The Force is Strong With This One
This idea was popularized by the church, and is commonly called the big-bang theory or the ever-expanding theory, but I ask you Carl - what part of the bovine kingdom is constantly expanding? Are elephants so prolific they threaten the viability of the entire planet? What about deer? Or antelope? Or tigers or trees? These populations remain in symbiosis with the natural world. All populations remain in balance with the natural world - all except ours.a living system/universe which always seeks progress and expansion over "time"
Population, which is to say incarnation cannot be driven from 'the other side'. The disincarnate soul can't possibly cause incarnation to occur. This is not beyond us. We just need to think it through: Humans ovulate with a perfectly regular frequency. Our organs drive the process that results in a soul being drawn to Earth every 28 days. With every moon (every month) a new soul is drawn into each living vessel, and there are billions of organs carrying trillions of future vessels walking around at this point in 'time'.
Vessels within vessels - that's what we are. My mother was a vessel. Her ovary was a vessel, and my ova was/is the vessel this soul continues to occupy. Within me is another vessel containing hundreds more vessels which will depart with the frequency of a mechanical timepiece, but I am not a machine! There is something very wrong with this whole entire picture.
Which comes first, Carl - the race car or the driver? Mechanics and pit crews begin working at the track while the driver is still asleep at the hotel, for there's no need to summon an operator until the vehicle (vessel) is ready to roll. Once everything is primed and oiled, warmed up and ready to go - the driver and vessel merge to become one. The driver doesn't choose the timing, we merely respond to a greater power.
It seems to me that a new soul is drawn into flesh every time a new vehicle hits the fallopian track, but the soul doesn't become fully 'functional' or 'awake' unless touched by the masculine 'spark' or 'catalyst'. That doesn't make these 'sleeping souls' any less valuable or precious than souls who receive the spark of 'life'. If anything they are more so.
They represent the epitome of vulnerability. They have no way to return to celestia, which means they remain trapped 'here' somehow, and we have no idea how 'many' there are, but if we do the math it's easy to see that for every soul who's ever walked the Earth, dozens if not hundreds of times more became trapped by the monthly passage. You and I will live and die - and that's our ticket back to celestia or the other side or whatever you want to call it. The souls I speak of have no way to return. This imbues us with an inconceivable level of responsibility. If we don't speak and act on their behalf, who will?