Is there something about us the Lizzies/grays are jealous of?

After reading all the threads of varying discourses, some thoughts came to my mind:

(1) Is is possible that the lizzies really do have a very good (although maybe not complete?) handle on controlling or influencing which "spirit, soul, or entity" can enter the body or 'vessel' of their choosing? So, if this is true, what's to prevent them from removing an entity from a live and active body and replacing it with another and taking the former and placing it elsewhere? Have we seen reports where humans all of a sudden become another person? Reminds me of "The many faces of Eve" story.

(2) Are we STS simply because we need eat foods to sustain our present bodies? Is there any other way to sustain the body and somehow retain ourselves as 3D STO? Was it "manna" that was supposed to be the proper food that allows us to remain STO since we don't feed on others against their free will or again, what food is available?

(3) My understanding about suicide is that IMHO may not be recommended by the C's because we are not allowed to take shortcuts in our learning path, and in doing so may reincarnate you back into 3D again to (re)learn these lessons. (C's: All is lessons and NO SHORTCUTS ALLOWED!)
I don't think it's about allowed or not allowed, I just think it is naturally the way it is - that there simply are no shortcuts, not that they're not allowed, since no one is in authority to allow or not allow anything, osit.
It is my understanding that in what is described as "the Golden Age," humans were provided complete sustenance: The climate was so benevolent, they did not have to find shelter; they didn't have to till the soil or hunt, etc. So would "manna" be a type of energy food which sustained humans -- an energy force similar to that which moved megaliths?

Ever since we have lived in a 3D (physical) existence, we seem to have to physically sustain our bodies: hunt, fish, till the soil. In physical existence, then, humans are "set up" to have to compete for physical resources.

When you have competition, then you have the beginnings of hierarchial structures based on inequalities.
Laura said:
Also, it seems that the individuals that I think are very likely OPs are VERY sympathetic to animals - sometimes moreso than to humans.

So, just some observations.
Through my work very often I am involved with people who run or are involved with animal charity organisations, animal rescues etc.
And as a rule I was many times astonished with obvious disproportion these people display when it comes to human interaction.
Even before I read this comment by Laura I was sort of contemplating the same thing all along
Arcadia said:
Are some Orions STO's ?
Probably you know it, but in case you have forgotten, let me remind you:

Rule: "Every rule has exceptions. Even this rule."
Thanks Ark. The way I understand Divine Law its about how we wield it. As I see it the saga will end in a synchromesh of irony.

Take care

dant said:
(1) Is is possible that the lizzies really do have a very good (although maybe not complete?) handle on controlling or influencing which "spirit, soul, or entity" can enter the body or 'vessel' of their choosing? So, if this is true, what's to prevent them from removing an entity from a live and active body and replacing it with another and taking the former and placing it elsewhere? Have we seen reports where humans all of a sudden become another person? Reminds me of "The many faces of Eve" story.
I think they are called "walk-ins".
Arcadia said:
Thanks Ark. The way I understand Divine Law its about how we wield it.
What is "Divine Law"? Where did you read about it, and why did you believe what was written?
ark said:
Arcadia said:
Thanks Ark. The way I understand Divine Law its about how we wield it.
What is "Divine Law"? Where did you read about it, and why did you believe what was written?
Hi Ark,

I see it written in and out and about all things manifested and unmanifested. I would describe divine law as abiding truth and understanding that comes from a more direct presence of God and those who also are of like nature. Perhaps it can be described as consciousness. It comes from being in direct communication or presence of pure consciouness and of whatever nature that is acutually. Perfect contrast provides perfect reflection. It is difficult to use our spoken language to describe it as it doesnt provide a wide enough context base for it. But that is also the divine law. For example, one can not be taught love they have to embrase it by its very presence. One can not mandate love. Love has its own laws and is governed by itself and doesnt require oppostion to fully be. So by the very virture of love it must be embrased. Like wise with consciousness. It will never be understood enough to be abiding until we are in its presence and we embrase it.

All things of whatever density is the word of God made manifest. Everything is the spoken word or vibe or sound whether direct or indirect. There is a common pool or void if you will of pure virgin law or divine principle that is eternal and ever present. I call it Fathers tool box. It is eternal and some may call it predestination. Life is sound if you will. Free will then would be any of us wielding such principles. We have the free will to wield intent for example. That doesnt change the nature of the original word or life or love or commandment. Here is an example. I asked Jesus once what truth was and He told me it is simply there after all lies are taken out of the way. It simply is. Consciouness I would describe as the pure abiding nature of love and mind or being.

The nature of law for example is such that as soon as understanding is realized for someone and if those things are dictated to another for obedience then that abiding understanding or realization takes on a different nature for the one who is "playing God". Which is good news. The nature of life is intended and designed naturally for individual realization as every part is a unique aspect of the All. So it would be naturally lawfull for the mandate of love to fail for anyones own protection of divine purpose.

I'm sorry if my explanation was long. But I try my best to make myself clear so others can understand what direction I am comming from. Much of the time when our words are simple and few it is too easy to not see someone else perspective and only see our own word meanings. And although most of the time reading or hearing another speak is just for our own reflection sometimes we can understand something different by it or at least have a better understanding of someone else perspective to have a logical converstation that can be productive.

So in short then I would say that divine law is what governs the nature of life and love and is the very principle by which oppostion would be impossible nor necessary to maintain its (loves) existance. The divine law is such that all love sustains itself by maintainance free specs if you will. It would take some time to explain its workings if we take this further. But to put it in a concept for anyone to think about it is like this. The end of this saga will resovle itself into a synchromesh of irony. It is divine law or the governor of divine law that makes that perfectly so.

Thanks Ark ! And I'm listening...

Arcadiajeks said:
I asked Jesus once what truth was and He told me it is simply there after all lies are taken out of the way.
Jesus must be reading the same stuff I've been reading as I know that line already! Maybe he reads the Signs' pages. 8|

Are you one of those amazing near-god-people I need to look up to?
Fifth Way said:
Arcadiajeks said:
I asked Jesus once what truth was and He told me it is simply there after all lies are taken out of the way.
Jesus must be reading the same stuff I've been reading as I know that line already! Maybe he reads the Signs' pages. 8|

Are you one of those amazing near-god-people I need to look up to?
Sounds like the three of us then are in agreement...

Take care !
Fifth Way said:
Arcadiajeks said:
Sounds like the three of us then are in agreement...
I think that would be streching it...
Well, here is a thought. Lets say that the only thing that really happens is reflection. So then let say that those who have the intent to do someone ill can only bend or twist that reflection. If this is the case then are they working with a different mirror or are they just borrowing it? If they are only borrowing it then who or what is in control of the original mirror? What if control is by virture of the laws that govern it and by that its nature is prefectly preserved.
Arcadia said:
It is difficult to use our spoken language to describe it as it doesnt provide a wide enough context base for it.
I don't understand basically anything you just wrote. Is it because what you wrote makes no sense, or because it is above my cability to comprehend? All I see are nonsensical statements that, had I ascribed any meaning to them (and that requires a lot of imagination and stretching of my feeble brain to even imagine what they could possibly mean), all those statements instantly begin to contradict each other, which makes them even more senseless, in my mind.

Arcadia said:
For example, one can not be taught love they have to embrase it by its very presence.
No one cannot be taught what has no definition or meaning to begin with, except the meaning you 'ascribe' to it.
Arcadia said:
I asked Jesus once what truth was and He told me it is simply there after all lies are taken out of the way.
Then I'd say Jesus lied to you, ironically. If I say what is 2+2 and someone says the answer is "5" (a lie), and then you take that answer away, you still don't know the true answer, you still have to figure it out even in the absence of all the wrong answers. If you take away all the religions (the lies), it still won't tell you the true nature of reality, you just will have removed some of the "wrong" answers and go back to step 1 - question.

This is why this website has a dual purpose - expose the lies, and seek the truth. The former is accomplished by the latter. But sometimes when you don't know the truth, you can still figure out if something is a lie, so at the very least, you can still expose the lies. The process of elimination isn't so great because it assumes that the right answer already exists from the list of selectable answers - but most often in our world, ALL the answers we have to choose from are wrong! We have to find the right answer not among the list of presented choices, but elsewhere.

Arcadia said:
But I try my best to make myself clear so others can understand what direction I am comming from.
To me it seems like you're coming from lala land. Which is ok, most if not all of us come from there. But what is probably more important is what direction you're heading.

Arcadia said:
It would take some time to explain its workings if we take this further. But to put it in a concept for anyone to think about it is like this. The end of this saga will resovle itself into a synchromesh of irony. It is divine law or the governor of divine law that makes that perfectly so.
What do you mean explain? Where is any logic or data? I can't even call what you are saying a fairy tale because fairy tales at least make sense and have some point. Unless, as I said, I am not smart enough to understand what you say?
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