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{ My comments on this nonsense. Sorry I quit commenting at a certain point because it was really taxing on me.}
A planet is alive, it is a complex organism with consciousness and movement. It is not an inert rock obeying purely physical factors, or physics, as you are told according to the Socially Accepted Science. All planets are beings with advanced consciousness, you can connect with them, you can talk to them in one way or another. As every complex being with a lot of consciousness, it has its own patterns and energetic functions that nourish its internal systems and also possesses a
trans dimensional nature, that is, its existence is present in
multiple existential planes.
{What are existential planes? Does it have to do with trans dimensional nature? }
Some of its vital systems are water currents such as rivers and marine currents, but it also has other internal systems, not only underground rivers but also other substances, such as magma and oil. The latter is the one that concerns us in continuation. Petroleum, or crude oil as it is said, is not a substance composed of sediments of organic origin accumulated for millions of years, that is to say not renewable fossil substance, as it is said. This is another of the great lies that the Cabal tells humanity in order to continue exploiting them. It is not lacking, and it is self-renewable because of its internal processes on the planet.
Oil is a hydrocarbon in the way that it is mainly composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms,
but it is not strictly of organic origin.
{ This is probably true, but then their explanation is word salad mixed with attempts to use scientific sounding words } It is a liquid mineral that is produced by the earth through a process of
chemical transmutation.
{ What the heck is chemical transmutation? } This is based on the
progressive accumulation of magnetic scalar properties,
{ What the heck is magnetic scalar properties? } that is to say they are present in
several existential planes simultaneously,
{ Oh, that really clarifies it. } in the medium base which is water, mainly sea water.
The water self-ionizes when it is subjected to speeds higher than 200 meters per second and when it is subjected to pressures in excess of 1 110 bar or barometer units or 15 954 PSI, it begins to
transmute its properties as water by losing its oxygen composition and changing it for carbon atoms, present inside the Earth's crust, which will adhere to the ionized hydrogen. The same movement, the
intra-terrane electromagnetic vortices of the magma { What? } and of the very Black Goo provide the base of energetic flow for the
Water loses its hydrogen-oxygen composition, by discarding its oxygen component and changing it with carbon, present everywhere and in abundance, combining it with hydrogen,
forming new "transmuted" molecules, which gives rise to hydrocarbons.
If the same process continues even more, the hydrocarbon will concentrate turning black and the effects of
scalar transmutation will begin to form petroleum crystals and in their geometric center
they will begin to form antimatter.
{ So that's how antimatter is formed. } Giving place now to the Black Goo.
process also involves other trans-dimensional energetic-scalar aspects { Ah! Now I get it, trans-dimensional energetic-scaler } that involve consciousness and that affect the process, so the human science does not understand or accept the process. These
scalar processes once again obey the toroidal sacred geometry based on the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5 and 3, 6, 9 as described in Mechanics of Manifestation.
{ Now it makes more sense. Yes, the toroidal sacred geometry. Yes that's it! } However, it can also be described in a much simpler way.
{ Please. }
Using simpler words, this process happens: The water is under great pressure at the bottom of the sea due to the simple accumulation of its own weight. This water is not contained there like in a hermetic container, the water is filtered by its high pressure through all the fissures, cracks and separations between the plates of the subsoil at the bottom of the sea, especially in the deepest point of the ocean where there is separation of major tectonic plates.
Pressurized water enters between the intra-terrestrial layers filling all available space many times displacing other substances present under pressure. The same water then works as a lubricant facilitating the displacement of the terrestrial plates both large and small since they are always changing and moving day by day.
As the plates move, they crush and move the water through the cracks at high pressure and at high speed with the effect of a syringe. Water is subject to enormous pressure there, much more than on the seabed, we speak of pressures in excess of 20 000 psi.
At such pressures, its movement speed is enormous exceeding 500 meters per second
{ 1800 kilometers per hour / 1118.47 miles per hour }. At this speed and under this pressure the water loses its properties to basically boil without being able to expand by the gigantic pressure. The Hydrogen of the water separates from the Oxygen producing an enormous heat. The excess Hydrogen released from Oxygen is chemically combined with Carbon, which is almost ubiquitous and has the property of adhering to almost everything. Already in separate form, twice as many molecules of Hydrogen are generated than of Oxygen. The release of Carbon and its chemical fusion with Hydrogen is favored by the high temperatures and pressures present, forming Hydrocarbons such as Petrol and also forming secondary products gases such as Natural Gas, Methane and Ethane.
Here the accepted science says that Carbon is provided by organic elements coming from the natural decomposition of living beings, (Name "Combustibles fossils") but in these quantities and at these depths, in excess of 10,000 meters of depth, that is totally lacking veracity
since Carbon is present in large quantities in mineral form within the earth's crust and of almost all the planets, this being their most abundant element. { Nonsense, Most planets are not rocky. They are gaseous. The most abundant element is hydrogen, whether that is in the form of methane or ammonia or water or hydrocarbons or ... }
What forms the oil is water, mainly seawater combined with the carbon present within the Earth's or planetary crust. It is inexhaustible. A petroleum mantle, or cavity containing oil, can be temporarily emptied, only to be re-filled again and naturally shortly afterwards.
As the oil gets subjected to even more pressure between and below the tectonic plates, it will concentrate more turning black and forming
carbon crystals that encapsulate heavy metal molecules { encapsulate? In what way, what does that even mean? } that are also partly the product of the enormous pressure and high temperature of these places, forming what we know as Black Goo. These
carbon crystals retain the frequency of the place where they were created { Finally we got to use the word frequency } and combined with
heavy metals, all have highly magnetic properties.
{ Really? All heavy metals are highly magnetic? That's a new one. }
The movement of the concentrated oil or Black Goo caused by the displacement of the tectonic plates is channeled by and through the cracks in the subsoil. Having highly magnetic properties and being present in large quantities,
form a magnetic dynamic that is known as the Ley Lines of a Planet.
{ We finally got around to the Ley Lines. I was wondering what they were and how they were formed. }
Under the enormous pressure inside, between and under the tectonic plates
the ionized water transmuted into hydrocarbon or petroleum will be crystallized by its high concentration of carbon, forming another kind of oil or related hydrocarbon called Black Goo,
which in essence is liquid crystallized oil with a high amount of heavy metals especially gold or iridium. As for the type of gold, it is present in two forms. Normal gold and
monoatomic gold.
{ At least we know where monoatomic gold comes from now. } Contained in the nucleus of each crystal are antimatter particles.
{ Yes, the antimatter particles. I was wondering where all the antimatter was. But it must be the crystal encapsulation that keeps it from coming into contact with matter and annihilating. }
antimatter comes from the reversed atomic and subatomic composition of the heavy metals { That makes perfect sense, does it not? } present in the Black Goo and
is the result of the energetic transmutation - manifestation imposed from other existential planes.
{ Yes, the existential planes cause the energetic transmutation} So, the Black Goo has a
scalar composition.
{ existential planes X energetic transmutation = scalar composition } And
monoatomic gold is also antimatter { Of course it is. That's a no-brainer. } from the aspect of its subatomic composition to be also the result of a
trans-dimensional transmutation of the scalar nature.
{ Of course, any dimwit knows that. } That is to say, it is the result of the interaction and
electromagnetic superposition based on mathematical fractals of sacred geometry { Supersition, yes like a quantum system which is of cource based in mathematical fractals of sacred geometry } imposed
from higher planes towards the 3D existential plane,
{ There are those planes again. } with the use of the
energetic - mathematical toroidal mechanics { And those energetic mathematical toroidal mechanics. } described in my previous article Mechanics of Manifestation.
magnetic-energetic nature of the antimatter of the Black Goo also gives it superconducting properties at room temperature and being contained within hydrocarbon crystals its interaction with normal matter is very limited, but still present, so we could say that the antimatter present in it is to a certain extent stable.
Also, antimatter particles are still in a trans-dimensional transmutation state, so they are not completely within the 3D dimension of the Earth. This prevents them, in part, from having extreme reactions when interacting with normal matter.
{ I was waiting for the reason for that. Now it makes sense. } It is matter that we could say that it is in a
semi-etheric state,
{ Ah yes, the semi partial not quite whole timey whimey etheric state. } so it does not make chemical links with other elements.
It should be remembered here that a superconducting material is one that does not show any resistance to the passage of an electric current. In the case of the Black Goo, the elements of its chemical composition that give it this characteristic are gold, its
anti-gold (monoatomic gold) and the high content of iridium, especially in the negative invasive Black Goo.
The Black Goo has a
great magnetic charge disproportional to the size of its particles
because it comes from the antimatter within its crystals and the magnetic charges of all the particles are added to each other by
sharing electrons in scalar form with a
very high density. And its composition of crystals with heavy metals
allows it to carry a quantity of information as frequencies as do all fractal crystals. It is found deep below the earth, usually below the normal oil layers, and by the same movements between the tectonic plates, it moves in torrents or underground rivers of high velocity at great pressure and of great depth with an average of 10 km or even lower.
Notice here that it is the same depth in which most of the
telluric movements of some years have been made here and that have been artificially unleashed.
Having a high degree of
magnetic properties in ranges of high trans-dimensional scalar energy, that is, it is present in
several existential planes at the same time, the movement of the Black Goo in the subsoil produces a
planetary magnetic dynamics organized as geometric fractals, since everything is interconnected throughout the globe.
This is the basis and reason for being of the Ley Lines of a planet.
The Black Goo also contains within its chemical composition all the necessary elements to form the life based on carbon. It has within itself, in its crystals, an energetic impregnation of the Earth itself. Its essence and its frequency as a living being. It can be considered as the
blood of the planet as it contains all its energy information. And all the planets have their own Black Goo with a chemical-energetic-magnetic composition unique to each one of them. Their identity itself.
As I have described above, the Black Goo has within its composition both material elements and
trans dimensional energies coming from several existential planes at once, this means that it interacts with everything that it touches
at the trans-dimensional scalar level and not only at a chemical and physical level.
When the oil of the Black Goo is burned, when artificially exposed to an open flame, it will behave like oil,
but its components of heavy metals will dissipate to other higher existential densities making them impossible to melt, process, concentrate or manipulate.
They will return to their etheric state. However, the crystals will remain as an inert white powder that does not combine with no other element.
Black Goo naturally springs from the deep-water fondling in the so-called underwater volcanic boilers and is poured into the marine currents where it interacts with the organisms of the seas.
Within the energetic forms coming from
other existential planes and contained in the crystals
with super magnetic properties, there can be found basic forms or molds for the manifestation of the components and the order and position of all the components that make up the DNA of all the native species of the planet, being contained within its very planetary “blood”,
an energy ark of their first-born species. These species are mostly “new” micro-organisms that develop in geothermal marine boilers at great depth and at great pressure and temperature.
The planetary Black Goo is intrinsically related to the formation or manifestation of new species of life from the
most primal point of view. It is also directly related to the ability of
the planet to self-repair damaged DNA of all species contained within it,
whether or not they were originally developed on it. This i
nfers a high connection between the planetary consciousness with that of each and every one of its inhabitant species, creating a unity or an interconnected consciousness within that planet which in turn will be
energetically interconnected with other planets and so on until
the great unified consciousness is formed or
the original Source. In other words, all the souls are also connected because they are the same. In the case of a planet,
all the individual consciousnesses that live inside it function as fractals or nodes that together will form the total consciousness of the planet in question.
The Black Goo, as it contains the
base pattern in the form of high magnetic and semi-etheric energy, organizes the molecular structures of the DNA of each species with the application of a conscious and creative intention from superior existential planes, which is the basis of the formation or manifestation of new organic matter. Plus, an already existing and highly conscious species will develop its own processes of manifestation and maintenance of its DNA, although upon entering in contact with Black Goo could alter the organism directly.
In other words, the Black Goo is a semi-etheric substance, with both material properties
as well as those of other dimensions and it is, or
can be considered as a window, door or portal to other existential planes.