase's departure. Last year, the "reveal" was made that Gosia is not only a Taygetan star "seed" but that she would be Semjase herself while she was in "dive" mode! (That is, her body in stasis in a ship and her soul embodied here in this rotten 3D).
Well, if I remember correctly, the "C's" said that initially, the Swiss Meier was contacted by Pleiadians. And later this got corrupted when the Grays answered the call...
Anyway, it seems to me that it is a "disclosure" that tries to "legitimize" itself using the fame of a previous "contact".
In general, the topics discussed are for a young audience, who believe what is stated and who do not take much trouble to validate the level of "information" that the vast majority has already been on earth for decades or centuries. So there I leave it... A cordial hug
It's ok guys... if i remember correctly in one of the sessions it was said that the nordic extraterrestrials in affiliation with the guides (sad) were all we need to ask them questions or at least be open ,for that very reason the Taygeta material is nordic extraterrestrial girls who are communicating by email with Gosia and others and there is no corruption or distortion of the messages why it is not channeled , but you should also investigate for yourselves and not want everything on a silver platter, in fact neither does it mean that it is a benevolent source (we do not know) at least I would not rush to qualify them as SAS cointelpro and such things. critical don't believe everything use your insight and discernment...and it's great to debate and don't take the answers personally there's no reason to get angry enjoy it it's this joke monologue: Session July 6, 2021 Terri: hello who do we have the pleasure of talking to this afternoon? A: Cassiopeia's buenadapeidiaaa Terri: Well the pressing question is the following : On the forum there is a discussion about such a Taygeta fever seems SAS of Orion and the bad it so? A A: wait and see! Terri: I figured you would say that.... A : approximately, open. Terri : what is the Grail? A : we can't tell you! Looking for convergence of Orion lineages here on the forum. Q: you mean soul lineages? A: yes and no.. Q: genetic codes of Kantek? A: we can't tell you! Terriw learning is fun. End of session
Hi Terri: just a clarification. As we are told, the "contact" with the sexy Taygetan girls is via chat, not via email. Supposedly it was originally via Skype.
Now it is suspected that it may be via another platform (Discord perhaps?) Likewise, to date both Robert Carbonell and Malgorzata (Gosia) Duszak have never posted any screenshots of their communication. Which doesn't make things any simpler either.... Hugs
This is like many other cases on this forum in which a person arrives and presents some random source of information that interests them or they want to promote.

They say something like "What do you think of this? They say this and this".

Forum members say, "It sounds bogus, probably, based on our experience and some specific details in it. Read this to see where we talked about something similar. [giving a link]"

Person: "But how can you know if you haven't read ALL of it?"

Forum: "Maybe we can't know with 100% certainty because we are still learning, but research takes time so it's more effective if one person who is interested checks it out first and reports their findings to see if it is worth any time.
You have already read or watched some of it, so what do they say?
Have you read the link we gave you?"

Person: "Why should I want to read that when you don't want to read what I give you? I think it's better if you read it than getting it from me."

Forum: "To us, what you bring is new, what is in that thread is old and well discussed. You don't add new to old without knowing the old first. There are a million things which are new to us, we have to pick which ones we focus on. This doesn't look useful, but if you can read the link with our old discussion and tell us exactly how this material relates to that or is better, we can have a discussion and might learn something. But if you think our material is a waste of time then we'll just follow our understanding and leave your material alone for now.

Person: "But I've read The Wave and it's the best I've ever found and I feel a deep connection to Laura, so I can tell you should want to read this!

Forum: "If you value Laura and her work so much why won't you read the link on her forum we gave you? She even posted in there."

Person: "[Quotes anything except the thread in the link, usually C's quotes or from The Wave]... You people should be more critical and not jump to conclusions. Whay are you so angry?"

One Forum Member: "Oh hey guys, actually some of us already talked all about that material about a year ago, not everyone might have seen it. Here's a link. [link]"

Person: *POOF* [never to be seen on forum again...]

Wow but yes it is the lejendary Joe thank you for your intervention of such an intelligent person and who participates in the experiment cassiopea is an honor, well both Gurdjieff and Boris Mouravieff and others have spoken of adamic people, preadamicos, organic portals, that the soul is built and about the machine man among other things, well .... Taygeta's information about non real people tells us that there are fake people that are potential energy that are unreal people like a traffic light on the road and we have no way to determine who is real and who is not but if we can have some indications of psychopathic people, of those who do not have a critical and analytical sense of things and do not question is very likely to be fake people Matrix people and according to the data of the extraterrestrial taygeteanas of every 8 people only one is real greetings Joe.
Responding to the bold parts: Actually, the video contradicts this. (I have added punctuation because the video captions have none.)

At 3:19 in the video: "The program is complex, so they look like they are reacting sentient, but they are not. But, you can defeat the program, you can see the matrix in the reaction of the people."

At 5:30 in the video: "They differ from real people because although they look alike and are almost indistinguishable from the real ones. They are detectable by anyone with practice, though. there is no on inside them, no soul, no person having experience. They are just energy. It appears to be that only 1 in 5 people on Earth is real."

Especially in Terri's first few posts some of the comments that sound sarcastic could actually be due to the language barrier, however inaccuracies like these would likely survive even if they used machine translation.

Whats the difference to a lady communicating to entities, using an ouya board postulating that she is communicating with her future selfs?
Another wording of this question could be: 'Why should Laura channeling the so-called C's via ouija be considered more likely to be true than another group talking to so-called alien spaceship crew via the internet?'

I think a big part of the answer is: it depends on who you are and what you already know. In other words, where are we starting from? If we are total 100% beginners who only know the conventional world of popular science and 'the news', then obviously to us we would see no difference and they would boh look ridiculous.

But if we have seen and researched many claims of "true sources" that have contradicted themselves or been caught openly lying or being dishonest in other ways, then maybe in a new material we have never seen before we might see the clues of dishonesty without reading very much. There are virtually infinite things to read. If we see evidence of dishonesty based on our experience, hopefully we can avoid fake material and avoid virtually infinite dead ends. Otherwise, who knows, it might take a million lives to read it all! On the other hand, what if we have already those lives? Maybe in this life we wanted to find the knowledge necessary to spot the lies rather than read them endlessly?
Hi people,

I was wondering if the users of this forum were familiar with the following website: Swaruu

It's pretty upfront in asserting to be the work of extraterrestrial humanoids. Backing this up is a lot of curious information regarding the nature of consciousness, scientific phenomena, and current events among many other subjects. Assuming you have any familiarity with it, what do you think?
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