Is what we do "important"?


FOTCM Member
Over the years, there have been many refs in the sessions to humanity as a whole and different groups and even individuals in terms of their importance for, or influence on, the future and how it manifests, the wave etc.

We have the idea here, I suppose, (and based on comments in the sessions) that what we are doing in terms of networking and sharing and Seeing etc. is important in some way for the future.

However, there is the following session from 2000 where it was suggested that what we do is not really that important, and that it's more about our own personal development. But then in a session from 2008 (and that's not the only one) it was said that we are "crucial to the successful outcome".

So I was wondering if anyone has thought about this and, if so, did you come to any conclusion about this apparent dichotomy.

17 Aug 2000

Q: Is it important for the information about the potential making new of everything and the awareness of the state of the planet as it is now, or the state of the universe, be shared and spread so that as many people as possible will be aware at the point of the arrival of the wave so that it makes it more likely that beneficial changes will occur, that the universe will change in a positive way? Or is that simply not even important. It will change the way it is going to change no matter what anybody does?

A: Closer to 2nd criterion.

Q: In other words, we are doing what we are doing, and it doesn't really matter what we are doing. The Wave will happen, everything will change, become new, and that's that?

A: What matters most is what others are doing, have done and will do.

Q: Who are these others that it matters most what they have done, are doing and will do?

A: Program rewriters, i.e. you and us in the future.

So, what we have done, what we are doing, what we will do - WE - is important? I think that I missed something. I thought you said that what we were doing simply didn't matter.

A: You are/will be others.

Q: Okay, how is what we are doing now helping or hindering this process?

A: No help/hinder, just is.

12 June 2008

A: Close. You must never forget that this is a real war at the deepest levels, a war for souls and the future. All of you here are crucial to the successful outcome. All sorts of ploys will be utilized to destroy your unity. This was begun at your births and includes early childhood torture at the hands of those most susceptible to control in your lives. This was intended to make dysfunctional traits that would interfere with the successful completion of your respective missions. It is a great challenge. But you knew it beforehand and were strengthened for the task.
This session of Ra (Law of One) can help.

There are not many who need the material that you develop, but it is there for those who need it.

It's a great service in my opinion.

Session 48
April 22, 1981

QUESTIONER: Only a few people attended my lecture yesterday. If it had been organized during a wave of UFO sightings, many more people would have attended. As the Orion entities cause these surges, what is their interest in visibility as they create increasing opportunities for the spread of information of this type at this time?
RA: I'm Ra. The starting assumption is wrong. The waves of sightings cause numerous fears among your population, many rumors, distrust related to plots, simulations, mutilations, massacres and other negative impressions. Even those supposedly positive reports that get popular attention speak of disastrous events. You yourselves can 128 Session 48 understand that you would be in a minority in terms of the concepts you wish to spread, so to speak.
There is another point we can raise. To a large extent, the audience for Orion-type advertising is not rich in vibrational priority. The public that receives teaching/learning without the stimulus of advertising will be much more oriented towards enlightenment. Therefore, forget the count.
Hello Joe, what this inspires me, it's quite short and I hope it won't be too simple: I would say, with the experience of networking and the information provided by the C's on our situation and the other densities, this can give us confidence in what is happening around us and within us, being all united in this faith in the process. We have the information, do your best and keep the faith, those are the words.
From what I understand through the sessions, it seems to me that there is a very close relationship between free will, anticipation, and our constant desire to alter the destiny of the universe, or rather of humanity.

This could mean that here on earth, we each have the choice to act or not, to do or not to do, and if we relate this to the excerpts from the sessions, then I would say that it is a call not to seek a specific goal for the future, nor a reward, but to work naturally without expectation in a grand process whose purpose we do not know, since we have only a grain of sand of understanding about how the universe works, and this implies moving forward with faith. There is a paradox in saying: you are very important for the future events in this world but you should not force yourself to do more than necessary because that would be trying to anticipate a favorable outcome for humanity and that is not what should be sought consciously and actively.

If we also look at the dates of the sessions, I would add that in 2000, the value of the C’s response might be a remark asking us to detach ourselves from any result, to let go of the desire to change the direction of humanity by wishing to do and achieve the "impossible". Conversely, in the 2008 session, the C’s give this response because in the meantime, we have learned that the pursuit of a result, thus anticipation, can be a barrier to what is good that the universe can put in place. It is a response that probably indicates that the work to be "done" appears naturally in front of us following a natural learning process, and consequently, we are free at any moment to do it or not. I sincerely think that between these two dates and this response from the C’s, there is an indication that a lesson has been learned, perhaps that of staying grounded in the present and facing what comes without worrying about the future because it will take care of us when the time comes. Just a few thoughts here, FWIW.
My first thought is that it is incredibly important in very practical terms in the sense that what you do benefits so many people, helping us become better people, and that benefit spreads to other people as we apply what we learn here in our lives.

On a second thought, reading the first session brings to mind that perhaps in the large scheme of things, in the end, what will be will be in the sense that maybe the people who have chosen to remain in a different path, will remain in that path and this work will only grow on 'fertile soil', so to speak. So, still, the work is incredibly important for those who have fertile soil to make it grow inside themselves but it might not change anything for those who have already chosen another path.

Now, again, I don't know why it is important for this to be important for the people who have this fertile soil, if that makes sense. I guess it can be something like: the universe needs people representing or manifesting that side of all there is and it would be a shame to not have it show up, just like when Laura said that it would be shame if no one ever spoke the truth (along those lines).

I guess another way to put it is that, if we are a way in which the universe knows itself, you are showing the universe an important part of what the universe is, your are mirroring one aspect of the universe, and that in itself is important because it is the ultimate purpose of our existence.

But I understand that it becomes a little bit too philosophical so I like the practical way of thinking too :-)

Just some thoughts...
the criterion is the illusory self(s) versus the true self.

we in the future will have transcended the illusion of time, so our being at this level is past/present/future as well; our action in this sense is crucial for a passage into 4d sto.
But here in 3d sts our ego acts largely hypnotically, so our actions as robots change nothing.

It's up to us to determine the real part of our consciousness so that our actions are aligned with the sto side.

in the quote, it's our presence here that's crucial. Receiving the influence of the real Self is the right action.

In this way of thinking, I can understand that there is no help or hindrance in the sense that it implies the reality of time, whereas being is timeless.

I'm also thinking of my yoga teacher's idea that there is no try, there is what is.

Translated with (free version)
Maybe it is the group as a whole that matters. The C's are always saying that they are we in the future. So we/they , we are Program rewriters. What we do is important because the group of colinear individuals can plant the seed so to say, or anchor the frequency. Those who are on the same path will find us, join us, and help the group grow in every aspect. But I think that only as a group we have enough power to do something that can affect the outcome, by doing what comes naturally, by utilizing the network and knowledge we have

As an individuals, as STS human begins we anticipate, that we expect different things, more or less depending on each individual. But as a group we have a common ground, common goals and we all work toward that. I think that this work is what counts and what can affect the outcome.
I think the dichotomy is between the big picture and the really big picture. The C's are responding to your sincere asking about what is important for humanity, Earth and therefore also ourselves in the future. The Universe as a whole will ultimately persist and create even if humanity is no longer part it, I think. Creative potential is infinite, so it can't be lost or gained overall.

In other words, what we do is very important or irrelevant depending on how far you want to zoom out. It's very important for us. Like, the students are important for the school, but students come and go while the school stays.
This false dichotomy refers, I think, to an energetic bridge projected between the future entities who apply themselves to rewriting the past and the "we" of today who affect these future people through their consciousness. It reminds me of "Terminator" and the interactive effects between past and future, essentially focused on specific people and their DNA.
So I was wondering if anyone has thought about this and, if so, did you come to any conclusion about this apparent dichotomy.
This is pretty much an 'enhanced' version of the determinism vs Free Will problem. As with many of these apparent dichotomies, it's not "either/or", it's "both/and". Our environment determines what we experience and we choose what our environment becomes.

The C's have said that the Wave is going to change this sector of space/time, and have stated that not even 4th Density can stop this process. However, there are still distinct possibilities within that determined scenario - humanity can go under the dominion of 4D STS, or it can enter into a relationship with 4D STO, which apparently determines what happens to the planet in a very real way. Presumably 4D STS planets eventually end up 'Kanteked' in some way due to the inherent nature of STS. 4D STO planets may have a brighter future.

So if humanity collectively has the choice to steer the future of the planet one way or the other, what might the outcome be for humanity itself? Well, Gurdjieff had a thing or two to say about that:

Gurdjieff said:
"The evolving part of organic life is humanity. Humanity also has its evolving part but we will speak of this later; in the meantime we will take humanity as a whole. If humanity does not evolve it means that the evolution of organic life will stop and this in its turn will cause the growth of the ray of creation to stop. At the same time if humanity ceases to evolve it becomes useless from the point of view of the aims for which it was created and as such it may be destroyed. In this way the cessation of evolution may mean the destruction of humanity. [..]

"At the same time in examining the life of humanity as we know it historically we are bound to acknowledge that humanity is moving in a circle. In one century it destroys everything it creates in another and the progress in mechanical things of the past hundred years has proceeded at the cost of losing many other things which perhaps were much more important for it. Speaking in general there is every reason to think and to assert that humanity is at a standstill and from a standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration. A standstill means that a process has become balanced. The appearance of any one quality immediately evokes the appearance of another quality opposed to it. The growth of knowledge in one domain evokes the growth of ignorance in another; refinement on the one hand evokes vulgarity on the other; freedom in one connection evokes slavery in another; the disappearance of some superstitions evokes the appearance and the growth of others; and so on.

"Now if we recall the law of octaves we shall see that a balanced process proceeding in a certain way cannot be changed at any moment it is desired. It can be changed and set on a new path only at certain 'cross-roads.' In between the 'crossroads' nothing can be done. At the same time if a process passes by a 'crossroad' and nothing happens, nothing is done, then nothing can be done afterwards and the process will continue and develop according to mechanical laws; and even if people taking part in this process foresee the inevitable destruction of everything, they will be unable to do anything. [..]
As Laura has elaborately detailed in her Secret History series, the likely outcome for humanity if it fails to evolve is demise by ice, then demise by fire.

Now, the elites of humanity are in great disagreement about what "evolution" looks like at the moment:

Gurdjieff said:
"Of course there are very many people who consider that the life of humanity is not proceeding in the way in which according to their views it ought to go. And they invent various theories which in their opinion ought to change the whole life of humanity. One invents one theory. Another immediately invents a contradictory theory. And both expect everyone to believe them. And many people indeed do believe either one or the other. Life naturally takes its own course but people do not stop believing in their own or other people's theories and they believe that it is possible to do something. All these theories are certainly quite fantastic, chiefly because they do not take into account the most important thing, namely, the subordinate part which humanity and organic life play in the world process. Intellectual theories put man in the center of everything; everything exists for him, the sun, the stars, the moon, the earth. They even forget man's relative size, his nothingness, his transient existence, and other tilings. They assert that a man if he wishes is able to change his whole life, that is, to organize his life on rational principles. And all the time new theories appear evoking in their turn opposing theories; and all these theories and the struggle between them undoubtedly constitute one of the forces which keep humanity in the state in which it is at present. Besides, all these theories for general welfare and general equality are not only unrealizable, but they would be fatal if they were realized. Everything in nature has its aim and its purpose, both the inequality of man and his suffering. To destroy inequality would mean destroying the possibility of evolution. To destroy suffering would mean, first, destroying a whole series of perceptions for which man exists, and second, the destruction of the 'shock,' that is to say, the force which alone can change the situation. [..]
This is a nearly exact description of what we see with groups like the WEF, their affiliated ideologues and the ideologies they are pushing: Depopulation, the Green Agenda, transhumanism, medical totalitarianism, materialism; a program of total control that they hope will "evolve" humanity in the way they think it should evolve. And we have a pretty good idea at this point that the controllers behind the scenes are Hyperdimensional Beings.

So where is the resistance and rebellion against these tyrannical plans? What does that look like?

Gurdjieff said:
"The process of evolution, of that evolution which is possible for humanity as a whole, is completely analogous, to the process of evolution possible for the individual man. And it begins with the same thing, namely, a certain group of cells gradually becomes conscious; then it attracts to itself other cells, subordinates others, and gradually makes the whole organism serve its aims and not merely eat, drink, and sleep. This is evolution and there can be no other kind of evolution. In humanity as in individual man everything begins with the formation of a conscious nucleus. All the mechanical forces of life fight against the formation of this conscious nucleus in humanity, in just the same way as all mechanical habits, tastes and weaknesses fight against conscious self-remembering in man."
Apparently paradoxically, the way to oppose these forces and further the evolution of humanity in general terms is the same: personal development. More and more people should become conscious of their own organisms and minds, and restructure their lives in the way that allows for optimal health, relationships and interests; as we say: "Being the best version of ourselves".

Of course, this can only be done with a lot of knowledge, effort and networking, so working on ourselves seems to be both the individual and collective evolution that is required of humanity if we are to set things on a creative path at the "crossroads". In this sense, even if the background context is one of Earth changes, conspiracies, wars, madness, hysteria and all-out chaos that we can do very little to stop, "all of us here are crucial to the outcome", if we so choose.

Just my 0.02 Yuan!
I understand the apparent dichotomy can be resolved once two different steps are being taken into consideration. Step number one (from C's answer in 2000) would be about learning first all we can about our inner and outer world while networking, the objective beeing strenthening our awareness of reality and capacity to discriminate between good and evil. At this stage, we still can't influence global affairs and mindsets, maybe at most in our immediate surroundings.

If we were already been taught by the C's in 2000 that 'All of you here are crucial to the successful outcome', then I see the danger of a big misunderstanding inadvertently operating in some minds, namely that of fighting evil without being aware of us having already falled into one of a conditioned STS trap, maybe one of the easiest likely to remain unsupervised by the good people, because who wants crimes and wars. That's why before actually doing in the sense of getting a handle on our whole conditioning together with an objective view of reallity we can't act as a cocreator. That's how I make sense of C's both apparently contradictory statements. Other than that, I could add maybe some noise during C's transmission as has been now and then the case, who knows.

Just my take fwiw.
Q: In other words, we are doing what we are doing, and it doesn't really matter what we are doing. The Wave will happen, everything will change, become new, and that's that?

A: What matters most is what others are doing, have done and will do.

Q: Who are these others that it matters most what they have done, are doing and will do?

A: Program rewriters, i.e. you and us in the future.

There were some personal interpretations or assumptions from Laura here it seems, I don’t think this specifically implies that what we do is not that important, and that everything is because is and that’s it. OSIT

I believe what we do is really important because we are conscious units that help bringing balance one way or another through information. Imagine if the Cs communications never existed or there weren’t people with Laura’s will to write or network information… many people, not just from the forum but also people who come across in some way with the sessions, SOTT or the books, would never experience what truth would really is.
However, there is the following session from 2000 where it was suggested that what we do is not really that important, and that it's more about our own personal development. But then in a session from 2008 (and that's not the only one) it was said that we are "crucial to the successful outcome".

So I was wondering if anyone has thought about this and, if so, did you come to any conclusion about this apparent dichotomy.
I don't see this as a dichotomy. I see this as a "successful progression" from 2000 ( "What matters most is what others are doing, have done and will do" ) to 2008 ( "All of you here are crucial to the successful outcome")

One may say, there is no "time". Time as a mechanical clock driven by earth's rotation around the sun may not exist in higher realms. But for the "experience"( entire universe from 1D to 7D exist for it) to happen, we all need "events" ( environment in this realm or others, challenges etc.). I guess the events ( and people, circumstances) fell in to place during this earth time and progressed to a point there is serious possibility of "successful outcome".

Obvious question is what is "Successful outcome"? This starts with a assumption that we know what the problem is , what is the solution is , what the outcome is. If we look at this the typical 4W and 1H ( whom, when, what etc.) fashion, it can be 'can of worms'. We can approximate it as a "External Influence" ( aka 4D STS and its control) and people are not suspecting the "man behind the curtain". but C's seems to hinting that it is "throwing the water" when the time is right. I don't mean it is single event, single event for the "happy ever after". Is it so simple as watching a Hollywood movie with popcorn bucket? Well, it never is.

And we have this "one" changing "everything" concept all over Western civilization - one god sacrificed for all else, central banks running every thing, lone "gun" man doing all gymnastics, one discovery that cracks open the nature , one vaccine shot that benefits every body for every possible scenario and so on. I guess it is the result of mechanized industrialization of 2 centuries. This ignores the basic fact that "Universe exists for every consciousness unit" and each unit has their "free will".
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