Is there something about us the Lizzies/grays are jealous of?

anart said:
I wonder if a complete mental breakdown could be considered 'death' - he would be destroyed and removed from office that way as well..........I think I'm grasping for any possibility other than the very very gruesome one that Lucy brought up.
I 'imagine' anything is possible, including a "mental breakdown." I'm wondering just how "many" ways there are to die? Many of them could seem "gruesome" to us, I suppose. Whatever, from the hints the C's have given, it doesnt bode well for us, osit.
Lucy said:
anart said:
I wonder if a complete mental breakdown could be considered 'death' - he would be destroyed and removed from office that way as well..........I think I'm grasping for any possibility other than the very very gruesome one that Lucy brought up.
I 'imagine' anything is possible, including a "mental breakdown." I'm wondering just how "many" ways there are to die? Many of them could seem "gruesome" to us, I suppose. Whatever, from the hints the C's have given, it doesnt bode well for us, osit.
Hmmm....I just came across this entry from the old forum that brings up "Congestive dementia.... Pre-senile dementia"...and Bush. Could that be another form of 'death'?

The Swamps of Eugnosia

Words of great import from the Resident of the White House in the United States of Pathocracy:

"I know the American people will be impressed,

just like I have been impressed and a lot of other members of the Senate have been impressed.

And my hope, of course, is that the [uh]

the American people will be impressed by the process.

It's very important that members of the Senate [uh]

conduct a dignified hearing.

The Supreme Court is a dignified body; Sam is a dignified person. And [uh]

my hope, of course, is that the Senate [uh]

bring dignity to the process

and give this man a fair hearing

and an up or down vote on the Senate floor."

Sings the Magus to an old refrain,

"Dear, dear, what can the matter be?
Oh, dear. What can the matter be?
Dear, dear, what can the matter be?
George grows more halt every year."

"September 18, 2004—In a letter to the editor of Atlantic Monthly's, October 2004 issue, Joseph M. Price, M.D. of Carsonville, Michigan, comments that James Fallows' July/August Atlantic article on John Kerry's debating skills ("When George Meets John"), "was interesting, but most remarkable was Fallows's documentation of President [sic] Bush's mostly overlooked changes over the past decade—specifically 'the striking decline in his sentence-by-sentence speaking skills.|..|

The doctor. goes on to say, 'Slowly developing cognitive deficits, as demonstrated so clearly by the President [sic], can represent only one diagnosis, and that is 'presenile dementia'! Presenile dementia is best described to nonmedical persons as a fairly typical Alzheimer's situation that develops significantly earlier in life, well before what is usually considered old age."

Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski writes, in his book POLITICAL PONEROLOGY, recounting the experience of his last arrest by his government's secret police, in 1968, "At that time, I knew not only that up to 1/4 of all secret police officials wind up in psychiatric hospitals. I also knew that their 'occupational disease' is the congestive type of dementia formerly encountered only among old prostitutes. Man cannot violate the natural human feelings inside him with impunity, no matter what kind of profession he performs."

"|..|the congestive type of dementia formerly encountered only among old prostitutes."

Congestive dementia.... Pre-senile dementia.
"'Same thing', says Pooh." A. A. Milne, HOUSE AT POOH CORNERS.

Shall we thus bid a farewell to George W. Bush, presiditute in thief of a twice stolen nation? Whatever he might have been there is little to nothing left of him now.

Ah, good friends, how more perfect a figurehead, how truer a puppet than this can there be?

Behold, gentle people, the man who is but the curtain behind which the Evil Magicians are hiding themselves. And they bid you, loudly, distractingly too, not to See them there at all, my dears. But, if 'tis not dear, sweet "W" running the show, who, or whom, then might it actually be?

Entry No: 4026 | Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2006, 3:27am
Perhaps the Evil Magicians have many tricks and treats they can choose from? Once again we are reminded that W is merely a puppet in the hands of those behind the curtain.


I don't like devils, they vex me and are most unpleasant. ~Rabelais
Are they jealous of us?

Could be more need something you have as realised cant survive without the connection to prime source, so are jealous of your power and want to harness it for own purposes, there is many that have such plans.

could imagine a scenario where the reptilian souls early in this cycle, after their initial ‘creation’, following the fragmenting of the all including divine energy source, quickly became the most advanced souls on the universal block and thus developed (as individual souls) just as quickly the self-image of superiority. That idea of superiority, at that specific point in the cycle, may have been responsible for cutting themselves off the divine energy source (being STE = service to everything).

Another possibility is there creator never allowed them to have souls and simply created them as servants and conditioned there way of thinking through training there minds, they simply have a group mind linked to there original creator which may have seperated itself from prime source and feeds its own power through its minions which feed of humans and other such races which still contain connection to prime source through soul. 'wonders why gods want worship ;)'.

The question I'm trying to understand is, would there be STO without empathy as a driving force? What is it that makes somebody care about somebody else, what is this "empathy" thing? Perhaps I am looking at it wrong as well, perhaps empathy is not a "driving force" that leads to STO, but perhaps it is inseparable from STO, it is simply part of the definition itself, not a cause.

Cause may be love, love may be option present within all connected to prime source that is only realised when one has aquired enough knowledge to bring the realisation, so as one awakens more to themselfs the empathy abilitys activate more because of the understanding that everything is part of self 'one big family "shame there is divisions"' but choice is a deciding factor.

but when you hear about how a husband walked out on his wife on their anniversary, it takes some imagination to "get" that the wife suffered very cruelly.

Could also be part of the lesson perhaps there was reason for it happening perhaps it was so that both could be open to exploring new paths was it not a struggling situation with you Laura and much hardship which opened doors for you to meet Ark are you not now 2 full circles interconnected forming 8 which is while horizontal infinity "meaning a equal exchange of interconnecting energys, lifetime success rate is 99%" 'as new agers call it soulmates' so is it more about how one responds too it that creates the amount of suffering one feels more than the event itself?

but it is agreed about feeling ones emotional and psychological stress, saying this imagine the earth as a grid and every person with soul is connected to it and every emotional and psychological pain one has ever felt is felt by it, now look at this worlds state at present and imagine amount of stress that places on the earth, thoses who may have intuned into the earths vibrations may feel what she is feeling and understand fully the situation mankind is within.

personally to exsist in this realm this world at this vibration is a stress on its own for those who knew what bliss was, because to those who may have come from higher plains for this war, this world is already hell to them it comes to keeping a balance within the emotional and psychology centres.

Q: (L) Were they afraid of Christ?
A: Yes. Because of his knowledge. The mass of his knowledge
raised his vibrations. Knowledge is truly power

Religions put faith in that if they believe in Jesus they are saved but will not listen if you tell them it wasnt him that the salvation comes from it was what he was trying to show mankind through his knowledge, I have personally spoken to ministers and such about such things and they fully deny it, I tell them through knowledge jesus offered you you can do everything he could in his lifetime because you are as he part of the divine family, they deny this and seperate God like it is a all powerful tyrant that punishes if dont listen 'sure there is entites which think this way' but first prime does not only time a punish ever happens is from a justified karma resolve based on actions of individual, that just part of nature without it we would have chaos a order must be maintained to keep balance.

Of course this is wishful thinking because you cannot do something without first knowing the necessary preliminaries. So basically this is trying to get free lunch - you want the lunch, which is a true understanding or a true ability, but you don't wanna know how to cook it (bother putting in any effort and try to figure out how it really works), because cooking is hard. So you try to do it the easy way of course, pretend!

When you touching such a topic such as those who wishful think it is more those who actually ignore even thou evidence is present and wishful think own little reality up, isnt so much about knowing necessary preliminaries because you are not considering 'incarnation' which suggests you have had previous lifes were you have aquired knowledge does it not, so were does this knowledge go? what if its possible to access previous lifes knowledge and bring it forward into the present so therefore you know things without having to learn it again, what if sometimes studying awakens memorys connected to previous lifetimes in same fields so what if aquiring knowledge this lifetime is a steping stone to awakening past lifetimes knowledge as well? perhaps people are limited to only what have aquired this lifetime because they believe they are? I believe your ananology about getting free lunch is more towards the person does not have a inspiration to studie how it is done for is no interest in the topic.

My sharing of perception is only a optional view as always it is a offering and is for you to accept or deny.

ps; btw we are proud of you for opening new form of networking and allowing peoples perceptions to expand other form was creating much energys for the enermys to feed on to much focus in dramas no spiritual growth was occuring :(, you learn from your mistakes it is good took sometime but time is only illusion anyway ;), we have notice your centres are becoming more balanced this is good, in transcripts which was only form we had to identify your energys you had much imbalance and it was concerning.

plz be aware and we want to show all of you this when one speak even if electronic there is a energy signiture which you can pick there emotional/psychological states out of this is form of empathy which develops as you progress your own vibrations by acqusition of knowledge specifically spiritual knowledge as your vibrations do grow you will noticed a physical affect to yourself you will feel lighter and with physical eyes you will begin to see auras if you are already a ascended being you will see a bright white inner aura with silver and golden light this means you were in union with prime source before and are sent here from necessarity for part in divine plan, you will also feel vibrations flowing through body and a electromagnetic force which will become easier to work with, the outer auras reflect your current emotional state the inner is your spiritual reflection how much you have acquired in light quotant 'knowledge', it is not just in the words it is the energy behind the words one should learn to read "for in begining there was the Word 'vibrations'". such knowledge can also help you identify those who are attacking you and learn to protect yourself from such forms of attack.

you most likely will be curious why sometimes I speak as we because I kinda have awakened to my omipresent self and sometimes myself speaks through me like a networked mind of millions of beings.
GTB said:
Yall speak as if you don't think you are STS. You speak as if you are special. You are STS.
Special in a subjective way, no. As the C's say, STS always thinks they are special, chosen, above others, etc. But this is a subjective self-gratifying illusion, nothing more. But here we're talking about an objective differentiation - those who have empathy and those who do not. Neither group is better or worse, both groups can be STS - but that doesn't mean that there's no difference between them, which is vital to SEE in order to progress.

Everytime you consume or feast, which most do 3 times a day, what are you eating? Yes you are eating other beings, although you don't realize it whatsoever. Yes they are 1st and 2nd density beings, but how do you think they perceive us? What if they had an internet forum talking about the evil STS humans?
There are many things we share with psychopaths: We eat, walk, talk, manipulate others, are mechanical, wishfully think, lie, and exhibit many other psychopathic traits. But this does not change the fact that there still exists a fundemental difference, 2 absolutely different kinds of people. So I think it's important to recognize that WE often behave just like psychopaths, but it is also just as important to recognize that there IS a difference, that there is potential for non-psychopaths to change fundementally, but there is no such potential for true psychopaths. So while we can work on ourselves, grow our higher centeres, our empathy, and serve others more and more in the process, psychopaths cannot - but they are experts at faking it, and that's as far as they go.

Lizzies are 4th density, there mathimatics/knowledge make us look like ants. There is really not even a comparison. They are not jealous of us LOL they implemented jealousy upon us for control, hence the mark of cain stated above. They feed off our negative emotions which is what jealousy causes. Are you jealous of cows before you take a bite out of one? No, you go MMMMMM, chomp chomp chomp. That is just how it is, deal with it, learn EVERYTHING you can, and we as a soul unit my thrive.
I also don't think that "jealousy" is the right word, but perhaps a slightly different sort of jealousy. For example, many people look at cows with a certain kind of "I wish my life was this easy" frame of mind. So our entropic side is always jealous of anyone whose existance is "easier" and who has more "pleasure" (entropic pleasure) by having "better" things or "better" life (from entropic perspective). But as almost anyone can attest, when you feel energetic and full of life, when you have a creative drive and desire to do something, sleep seems like the biggest waste of time in the world, and is the furthest thing from your mind - even if you feel sleepy. So although we do not get the comfortable feeling of sleep, we may not have the money or the "hot girl" or the "hot guy" like someone else, we don't care at all because we feel very happy just doing what we're doing, just happy and thankful for the opportunity to explore the wonders of life and creation - we are not even thinking about posession or physical self-gratification, we're too busy creating to worry about that stuff. So perhaps the lizzies are jealous of anyone who can achieve that sort of unconditional type of happiness. Then again, although we may experience this from time to time, as a general rule, our society is very very conditional, superficial, and materialistic. Happiness is always put into a box of strict conditions and so it becomes "artificial happiness" just like the means to achieve it are entirely artifical, transitory, and as such, fake.

And in order to feel REAL happiness we must give up those artificial illusions and restrictions, we must surrender our constant desire for materialistic self-gratification, etc. I brought up the example of an eye allergy earlier - the more you scratch it, the more it will itch. To your body it makes no sense at all that in order to make it stop itching, you have to stop scratching. So the urge is to continue to scratch, as it gets worse and worse and itches more and more. So maybe STS are basically constantly scratching the itch in order to get that temporary boost of gratification, which is always followed by more and more itching and they have to scratch even more the next time to get that "fix" they want. STO managed to beat their mechanical urge to scratch with a conscious decision to STOP IT, and their itch disappeared as a result, bringing relief - a permanent relief. Perhaps this is also why the C's said that once you become 4th density STO, there is no turning back. I guess when you discover true and unconditional happiness, then all the STS efforts to get that next temporary "fix" appear entirely silly, senseless, and only self-destructive.

This is the only thing I can think of that lizzies might be jealous of - that happiness that they are constantly after but cannot ever get until they stop being STS, which seems entirely counter-intuitive and makes no sense to them. Then again, their own wishful thinking may be so powerful and blinding, that they may not even realise that STO is perfectly content and unconditionally happy with their state of existance, and so they may actually be jealous not of STO but of other STS that simply have it "better" (possess better/more things). I think the catch 22 here is that in order to get that STO happiness, we must first stop wanting happiness in the first place, stop WANTING anythiing for "self" and simply BE STO without anticipation/expectation of any sort of reward (like happiness). So in other words, we *become* happy by simply being and giving, it's not something that we "earn" or is "given" to us at any point as any kind of reward for any action we might perform. And that might be one of the hardest things ever to actually achieve. In another sense, it's actually the easiest thing in the world to achieve, simply because the happiness is then simply a natural part of our being - it is much more difficult for STS to achieve their fix by constantly acquiring more control/power/stuff. So I guess it's not "achieved" as much as we would become it.

Actually this thought process kinda reminds me of what Laura said about the creative energy, that STS seeks to master it, but STO simply "fuses with it" in a sense, lets the creative energy work through it. I guess happiness is then the same thing, STS seeks to "master" it, to GET it and FIND it and try to retain/maintain/control it, while STO simply becomes it, it just "is".

But I wonder if jealousy even extends to 4th density. Obviously it exists as a concept there, since they knew enough to make us have it - so they must understand what it is. But does this understanding simply come from study of 3rd density life, or is it because at a certain level it also exists on 4th density?

Just some thoughts.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
This is the only thing I can think of that lizzies might be jealous of - that happiness that they are constantly after but cannot ever get until they stop being STS, which seems entirely counter-intuitive and makes no sense to them. Then again, their own wishful thinking may be so powerful and blinding, that they may not even realise that STO is perfectly content and unconditionally happy with their state of existance, and so they may actually be jealous not of STO but of other STS that simply have it "better" (possess better/more things). I think the catch 22 here is that in order to get that STO happiness, we must first stop wanting happiness in the first place, stop WANTING anythiing for "self" and simply BE STO without anticipation/expectation of any sort of reward (like happiness). So in other words, we *become* happy by simply being and giving, it's not something that we "earn" or is "given" to us at any point as any kind of reward for any action we might perform. And that might be one of the hardest things ever to actually achieve. In another sense, it's actually the easiest thing in the world to achieve, simply because the happiness is then simply a natural part of our being - it is much more difficult for STS to achieve their fix by constantly acquiring more control/power/stuff. So I guess it's not "achieved" as much as we would become it.
I agree. I also think the ability to decide to stop to 'itch' represents something fundamental: Freedom. When I look at a mustang (rather than a cow) I do envy its freedom. I am sure the Lizzy that grows the humans for food doesn't feel much about that 'meal' but I could imagine that there is some jealousy involved when that Lizzy looks at humans that make his live hard because of their unpredictable crazy (and creatively free) choices.

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Actually this thought process kinda reminds me of what Laura said about the creative energy, that STS seeks to master it, but STO simply "fuses with it" in a sense, lets the creative energy work through it. I guess happiness is then the same thing, STS seeks to "master" it, to GET it and FIND it and try to retain/maintain/control it, while STO simply becomes it, it just "is".
It reminds me of Ayn Rand, writer of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrug", categorizing people in Creators and Secondhanders. The Creators, representing 5% of the population, are the people who think with their own heads and make judgments and decisions based of their own knowledge while the Secondhaders, the rest of the population, make decisions based on what there assume other people would like them to make as decisions in the hope to receive appreciation or any kind of other advantage. The Secondhander on the one hand loves the Creator for his obvious independence and advanced disposition, on the other hands he hates and envies him as he constantly reminds him of his own shortcomings, thus he will perpetually try to corrupt the Creator to bring him down to his own level which is the only thing that makes him feel good about himself again. "See, what did I tell you, he/she is not that great/special after all!"

Trying to completely control this planet before the 4D shift occurs could be interoperated as bringing this potentially creative and free planet DOWN to the limitation of a total control system. So yes, jealousy could be a motive.

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
But I wonder if jealousy even extends to 4th density
I think so. As STS and STO is not limited to a density/dimension, jealousy may not either.
John said:
Another possibility is there creator never allowed them to have souls and simply created them as servants and conditioned there way of thinking through training there minds, they simply have a group mind linked to there original creator which may have seperated itself from prime source and feeds its own power through its minions which feed of humans and other such races which still contain connection to prime source through soul.
Intersting thought and quite possible.

John or somebody note quoted said:
The question I'm trying to understand is, would there be STO without empathy as a driving force? What is it that makes somebody care about somebody else, what is this "empathy" thing?
I think when one still is connected to the God-Source (for a lack of a better word) one is connected to all that the God-Source is connected to. One cares about somebody else because one can actually feel the pain.
The podcast on excorcism: That entity wanted "the heart".
ScioAgapeOmnis has expressed it quite accuratelly: The Heart. Our "juice" of life, the innocence (child like) of non-anticipation. The nobleness of our thoughts and of our wishes for the others, conveyed through our eyes, crystal clear and tender. The tone of our voice. The tone of our thoughts.... soft, human, comprehensive for your feelings and your sufferings and your happyness and your longings... This "core" through the which or about the which we do fall in love for another person, by instance -the WHAT which we get to miss of that person... even after years of absence.
Such a "WHAT" is what inspires us, by instance, to perform this or that utterly STO action: "Oh I will surprize him/her with a nice dinner for when he/she comes home!", etc.
The heart.
And, under 4D-STS influence, is not PRECISELY THIS what results destroyed?
Thats what they want. Flyes attracted to that fire (inner fire). Do they have to extinguish it to get to the bone? Or they stare at it, like imbeciles, not understanding why "one can actually feel the pain"?
BTW, when the C's say there are many ways to die, an accident or suicide are the means which are left over, imho.
Cricket said:
The podcast on excorcism: That entity wanted "the heart".
ScioAgapeOmnis has expressed it quite accuratelly: The Heart. Our "juice" of life, the innocence (child like) of non-anticipation. The nobleness of our thoughts and of our wishes for the others, conveyed through our eyes, crystal clear and tender. The tone of our voice. The tone of our thoughts.... soft, human, comprehensive for your feelings and your sufferings and your happyness and your longings... This "core" through the which or about the which we do fall in love for another person, by instance -the WHAT which we get to miss of that person... even after years of absence.
Such a "WHAT" is what inspires us, by instance, to perform this or that utterly STO action: "Oh I will surprize him/her with a nice dinner for when he/she comes home!", etc.
The heart.
And, under 4D-STS influence, is not PRECISELY THIS what results destroyed?
Thats what they want. Flyes attracted to that fire (inner fire). Do they have to extinguish it to get to the bone? Or they stare at it, like imbeciles, not understanding why "one can actually feel the pain"?
Wouldn't they underestimate its power since they can't really experiemce or 'know' of it themselves? I can see why to them it woud appear to be a defect, or weakness, while to us it is the one thing (that place where we draw the final line?) we will continue to fight to retain. If for no other reason they would want to destroy it because they see its importance to us, that we value it even if only unconsciously. If they can destroy it, we having nothing left to fight with. So, they may not fully understand 'why' that is, but instead just understand on some level that that's the way it works?

joeshmoe said:
BTW, when the C's say there are many ways to die, an accident or suicide are the means which are left over, imho.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "left over."

Lucy said:
joeshmoe said:
BTW, when the C's say there are many ways to die, an accident or suicide are the means which are left over, imho.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "left over."

What I mean is that illness and assisination have already been ruled out.
That's an interesting take on it, Joes - when I heard the C's say that (read that the C's had said that), my mind went to a completely symbolic place. What I mean is that I thought they were using the word 'die' to mean something more than or different from physical death. I suppose that, ultimately, we shall see what they meant, but it's worth considering.
anart said:
That's an interesting take on it, Joes - when I heard the C's say that (read that the C's had said that), my mind went to a completely symbolic place. What I mean is that I thought they were using the word 'die' to mean something more than or different from physical death. I suppose that, ultimately, we shall see what they meant, but it's worth considering.
That's interesting because I was thinking accident, suicide, or just disappearance. Although I think suicide is highly unlikely unless it's one of those fake suicides, which would make it assassination in a way. Accident is probably the most likely of the all the non-symbolic types.

Disappearance would be the most interesting I think...
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