Is Swaruu a Real Direct 4D STO Contact?

They suggest to watch all the videos from the beginning to get an complete understanding, what it is talked about.

"It is reommended to see all the videos from beginning".

compare with:

We strongly discourage people from reading the Cassiopaean transcripts on their own, outside of the context provided by Laura's work, as in our experience people often misinterpret them and tend to project their own ideas, beliefs, and biases onto them. Therefore we advise the reader to read them in context, that is in the Wave and Adventures with Cassiopaea series.
Then the material that seems to be unique to this site seems just whacked out. Like the black goo transcript and like this one about history: __Swaruu.

Where we have this:

"400,000 races of human-like beings, lived in peace, and therefore did not know how to defend themselves."

"There was a Lyrian colony living in peace on Earth, in a high frequency advanced holographic society,"

Later they are - "the anthropomorphic Lyrians", just more weird crazy nonsense with big sounding words thrown in.
Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war broke out there and they ended up in Orion.

A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, travelling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation. Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.
Q: (L) There are some questions that have been asked about what sort of humanoid types may have originated in Lyra. I realize that Lyra is a constellation, and not a planet, but this person states: "apparently all of the human race comes from Lyra."

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, there is a lot of information out there along this line. Billy Meier even makes this claim. This person says "The human race did not originally exist in Lyra; it came from some other galaxy, but first began to evolve in our galaxy in the Lyran system."

A: Closer.
They suggest to watch all the videos from the beginning to get an complete understanding, what it is talked about.

"It is reommended to see all the videos from beginning".

compare with:
Yes, but the C's have a more to less participation as they directly suggest we start using our own efforts to learn and discern reality.

I think I mentioned it before, and this whole swaruu phenomenon has the taste of a work of fiction, that is stimulating enough and it keeps people hooked for that reason. There's nothing wrong with a work of fiction, people have made careers out of talking about fictional worlds, such as Star Wars, but the really bothering aspect of it is their continued claims to it being a reality.
They suggest to watch all the videos from the beginning to get an complete understanding, what it is talked about.

"It is reommended to see all the videos from beginning".

compare with:
Horse Hooey. Why should I spend hours and days of my time when I have sampled there site and 8 out of every 10 pages I read is nonsense. The context of those statements are very different. I don't have to swim through meaningless un-defined pseudo-scientific terms that are garbage when I read the C's transcripts and 80% of swaruu I have read has made up terminology strewn through it that no one can reasonably make sense of. Antimatter is created in black goo by transdimmensional nature of the multiple existential planes of its chemical transmutation while accumulating magnetic scalar properties with the intra-terrane electromagnetic vortices of magma and the scalar processes obeying the toroidal sacred geometry. It's nonsense.

Please tell me what I can study or research here in this earthly plane that can help me make sense of such nonsense. And the swarru site is full of this.

This site (Cass) is really about research and that research ( the efforts of the group ) is the entire point of the Cass experiment. I have yet to come across anything in their site that points to -

The hyper-density-dimensionality of our reality.
That evolution is bunk. There is basically only devolution.
Viruses are intra-density-dimensional drivers of genetic modification.
Western history was basically made up for 4-5 hundred years to fill in power succession of the Dark Ages.
Catastrophe is a main driver of change and space rocks and cosmic events are the norm over the ages.
The western religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam are made up) Except for the evidence of Pauline Christianity and its connection to Paleo-Christianity and Caesar as Christ)
Then there is the research into Diet, psychology, psychopathy, medicine.
And the inspiration provided by the C's also points to the possibility that the hyper-dimensional reality is understandable. It is within our ability to understand it also scientifically and mathematically.

I did not go into depth in the above areas and I am sure I missed multiple dozens of other areas. But so much of the research in these areas is human research, with other historical research and references and citations.

The swarru site to me is offensive to my soul with its nonsense use of words so prevalent. If 80 percent of it smells like poop to me, I don't think I need to submit myself to hours and days of sniffing more of it.

I finally get the meaning of the name of the cass attendant in the last board session. More Bunk. We will have to deal with more bunk and Swarru fits the bill.
The first sentence is:

and then ...

anthropomorphic = the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities
Anthropomorphism is a literary device that attributes human characteristics to non-human entities, like animals and plants, or inanimate objects, like stars or machines. Writers commonly use anthropomorphism in fairy tales, fables, and other types of stories.

What are some examples of anthropomorphism?​

Examples of anthropomorphism are Disney characters, like Mickey and Minnie Mouse or the candlestick, teapot, and clock in Beauty and the Beast; the animals in George Orwell’s novella Animal Farm; and brand mascots, like Cheetos’ Chester Cheetah.
Or like Yogi bear stealing a picinic basket.

And in some cases attributing an actual behavior of and actual animal as being like a human behavior.

So are the anthropomorphic Lyrians as a race cartoon characters or 2nd density animals? We don't usually refer to Asians or Caucasians or Black Africans or Native Americans as an anthropomorphic race. Living beings of supposed equal advancement are not usually referred to in this way. You can nitpick and so can I but the point is the site uses all kinds of weird words that don't make normal sense. You can just keep reading with the flow of their words but then you go What? What is that? I can't overlook the nonsense.
Anthropomorphism is a literary device that attributes human characteristics to non-human entities, like animals and plants, or inanimate objects, like stars or machines. Writers commonly use anthropomorphism in fairy tales, fables, and other types of stories.

Anthropomorphism is more than a literary device. It can also be like projection - where one projects their own inner state onto 1D and 2D. It can be quite unfair to 2D in particular because it expects a level of consciousness where it's extremely unlikely to develop. For example, many pets are subject to anthropomorphism.
"the anthropomorphic Lyrians", just more weird crazy nonsense with big sounding words thrown in.

Greek ánthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος, lit. "human") and morphē (μορφή, "form")

"anthropomorphic Lyrians" = "Lyrians who have a human form", which simply means that they 'look like humans'.
Just to make it clear:
I make no judgment as to the authenticity of the swauruu material. But if you criticize something, you should also take the trouble to analyze it emotionless before.
I think I mentioned it before, and this whole swaruu phenomenon has the taste of a work of fiction, that is stimulating enough and it keeps people hooked for that reason. There's nothing wrong with a work of fiction, people have made careers out of talking about fictional worlds, such as Star Wars, but the really bothering aspect of it is their continued claims to it being a reality.

At least they also make it explicitly free to consider everything as fiction...


Of course, you can also call that a particularly treacherous form of 'New Age COINTELPRO' if you like...
Yes, maybe reasonable, to an extent, but most everything said in this particular transcript has been said in many other places for years or decades in many other sites. And you mention that the excerpt: "don't worry about monster solar flares and stray asteroids either." is in line with cass, when the C's transcripts early on talk about cyclical catastrophe and cometary bombardment and our own research shows this is a very real concern, from the extinction of the dinosaurs, to the proposed explosion of Kantek, to the cometary Venus events, to the Younger Dryas, to the Dark Ages bombardment over Europe.

Then the material that seems to be unique to this site seems just whacked out. Like the black goo transcript and like this one about history: __Swaruu.

Where we have this:

"400,000 races of human-like beings, lived in peace, and therefore did not know how to defend themselves."

"There was a Lyrian colony living in peace on Earth, in a high frequency advanced holographic society,"

Later they are - "the anthropomorphic Lyrians", just more weird crazy nonsense with big sounding words thrown in.

Go ahead and keep digging heinrich but try to look at the glaring nonsense also and attempt to keep in mind how can a mind justify the utter nonsense with the supposed reasonable that is not unique to the site. I myself cannot look past the utter nonsense because they may have some paragraphs that are similar to information that many other sites have also put forward over the last couple of decades.

thanks for your reaction.
(L) There are some questions that have been asked about what sort of humanoid types may have originated in Lyra. I realize that Lyra is a constellation, and not a planet, but this person states: "apparently all of the human race comes from Lyra."

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, there is a lot of information out there along this line. Billy Meier even makes this claim. This person says "The human race did not originally exist in Lyra; it came from some other galaxy, but first began to evolve in our galaxy in the Lyran system."

A: Closer.
They basically accord here, starting at 4:53min:

At least they also make it explicitly free to consider everything as fiction...
Well, that's good.

And does it bother anyone else that they're using the image of such a young girl in their videos and on their websites? Take a look at their banner here: Swaruu

That is called clickbait, a group of attractive young girls (some definitely too young to be honest) is really an extraterrestrial that you can get in contact with... it's creepy.
At the beginning of Robert and Gosia's "contact" with these supposed entities, I was interested in seeing their videos and the information that was being released, and I even tried to contact Gosia when they were coming to Chile, and to be able to compare some issues, especially regarding to the subject of tobacco and Laura and the Cassiopeia Experiment in general, and I even had a receptive but brief response on social networks from Gosia, which coincided with a strange and "lucid" dream in which I argued with her, I don't remember what that was what we were discussing, I only remember that Gosia was angry (well, and so was I) and we both turned around and stopped talking, curiously this also coincided with the fact that in the end they would not come to Chile on the advice of these supposed entities.

I continued watching some of their videos for a while longer, but finally the delirious salad of information and contradictions led me to conclude that they were 4D SAS entities, like many or most of those contacted.
At the beginning of Robert and Gosia's "contact" with these supposed entities, I was interested in seeing their videos and the information that was being released, and I even tried to contact Gosia when they were coming to Chile, and to be able to compare some issues, especially regarding to the subject of tobacco and Laura and the Cassiopeia Experiment in general, and I even had a receptive but brief response on social networks from Gosia, which coincided with a strange and "lucid" dream in which I argued with her, I don't remember what that was what we were discussing, I only remember that Gosia was angry (well, and so was I) and we both turned around and stopped talking, curiously this also coincided with the fact that in the end they would not come to Chile on the advice of these supposed entities.

I continued watching some of their videos for a while longer, but finally the delirious salad of information and contradictions led me to conclude that they were 4D SAS entities, like many or most of those contacted.

thank you for this information
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