Is what we do "important"?

My initial impression is: I feel that it's "important" for us to try do it, for the process itself and the effect that has on us, who it makes us become, and the lessons we experience in the process, leading to "who we are and what we see", not so much for the end result, though it could be said we're cells in a branch, or an organ, each doing its own part, with a sum effect, which synergistically "benefits" the system. In short. Definitely something to keep mulling, and it's interesting to see all of our takes on this!
@Joe , I know you're puzzled about the 180 turn in the C's comment, but the way you formulated the question, and irrespective of any , maybe required, analysis, made me ask. Does 'it' (as in "we do" certainly) have to be 'important' for having occurred, or to occur?
The C's gave the absolute range, from 0 to 180. In my view that is so comprehensive ( it covers all the spectrum, qualitatively,) and yet, it cancels itself. Therefore, I say 'importance' as a criterion is invalid for what 'we do'.

So, it is not what we do that is important, or not, but it is important that we do, and keep doing it.
The first time I read the Foolish Paradox, it was 20 years ago:

"We live in a foolish paradox, for while we have forever, we do not have much time." (Hedsel 2000, 325–329)
Laura brought up "The Way of the Fool" a few times over the years, and I felt the "we do not have much time" strongly. I took actions based on those feelings, and I learned a lot. I look back to the last 20 years and now think about the "we have forever" and this is when I think of the people like us that came before us.

When I read about Zoroastrianism, it really felt like a religion of Information Theory. And all that material was supposed to be collected from thousands of years ago. When I heard their motto of "may we be those who renew this existence/reality", I was deeply touched and wondered about them. I wonder about them again and again. What happened to them? Regardless of the terror of history that came after them, if their information reached the present time from thousands of years ago, maybe they achieved their aims after all?

And what about Pauline communities who sensed that the end of times was nigh? They did have that catastrophic event at the end of Roman times. How was it for them? Did they achieve their aims? Again, regardless of the terror of history that came afterward, Paul's letter on Love survived and reached the 21st Century somehow unscathed.

Information transcends time and space. It is, as Gregory Bateson has said, “the difference that makes a difference.” Consciousness exists prior to the physical realm which is, literally, an out-picturing of consciousness.
Events will unfold, regardless of what we do and not do. Yet, we are all potential transducers of creative energies, and each of us count.

Paradoxes, don't you just love them?
I would say that we/our/your development cleaning out your machine so you can make free will decisions that are closer to what your soul/essence/spirit wants in these 3D realm creates the nuance give the wave/system feedback and the wave/system responds and takes stock of the free will decisions the creation that we perpetuate into the future. Will the wave/system come and be here if you or everyone on this forum was alive or not yes the structure would happen but we add to the nuance. We help create and perpetuate into the future.

I liken it to this at 7pm dinner will be served it doesn’t matter if you come home or not but if you are home early add spices to the dish or bring bread home for the meal you may enhance the dinner…isn’t that what and why we are doing what we are doing to improve/progress/enhance ourselves??? As within so without the consciousness signals to the wave…If you are run by programs and your lowers centers what good can you add to dinner??? You bring entropy and disorder to your life can’t make free will decisions and you create nothing give no valuable feedback to the system thus your life is more negative and harder this the system has nothing it can use no examples for it to create…it is creating and deciding just like we are … so no I don’t think we are important from the “will it happen” standpoint but the quality of how and what happens is dependent on our quality of consciousness giving to the consciousness system and thus intern if we can give to the system material it can use and is beneficial then that quality and material will also be in our lives
Great thread with lots of good posts.. People already said pretty much how I see it - no contradiction, but "important" or "unimportant" in different contexts / scales / etc.

One other thing I thought of, just looking at the Cassiopaea experiment at a basic level - AS an experiment: Being told you are vitally important (to the future of humanity?) is quite grandiose. Seems like the sort of thing that sometimes comes through in channeled material, perhaps to feed the ego of the receiver. The classic "low level entities" leading you on a wild goose chase, a quest that leads nowhere. (Although, I wonder in how many of those other cases, the channeler/group/work was *potentially* really important, and the received message was actually true, but they ended up sidetracked? Like they had a momentary focus on true information but then immediately lost it and went off into nowhere-land...)

And yet, in this case, with the consistency and track record of the C's.. and the definitively real, huge and important effect they've had on all our lives in meaningful, practical ways!!!.. makes it seem true to me. The idea of a small group of people "anchoring the frequency" and having a much wider effect than it seems they should be able to, is not limited to the C's material (e.g. the "hundredth monkey effect"). And I don't see it as too much of a stretch.

Also conversely, being told you are NOT important and it doesn't really matter in the overall view what you do, can be just as much of a psychological ploy (or whatever) as being told you're the saviour. It can put you back to sleep.

Con-conversely, think of "the oracle" in The Matrix. She told Neo he was NOT The One. I can't remember what people think this was all about but I always interpreted it as her telling him what he needed to hear in order to get on with what he needed to do.. Maybe the C's say things for that reason too?

I really like this quote from Albert Camus, which gets to the core of a good emotional approach to the cyclical nature and endlessness of existence:

I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain.
One always finds one's burden again.
But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity
that negates the gods
and raises rocks.
He too concludes that all is well.
This universe
henceforth without a master
seems to him neither futile nor sterile.
Each atom of that stone,
each mineral flake
of that night-filled mountain,
in itself, forms a world.
The struggle itself toward the heights
is enough to fill a man's heart.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

Wow, I LOVE that! It reminds me of a way of thinking I sometimes do.. In my youth when I used some psychedelics and also used fractal graphics generation software on the computer a lot, I had perceptions of reality being fractal. I can't put it into words right now, but like, seeing the world as an infinity of infinities, all being reflected continuously in realtime from a single source (analogously to a mandelbrot fractal with its infinite shapes generated from a single small formula).. It was quite terrifying and overwhelming at the time, like every single little tiny thing was completely alive and all happening RIGHT NOW, like I could almost just step around the corner and arrive at the end of time.. But later, and to this day, sometimes when I'm out walking I like to imagine the whole world around me, the trees, the clouds, the road, cars driving past, a cat sitting on a fence, a letter in a letter box, myself, my body, my thoughts etc etc, are all shapes "being generated" in realtime out of iterations of a single "formula". To me, this means that everything is un/important because everything is actually reflections (of reflections (of reflections)) of the same one thing (ie, the Creator). My free will IS the Creator's free will, and whatever "I" do is coming down from that Creator. And it's interacting with whatever everyone else (including a tree, or a cat, or a road, or a piece of paper) does... See, it's kinda hard to put into words that don't sound a bit mad :) It feels like what we can actually do is change our alignment so that we reflect either more or less of the light of that Creator (or whatever), like little mirrors turning around.

Anyway all of this is why seeing things as both completely unimportant and vitally important at the same time makes sense to me.
Also, there might be non-linear and non materialistic effects a group like ours can have that we can’t quite grasp from our limited 3D existence, especially in a world like ours today. For all we know, how we think, behave, learn and interact individually and towards others and universe in this world might be able to anker frequencies and/or attract frequencies in ways we can’t really grasp/understand. It could be quite non-linear. And maybe even some kind of butterfly effect could happen under certain circumstances. Not necessarily effecting the big picture of where the world/humanity is heading, but I wouldn’t discount that possibility either. I think in a world like ours, even reaching just one person could have an effect that shouldn’t be underestimated, if that person learns. Do we for example really know what can happen in an area on the globe today were even just one person wakes up among many others that don’t? What effect can this produce in that area? Maybe it can have far more effects then we could think of, because that person can serve as an antenna and/or distributer of frequencies, even if that person doesn’t do much outwardly and is mainly becoming better at knowing and working on himself, helping others and seeing the world out there more objectively?
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<< What matters most is what others are doing, have done and will do. >>

I think what we do affects what they do because part of what they do is reactive. Nothing earth-shattering my opinion - I'm currently of the mind, putting it very simply, as so many NDE people repeat and repeat, that everything we do and experience informs the whole (our entire social memory complex) and that this is good (and the Cs have said all knowledge is good). Presumably the whole, as it gathers knowledge and experience, is ever fine-tuning its understanding of what we should be doing for the whole's betterment. Basically, as below, so above.

17 December 1994
A: We have told you this before, knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
Q: (L) How does one...
A: All knowledge is good.

23 February 2002
Asked about the accuracy of a particular information source:
A: All is of value if examined with an open mind and proper perspective.

By extrapolation, I'd guess every life and every experience is of value to the whole, even if not interpreted that way in the moment by the individual.

I'll miss today's meeting due to a prior engagement that depends on my attendance. Have fun.
This is something I ask myself quite frequently, to use as a compass regarding my path and objectives, to keep me on the right track.
In fact, it is always extra pertinant for me on the anniversary of my birthday. Perhaps others too? As nothing is a better reminder as to why are we here and what did we promise ourselves, and others, to do?
Yet, this is not just like going to church on a Sunday and thinking all will be well with the world and my maker because of it lol.
So in and of itself, this thread was a timely guide for me to things that I had been seriously contemplating recently. Including the different projects and groups that I am involved in - for both reasons, helping others and helping/educating myself at the same time.
I had asked 'upstairs' for guidance on this question too, so felt my answer come here as well as through other communications connected with my 'work'.
Gratefully, I was already aware of the majority of suggestions posted above, however, that just means to me that such knowledge and application of such denotes even more responsibility towards the tasks.
I am also acutely aware of the exponential growth of all the negative occurances, 'building maintenance' problems and urgent unexpected yet vital court cases that have suddenly arisen. All in the last 2 years especially. I have posted about this onslaught a few times but not into detail.
Even my family in spirit have a hard time accepting this barrage and say such things as how can someone who means and does and shares such good have such evil things occur to them. Totally not fair. Yet I feel nowadays we cannot expect 'fair', the way the world has been manipulated and I guess I am on the receiving end of people's greed and intentions to take over or use that which does not belong to them.
Coincidental to this was the messaged shared to me that I have been doing especially well on my path over these last 2 years! As well as the answer that this flak and financial draining mainly been orchestrated by 4D STS.
So no surprise then that my STO side and their STS interventions grew in the last 2 years!
So in my opinion, successfully, or to the best of our ability (with whatever tools we can possibly use) in navigating the obvious explosions, and 'DOING', undermining in every which way, that is occuring, is just as vital and important to achieve than the positive aspects of 'is what we do important'
For the simple reason it purposefully drains us energetically, financially, timewise, sleepwise, healthwise and in many other unconscious ways if we let it get to us. Which affecting the very core of your existence, and potential soul smashing if they succeed, totally slows you down or even stops your 'works' (though not your inner consciousness), as is their intention!
As we reside on an STS planet, as well as considering the balance in the Universe, there will always be two sides of the coin to deal with. Though we knew it was never going to be a smooth ride! Plus it build inner strength and character in order to be 'sustainable' in this climate IMHO.
Edit: Added further info for more clarity
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My take on it is quite simple. If it’s the right thing to do then do it, whether it’s important or not. “Important” is a relative term anyway.

Totally similar to my take. If I am here with a truth orientation, then if it is the right thing to do, then do it. The rest does not matter than much since it is in us to do it. The Universe will take care of the rest.
In my opinion, everything we do is important, especially the things that don't seem important: washing the dishes, ironing, cleaning the floor, tidying up the work table, making the bed, going out with the dog, taking coffee with a friend, and so on. And then there are things that we think are important to do but actually aren't: trying to convince someone about something, talking too much, watching the news on TV, defending a political party or political figure, and so on. So, for me, what we do it's important but it is important if we are doing it by being present, that's the key point because it allows us to be in touch with what we are, which is a mystery. And what we are is part of this Universe. Doing the dishes is just as important as coming to the Forum. But we have to be present in what we do, and that's why when we're present at what we do is important.

Easy to say and a little difficult to do it. I talk for me, evidently.
In my opinion, everything we do is important, especially the things that don't seem important: washing the dishes, ironing, cleaning the floor, tidying up the work table, making the bed, going out with the dog, taking coffee with a friend, and so on. And then there are things that we think are important to do but actually aren't: trying to convince someone about something, talking too much, watching the news on TV, defending a political party or political figure, and so on.
And that's all folks!:-D
We all tried (or even loved ) to understand (or speculate) of how and what will happen after/during transition. When it happens, many may not even aware (C's). They said 2014 is year 0. Well, we haven't noted any thing immediate environmental "dramatics" yet ( except one is living in Ukraine), except West shooting themselves and Putin doing what Napoleon said "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

1. Transition will happen ( it will be like "Alice looking through glass"). Lot of people will be traumatized, needed guidance and help. I think this where this quote fits in
A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!
2. Earth is "convergence". It is "The grand cycle is about to close presenting a unique opportunity" to change "past, present and future" , an " opportunity to affect whole universe and it is like a "Picture cosmic playing of "Pomp and Circumstance" AKA "Hope and Glory." Earth happens to be "convergence point" at this time , which is its natural function and because we "are at critical juncture in development".

Extrapolating the Conference analogy to the "Wave" (which is a natural function of the universe). Many are riding it including "Realm Border" , observers, 3600 year cycle comets, Nephilim and so on. On Realm border:
A realm border could be likened to many stations broadcasting near the same frequency, so that a small change of individual tuning may cause the tuner to snap to an entirely different reality. We could say that the receiver's mental map of reality decides which broadcast can be followed and thus mentally synchronized with. The realm border is just a circumstance which brings multiple 'bands' of reality within close reach or in overlap with each other.

Passage between realms is in principle possible anytime, in some cases with technology, in other cases by attaining a somehow total purity of thought and being, aligning one to another reality. However, such a process is problematic if one has no notion of what is possible or where one may be headed, not to mention the near invincible inertia of the human condition.

C's said most of the 3D realities are STS. i.e. 4D STS will be in the control of 3D STS and they will do every thing in their power to maintain the control. i.e. Moving from 3D STS to 4D STO may not be that common and very difficult to achieve. Lot or parties are riding the wave. If this planet is going to do it, That will be a achievement for all observers (neutral or not). When the parties get off the "Wave" to go back to their respective realities, it will be a good learning experience or a template to do their own world. Is this what this coming "Glory" we are hearing is all about?

Most of the People are still clueless and hopelessly asleep. But, I like the dialog from JFK "Fundamentally, people are suckers for the truth"
Jim Garrison : I don't, I can't... I can't believe they killed him because he wanted to change things. In our time. In our country.
X : Well they've been doing it all through history. Kings are killed, Mr. Garrison, politics is power, nothing more! Oh, don't take my word for it, don't believe me. Do your own work, your own thinking.
Jim Garrison : I can't. The size of this is... beyond me. Testify?
X : Me?
Jim Garrison : Testify.
X : Ha ha. No chance in hell. No, I'd be arrested and gagged, maybe sent to an institution, maybe worse, you too. Now I can give you the background, but you have to find the foreground, the little things. Keep digging. Remember, you're the only person to bring a trial in the murder of John Kennedy. That's important, it's historic.
Jim Garrison : I haven't yet. I don't have much of a case.
X : You don't have a choice anymore. You've become a significant threat to the national security structure. They would have killed you already but you got a lot of light on you. Instead they're trying to destroy your credibility. They already have in many circles in this town. Be honest, your only chance is to come up with a case. Something, anything. Make arrests, stir the shit storm, hope to reach a point of critical mass that'll start a chain reaction of people coming forward, then the government will crack. Remember, fundamentally, people are suckers for the truth - and the truth is on your side, Bubba. I just hope you get a break.

4D STS by their nature takes shortest route. i.e. they need "centralization" and we have seen this centralization in many formats - central banks, corporations and our dependence on their products, MIC, news collection agencies, Media, "one world government" etc. US is the center of it. But as systems become complex, debugging or fixing it becomes ridiculously complex and can crash like in dominos. Only option is to replace the entire system all together, which is very difficult.

May be I am thinking wishfully.
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