Is what we do "important"?

The group in 2000 probably didn't have the same maturity than in 2008. Maybe the first statement was to bring humility to the team, to avoid them to develop a sort of sectarian attitude. Maybe the group was ready to receive that information in 2008, and not before. Maybe it was just unecessary, or the group was tested.

I thought that could definitely be a possibility.

More specifically to the question, does it matter to the world or just for our development?

I was thinking along the same lines - what we do may not make any difference to the planet, or much of the population living on it, but it may well do a difference for individual souls and/or the network. Along the lines SAO wrote about:

But maybe a subset of humans will benefit greatly and shift to another reality and that's good enough, while everyone else just continues recycling as needed until it's their time to be the graduating class at the end of the next grand cycle, and so on?

… or Alejo

So, working on ourselves, is the best way to "change" reality, but it isn't that we're going to "change the world for the better" because, we can't

But maybe Altair’s post sums it up - along the lines of Joe’s that we just need to to what we feel compelled to do and let the Universe do the rest:

My take on it is quite simple. If it’s the right thing to do then do it, whether it’s important or not.
My take on it is quite simple. If it’s the right thing to do then do it, whether it’s important or not. “Important” is a relative term anyway.
Yes, and so is "right" ultimately, but not that you shouldn't allow yourself to be guided by what "right" is based on your level of knowledge. It's ultimately a choice, like Neo in the matrix his last scene, when being questioned by Agent Smith, there's no reason for doing.. it's just a choice, informed by knowledge.

This is where the group and network become excellent tools. As individuals, we cannot accomplish the task I described above on our own. We need a group of collinear, like-minded people.
This is something I've been thinking about lately, specially in the context of the Corinthians letter from Paul that the C's recommended we read.. the one on Love. I've been meaning to post it where it is being discussed, but in terms of importance of what we do, much like Paul says, if I have all this knowledge and resources and make all this choices to give and give.. but if I have no love, it's meaningless.

And I've been considering that, perhaps Love in that letter does mean knowledge, but, I think it works just as well if one takes the meaning of love as "network". Because if one doesn't have a network of collinear individuals around one's choices, to enjoy them, and share them, correct them, to reflect them back to us, they become almost entirely self serving, vain and will probably pass once we pass from this lifetime. So, without a network in which our choices may live on and transform someone else in non-linear ways, what we do ends at our end. Does that make sense?
My take on it is quite simple. If it’s the right thing to do then do it, whether it’s important or not. “Important” is a relative term anyway.

My take on it too, and I love it’s simplicity. Doing what is right without anticipation and without ascribing values to it- in other words, it’s the journey that counts not the destination or the outcome. It reminds me of the exchange in this session 16 Oct 1994:
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.
A: Symbolic.
Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?
A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?
Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?
A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.
My take on it is quite simple. If it’s the right thing to do then do it, whether it’s important or not. “Important” is a relative term anyway.
Totally similar to my take. If I am here with a truth orientation, then if it is the right thing to do, then do it. The rest does not matter than much since it is in us to do it. The Universe will take care of the rest.

My take exactly, something like combination of butterfly effect (In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.) + knowledge protects + networking.
Also from Session 17 August 2000:
Q: In other words, the best way for an STO future to manifest is for us not to anticipate that ANYTHING we do will matter. Because, if we are anticipating that what we do will make a difference, it won't. It is wanting. (A) I can't stop thinking that my working is going to be useful! (L) I can't stop what I am doing either because it is what I DO. It is being ME. We have to stop anticipating. We do what is in us to do without expecting it to matter.

A: And you do it because you are directing you to do it from another plane of existence where you know the score. Where you are on your present awareness plane, you are largely, though not completely, scoreless and clueless.

Q: So, it is from another level of reality that we create THIS reality?

A: Close.

Q: How much input do we have from this level of reality regarding the creation of a future reality, and I use the term "future" loosely, but meaning "future" as we perceive it from this reality? How much input?

A: About as much awareness as a small child does when contemplating how to fly the plane they are riding on.

Q: Well, you have talked about the Wave before, and I complained that we did not have time to do certain things that you had suggested that we do. You said that, yes we would, and that these things were suggested to "prepare" us for this event. Just trying to deal with it from a linear point of view, we still have to build this pool with the columns, get a Nobel prize, supposedly, work with people on the crop circles, and all that. Are we still looking at doing these things in this linear time progression that we exist in; that we are aware of as small children on a very large plane?

A: If you let it flow, it will flow.

Q: So, you are us in the future, we are you in the past - when you say this, are you "us" in the future in the sense of ALL mankind, or in the sense of any particular group of mankind?

A: In between those limited options.

Q: Could you be more explicit?

A: No, because you would not "get it."

Q: When I post material on the website, those people who resonate to the material believe that this refers to them also. I have been of the opinion that Unified Thought Form being must mean a very large group as represented in this density. I know that we are dealing with limiting terms. But, is this applied to people who CHOOSE the Cassiopaean option?

A: Maybe it is best to say it applies to those who recognize the application.

Q: So, if they recognize it, if they know it is them, they are part of it. (A) But, thinking in nonlinear terms, its up to us to work to make this precise. You are asking this question which implies that the answer exists. But, exactly what the answer is may be it is not yet chosen, and it is up to us to make it this way.

A: Lodestar is a clue for you.

Q: I guess that means a guiding star of some sort. Something that attracts... a lodestone is magnetic, it is where the compass points. In the myth, Cassiopaea, Danae, and Athena work together to enable Perseus to cut off the head of the Gorgon and kill the sea monster and rescue Andromeda. Of all the mythical heroes, Perseus stands out because he was SUCCESSFUL. He went on the quest, he succeeded in the mission, he freed the maiden in distress, killed a slew of Lizzie types, balanced the situation in his environment, and then even lived happily ever after. He didn't lose his reason, he didn't fail... it is about the only really successful myth. He DID it. And did it well. Is that...

Thanks for this thread. I love reading the old sessions, and this one was full of gems. From what I understand, we all are doing something very important in terms of the wave by acquiring knowledge through Laura and the Cs and working on ourselves to become better and better receivers. This is apparently being done on another level of reality so to speak. I do think that inner circle at the Chateau holds all of us together and therefore carries the critical mass so to speak.

My own experience of finding Laura/the Cs felt like a mission from my soul operating on another level of reality. Around, 2010 I became obsessed with aliens, Nostradamus and the "end times." I was absolutely driven to find out the truth about all of the aforementioned. It took about a year but I saw an old interview during which, I think it was Kerry Cassidy (sp?) mentioned Laura's name and it had a magical, magnetic response in my psyche. I can only describe it as feeling that Laura's name had a certain energy to it and I just had to look her up.

I was researching what Lodestar means, and it does mean a guiding star or person who guides but it has a deeper meaning than that:
From Rocking It with the Magical Lodestone - Briana Saussy
There is a divinity moving you, like that contained in the stone which Euripides calls a magnet, but which is commonly known as the stone of Heraclea. This stone not only attracts iron rings, but also imparts to them a similar power of attracting other rings; and sometimes you may see a number of pieces of iron and rings suspended from one another so as to form quite a long chain: and all of them derive their power of suspension from the original stone. In like manner the Muse first of all inspires men herself; and from these inspired persons a chain of other persons is suspended who take the inspiration.”
Here we see a much deeper understanding of one of the core magics of the lodestone. Something (magnetic force) moves within it and lends itself to other objects just as something can move within us, allowing us to inspire and in turn be inspired.

Magically speaking at the very least this means that when you work to attract something to you vis a vis a lodestone and that object comes, you would be well served by ritually understanding that this new object is now magnetized as the lodestone is and can be worked with as such.

I think the Cs were referring to Laura as the lodestar, and all who are drawn to her and the Cs recognize "the application." It took me so much time to realize it but there's nothing that is going to "stop the balancing" as the Cs have said.

If I am honest, I feel extremely inpatient for things to really fall apart and have to remind myself not to be. I do wonder how our group is going to function in a 4th density world and what sort of contact we will have with 4D STO, if any. At least we will know who the enemy is!

I do dream of the forum/Chateau from time to time. I usually show up and people respond with a cautious "who are you?" look.
As there is an underlying reality/awareness/DCM that has certain aims, or maybe it's better to say that it has a certain nature, then this 'thing' will always find a way to manifest itself, regardless if any individual chooses to cooperate with certain goals or not. From Ibn Arabi:

Each “thing” manifests Oneness according to its nature, capacity and possibility, and this also has two aspects: insofar as the thing manifests the One, it possesses an immense and unfathomable dignity, which is its own true oneness; insofar as the thing appears as itself, it is transient, limited and “other” than the One.

“Things” have no existence in themselves except as places of manifestation or reflections of the expressions of primordial Unity.

The universe, from the smallest particle to the furthest galaxy, manifests the light of compassion that flows from the Divine Name, the All-Compassionate (al-Rahmän). Yet each part of the universe can only reflect that light according to itself, its limited nature.

So from this perspective, it might be that what we do is and isn't important at the same time, depending on the degree to which we align with reality, and it's never really about us as separate individuals.
I like what Altair said here. If it's right thing to do. Do it. If you can do it, make an effort. Make it.
Not so much because of yourself but because of our collective sending signal for the truth, beauty, goodnes, creativity...
We all add or light for who we are and what we want to become. World we want to live in.

I read someone said ( Carl Jung perhaps ?) : Where is your fear - there is your task, your responsibility.
It is very very inspiring for me righ now. :wizard:
I agree with the broad consensus about there not really being a contradiction. I remember the C's also said in the November 12th 1994:

Q: (L) Well, I am feeling pretty crummy right now.

A: Lizzies induced.

Q: (L) You mean my crummy feelings are Lizzie induced?

As always.

Q: (L) Well I am feeling crummy because you guys let me know that I am in the same sinking boat as the rest of the poor slobs on this miserable planet. I was working pretty hard to get out of the boat.

A: Silliness; you're in your own boat.

Two things stick out from this exchange.

The first is that negative emotions which limit are always a product of being being influenced by and therefore in union with the STS hyperdimensional structure at some point. I think questioning our "importance" in the universe always on some basis comes down to an emotional insecurity we feel, which we can take adequate self-care to address and mitigate its influence on our ability to act without attachment to outcomes. When we start intellectualizing about importance, to me that signifies we are in our thinking from a place of self-consciousness that is disengaged from our experience and creative interaction with the cosmos.

The second is that we are ultimately all in our own boat, and will experience the wave of hyperkinetic sensate according of our frequency resonance vibration. Ultimately we are choosing what the experience will be of the wave in our own lives. We can choose for that wave to be ecstasy, fun, connection with soul family, and joy that is "of the soul," and so on; alternatively it can be a feeling of hopelessness and frustration and nihilism as well. In this upcoming time there will be a lot of opportunities to experience many things, as this exchange about the wave being "crowded" demonstrates.

From December 10th 1994:

Q: (L) When S__ was under hypnosis she described seeing a fleet of space ships "riding a wave" and this unnerved her. She felt this wave was a fearful, invasion-type thing. Was this you and your wave she was perceiving?

A: Wave is transport mode.

Q: (L) Is that transport mode for many beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you coming to invade us?

No, merge.

(L) Are others coming with the intention of invading us?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, when you merge with us, are you going to empower us to resist and defend ourselves?

Wave is "crowded."

(T) So, everybody out in the whole universe who want a piece of the earth action are on this wave?

A: At realm border crossing.

Sure, some of this may be "invasion," but as said elsewhere if we do experience this it is only a testing of our resolve to polarize to STO. Every moment is an opportunity to make a choice about the type of future we will experience.
Thanks for this thread and replies. Lately I've felt a bit worthless, so it helps. Just some random thoughts that follow:

In the beginning I got the impression that it was just a question of, "Are we forcing things (our actions)?" And so what if we just give up our holdings on and just live our best lives, as if you get to have a good life?

Paraphrasing, the C's have said to let it flow and do what is natural for you, you can't force things. I can't see what would be bad about T.C.'s idea about sticking together. :hug2: And it doesn't matter if my destiny is special, grand or mine, just that it is. It's like, "Ok you do have a part in this!"

Maybe you can't know if what you do matters to the world, only believe it because knowing would throw away the non-anticipatory effect. But only in the beginning. At some point when it's been demonstrated, you can then say you know, but you've moved past having knowing affecting the outcome because it's just a part of your being at that point.

Some may actually enjoy the novelty of such a conclusion. An interesting twist on the analogy is that the characters in the story as well as certain interested readers have an influence on how the story plays out, and at that level the things we do absolutely can matter. The real question becomes how do you want the story to end and to what lengths are you willing to go to make it so? Or, do you even care?

Interesting, I didn't think deeply about how I want it to end or at least haven't recently. And thus that I have an actual say in how it goes. I can't think of any movies or memes do demonstrate it, but something like and epic win would be nice. Or even some trolling because we would need the mirth, and they have no sense of humor. I guess a question is are you able to match your energy and determination to your will? "Where there's a will there's a way."

are rarely networking about their challenges and problems in their lives because that would be an admission of weakness and not being able to handle things on their own. Or, the reason could be that they are afraid of the feedback they might receive, or they think that the issue at hand is not worth the time of others.

I thought about it and I think I don't network because of usual procrastination as with everything, difficulty sharing, and fear of being perceived.

Laura brought up "The Way of the Fool" a few times over the years, and I felt the "we do not have much time" strongly. I took actions based on those feelings, and I learned a lot. I look back to the last 20 years and now think about the "we have forever" and this is when I think of the people like us that came before us.
Me too and I recall how much I rushed things 10-15 years ago because "the world is ending". Having "forever" is such a relief and lets you get on with things. It's kind of like this is the narrative:

We don't have enough time = I can't do this, I won't make it.
We have forever = I can totally do this!
In Bringers of the Dawn the term ‘system busters’ was used to describe souls who incarnate on earth and elsewhere to affect the frequency of the planet by being conduits of light/information/love.
So in that regard what we do is important, our choices and actions affect the the whole by sending out a signal.

Working on the self to be to raise FRV and receivership capacity might be the only reason some of us are here, purifying the mind and body to be anchors and vanguard for the wave in service to the planet and it’s inhabitants.

That seems to be the only thing we can really do, and we must do it on faith.

I think my main motivation for asking this question is that, here in this world, we have the means to assess the results of our efforts, be they good or bad, and we can orientate ourselves based on those results.

Yet at the same time, as part of this group, we have (supposedly) a 'mission' that is supposed to have some kind of impact on a broader scale and yet we have no way or knowing if those efforts are having the desired results.

I suppose I'd like to be able to have a feedback mechanism through which we could get an idea if the efforts we make, individually and as a group, are having the desired effect. Or maybe, as has been suggested, the broader effect or 'mission' that may have a discernible impact, is for later, and for now, we are in training to be able to have that effect at that time. So the focus should be on the training, rather than how that training will be put into effect later, and what impact it may have.
I suppose I'd like to be able to have a feedback mechanism through which we could get an idea if the efforts we make, individually and as a group, are having the desired effect.

It's always interesting to know the scope of our actions and the impact we're having. But as Laura said, it seems to me, we don't do it for the results, but because it's in us, because it lives in us, because we know it's the right thing to do.
I like what Altair said here. If it's right thing to do. Do it. If you can do it, make an effort. Make it.
Not so much because of yourself but because of our collective sending signal for the truth, beauty, goodness, creativity...
We all add or light for who we are and what we want to become. World we want to live in.
I've been thinking along the same lines - concentrate on doing what we do because it's the right thing for us individually; and not try to change the outcome specifically. Although that IS difficult, since our 3D selves do have a vested interest in the outcome. But - just keep doing something positive each day as we are called - if only because what else would we do?

Does it really matter if we are making a difference if what we attempt is simply obeying the calling of one of the Names of God - and therefore being "felicitous" - according to Ibn Al-Arabi? (hopefully one of the nicer Names..) Perhaps it is not important to know if we're making a difference (although it would be nice), because it might skew our intent and the STO/STS balance by changing the WHY - and then have less of a balancing effect.

Or maybe, as has been suggested, the broader effect or 'mission' that may have a discernible impact, is for later, and for now, we are in training to be able to have that effect at that time. So the focus should be on the training, rather than how that training will be put into effect later, and what impact it may have.
Interesting point, maybe this training is for a much later time - perhaps in 4D when we WILL have more of an effect, and the importance of maintaining the balance toward STO is more critical?
I suppose I'd like to be able to have a feedback mechanism through which we could get an idea if the efforts we make, individually and as a group, are having the desired effect. Or maybe, as has been suggested, the broader effect or 'mission' that may have a discernible impact, is for later, and for now, we are in training to be able to have that effect at that time. So the focus should be on the training, rather than how that training will be put into effect later, and what impact it may have.
And it does feel like ultimately, our knowledge informs our choices... and it comes down to faith, so we do because we choose. Because when you keep digging through it, if there's such a nonlinearity to the outcome of efforts, we ourselves today, and our current conditions and possibilities are also the result of the efforts of no just our past selves in this lifetime, but of other groups perhaps in different parts of the universe and levels of existence and densities, past and future too!
Just some thoughts, I'm jumping into this thread mid stream and haven't studied it closely so apologies if I'm going off on a tangent...

I suppose I'd like to be able to have a feedback mechanism through which we could get an idea if the efforts we make, individually and as a group, are having the desired effect. Or maybe, as has been suggested, the broader effect or 'mission' that may have a discernible impact, is for later, and for now, we are in training to be able to have that effect at that time. So the focus should be on the training, rather than how that training will be put into effect later, and what impact it may have.
I'm with you Joe, I'd like to have a discernable feedback mechanism. How can we know we are training in the right direction if we don't have some way to measure our progress?

An analogy: if you adopt strength training the training conists of lifting progressively heavier weights to stimlulate your body to get stronger along with eating well and resting appropriately so your body can recover. Training= lift weights+eat+rest. Faith enters the equation because the results accumulate slowly over months and years and you have faith that if you continue training you will one day reach your goals. The feedback mechanism in this case is objective measures: over time you can lift heavier and heavier weight, maybe your body composition changes and you have more muscle mass.

So my question at this point is: what does our training look like? What are the activities we are doing regularly to prepare ourselves for who we want to be in the future? Who do we want to be as individuals and as a group? How can we measure that we are improving?
I suppose I'd like to be able to have a feedback mechanism through which we could get an idea if the efforts we make, individually and as a group, are having the desired effect.
Though only part of what is desired, we know for certain that this group has an impact on its members, discernible to each of us who personally recognizes the effect of being part. Each of us creates a separate ripple effect, too, but I can't imagine how that would be susceptible to measurement, which is quantitative by nature.
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