GTB said:
Yall speak as if you don't think you are STS. You speak as if you are special. You are STS.
Special in a subjective way, no. As the C's say, STS always thinks they are special, chosen, above others, etc. But this is a subjective self-gratifying illusion, nothing more. But here we're talking about an objective differentiation - those who have empathy and those who do not. Neither group is better or worse, both groups can be STS - but that doesn't mean that there's no difference between them, which is vital to SEE in order to progress.
Everytime you consume or feast, which most do 3 times a day, what are you eating? Yes you are eating other beings, although you don't realize it whatsoever. Yes they are 1st and 2nd density beings, but how do you think they perceive us? What if they had an internet forum talking about the evil STS humans?
There are many things we share with psychopaths: We eat, walk, talk, manipulate others, are mechanical, wishfully think, lie, and exhibit many other psychopathic traits. But this does not change the fact that there still exists a fundemental difference, 2 absolutely different kinds of people. So I think it's important to recognize that WE often behave just like psychopaths, but it is also just as important to recognize that there IS a difference, that there is potential for non-psychopaths to change fundementally, but there is no such potential for true psychopaths. So while we can work on ourselves, grow our higher centeres, our empathy, and serve others more and more in the process, psychopaths cannot - but they are experts at faking it, and that's as far as they go.
Lizzies are 4th density, there mathimatics/knowledge make us look like ants. There is really not even a comparison. They are not jealous of us LOL they implemented jealousy upon us for control, hence the mark of cain stated above. They feed off our negative emotions which is what jealousy causes. Are you jealous of cows before you take a bite out of one? No, you go MMMMMM, chomp chomp chomp. That is just how it is, deal with it, learn EVERYTHING you can, and we as a soul unit my thrive.
I also don't think that "jealousy" is the right word, but perhaps a slightly different sort of jealousy. For example, many people look at cows with a certain kind of "I wish my life was this easy" frame of mind. So our entropic side is always jealous of anyone whose existance is "easier" and who has more "pleasure" (entropic pleasure) by having "better" things or "better" life (from entropic perspective). But as almost anyone can attest, when you feel energetic and full of life, when you have a creative drive and desire to do something, sleep seems like the biggest waste of time in the world, and is the furthest thing from your mind - even if you feel sleepy. So although we do not get the comfortable feeling of sleep, we may not have the money or the "hot girl" or the "hot guy" like someone else, we don't care at all because we feel very happy just doing what we're doing, just happy and thankful for the opportunity to explore the wonders of life and creation - we are not even thinking about posession or physical self-gratification, we're too busy creating to worry about that stuff. So perhaps the lizzies are jealous of anyone who can achieve that sort of unconditional type of happiness. Then again, although we may experience this from time to time, as a general rule, our society is very very conditional, superficial, and materialistic. Happiness is always put into a box of strict conditions and so it becomes "artificial happiness" just like the means to achieve it are entirely artifical, transitory, and as such, fake.
And in order to feel REAL happiness we must give up those artificial illusions and restrictions, we must surrender our constant desire for materialistic self-gratification, etc. I brought up the example of an eye allergy earlier - the more you scratch it, the more it will itch. To your body it makes no sense at all that in order to make it stop itching, you have to stop scratching. So the urge is to continue to scratch, as it gets worse and worse and itches more and more. So maybe STS are basically constantly scratching the itch in order to get that temporary boost of gratification, which is always followed by more and more itching and they have to scratch even more the next time to get that "fix" they want. STO managed to beat their mechanical urge to scratch with a conscious decision to STOP IT, and their itch disappeared as a result, bringing relief - a permanent relief. Perhaps this is also why the C's said that once you become 4th density STO, there is no turning back. I guess when you discover true and unconditional happiness, then all the STS efforts to get that next temporary "fix" appear entirely silly, senseless, and only self-destructive.
This is the only thing I can think of that lizzies might be jealous of - that happiness that they are constantly after but cannot ever get until they stop being STS, which seems entirely counter-intuitive and makes no sense to them. Then again, their own wishful thinking may be so powerful and blinding, that they may not even realise that STO is perfectly content and unconditionally happy with their state of existance, and so they may actually be jealous not of STO but of other STS that simply have it "better" (possess better/more things). I think the catch 22 here is that in order to get that STO happiness, we must first stop wanting happiness in the first place, stop WANTING anythiing for "self" and simply BE STO without anticipation/expectation of any sort of reward (like happiness). So in other words, we *become* happy by simply being and giving, it's not something that we "earn" or is "given" to us at any point as any kind of reward for any action we might perform. And that might be one of the hardest things ever to actually achieve. In another sense, it's actually the easiest thing in the world to achieve, simply because the happiness is then simply a natural part of our being - it is much more difficult for STS to achieve their fix by constantly acquiring more control/power/stuff. So I guess it's not "achieved" as much as we would become it.
Actually this thought process kinda reminds me of what Laura said about the creative energy, that STS seeks to master it, but STO simply "fuses with it" in a sense, lets the creative energy work through it. I guess happiness is then the same thing, STS seeks to "master" it, to GET it and FIND it and try to retain/maintain/control it, while STO simply becomes it, it just "is".
But I wonder if jealousy even extends to 4th density. Obviously it exists as a concept there, since they knew enough to make us have it - so they must understand what it is. But does this understanding simply come from study of 3rd density life, or is it because at a certain level it also exists on 4th density?
Just some thoughts.