Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

In their last a couple of videos, these two brave girls seem to have made some good disclosure about Swaruu:

Yes, I saw the videos of Estela and Cristina at the time. The "taygetan contact" has its dark side: personally, I talked to some people involved and in some cases it looks more like the work of intelligence services than of "benevolent e.t. races". Initially, they presented themselves as "renegade Pleiadians" and were channeled by Maryann Rada (about 10 years ago) and then began to say that they were the "same" who contacted the Swiss Edward "Billy" Meier... and that they orbit the Earth since 1952. For some reason they stopped being channeled and started contacting people by technological means from social networks and today they have their Youtube channels. Currently in each "season" (yes, it's a galactic soap opera) they introduce new characters and use various modes of contact (Skype, Discord). A Hug
Yes, I saw the videos of Estela and Cristina at the time. The "taygetan contact" has its dark side: personally, I talked to some people involved and in some cases it looks more like the work of intelligence services than of "benevolent e.t. races". Initially, they presented themselves as "renegade Pleiadians" and were channeled by Maryann Rada (about 10 years ago) and then began to say that they were the "same" who contacted the Swiss Edward "Billy" Meier... and that they orbit the Earth since 1952. For some reason they stopped being channeled and started contacting people by technological means from social networks and today they have their Youtube channels. Currently in each "season" (yes, it's a galactic soap opera) they introduce new characters and use various modes of contact (Skype, Discord). A Hug

Hi, xahyr! Sorry if the exposure by Estela and Cristina had already been shared by you or other member in this or another thread on Swaruu.

You say they (Swaruu or the Taygetan contact) have a "dark side". I wonder if they have any "bright" side, especially in consideration of the fact that, as you said, they can very well be an intelligence (counter-intelligence) operation.
Hi, xahyr! Sorry if the exposure by Estela and Cristina had already been shared by you or other member in this or another thread on Swaruu.

You say they (Swaruu or the Taygetan contact) have a "dark side". I wonder if they have any "bright" side, especially in consideration of the fact that, as you said, they can very well be an intelligence (counter-intelligence) operation.
Hello: I saw the videos of "Pleiadian Knowledge" channel in its original version (Spanish) in the middle of 2022. I see that the ones you posted are the later ones from the English version.
This was a more recent case: these girls "received" the contact by posting comments in the two main channels of the two youtubers from Barcelona (Spain), until they decided to cut the communication.
I personally followed that "disclosure" during the first two years of its broadcast and I can say that the "Pleiadian wisdom" attributed to Sw et al is nothing more than material published for decades, centuries and millennia and is not "new" at all.
- the quote that there are 400,000 races in this sector of our galaxy is already in the Vedic Puranas.
- the material of "stellar navigation" spread in a series of videos, is found in the obscure book "The Book of Knowledge The Keys of Enoch" by the Dr. J. J. Hurtak.
- as well as the references to the Council of 9 (or Council of Saturn), located in the orbit of Saturn (also quoted in The Ra Material)
- and also the detail that the Pleiadians use the Muon frequency band to communicate (all in the same book!).
- finally, Sw and his "taygetan team" enunciate quotes from terrestrial authors without clarifying the source as in the case of "the only limits are those self-imposed", "what you resist, persist" (C. Jung)... and so on...
There might be a remote possibility that they are extraterrestrials, but by their ways of mistreating their contactees, the fact that they claim to be "time travelers" to play with the timelines to adjust them to their liking, the unhappy comment that pregnant women are abducted to "help" their offspring (star seeds) to adjust to the low vibrations of 3D and other barbarities that I will not comment for reasons of space... it sounds more like Service to Self than anything else! A Hug
This is like many other cases on this forum in which a person arrives and presents some random source of information that interests them or they want to promote.

They say something like "What do you think of this? They say this and this".

Forum members say, "It sounds bogus, probably, based on our experience and some specific details in it. Read this to see where we talked about something similar. [giving a link]"

Person: "But how can you know if you haven't read ALL of it?"

Forum: "Maybe we can't know with 100% certainty because we are still learning, but research takes time so it's more effective if one person who is interested checks it out first and reports their findings to see if it is worth any time.
You have already read or watched some of it, so what do they say?
Have you read the link we gave you?"

Person: "Why should I want to read that when you don't want to read what I give you? I think it's better if you read it than getting it from me."

Forum: "To us, what you bring is new, what is in that thread is old and well discussed. You don't add new to old without knowing the old first. There are a million things which are new to us, we have to pick which ones we focus on. This doesn't look useful, but if you can read the link with our old discussion and tell us exactly how this material relates to that or is better, we can have a discussion and might learn something. But if you think our material is a waste of time then we'll just follow our understanding and leave your material alone for now.

Person: "But I've read The Wave and it's the best I've ever found and I feel a deep connection to Laura, so I can tell you should want to read this!

Forum: "If you value Laura and her work so much why won't you read the link on her forum we gave you? She even posted in there."

Person: "[Quotes anything except the thread in the link, usually C's quotes or from The Wave]... You people should be more critical and not jump to conclusions. Whay are you so angry?"

One Forum Member: "Oh hey guys, actually some of us already talked all about that material about a year ago, not everyone might have seen it. Here's a link. [link]"

Person: *POOF* [never to be seen on forum again...]

This is one of the best posts on this truly tedious thread.

My suggestion to those who like Swaruu, go hang out with that group and talk to them. You will have a nicer experience and so will we.
dear forum. i want to tell you a funny story. please be patient.

1. i know no more how, but i stumbled upon the video posted by pierre on the kola peninsula deep- drilling by the russians. ref below:

2. in this video, towards the end, when they gave up drilling, there is mention of a funny black fluid collected.

3. this fluid from the kola depths reminded me of “black goo,” about which i recently read in the transcripts. the link to this transcript is:

4. i have condensed this transcript under keywords, attached below.

5. swaruu has already a thread in this forum, and black goo too.

6. swaruu mentions an expert on black goo and morgellons, HAROLD HARALD KAUTZ & DR. LEE MERRIT and this person is also mentioned in this forum.



dear forum. i want to tell you a funny story. please be patient.

1. i know no more how, but i stumbled upon the video posted by pierre on the kola peninsula deep- drilling by the russians. ref below:

2. in this video, towards the end, when they gave up drilling, there is mention of a funny black fluid collected.

3. this fluid from the kola depths reminded me of “black goo,” about which i recently read in the transcripts. the link to this transcript is:

4. i have condensed this transcript under keywords, attached below.

5. swaruu has already a thread in this forum, and black goo too.

6. swaruu mentions an expert on black goo and morgellons, HAROLD HARALD KAUTZ & DR. LEE MERRIT and this person is also mentioned in this forum.

Swaru is a Taygetean woman with an appearance 20 earth years old, petite and short (short stature) also called Ronning and other names is an expert in time travel and currently has its other versions as Yazhí Swaru (girl of appearance 10 earth years) and Mary Swaru all currently helping was she who said that the heads of the elite are aoariencia young people of 15 or 17 years ?
dear forum. i want to tell you a funny story. please be patient.

1. i know no more how, but i stumbled upon the video posted by pierre on the kola peninsula deep- drilling by the russians. ref below:

2. in this video, towards the end, when they gave up drilling, there is mention of a funny black fluid collected.

3. this fluid from the kola depths reminded me of “black goo,” about which i recently read in the transcripts. the link to this transcript is:

4. i have condensed this transcript under keywords, attached below.

5. swaruu has already a thread in this forum, and black goo too.

6. swaruu mentions an expert on black goo and morgellons, HAROLD HARALD KAUTZ & DR. LEE MERRIT and this person is also mentioned in this forum.

Swaru is a woman-young girl-Nordic Taygetean extraterrestrial girl with an appearance of 20 Earth years? petite and short (short stature) also called Ronning and other names is an expert in time travel and currently has its other versions as Yazhí Swaru (girl of appearance 10 Earth years) and Mary Swaru all helping currently was she who said that the heads of the elite are aoariencia young people of 15 or 17 years ?
Swaru is a Taygetean woman with an appearance 20 earth years old, petite and short (short stature) also called Ronning and other names is an expert in time travel and currently has its other versions as Yazhí Swaru (girl of appearance 10 earth years) and Mary Swaru all currently helping was she who said that the heads of the elite are aoariencia young people of 15 or 17 years ?

Swaru is a woman-young girl-Nordic Taygetean extraterrestrial girl with an appearance of 20 Earth years? petite and short (short stature) also called Ronning and other names is an expert in time travel and currently has its other versions as Yazhí Swaru (girl of appearance 10 Earth years) and Mary Swaru all helping currently was she who said that the heads of the elite are aoariencia young people of 15 or 17 years ?
i found no definition of aoariencia...
i found no definition of aoariencia...
Ahhh I misspelled and posted wrong 2 comments wrongly edited sorry , yes..I referred to the youthful appearance of the human elite bosses I don't remember who told me about that Swaru left expressed that those who are at the top of the human elite pyramid ie the entropy forces players have youthful bodies that look between 15 to 17 years yes you are informed about it?
i did not know. i was perturbed by the excessively young appearance of the swaruu... i am still wondering if they are genuine..
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i did not know. i was perturbed by the excessively young appearance of the swaruu... i am still wondering if they are genuine..
The little I know is that as a result of new Taygetean revelations the information is changing and sometimes it is contradicted similar to the past with the Cs info where for a certain period of time a certain Vincent Bridges (Frank) participated, some things were distorted but then with later sessions you can have another panorama, I think from the sessions from 2000 onwards, but it does not mean that the sessions where Frank participated have to be discarded.
This “Tyagetan Swaruu“ seems to be mixing truths and disinformation. The biggest red flag for me is that they do not talk about STO and STS or the necessity to polarize in order to graduate to 4th density.
This “Tyagetan Swaruu“ seems to be mixing truths and disinformation. The biggest red flag for me is that they do not talk about STO and STS or the necessity to polarize in order to graduate to 4th density.
I really do not know and I am not in favor of Swaru but I can not claim that it is disinformation I noticed some irregularities of the type (unibound) or (apocalyptic) such as Taygeta info says what ( no wave will implode , there will be no alien invasion as the Cs said at the time of the crossing of kingdoms and meteorites are Chinese tale of rice on a stick ) but even if they said that each one will live what he believes with his mind will live those ecenarios. .to tell you the truth once i joined the swarunian telegram group and they kicked me out as if mama dinosaur (Gosia) was telling her fans or little velociraptor kids (from her group)to entertain themselves with their new toy before the beneo . .can you imagine a fight of triceratops,velociraptors,t rex etc...?..what I did was just to give my opinion as constructive criticism that some of your administrators don't know how to manage the group..they almost sent me to alcatraz for not saying more..and I'm not a fighter..... 50 vs 1 is not fair and even more if you are surrounded by velociraptors although I have to admit that I am not afraid of anyone or all the illuminati together or all the hyperdimensional elite if they are looking for me they will find me and they will be prepared because they have the wrong man I do not care if they are gods I am not afraid of the gods.
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hello axj. i am not sure but i believe that it is mentioned by them somewhere.
I know Gosia's and Robert's material since before they started the contact with the Taygeteanas but they have mentioned it recently but not in the deep way as Laura reflects on SAD and SAS or as the Cs said that we are not yet SAD but that some are more SAD aligned but that does not make us SAD. SAD even I was one of those responsible for having brought the Cs material to Gosia's ears but she never messed with the Cs material because Laura did not give them any prominence or even care why she said (tedious) and did not even bother to ask the Cs if Taygeta's material is counterintelligence or not, clearly Laura has said that David Icke is possibly an agent of cointelpro but the taygeteans support in some aspects the material of alex collier although for them collier was a bait of some Andromedan brutes of the federation and the federation apparently is neutral then I said that Corey Goode's matetial is outdated and that David Icke is a wanderer type star seed with great influence on the masses i.e. they take it that there are 2 types of real people with souls 1 that does not have as much influence or in the collective unconscious and others that do because of their level of consciousness.
Laura is facebook friends with Gosia
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